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__ . ,: �..,,..s..�. <br /> �iu -_------ - <br /> 103—WARRANTY DEED � ' ` <br /> . ,� _ _ <br /> � <br /> I� KNOW ALL MEN BY TI�:SE rt�t,aL..��. <br /> � ' '� <br /> I� � <br /> �I THflT riva B. Butler (otherwise described as Viva T3ernice Bu�1er� i <br /> � ¢nd Jose�h But.Zer, her husband, <br /> � <br /> of the County of HaJ_I and State of nrebraska for and in consideration of the � <br /> sumof One Do1lar and other consid°ra�ion- - - - - - - - - - - - - ���5 ` <br /> � in Tzand paid do hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and conhrm unto � <br /> ,� t <br /> �E Opal PiersoZ ; <br /> ! <br /> �� of the County of HaZ I and State of Ne b ras k2 the following described real estate i <br /> i situated in in Hal1 County,and State of Ne b rds ka to-wit� i� <br /> 1i ; <br /> �j The :S'outh Ha1 f' S`;'� o,f—the Sou-theast C�uarter (SF1� of . ' <br /> !( Section 1^en �.ZOS, Townslzi� EZeven ��Z�, North, Ranqe � <br /> �� Twelve (12�, +%est o,f the 5th P.;?., in Ha1.I Couniii, ITebraska; and ! <br /> ! The �'��st Hal,f(E�� and the Fnst eirrnt and one-ha1.f �8�� acres � <br /> � o.�' the r�i'est Hd1f (F;-?) o.f' the Southeast C%uarter (SE? o,f � <br /> �i Section =.2ir-teen (Z3), in Townshia Eleven (11), ��TOrth, ??a�x�e l <br /> �� Tmelve (12�� :'lest o.�' the 6th P..'�=., in ualZ Count�-, sJebras 'r�a. � <br /> �� ---- i <br /> !� � <br /> il ' i <br /> �' ---- ; <br /> ;; I <br /> �i ---- � <br /> �1 � <br /> {f TO Hlll/E fIND TO HOLD the premises aboae described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and � <br /> j� appurtenazzces thereunto belonging,unto the said 0�aI P i e rs oZ ! <br /> +1 i <br /> f� and to h e 7' heirs and assigns forever. <br /> (� llnd we do hereby covenant Yvith the said Grantee and with he r heirs and assign.r,that we are ; <br /> lawfully seized of said Premises;that they are jree from encumbrance . � <br /> I ' <br /> that rve have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and `. ' <br /> i defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all�ersons whomsoever. � <br /> � flnd tlie said Jo s e p h Bu tl e r hereby relinquishes all <br /> � h i S r i ght, t i z?e an d i n t e re S t in and to the abooe described�remises. ' <br /> Signed this 24th day of Ifo vembe r , fl. D. 19 52, ' <br /> -----�------Y�+.� - -�L�`;�'`- <br /> ' In Presenee of --- =l"-�!J=� ---�'-- -- ----- -------------------•--- <br /> I -,���9�-----�.�%s%�,,,�---•-•----•---••--•----•- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I <br /> STfITE OF_-----1'leb_ras ka---------- On this....�4t,h---------�a.Y o.f-------••---No-���b�-x�-------•------� fl.D;19.�2-,before . <br /> N_a.Zl _County�ss. me,the undersigned_....-------I�(z7_'_Q1d.._�_._..P._7_'_�n.�E-----------------•----- <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing zn said county, ; <br /> Viva B. Butler (otherwise described as ' <br /> , personally came-•----•-•----------•------•--------•-----------------------------------------------------•-------------•------•--- <br /> R � <br /> �\L�'. f/�F� -;T�-v�---Be���-e-e---$�t�1-e-�}---t��xd---�o-s-e-�kt--•-�r�t�-e-��---#ter�--�x-us-b�r�d <br /> � 'Y n <br /> � � � H t� f ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> LL �� ` to me known to be the identical person.____._.S______________.._whose name s _.____ctx�e____ ' <br /> � , � � : <br /> : '• �� � �+� 1.� 'µ a,�ixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor.____g......____._anrl acknou�ledged the .tame <br /> *, . ' •.-. „'� to be---_the i-r----...----•---------voluntary act and deed. <br /> -.;`��r��?Y �d ti� Witness my hand nd Notarial eal t da year la.ct above written. ' <br /> ,., I�.–� `'L-------------Notary Public. ; <br /> ----- -•• - -��--- -- ------------- , <br /> .� f <br /> .Y P - 3' .f -�-- ----------, 19__��__; <br /> M commss.cson ex sres the___...1_'7.�1�._da o __________14 I'&_.Z__..__-' : <br /> ' ' �„� REGISTER OF i <br />