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-.,.,-,._ <br /> � <br /> .,��, � <br /> _ !/ w.��'�lF�I �>4'P!f^^, �•��'•/ ..r�.. _ , . � �.. . . . .. . . ..t.�:�•� • <br /> � �r.y <br /> ' COVENANT8 98� �(.��869 '`-". <br /> � 1. Paym�nb. Borrow�r sprees to mike ell payment� on the tecured debt when due. Unieu Borrower and Lender agroe otherwise, any <br /> peymsnts Lend�r rscelwt from Borrower or Tor Borrower'�beneflt will 6e appIled ilnt to sny amounts Borrower owes on tM ser.ured debt „ <br /> ' oxciuelvu oi Interest or princlpel,eocond to Intereat,end then to princtpel.If pa�tlel prapayment o}the eeCUred debt occurs for any reeeon,It wlll <br /> n�t reduan or excuea eny echeduied payment until the secured debt is paid�n full. <br /> ' 2.Ci�ims ApNn�t Tltl�.Borrowqr wlll peY all.tnxes,�tstlssment�,and other cherpet anributable to the property when due and wtll detond tit�e _ <br /> to the property s�pNM4 any Clalrrii!v�rhlah woLld impalr tho Ilen of this deed ot trust.Lender may roquire Borrqwer to asRipn uny riphtc,clalme or ;- <br /> defonaea whlch Horr�war meX have e�lnit pArtiet who�upply labar or materlel�to Improve or meintain the property. ., �,:.. <br /> � �•„ <br /> . 3. Insur�nc�. Barrower will ks�p ih�property Imund under torms acceptable to Lendor et Borrower'e exponae and for Lender's benotit. All ;_ <br /> � I�aurance policles thall Include s atand�rd mort spe clause In tavor of Lender.Lender will be named as lost peyee or es tho Insurad on any such ��_. <br /> • 4", orsto thn�sec�ured debt�I}Lender equlressmoripege P au�ence�t Borrowerrsgreee to�malnt intsuchhinsuroncetfor es longiaa Lendar�equires�operty __ <br /> ���,,,.r i � 4.Propety.Borrower wtll keep the property In pood condition and make oil repalre reoaonaWy nocesaary. <br /> •a^••"'�; 6.Exp�m�e.Borrowet�preet to pay ail Lender's expensea,Including reaaoneble attorneyt'fee�,if Borrower breaks any covennts in thia deed �-;L <br /> � o}truet or In any oblipetlon secured by thtR deod ot trust. Borrower will pay theen amounte to Lendnr es provtded In Covenant 9 of this deed of ��.__ <br /> ;• tru�t. v_ <br /> � secu�ritaysn e�reats�n8onower�wi�l perform eilf�ott9orrower a oblipettoni under s ny pricr mortgage,�deed of truat oritothar seca�ty tagroemernt, �,;_ <br /> # including Borrower's covenente tn make payments when due. -TM <br /> 7.Assi�nm�nt of R�nt��nd Protlb. Borrower astinns to Lender the ronts and protits of the property.Unless Borrower and Londer heve egreed �°�-` <br /> ' othrrw sf e In writiny, 8orrower mey coilect and rotaln the rents as long ae Borrower is not in defauit. If Borrowar defaults, lendor, Lender's =- <br /> agent, or a coutt appolnted recelver mey take paasesalon end m�nepe the property and collect the rents. Any rents Lende�cdlects shall ba _ <br /> necelssafryreiat d e peneosf The remeining mount of rontadwill thentapply to pey ents oo the eecured debt as provided ingCovene^id'any other f _ <br /> �� 8.L��s�hdds•Condominlumi:Pimn�d Unit D�vNopm�nts.Borrowor agrees to comply wit�entpBorroiwer willny lease if thfs deed of trust is on <br /> � a leasehold. If thts doed of truat Is on e unit In a condomfnlum or a planned unit develo porform eIi of Barower's dutles -- <br /> under the covenants,byIaws,or regulations of the condominium or pianned unit development. <br /> t 9.AuthoHty of L�nMr to P�rform for Bwrowa.if Borrower talls to pe►form any of Borrowor's dutias unsier this deed of trust, Lender may �_ _ <br /> ;, perform the dutiet or cause them to be performad.Lender may slgn Borro►ver's name o►pay eny emount if necesaary for pedarmence. If any <br /> conatruction on the property Ie dl�COntinued or not carrled on In e reasonable manner, Lender mey do whatever is neceasary tt�poteot Lender's _ <br /> � sacurity Interest in the property.This mey Include completinp the constructfon. — <br /> F-, <br /> 'R.� Lender's fsllure to perform wlll not preclude Lender from exerciaing eny of Ite other rights under the law or thia deed ot truat. `-� <br /> � Any amounts pald by Lender to proteot I.ender's security intereat wili be aecured by this deed of trust.Such amounta wlll be due on demend r;. <br /> and wiil bear Interest irom the date of the payment until paid In full at the interest rata in eHect on the secured debt. �;_ <br /> J 10. D�tault and Aoc�i�atlon. If Oorrawer fafis to meke any payment when due or breaka any covenants under thls desd of trust or any �- <br /> � obligetion secured by thla deed of trust or any prior mortyeqe or deed of trust, Lender may acceierete the maturtty of the sxured debt end ° <br /> demand Immediate paymant and may Invoke the power of eele end any other remedies permitted by applieeble law. __ <br /> ' � 11.R�qu�st for Nodc�af O�tauR. It la hereby requested that copies of the notices of default and eale be sent to each person who Is a party <br /> hereto,at the addross of each such person,aa set forth herein. <br /> � 12. Pow�r of Sv�.If the Lender invokes the power of sale,the Trusteo ahall Tirst record In the office of the reglater of deed�of each county <br /> y wherein the truat property or some part or parcel thereot is attuated a notice of defauh coniainns� iite iniuii�i'siiun i8quli8d by:k:r. Ths Ttustet <br /> y shall also mail coplsa of tho notice of detault to the Borrower,to each person who ts a party hereto, end to other persons n preacribed by <br /> eppllcable law. Not lesa than one month after the Trustee records the notice of default or two months If the trust ptoperry is not In any <br /> � Incorporated clty or vlllage and la used In fatmmp opetationa carried on by the trustor,the fruatee shall glve publia notica of sah to the peraom <br /> �' and In the manner prescribed by�epppllcable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,ahall aell the property at publlc euctlon to tho hlpheat <br /> bldder.If requlred by the Farm Momestead Protectlon Act,Trustee ahall offer the proparty In two separate eales aa requlred bY�ppl�ceble law. <br /> Trustee may poetpone sele of ell or eny percel of the property by publla ennouncement at the tlme and place of any provlously�cheduled sale. <br /> Lender or Its deslpnee may purcheae the property et any sale. <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce bld,Truatee ehall delivor to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveylng the property.The raclU�ls contalned In <br /> Trustee's deed shall be prlma facle evldience of the truth of the atatements contalned thareln.Truetee ehall apply the proceeds af the sele In the <br /> relnste�tema t feese�(b)to�all suma$secu ed by thls�deed of�t uatuandlcllthetbalance,i i eny,t�o the peeeons legallv entit ed to re elve It,feee and — <br /> 13.Fonclosun.At Lender's option,thfs dead of truat may be foreclosed In the manner provlde by appllcebla law for forecloaue af mortpapes <br /> on real property. <br /> �r 14.Insp�atlon. Lender may enter the property to inspect It If Lender glves Borrower notice baforehand.The notice must atate tF�e reesonable <br /> cause for Lender's Inspeotlon. <br /> 16.Cond�mmUon.Borrower asalgns to Lender the roceeds ot any award or clalm for damagea connected wlth e co�demnetfonor other teking _ <br /> of all or any part ot the property.Such proceeds wiP be applied es provided In Covenant 1.Thia asslgnment ia subject to tho terms of any prior – <br /> � securlty agreement. -- - <br /> � 18.Walv�r.By exercising any remedy avallable to Lender,Londer does not glva up any rights to latar uae any other remedy_ BY�ot oxercising �- <br /> any remedy upon Borrower's default,Lender does not wa(va any rlght to Iater conslder the event a dofault lf It heppena egeln. <br /> r 17. Jolnt and Sswnl LfaWllty; Co•tlynen; Succ�tsors and Attipnt Baund. All dutfea under thla deed of trust are jolnt mxl sevsral. Any <br /> 3 Borrower who co•signs this deed of truat but does not co-slgn the underlying debt Inst�ument(s) does so onl to grani nd convey thet �i` <br /> Borrower's Interest In the propurty to tho Truatoo undor tha terms of this deed of tru5t.In additbn,such a Borrower agreea thal the Lender and c __ <br /> any other Borrower under thla deed of trust mey extend, modlfy or mnke�ny other changes In the terma of this deed of truel or the securad = _ <br /> � debt wlthout thet Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower}rom the terms of th�s dood of truet, _--_- <br /> The dutlos end beneflts of thls deed of truat shall bind and benefit the successors end asa�gns of Lender end Borrower, <br /> 18.Nodc�.Unleas otherwlse requlred by law,any notice to Borrower shall be given by dellverinp It or by mafling it by certitled mail addressed to '� �� <br /> Borrower at the property address or any other address thet Borrower has glven to Lender. Barower will give any not�ce to �ender by certffied _ <br /> mail to Lender's addre�s on page 1 of thls deed of trust, or to any other address which Lender has designatod.Any othor nazfce to Lender shall =_ <br /> bo sont to Lender's address es stetod on page 1 of thfs deod of trust. <br /> Any nocice ehall bo deemed ta have been given to Borrower or Lender when gl�en In 4he man�er statod above. <br /> 19.Trenafer of the Prop�rty o�a��n�flclal Intu�st In th�Borrower.If aIl or any purt of the property or eny intarest In it Is sdd or transferred <br /> � without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may demand Immediate payment of the secured debt. Lender may elso domarxl immodiata <br /> . payment It tho Borrower Is not a natural peraon and o beneHclat Intereat In the Borrowor Is sold or transforrod. However,lender may not <br /> dumand payment In the ebove aituations if it Is prohlbited by federal lew as of the date of thls deod of trust. <br /> 20. Rsaonv�ye�ct. When the obligation socurod by this dood of trust has been paid, and Londer has no further obligation tomake advences <br /> undor tho inatrumonta or agreements socured by this deed of trust,the 7rustee shall, upon written roquest by the Lendar, reco�vey tho trust <br /> property.The Lender shall dellver to the Borrower,or to Borrowor's successor in InteresL the trust deed end the note or otha evldenco of tho <br /> obligatfon so satlafled.Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> 21. Succeseor Trustee. Londer, at Lender's option, may romove Trustee and appoint o succossor trustoe by first, mailing a copy of the <br /> substitution of trustee a�s required by applicablo lew,and then,bY filin�the substitution of trustee for rocord in tho office of tF+oieg�stor of doeds <br /> . . . .. . .�--••-------•-•-�-- ._.:.�_..._......_.....,.....s .......,.,.,.,., o�.ou <br />� 1 Ot 98Ch COUnty tn wNCe ttte trust proptlrty, or svmo pnn uwreo�. �a o�wowu. � o woao... .� . o. ...�......w... �..•....._. ... r.-,.-• ..-••-• -.. <br /> Isuccood to all tho power,duties,authority and title of the Trustee nnmod in tho dood of trust and of uny succeasor trustue. <br /> i f <br /> � <br /> Ipage 2 0l?1 I <br /> OnNKENS S�StEMS.�NC.57 ��OUD.MN 56301�1 800 997 YJ41�FORM OCP MT6 NE 8�19.9f � <br /> � <br />