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<br /> -" B. Ali future advances from I.ender tu G�antur ur other futurc obti�tiveb af Gran4or t��i.ender under am•pmmiuQry ._�.__=_-:..�__,._�._
<br /> � � note,conuac'�guaranty.or other evideace of debt executed hy Grantor in favor of L�:ndcr executed after this . • �.•,_�,
<br />� Security Instrument whether or not this 3ecurity Irstrumcnt is speci�raUy referenced. If more than one pe�son :
<br /> • signs this Security Insuument,each Grantc�r agrces that this S�.'curit}•lnstnunent will secure all future advances and _ _ ._'�..,, . •�-;:�:__
<br /> future obligauons that are given to os irccurred by any one or snore Grantor,or any one or more Grantor and � �' ., _ -
<br />� ' others.All future advances and other future abligations are sc:cured by this Security Instnureent even though all or . _ . . , ,� "
<br /> . part may not yet be advanced.All future advances and other future obligations are secured as if made on thc date � �,,,
<br /> -• of this Secwity Instrument.Nothing in this Security instrument shall constitute a rnmmitmem to make additional . , �
<br /> or future Ivans or advances in any amounL Any such commiunent must be agreed to in a separate a�riting. , ; � � . _ �; '
<br /> C. All obligacions Grantor owes to Lender,which may later arise,to the extent not prohibited by law,inciuding,but --='�-=-'-;.'-
<br /> .. f '. ' �:
<br /> ' not limited to,liabilides for overdrafu relating to any deposit account agreement between Grantor and Lender. .; , � , .
<br /> D. Al�addiuoaal sums advanced and expenses incutred by Lender for insuring,preserving or othenvise protecting ,. . '"�
<br /> the Prapeny and its vaiue and any other s�uns advanced and eacpenses incurred by Lender under the terms of -�� . � ;_� '�``;
<br /> '. this Secanty Instrtunent. �' �ti:' "''�`
<br /> 'T'��.�is Security Insttuttaent will not secure any other deht if Lender fa�s to give ang required notice of the right of rescission. � ' '
<br /> 5. PA1f1►�IV'd`5.Csrantor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in aca�rdance s.:.z.-;�` _fv„-V
<br /> with the terc�s of the Secured Debt and this Security Instnunen� ����� ~`
<br /> '�""4�".."'__.___._
<br /> 6, WARRAPFII'�l OF TPI'LE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or wiU be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this �� �."`-�,:�..;-„_._-.
<br /> •:iir'tYFR���--
<br /> Security instrument and has the right to irrevocaS�ly grant, canvey,and sell the Property to Trustee,in trust,with '..�r�,-..��__-_
<br /> �: power of sale.Graator also wanants that the Property is unencumbered except for entumbrances af record. :n n _,�„��-_
<br /> ` t.(+ .!+n�,�e�--- —_ —
<br /> 7. PRIOR�E�IJIZITY II�TI'ERES'1�•With regard ro z►ny other mortgage,deed of trust,security agreement or other lien _
<br /> , document 8zat created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property.Grantor agrees: •-•_-.-�.,�--_
<br /> • ' �. A. To make a11 payments when due and to perform or comply with a11 covenanis. ��'' .�� --__
<br /> -r-�._.____...
<br /> .,.���_- __..
<br /> ._ _. B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices titat Grantor receives from the holder. :�
<br /> C. Not to atlow any modification or extensIIOn Q�nor to request any future advances under any aote or agreement - '�-�;�-;_
<br /> .�. secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written consea� . � . =
<br /> t��''r� 8, CI,AL1;,����AIIVST?ft'LE.Grantvr will pay all taxes,assessmenu.liens,encumbrances,lease paymeats,ground ��:��.
<br /> . �y. _ .
<br /> ��-,: renu,u��L��,and other charges rela[ir�to the Property when dae.Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lender ,
<br /> ' capies of ail notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grar�tor will defend • ��
<br /> - title to the Properiy against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instnunen�Grantor agrees to assign '
<br />�'.���' to T.ender,as requested hy Lender,any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labar :�:-�.' .''��°
<br /> .., or materizs tn maintai��.-improve ehe Property. �/,;
<br /> • 9. DUE O:��id.E OR E1VCUIVIBIIiAriZ�-Lender may,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to � ,,�, ,�I,.�.:
<br /> be imme��tely due and payable upnn the creation of or contract for the creation of,any fie�x,encumbrance,transfer �`?->� " '
<br /> efx,
<br /> or sale of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictians im osed b federal law 12 CF.R.591 .as a licable. ' `' �
<br /> P Y � ) PP F ;�';,�
<br /> This covenant shall r.�n a7th the Property and shaZt remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this _,��,, .:• :: '•�,f`� �.,�°.-r
<br /> � �� Security Instrument is released. 'R'
<br /> , . ����,_`.•-;;-:
<br /> � 10. PROPEgYfY CONDITION,ALT�IItATIONS A1VD INSPECTION. Graator will keep the Property in good ,ct; ?�Y,.�_
<br /> � � cundition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shaU not commit or allow any waste, �':.��-_i.
<br /> impairment,or deterioration of the Property.Grantor will keep the Property free of rtos�ous weeds and grasses. � a,,,.__•��.•
<br /> Gcantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change withaut Lender's prior written ,_ ;��•. •• :- , r:
<br /> ��.:
<br /> � consent.Grantor will not permit any change in any license,restriciive covenant or easement without Lender's prior ;•l�,�§•��:�:;��` '��".��
<br /> � written consent.Grantor will notify Lender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and acrions against Grantor.and of �v�'.;±s.+r���.:.=
<br /> ;�;;�{� any loss or dacnage to the Property. ----- -_
<br />