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j ;; <br /> �� <br /> 103%2—WARRANTY DEED—Vesting Entire T(tle In Survivor The F�n[(man Geueral $upply Honse, Li�co►n, Nabr. <br /> :._____._—_._-----------°-°- .._._._� <br /> ______.__. ___.__. .______, . ___,____ .___._r .._ <br /> _..__--_ __.__ _ ._ <br /> (I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That <br /> � <br /> �� Williaa� J. Rnwe, �therrrise knnwn as W. J. Rnwe, and Elva H. R�we, <br /> � husband and �ife� <br /> I <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � in consideration of Other c�nsideration and pne ?n�? �T��100- - - - DOLLARS <br /> �; <br /> I; in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> I' <br /> �' Aven L. Grim and Mildred M. Grim� husband and t��ife, <br /> 1i <br /> i <br /> i, <br /> 1! � <br /> I: <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; tl�e follo���ii�g described real estate, situated in the County of <br /> ;: <br /> ;'i ftall and State of Nebraska , to-wit: ' � � <br /> (; ' t <br /> �' Lnt Ten (10), Blnck Ei?�htv-eight (88), Vlheeler and Bennett's <br /> � F�urth Additi�n tn the City nf Gr1nd Island, �ebras'•ca, as surve�ed, <br /> n).a.tted and�P� <br /> j; 1 I IF�IY � � I 1 Itiil'i � 1 � . <br /> I <br /> I � <br /> ,":�� � � 1 1 � <br /> es t � <br /> �; ��� � i <br /> � � i <br /> j �� ' i �-:- <br /> � <br /> � , <br /> " � <br /> i' � � <br /> �' � <br /> i' � o f , I . <br /> � /. Y 'wo Y �.I <br /> , Y„ � i <br /> I I I . <br /> Y i <br /> j togeth;,. ��.�� u_t 1:r . . ._.�. , ..�reaitamencs and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, titic, <br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor s , of, in or to the same, or any part <br /> tliereof; subject to <br /> � <br /> IT B�ING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HE12ET0, THAT I\T THr EV��T OI' TI-IT DF_ATH <br /> OF EITH�R OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIi41PL� TITLE TO THr R�AL �STATE D�- . <br /> �; SCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> i! TO HAVE AND T�0 HOLD the a'bove described premises, �41tI1 the appurtenances, unto the said arantees as � <br /> JOII�TT TENAN�S, and�cammon,and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor <br /> ;' of them, forever, and c���-t�ie grantor s■ named herein for nurselves and „� heirs, executors, and <br /> administrators,.�covenant witli the grantees named herein a�d �vith their assigns and �vith the Leirs and assigns <br /> � of the survivor 6;.them, that ��e are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance <br /> ' e�:cept as stated herein, and that �ue the said grantor s have good right and lawful authority to sell tlie <br /> i�� � <br /> " same, and that ��te will and nur heirs, executors and administrators sl�all r��arrant and de- <br /> ; fend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the sur- <br /> '' vivor of them, forever,against the lawful claims of all persons �rhomsoever, excluding the exceptions named hereii�. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF =:�e have hereunto set � hand s this 25th 3ay of <br /> ', - . <br /> N�vember �95z , A. D. --•-- - -----��----------- -•-•- ----�--- <br /> -•------------- ------•••�-------- <br /> ' In presence of ••---•--•Lx��.�---- ----"•--�J��-----•---...--•••-------�- ' <br /> -----------------••-•---------•---•-•---••---------•--•-••------------•••--••-•------------••-•- ---•------•-----•--------•--••--•-------••--••----.....-----...-••-----•---••--•••-•••--••----.. <br /> � ------------•---•---------••--•....----•---•--•-•-•-•--•--•-••-•-•--•--••--•------•--•---------- ••--•---•-----------------•----•--...---------••------.....--------•••-••--••-----•--------•--- <br /> STATE OF---•--•--•�TEBRAS:�.A-------•-- <br /> � --------•-----•-•-----------�ss. On this.---••-•---�Stxi-•-----. day of-•--------TlnQet�hPx--------------------------•-••---------------- <br /> , r <br /> , County of..............�� <br /> ; A. D__________________195z...._, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said Couuty, personally came the above named <br /> -•-----�--k---�-�-U=r---------••--••G'i.7�liam-J-*---R^-�1�,�_.,,ther�ri_s�..=�n„wn-•-�s-41t--J-..__R�;+e�__and__Elva------------------•-•--•----•--- <br /> ' � ' •• � . <br /> ••------------•-••::�---:,•--'?-:••Rn�es..husband_.and__,�ifex------------------•--•--------- <br /> --------- ------•-• •-------.._......------•-------•-•--••-- <br /> ° "''°`1� " '� �; ! : = who__.._.r�I'E...personally kno��rn to uie to be the identical person.�.______n�hose name__s..a,x� <br /> ,.� _ <br /> t . _ <br /> ' ��'` ' ' ' r , ; affixed to the above instrument as grantor_.s...__.__, and .___�he...sey�x�1_l�r______________________ <br /> ,.. . <br /> :.r `'• . <br /> i :z"', -:� � ;t � ° `= acknowledged said instrument to Ue.._._._._.thQir____.._..�•olimtary act and deed. <br /> _: , <br /> : �,. . WITNESS my hand and Notarial I th ate 1 aforesaid. <br /> � . � . . ,. <br /> � , <br /> ., � r� ,� , �•a ,• <br /> ,, .. . <br /> � , , .. . <br /> • _..-------- •---�_.------ --:----- - •--• -- - -- - • Notary Public. <br /> i Fi7_ed�Novernber 2�y ��ssion expires on the..____L7ti? of_____.____�ecP:abEr______________p. D._15�6. <br /> � <br /> J�G�s�-tv r.,.,.. ,.-;;i :. _ _.. .. . _.. _. <br />