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. , , ; <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i 105—WARItANTY D�.'D—Coryprgtapn The Hasman General savyb Soux,Lineola.Nebe. <br /> ; <br /> �.w __ _.�...._ <br /> s ---------------- _____.._.._.____..__.._...__.._.__ <br /> � <br /> t � <br />. } THIS INDENTURE, Made tku 18th day of Nnvember A. D., r9A� 52 between � <br /> � Bachman and Lester Cnm <br /> pan�, Inc. _ <br /> ! . <br /> � � <br /> ; a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pdebraska <br /> � ¢arty o f the first¢art, a�cd � <br /> � <br />� � ; William Sassen and Rueben Frei ' � � i <br /> f �I <br />� �i of the County of Hall , and State of Nebras�a ` I, <br /> ; , part i e s o f the second part, �; <br /> �; , WITNESSETH. That the said ¢art y of the first ¢art for and in consideration of the sum of ; �� <br /> � Other C�nsiderati�n and �ne and IvT��100- - DOLLARS 1� <br /> �� . in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presesxts does grant, convey and confism ` j <br /> �!i unto tlie said �art i e s o f the second Qart, the f ollowing described premises, situated in ; �� <br /> i . Hall County, and State of idebraska , to-wit: � <br /> �j Adl of Part �f the N.,rth Half (N�) .,f the S„uthwest Quarter (Std;) and part �f � <br /> ! �he S�uth Half (S-1) nf tne Nnrthyrest Quarter (�^:4) �f Sectinn 'I'�Jentv 20 i �� <br /> �j Tnw:ishi� Eleven (lI), N„rth, Ran�e =�Iine T ` � �' n � <br /> (9), +Je:t r,f tne 6th P.M. mnre particular- ., <br /> (# ly described as f�ll�ws: C�mmencing. at a p�int �n the S�uth Ri�ht-0�*�a�- line �� <br /> ,� nf the C�unty Rnad knnwn as a c�ntinuatinn �f Wr;t Sec�nd Street, i�rhich y„int ! <br /> �I is ��13.15 feet S�uthr�esterly frnr �he intersection �f the Eas� 2irie �f the �� <br /> 7 N„rthwest Quarter (NW��) �f the N�rth:��est Qua,rter (A]W�) nf said Secti�n T��,�e^ty ?; <br /> � ; (2�), and the ��uth line �f the Cn�u'ity R�ad kn�wn as k•est Sec.+nd Street Cnn- ;; <br /> �i� � tinuati�n; running thence S�uthrtesterly alnnG and apnn the S„uth line �f said ii <br /> � R T9est Sec�nd Street extended, 20�.L'� feet, keflectin� t'r,eaice left 60� - 4Q� ;j <br /> and runr�ing S�uth :a clistance r,f 620.0 feet, deflec�ing ti�ence le£t 90^ - 00� <br /> �i and runnin� East a �.i��tance nf 176•5 feet, ,deflecting thence left 90� - 00� jj <br /> E'� and r-anning �dnrtn a dis.tance nf 719.4 feet tn tY.e actual pr,int nf be�in�.ing, : (; <br /> � ' cnntainir.� 2.71 acres, �nre �r less. � <br /> �E �i <br /> �; � � �; <br /> ►, „ <br /> � <br /> ,� _ <br /> ,� � ,�,� � <br /> �; <br /> i� : <br /> �i 1 � <br /> � ' __ _ - - �� <br /> �� ti <br /> �� I <br /> �� ' " <br /> s; <br /> �� i <br /> � <br /> 4� ' T0,HAI�� AND TO HOLD the ¢remises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and " <br /> i! ; Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Willis.n Sassen an;i Ruebeu Frei � <br /> � <br /> �� � � <br /> � �` And the said ��chman and Lester C�mp.:n�r, Inc. " <br /> � ; for itself or its successors, doeshereby covenant and agree to.and with the said parties of the seco�ad pa.rt and�i;P;r ( <br /> ;j heirs and assigns, that at the tinte of tlxe execution and delivery of these Qrese�tts it u lawfully sei4ed of said premises; <br /> �� that it has good right and lawful authority to convey the sa��tie; that they are free fronz encu�ibrasace <br /> �� <br /> �� ; <br /> � <br /> ; does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said presnues against the lawful claims of all ¢ersons who�ruoever. ±•. <br /> j'! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Bachman an.�i,ester C�,�pai�, Inc, '� <br /> �f <br /> �!�� has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these¢reseuts to Ge signed by its presi;'.e.� <br /> ;T. J. Bachman P\� ��i�c �"'�. �i <br /> '' ' the day and year first above written. �� ��''• y�y `= ' <br /> ,: � .•�..� •. � <br /> �ii ' j:C� ���f�+ , v`. �j <br /> + , Signed, sealed and delivered ix ¢resence of ��:�r6 � ��, �.; == .` i, <br /> � r , ,�.. ,,.-. • <br /> f, . .•°---•---•••----•-----•°--._...-•-°-- a it�i_A,,:r� �'.�:.�.=i`Z'' ; _ / :'�CU <br /> �� � •� ;i <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . � <br /> ,j ••----••---•---••--------------••----...---•--- $ Gn�` �._G.�:�;'.;!3?y.;j, �; <br /> ---------------- --------- - <br /> ; . <br /> � • .n <br /> - - �_-----= <br /> .1 . ` <br /> .. <br /> � •. .> ••... -•;��� <br />� �� ..._._......��..�_.._.__._.'�__"..__.._.__'__..._' '' y • r•��1�� ``�``\` . �ii <br /> •-----•••-•-------•-------------------------••---•-•-• BY---• "•. _ <br /> •-• -- •- ••- ---..._..•-•----....-••-----� 1`--... �'. <br /> :,.,s� �•• .... <br />— �,,,.� <br />__ - ___=�__.. __ <br /> , , <br /> . <br /> _ ,�--•-�- <br />„� �:.�:. , �: , .. :.. .. , : <br /> �., .� ,_ . ��_ .� � ;� . <br /> > ._�. :_ :_ . . �_ aa���� ��......�:��, .. ,. ,. <br />