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. _ __. .._. . <br />, , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ <br /> � ; 101A7�W[11Y1YA1�1Y DJ'il'i1I��+'6�111\Vf fL1�111YE 1111I1J 1L� qV1Y.1•O� 9474�iNEAU6YSTINECO.G1111N015L�ND.NE��. <br /> � <br /> _.. �.._��_,e._'_..�..'__._._.�.._.`...e.._._._....�._....�. �W <br /> . _ <br /> -t <br /> � r <br /> j1' S � <br /> ALL ME <br /> we James D. ir atrick also :mot•rn a <br /> s <br /> 3 KNOW N BY THESE PRESENTS, That........._.:_..._...._................_...._.......?�P..._..._...._...�....__..__........._....•••••-----_....._...._........... ; <br /> ; :J....D. .Kirk?�atricic?.and I:, Theodora Kir'�oa.tric'.� each in ris and ner o�m rirht and zs i <br /> , ........----•----.........._..................._....-•-----....z.----..........._..-•--•-•--...._................_---._...........•••••-••-•--------:..._._.__.....----........-�----..... � <br /> � spouse of each other, � �, <br /> �n consideration of....._Q�...D�LLAR...a�d._.ath�r.._xallahl�_.�.onsider.ati.on.--.- -..............._----. .....� ;j <br /> ; �hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto...Lldon . !:.:as�e:�..a�c slsra_.���,_...._._.._ �� <br /> �.,. , <br /> , <br /> ! �=�iasten, izis wife, ' ' <br /> ---�.....................�-----...... ........._....-�-�--------�--------....-----.__......-------._............----�--------..............._..-�--��-----._...._................_...._.._._...._..-�------�------....------�------........... ; <br />, ,. �r"" """"._....."'••-' �. <br /> ' as JOINT TENANTS,and not as tenants in common,the following described real estate,situate in the County ' <br /> ' �f-------.....H.all............._........_._.....-----.and Sta.te of....._._......�=ebra$�ca.........------------.., to-wit: '� <br /> �i . <br /> AL of the South r'ut�-six (50) feet o� ti:e :;est G� e ::aL: (t•7';) o� �locl; ; <br />` Ten (10) of Pleasant Iiome Subdivision of part oi the Last Half' oi ;,ne �o��t_-�- �j <br /> east C?uarter (E-?SE�) os Section ��renty-one (21) in Townsh..�p �leven (11) ' <br /> � i•dorth, Range IVine (9), West of �Lhe bth P.':., r.oi•r in i;ne City� of Grand is?ancz, '� <br /> Nebrasica, according to the recorded plat thereof, subject to a ri�ht-of-;ra;�r 'I <br /> easement over, across and upon tne ��'ast Seven (7) i'eet thereoi, fo-r �ablic ' <br /> utility purposes including the layin�, insta.11ing, maintainin<r, rerairin^• ; <br /> and replacing thereof, trnich ease-aent shall be a covenant runnin�; ,:n_-Lh tne 1a.nd <br /> and shall be rerpetual; <br /> together with all the tenements,hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, <br /> ; title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor..s.........., of,in or to the same, i <br /> or any part thereof;subject to t�e easement aUove clescribed; ! <br /> ---------------------- I� <br /> � ��i <br /> ;; <br /> I� <br /> ;) <br /> � <br /> j <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PAR,TIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH � <br /> OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTII3.E FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE <br /> � DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR,VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises,with the appurtenances,unto the said grantees <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them,fo�ever,and........i;re--.................the grantors..--.--------named herein for.---....:a.s._-----.-----.and----.-_O:ar._-----heirs, ` <br /> ' executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with <br /> the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, that...._�?e__are._._..___.__lawfully seized of said premises; that they ; <br /> ' are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that.... ��...... ...........the said grantor..s......_..haY�....good ;i <br /> right and lawful authority to sell the same, and tha�...._...i�e.............will and....Q:w�'.........heirs,executors and adminis- � <br /> trators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assi '� <br /> gns and unto �, <br /> the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, <br /> excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF..........._�:'�--------------have hereunto set...��.'•.r.-.......h d_s...................this.........?2nd..._....... _day of � <br /> _..............'=:lovember--�---..................---.........---........, A.D....1��2-'---- - � <br /> i <br /> . . . . . ...... .... .. .�--. . ... -� --- . .... .........._. j <br /> In presence of :`.�.... .. . . . ...... .. .... ..� -��r-�--'�-��--��a'��.......----�--- � <br /> 'i.......... .........................��---..... �-�--�---............_.........--�------�-�--��---.......� -...--�-�---�� - ----......--�-----�-�-���-- -----�-�---..... ...-�-�-------...---...------------�-�-...-�---- ' <br /> ............ . ......... ,� <br /> ;, <br /> .................--- --............... -- --..............----..............---�-----............_-------��------��------......_....------.......-�---... �� <br /> : STATE OF----...i�1E]3I7�1SIiA.- . .- -- f� I <br /> ss. On this.......�..._,,��..//L- -�.'.�."�= !� <br /> Fi1LL ..... of....................:.. .............................. .................. ........... <br /> Connty of................`..._..... - ........-----.._..-- :� <br /> A. D.....:..�:?S2_._...._.._.___.....,before me a Notary Public,in and for said County, personally came the above named !( <br /> c1�;71����"��Y'��'i T'1C',.� �.LSO �Ct?O.7?'1 �S cl' ��- �,i r'n o Y'�.C�C� 8?'1� it. :'�1C0^O�c1 1�i Y'IS�Oa;rick, each ' <br /> ............ .. . ... ..._ ....... ....._... <br /> ; � p,� ...... ...... ..... _... ........ ......... . ..---..........._-- --.................. <br /> ' �!a. � � ot-rn ri�=ht and as s-�o��se oi each o�ner, <br /> . � ..;�► ...... �? -.�� -�.............._.--`. <br /> _ .. , �----... ........--�---- ._......_...................-- : <br /> : i <br /> ... ........... ... ..... ........ ..... ....... ......... ......... . <br /> .. .I�r'f .f t 1 [:,., ....._............."' '"""""'....................... � <br /> '�' ,.� . :�� ,. � � ��. who.are.._._personally laiown to me to be the identical person.._s... whose name.s..... ; <br /> �;esx�� . er�� : <br /> � . b e••�e c s � � ` .....are..... -affixed to the above instrument as grantor s........, and----......theY......... . � <br /> .. i <br /> •��-� �t��,�"��'� h -'~. aclrnowled ed said instrument to be._t.�eir.....volunta ' <br /> .. k.� g ry act and deed. <br /> `�,'��?� �. <br /> �� y N �; ` WITNESS my hand and Notari��l the date last aforesaid. � <br /> i . �a�y __: � <br /> My commission expires on the..a�.. .. .. of . . ..........._.....A.D..l.Q�� 'f <br /> -i . 'I <br /> ........ .........................��.................... ....Notary Pubhc. <br /> : Filed for record December 9, 1952 , � � �� <br /> ' at 2:30 P.M. � �� ���'e�� � '! <br /> '_ Re ister of Deeds ;i <br />