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� <br /> ;103—WARRANTY:DE$D The Hnifman Goneral 3npply Honne, Lineoln, Nebr. <br /> . � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> TH�IT Verne 3'�. Painter and Wanda A. Painter, husband and wife, each in his and <br /> her own name and right, and as spouse of tha other, <br /> � ; <br /> , <br /> .i of the County of Hall . and State o Nebraska <br /> f for and in con.cideration of the <br /> 'sum oJ Chie Dollax and other good and sufficient consideratian �g��{ <br /> 'in hand paid do hereby grant,bargain,sell,con�cy and confirm unto <br /> Richard C. Armstrong <br /> ; of the Coz«rty of Hall and State of Nebraska the fullowing �lescriGed real estate <br /> situatcd in Grand Island in Hall County,and State of Nebraska to-u�it: <br /> Lot Fcurteen (1_1�) in Home Subdivision, of tnat part of the Plorthwest Quarter (A1'!�4) <br /> of Section Nine (9), 'i'ownship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.i�:: <br /> which lies ;"Test �f Wheeler Avenue, in the City cf Grand Island, Nebraska, but ex- <br /> cepting that part flf the Southeast corner thereof describe� as follows: Ccm.r;.encing <br /> at the Southeast ccrner of said premise; above described �nd extendi.nn in a id�rtherly <br /> direction along the East side a distance cr 117 Feet, thence at ri�ht sn�les ��.nd i.n <br /> a '."lesterly direction in � line parallel with the Seutherly boundary a �istance of I <br /> 58 Feet, thence at right angles and in a S�uth�rly directiori 117 Feet to the <br /> Southerly boundary, and thence Lasterly 5�? �eet to the rcint �f beginning. <br /> ------ <br /> �� �� ,� �� <br /> � <br /> r� ` <br /> � -��-----�-�- <br /> � <br /> TO HBT/E fIR'D TO HOLD the preinises aGo�e dcscriLed, toge[her r�itli all the Tenernenta, Hereditan:e�r�s and <br /> apparrtenances thereunto belonging,unto the said ;?ichard C. Ar�stron� <br /> _ <br /> and to his I:eirs a�7d assigns forevcr. <br /> fl�zd N� do Izereby covenant with tlre said Grantee and with his heir.c and assigns,that '+'�e are I <br /> lawfully seized of said premises;that they are free from encun:brance �ith no exeeptions; ; <br /> i <br /> tl:at We Izaoe good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and v:e do Iiereby covenant to sva,7•ant and f <br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawJul claims of all per.ronS ul:omaoever. � <br /> llnd the said irerne A°. Painter ar_d �`landa F, a�inter each l:c�-eLy relinqu;'slres all <br /> homestead right, �it'p �n': inter�s� ;:f �VFr� n=:��;ra <br /> ir,and to the above de.ccribed premise.r. i <br /> • Signed t1:i.r 2nd day of Janu,:ry ,�q. . 19��, <br /> In Prc.rencc of .,.�wre.---i��--.(�..� � <br /> . �p <br /> -- - - ---- ---------�---------- <br /> •--•---��-_�..:._.�./..__�4=�- -----------------------�--- <br /> •-----------------------•-----------------••-------------------••----------------------•-------- -----•--•---------------------------------�--------------•-----------------------------...---- <br /> -- T�3�AS�i- �r�a , �, <br /> ST�?TE OF._...:':�-'-==-=---=-_=•------------- On this----•--","--•-•-•---da3'a.f---------Januar,�----------•-----------� fl.D.19.}=_.,beforc <br /> ss. <br /> ------ -----":iL Count me the undersi ed_---•-------------•--------------------•-------- <br /> ------------ -------------- .r � � -------------------------------------------- <br /> a Notary Public, duJy commis.cioned and qualified�or and residing in said county, <br /> personally came_�_'Frn°__;_,._Painter__anu__;Ir_nua_.�.__P�int_�rx__rusk;.zn�' _ <br /> . , : .... I <br /> _�r_.: :�1fe <br /> `��1�1iN�r�t��Y,� . <br /> •-•-------------••---••------------•---•-•-----------•-••------....--------••------...-------•------------------------•----------•----•---- <br /> .�'`' l l 9 t1�a,,,;,,, <br /> -� � L" - -----------------------------------•----------------------------••-----------•------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> � t�. ..........,�y: : <br /> _=,,, -'oj�R� � �°'�� to me knoron to be tIu identical person" ._._whose name_° �-_ <br /> _ ,..•,- ,. .. -. � ; ''-----------. � ��r� <br /> :� t:�';�r ' •••---•---- ---•--- •--•-----•-•--...._ <br /> = r ��-' � ry'��?'.```_ a,�xed to tht foregoing instrument as grantor.s_________________and acknowledged the same <br /> _" ' � ►.:i.f���': :r= t�eir <br /> " — ���' . = to be-------------------•--•----------------ooluntary act and deed. <br /> " �' FkP�@t '•(�,' �'►z <br /> r '•.v <br /> � ..Cp }_',��?.���'; Wirness my hand and Notarial Sea e day and��car last abone un•itten. <br /> � ^"�w '�`.;� ---------------------- -------------------------------�--...--�-------.___ �ora,y Publ;� � <br /> • ,.. • TY ;,...� . . <br /> . .,,,. My com»iisston expsres the•-------�•-�J-1----d4.Y oI----"���--�••----•----..._,19�..�_ � <br /> __=- -- - __- �— <br /> -- --___-- ----� -----=--_ ---- - _---__---- _ -- - _ <br /> Filed for record ,]anuary 2, 1953, at 1:30 P.M, Register of Deeds <br />