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, - �;,` .k. . ..2 �• . .._...�.____. - — ----"..'---"-._.'_�'..._.__.. • ...�.,..L.:v_��.�.. �,....�'�' _ <br />..`. � ��� �V�V�� � . ; t� . ` �. . <br /> `proc�eds�in conrescdos�with cortdemnation or oiher taking of the Property or paR thereof,or tor conveyance in�ieu of a�ondemriatiosi. � - <br /> Lender shail bs entiUed ai i�option to commeace,appear in and prosecute in its o�vn rt�any aciian or procee�ings,and s4Eat1 atsa . - <br /> " be en8ti�d to enake any ccmQromise or ssttiement In connactlon�rith such taldng or d�mage.In tha svent ar6y par�on of the Pro�rry is . __ <br /> so taken or damagsd,Lsrtd�t st�l!hsvs the op�an in its sals and absotu'�e dlscre� aD�fy ali such proceeds. aRer daducUng - -- _ - - _: <br /> thereirom ffiI cosis and e�enses incurred by it in oonnection witt+such Praceeds,upon any tndebtadness sea�red ha�e�y and in such •—'- ,� <br /> order as Lender ma�de:armtne,or to apply al!such Rroceed�,afier such deductfons,to the rosto�aUon af tha Property uQon suds oon- � - <br /> di4fons as Lender may detertnine.My apDUcation ot Proceeds to indabi�dness st�a0 nat extend os postpone the dua d3te ot ar�y pay- . . <br /> mente under the Note,or cure any deisult ttsereunder or hereundsr.My unapplied funds shall bo Petd t'a Ttustcr. .' ' <br />. � � B.�er�miance by 6enQer.Upon the oocurrence of an Event af Delault hereunder,or if any act Is tatcen or lagal pccceeding , ,. ,. <br /> , oommence0 v�rhich matertally aftec�ss Lendae's intarest in tha Pro�arty,Lertdsr may tn its own discretion,bui without obGgation to do so, � �� . <br /> cjnd eviU►out reotice to or demand upon Ynistor and Krithout releasing Tnis2or trom any obiiga�on,do any aat r�hich T�usior has agreed "��• . <br /> R • <br /> ' but failed ta do art�may aiso do any othar act it deems necessary to protect the secud4y hereof. T�ustar shafl,imm$diateh�upon � <br /> dsmand thsrator by Lender,pay to Lender a!i costs and e�enses incurred as►d sams expsnded by Lendar in connectian with the exer- � • _ <br /> �� cise�y Lender of t4te toregoing�ights,together wi4h imarest thereon at the defauit rate provlded in the Na�s,whlcA shall be added to -�----- ` <br /> � ' �he indebtedness s$aued hereby.Lender shaf!rtat incur any tixbility because oi anything it may do or amft to do hereurtder. ,.�, � ' . � � <br /> . 9.Hazardons�IlabHais.Tnrswr shall kee�the Property tn compliance witfi a�l appiteable Iaws,osdinances end regulaYons .: �� -- <br /> .- � reSating to industrta!hygiene or environme�l protsctlan(ooilectivefy referred to herein as`EnvtronmenffiI taws"1.Tnrstor sfiati keep - ..- ,:=.�w�-- <br /> ' the Property hee frum aU subsffinces dasmed to be harar�das�s or tcxtc undar any Environmental Laws(caltectively cefetred to Aerein ' ,.:��i s-.•'"".: <br /> � as'Fiarardous Maieriat�').Trus2or herebyr warrents ar►d represenss to Lender that tt�ere are no Hazalloas PJlateria�s an or un�ar the ' .�,.�,F�� <br /> ,;� Property.Trustor hereby agrees to(ndemnify and hold harmtess Lender,its directors,officers,empioyees and agsms,and ary suooes- �;;-_,_�- <br />' sors to Len�ts ir�terest,from artd against any and al!daims,damages,losses and liabitit3es arising in connecHon with the presance. �s�° <br />_ � �,:n;�_;_._;-`::::� <br /> use.disposal or transpod of any Hamrdous Materials on.under.fram or about the Praperty.TOiE FOREGOiNG WAAF?ANTIES MlD . :t, ;.��;�_� <br /> REPRESEN�'ATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUGATIONS PURSUAN7 YO THE FQFiEGO1NG INOEMNITY,SHALL SURVIVE ___,_ <br /> - R�COI�R/EYANCE OF TH1S QEED OF TRUST. ' � <br /> � ' 10.Asslsnmenta ot Rents.Trustor hereby assigns to Leader,and granis Lender a security irrterest i�,a(1 present,future end °' : <br /> afGer arising reMs.issues snd profits ot Me Property:Provtded lhai Tnistor shall.until the occurrence of an E�c-r3 ot Delault,hereunder, j �-' <br /> have the dght to capect and�etain suc3►rents.issues and pro�ls as�ey beoome due and pay�`�.Upon ths occurrenc�af an Event of ' LM1 � �;: �� <br /> s ► . <br /> Detault,Lender may,edher in per� by agent,with or without bringing any actlan or proc�-�ing.or by a recetver a�cr_-etsd by a ��'.:;: <br /> • oouR and wfUwut regard to�e adequacy ot its security.enter upon and take passession of the Property,or any part thereof,in its own ,' ,���.+��.- <br /> -- � - name or in the name c�'r�he Trustea,and do any�s whtch ft deems neoassary or desirahte w preserve the vaiue,marketa3�Tiry ea _��°`;�^ -." <br /> � � renffibility o8 the Prop,zre�.or any psR thareoi or in:��rnst therein.or to incraase the incame therefrom or protect the security hereof ertc8. �'`: <br /> �:�-,_,_. <br /> a�•. ;-�',-. <br /> • with or witlwutffitdng pnssession of the PropeRy,s�aa for or othemise collect the renta,tssuss arqd prof'ds thereof,inciadir�g ti�+�e past r y. ? <br /> ��� due and unpald,by notifying terra�s to make payments to Lender.Lender may appty rents,Issues and profits.less oos�a�v,t expens- :.±,,:�� ; <br /> - es ot operatlan end caltection inctuding attome�s tees,W any inde b te dness secu r e d here by,a l l i n s u c h o r d e r a s L e n�r c r c�y d eter- �, . • '�F`� ` <br /> c � <br /> . � mtne.The ertering upon and taking possession of the Property.the coflection of such rents. issues and profits.and ti�appficatlon .a �__� :;. <br /> thereof as aforesaId shall not cure or watve any default or noUce of dafault hereunder or imatidate any act dor�e in res�onse to s�ch :�, �'_ ;;� <br /> defauR or pursuant to sucb notice of dafautt and, notwithstandtng the continuance in possession of the gca�eRy ar the ooflec8on. _ ,, ,� <br /> e <br /> recetpt 2ad applicaUon of rents.issues or profits,Tn�stee and Lender shall be entltled to exereise every dgM provlded tar a�any of tha °'�:�;,, <br /> - Loan tr�.-nents or by taw upon aocurrence of any Event of Qetault,induding witl�aui Itmita�an the dght to exercise the�lzr at sale• :� <br /> witl zr <br /> Further.�:�defs�iyr".'�and remedtes under this paragraph shali ba amulative vr(th,and(n n��My a Iimitatlon oa�,Lend�s�ts end �?��"�: <br /> •�' � � remedie��ander a.zy�s-ignment of leases and�ants recorded against the Prop�7ty.Lender,Tn�stee and tl�a recehrer sM'e�{L.hfe to � �,'��q::' <br /> account oniy tOrU�e�.aa aazds ectually received. .- "' `� <br /> 11.Einnts��ault The tollawing sf�aU�nstitute an Event of Defauk under this Deed ot Trust '�E°� . <br /> � �t, (a)Faiture tn pay ar►y insialtment o!pdrs:3�al or interest of any ottter sum seourad hereby when due; � ; <br /> t <br /> (b)A breach of or detauft under any proviston oonta�ned in the Note,Uils Deed oi Trust,aa►y of tfie Lcan inst��ans,or any <br /> of�or Nen or encumbrartce upon the Property; <br /> (c)A writ o!execWon or attachment or any stmflar process shall be entered against Tnistor wh'.c�'�sfiall become a i3en on ' -�- <br /> *+m-_ <br /> . 1he PropeRll Y po )�.N'� <br /> or an rtion thereof or fnterest therein; ��--- <br /> � �_,"f � (e�There shall be�ted by or against TrusL�r or Borrower an acion und9r acry present or future isde�al,state or other sffitute. _ _�.._ . <br /> - law or cegutaUon relating to 6ankruptcy.insoiven�y or oUrer r+eliaf fos debiors;or there shall be ap�ointed any bvstee,recehrer or -., _ <br /> .� liquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any paA o?U�e PropeRy,or the renis,issues or proftts thoteof,or Tnlstor or Borrower �.-�,:r- .� <br /> shall make any general8sslgnment tor the benefit ot creditors; �d - <br /> . (e)The s•v,transter.teass,assignmenL oonveyance or further erwxanbrance af aA or erry part o!or eny tnterest in the ..'� <br /> pro�eAy.eithe���niuntarity or invotur►tadty,witt►out the e�ress wdtton c�ni of Lrn�r,provided that Trustor shall be permtt ��_�-n-��;,;i <br /> ted to execute a(ease of the Property that does noi cantafn an optfon ta��rchase ar��.`ta tean oi which does not exceed or�e '.:�^ <br /> • , y��; ,_.._.- <br /> „ . (�Abandanment o}the Property;or ��-:- <br /> (g)8 Trustor tY not an individual,the issuas�ce,sale.tranater,essignmen�oomeyance or encumbrance of ma�a than((f e ��i��;� <br /> • cor�c�ratlon)a total of perc�a�7 its issued end outstanding stook.or pt a paRnership)a totel oi per- . "" . :ri. <br /> cent of partnership interests,or('d a lim��l li�bility company)a total of peroent of the Iimited liabitity oomp� �`��'t��r,�.�� <br /> . ny irsterests or vottng dghts 9he�errod this Daed oi Tnrst remains a ilen on tha properry. --- � _= .�` <br /> t2.RMn�di�s;Acceferatlo�W,Foh��lt tn the evem of any Event ot Oefauit Lender may,without notloe exeept as required ��,.�z.--,.�� <br /> , hy Iaw,dsetate all U�debtedness sec�•ed h::�by to be due and payabte and the same shap Yhs:eupon become due ansf p���bfe with- _'""'° � ': <br /> out any pr�antment,demand,protest or notice o!any kind.Thereafter Lender�^:ay: <br /> (a)Derna�d that Trustee exercise the PL�WER O F S A L E granted t�rdin.and Tnutee sha11 ther�after cause Tn�stofs irt'er �-`��?!�� <br /> est in the PB,�rty to be sold and the pma:m63 to be dlshibuted,ali tn ttae manner provided in the tV�+raske Trust DeeQs Ac� -r�'"'R°°�'--" <br /> � (b)Exercise any and all rights proWde�for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon�menoe o!any Event o} �,,:,,. _ .�� '?;�' <br /> Ua".ault;and - - <br /> . (e)Commence an actlon to toreclose this Deed of Tca,si as a mortgage,appoint a recelver,or spec�icalty ers",aroa any of the ' <br /> �t�'- <br /> cavenanis hereof. ._'.. :: <br /> No remedy heretn contetted upon or reserved to Trustae or Lender is Intended to ba exclusive of any other remedy herein,in tAe Loan ° °•,,._ <br /> - inatruments or by Iaw provided or pertnitted,but oach shalt be¢fl be in addiUon to every oitoar remedy given hereunder, _~�;,��--�:•;_;�,.•__ <br /> in the Laan tnsWments or now or hereaftor existing at taw or In equtty or by s�tatute,and may be exercised concurre�ry/.independently <br /> • or sicaneaivoly. .,":::�::"`�.,-�.;. <br /> ; .... :,;: <br /> 13.Trustae.The Trustee vna�resifln at any Ume wIthoia3 cause,and Lendar may at e�y time and v�(thout caus�a,qpmint a suc- �,:,•.,t. , • , <br /> cessor or svbsUt�te Trustea.Trusise shall not be liable to any paRy,inciuding w3thout Iimit�iUon Lender,Borrower,Trusiar ar any pur- 3`��'i``''•... : <br /> �: ,, ,; chaser af the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wi!ltul+rta�soonduct,and shall noi be requirod to take any acita� . . <br /> in cannec4ion wiL10 t��i enforoement o}this Deed o!Trust untess Indamni4le�,im cwri8ng,tor ali costs,oompensaUon or expenses wh3c3+ • • <br />� may bg�ss�dated therewlth.In edditlon,Trus4ee may become e purchaser nt any sate of the PropeRy Qudicial or under the power of ' �. " <br /> � sate p�n^.ad herein);pos�one the sale of�ll or any poNon of the Property,as provided by Iaw;or sell the Property as a whole,or in .� ; � �.� ' _ <br /> .. � separ�te pameis or tots at Trustee's discreUan. . =``�""`"'� <br /> t4.Fe��and Fscpen�.In the event Trustee sells the Pro�erty by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee shall be o�r'Ced to appty - . _ <br /> � any sale proceeds fi�st te paymenl of alf oosts end expenses of exe�cising power of sate,inctuding all Trustea's fees,anG Lende�s and � • ;:,, <br /> . 7 r u s t e e's a tt ome y's tees, actuali y incurred to extent permitted b y appUcabl8law.In the event Borrowor or Trustor esoercises arry 6ght • . • ;::',:�,. <br /> provided by faw to cure an Event of Oetauit,Lender shall be entiUed to recov�r from Trustor all casts and expenses actualty inr.urred as �..:�;�;..G <br /> a resutt o}Trustors default,in�r�uding withoui UmiffiUon all Trustee's and attorrtey's tees,4o the extent pertnitted by appticahle law. • , <br /> ' 15. Futuro Advance�.lDpon request of Borrovirer,Lender may,at its opUon.makQ addiUonal and future advances end read- ,'�`��.:��� � . <br /> - ---- var�r,a�:c Sarsa:.•ar.Suct:�:�^.��:d rear3:�ar!r�ss,�ittz i�teresi therean,ste�ll ba soc�,red by thls Deed of Trust.At no time sha114he :;"•_`� -,_-- _- - <br /> . ' ' f., <br /> �F . _ ,.._ . . . . .. . � . ' � . . <br /> • , 1 + ' ,• .1. . � . ! • i - ' • � �. � �� , • <br /> � ...j�� � . . c . � +�c.. . - • . rv . . . . ... - � � . . �_. ... .. . . .v. . . . . . ♦ � _ � <br />