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<br /> y . -_.
<br /> . ' ' . , - __��:.
<br /> - g�� �0���� � ...� � �4` �
<br /> `_� ' to the restoration or re air ai the Property :_�'`_::-` �`'-_�-_.�
<br /> - Unless othcrwisc a�in Yrriting,ai!insurance praceeds shtill be apphed P _ _.. _� ,-__ __- .
<br />- or to the Seciued Debt,whether or not then due,at Lender's oprion.Any applicauon of pruceeds tu principa!shall not
<br /> � ex2end or postpone the due date of the sc9�eduled payment nor change the amount of any paym�nt.Q►ny excess will be ° _
<br /> . paid to the Grantor. If the Property is acquired by Lender,Grantoi s right to any insuraace policies and prace�ds . � ._
<br /> ' resutting from damage to the Property before[he acquisition shall pass to Lender tn the extent of the Secured Debt � �
<br /> '. itnmediately before the acquisition. . _ _
<br /> Zdl. ESCROW FOR TAXE�AND INSUI�ANCE.Untess othenvise provided in a separate agteesncnt,Grantor will no2 �.��= `���'___ _ - _
<br />• be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and isisvrance in escrow. � -,. ••��
<br />� �i. F�IANCIAL�tEPOFri'S�JD.'1DObT'IONAL DOCUMEN'i'S.Grantor will provide to Lender upon reqaest,any 4 . . , ... �_
<br /> � financial statemeat or information Lender may deem reasanabty necessary. Grantor agrc:es to sign,deliver,and file ,------- - —
<br />• any additional documents or certifications that Lender[riay consider necessary to perfect,continue,and preserve . ; 'Ts:—
<br /> Grantor's obligations under this Secnrity tnstrument and Lendei s lien status on the Property. ---_ ,____ -
<br /> �� ZL 7�INT pr1D INDIYQDUAL Q.�iBQ.TIY;CO�IGNEtdS;SUCCESSO�tS AND ASSIGNS BOUND.All duties �.�� ,. - .
<br /> under this Security Instniment aze joint and individuaL If Grantor signs this Security lnstnunent but does rtoi sign an :.���:�,: ;
<br /> • evidence of debt,Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the � ,�{;:.k:.,..• �• ,.�
<br /> Secured Debt and Grantor does not agree ta be personally Gable on the Secuced Debi.If tbis Security Instrument � Ta..:.�: .�
<br /> . .4.'..
<br /> � secures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor.Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from ` -�
<br /> • bringing any adion or claim against Grantor or any part}+indebted under the obGgation.These rights Tnay include,but _ : L
<br /> are not limited to,any anti-de8ciency or one-action laws.Grantor agrees t h a t L en de r an d an y p a r t y t o t h i s S e c t�r i ty � , ���` ,' '•"_�
<br /> . Iastnunent may extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Security InshUment or any evidence o f de bi ".a:,�__L-,���:';_� �`
<br /> `��'• without Grantor's consent Such a change w�l not retease Grantor from the terms of this Security Insuumsnt.'fhe ' —T •�
<br /> duries and beuefits of Ehis Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successots and assigns of Grantor and I.ender. �' �-�
<br /> ..-•:' s y��'�,,'_---._`_:
<br /> • 23. APPLlCA�IL�b.ARd;�LVERAHQ.Yr1'+II�iTERPI�ETATION.This Sec�rity Insuiunent is govemed by the laws of � 1 .�`=T��_;-
<br /> �• ~v'-- ,�-,.�,.
<br /> the jurisdictic�in which Lender is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction �fdF '�-y ri`�. ;-.�. �
<br /> _ _ where the Froperty is located.This Security Instn�ment is comgtete�d fulty integrhted.This Security lnstrument may ,:�r,_�;_�.�'.�:�._� '
<br /> not be amended or modi5ed by oral agreement. Any section in this Security instrument.attachments,or any ,.
<br /> • agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with applica L•l�law w i ll no t be e f fec t ive,unless that law e x pressl y '-.;,,,,.., _
<br /> or impliedty pemrits the variations by written agreemeat.If any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced ��
<br /> according to its terms,that secrion will be severed ac:d will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this � �� ,. , �t . ,'�
<br /> Security Insmiment Whenever used,the singular shai�include the plural and the plural the singular.The captions aud -.:.��..: i ; .•
<br /> headingS of the sections of this Security Instrument aze for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or " `'d ,. ,'�i �..�_
<br /> de5ne the tetms of this Security instnament T'une is of the essence in t h i s Security Ins t r u men t A �,�,.; '
<br /> L,t TRUS'd'�E.Lender, �rz i.�nder's c^tion, may from time to time remove Trustee and appaint a " "�,'�:'`.. y
<br /> 2Q. SUCCESS(� �. . . . .
<br /> . successor ccu:-tee witiu�� any other f�rmatit�: �a=��ihe designation in wrir:ng.The successor uuste�e.without ; `'%�` , .• .� _'
<br /> canveyan�c�the Psc��arty.shall succeed to a:t i:1:�:le,power and duties c�*�•.rred upon Tn�stee by rlms•�Security �` ;��,�f�,,�;-:,�•, �<�`�`'.�j _
<br /> ,,t r. . ;._
<br /> Inslrumert�aNd applicable law. �
<br /> �, , '%�#f���' ,...
<br /> • 25. NOTICE.�lnless othernise required by law,any notice shall��given by de6vering it or by mailing it E-j �s'c�..� _,::,lf,;�,
<br /> • • mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Se��y�nstrument,or to any other address d��.�:.�'= "�� .
<br /> writing.Notice to one g�rantor will be deeraed to Ne n�tice to all gantors. � T
<br /> .. �,�. �;:..r;:
<br /> � Z6, �y�►ryERS.Except to the extent prohibited by Lar,t'irantor waivas all apprais�ment and homestead exec��on rig�ts � ,�4��� ;
<br /> � ° relating to the Property. -� ��`
<br /> 27. OTHER'k'�QiMS.If checked the faI�fl�iag are a��licable to th:s 5ecurity Instrument: , .L�
<br /> ❑�oi Credi�T6e Secured De'ot includes a revolving line of credit provision.Although the Secured I3e6t j�_,.
<br /> , • in effect until released. ���_;,, ��,;_�-
<br /> . �' may be reduced to a zero balance,this Secr..�zy Instrumeai v�nll rema� - - -
<br /> •.��i a,;J .
<br /> � ❑ Constmction Loan.This Security Instr�n�:�t secures aa obligatian incurred for the construetion of an ���;.� ''���- •`�`-
<br /> • imFrovement on the Properry. ���-=-�"=
<br /> ,��:��_,_.
<br /> �:
<br /> ❑ F�t�ze Filing.Gtantor grants to Lender a security int�r�st in sU goods that Grantor owas now or in the �:
<br /> Cu�are and that are or will become fixtures related to�:�a Property.This Security Instrument s�ces as a _- -___
<br /> • �.ancing statement and auy carbon,phot�;:��hic or other reproductioa may be filed of record for pwposes _ �-�
<br /> � of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial C.w�. ---
<br />� � ❑ L'?�dere.The covenants and agreements of each of t�e riders checked below are incorporated into and -��-�•��--^�--�
<br /> , _ .., .�:,,._
<br /> ..,.; � • �
<br /> • ��' s�-^plement and amend the ter�s of this Security Intts�ent.[Check all applicable boxesJ • � F:s,,r—
<br /> C G'„ondominium Rider ❑f�C�nned Unit I)evelopme:t�'.ider ❑Other.............�_........................................ :y a���,�i--.
<br /> ❑ ��t�itionnl Ter�s. . - ��,;ky
<br /> ���'7�r-�mrr.
<br /> � . . �•4-�,.,.z:sa.r.�e..::
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<br /> ' •• � �li�..t—!..'�t::-
<br /> _ ._..
<br /> • „ _-
<br /> � �IGNATURES:By signin$below,Grantor agrees to E�e terms and covenants contained in this Security Instr4.�.nt 4:.d in —'�'`'�`�-
<br /> � any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receip�e�a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page�!. ��-:.
<br /> � fil.�3; /� .� '� •C,.'���F�n� �.
<br /> � '+ � /1�TM7y�1w `'�` O1/15/97 C—` .�............................ ��15/97 , ,s.,.. . , -�
<br /> � ....�l..A/.....K.fwe+...l...... .. ............ . ..��....._ .............................»............ ... ��[k+;r. m'-�'-�`.
<br /> .. . .. ........... ................ ».. ...
<br /> tsignature) JO N FLAHERT JR `=''�te� (si ture) gARBARA A FLAHEATY ate) �:�,y��<<...•��,;,,�n1.�
<br /> ��;:..,�
<br /> �.�.�, <_s:+-�i5�
<br /> • ACIflVOWLEDGMCNT: •���."i�'�. •._'
<br /> . STA'I'E OF..........NEBRASKA.......................... LII�-t�C AF...............HAL L , �
<br /> „ '. . .,CO__ •• . ' —
<br /> � 15TH day of. JANIIARY..............7'9'��' " •-i,;, �,
<br /> - ���a;,,��,� This iostr� ent ck o� ed d befo � 1��U"A�lf'V .............................................................. ----. '���
<br /> � . � by......JOH9�.PLl1�B��, 7�A�� HI�fl�AAA 6 ��A��YY,1�USg.. ............................................................................... �;�.� � � .
<br /> My wmmission expires................... . . tiL�.:��.•••.•••.. .... � :.,` ' .._._ .... �,.
<br />: . .. `. : _• ..
<br /> ��$Ri1�Al HOTM�•Shteai HeDnsk� " � �No�ary wb��o) ������ . � *°`�°�
<br /> MyComm.Ea0.May 21.2000
<br /> . • .
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