,.� � �. _ :r� :
<br /> ��.� � , - - . v�...�,.
<br /> : ' ; .�..� , .
<br /> - �
<br /> '. , , ' .:-� � - � ' -r
<br /> �... . • -_ _._.
<br /> ' � ...:__ .:._._�._._ .
<br /> L : `_.. '. _
<br /> _ __
<br /> . G�. - �� i0�"l�6�.'� _`: _
<br /> _..:,_.� �--._ :. ...
<br /> �_'-�roci6rHBlr'�if�l al�etie improY�me�s now or ha�at�a«ac�ea oo the.�aty.i�a'e�s.�t�oes.asa
<br /> futntes:,mw;u[:tKa+a�tar a Q�t of th�`piop�tty:::A}1 � �d additwns sWll �iso be oovcred bY ��Y
<br /> , . . Imnuomot:�All o�'tha foreaoin�is nefaied ta m tbis�ty tr►stauaart as tbc'Pmperty.' '.`r�
<br /> _ BORROWER CUVBNANI'S t�t Bo�rar is la�►�foUq.seised af tde esnte henby oo�nvcyod and has the right ta grmt aod
<br /> . �oanvey ti�a P�+opecty�nd th�the Piopat�r is uneoambaed:excegt fcr eacwtibranots af reoord. Borrower wartanis u�d'w�71'...- ' .
<br /> defad geneally tde dtle W tbe Pc�npdty agaiost sil ciaiias�d dmoands:sub}oct to any eaawtbranoes af t000td.
<br /> . - TEQS SF�t9JRITY 1NSTRUMENT.c�ombiaes,imiform oavat�n►s for a�tion�i use and aon-nafatm oavenaacs wit�liroitnd
<br /> _ ' ' �ent c+overin �al ...,
<br /> v�rl�oas bYluris�dic�lon w oa�titwt s naifamisoamtY...�_,.:.:.._ .... 8. . WnP�nY• . . ...
<br /> UMFORM L�YF.NAM!'S.Bonos�a�and I�ender ooveriaat and agcre as Ed(ows: , � . � _ .
<br /> - i.Pay�pe�t a[Pdadp�l aod Iaterd�,P►+ep�ymeat aal L�te[.9��r�es. Hot�+ow�r shap PramptlY I�Y"whea dac the �
<br /> principal of�d iatenst oa ehe debt evidenxd by,the Nato and any piepayineat wd Wo�fiazges due under tde NaRe.
<br /> _ Z.F�S tor Titices a�d Iasn�ca Sut►jact ta�ppliqbk I�w ar to a wn�ten waiver�y Leadcr.Bormx�i st�U pag to
<br /> __ ,';�a`,��eodec oa t11�day moo[Ny psymetrs ate due tui�et Ehe Noto.luNi1 th0 Not@ is p�id in fuU�a SYm('FtteKls°�for:ta)S'�9� .
<br /> .�a�s xhich m�y�tatn prFor�ty over tLts 5ecurity Iastnunent as a lien on tUe pmpaty:(b)y�:#�asd�oid piYm�ts
<br /> `.k;�':. #�nts a►tbe PcuQecty.ef iqy.��ellrrartY La��d ar phopeity ins�u�tce premiwns;td?Yeutk H�'Fus�ran�e pe�niums, —
<br /> ;` PcaQecty
<br /> _ �. �x_ ...
<br /> _;�� �c.,''3�+BF�+�4��i�1.m0�IR����S.if�:Atid�(��I����1�C�/BO[IUWCF f0�CG.�R�CVU[E�f10�',i��
<br /> - . ` �i '`�#x�ptzivisigns of ge�:�`�s;�s 4�(hc�ajtnndu of muttgage iiiQUan�e��wu�s.11�ese items amr�l;led'Es�mw items.' -
<br /> `' '` � �.P,�Y•at a�:�b�:��taiY�as:��ald.�;iu an atnounc not to esoqadif�+emiauutimutn amount�t�der for a foder�lly ,`
<br /> n =
<br /> � •
<br /> -�%r � ��``,�La`�'y'�L�j�gC jd3�i�itC3f^'�''Fd,�'(�`:��'3''3•tsC(OW�CGOUIII I1MCt I�l���G[�"R23��Setd�79etlt P�oo0�d01t5 AC[8� •,. ��—_
<br /> � ' r �,s�l�d-_'.'�s�eud�fnmq t(o'IC OD'it�i'l�:`J�#S.S.C.5lrct1011 1601 Q SClf.("RESPAh•UY�C�'ildnt�r 1aVic',�.�t appltl5[O the Fuf�d.4 � _—
<br /> "'s` ��seis:��e`�i amnunt.If so, L�:.�aY•at any,tiTpe,oopect nad hoid Fwd.s in`�n a�ci,io�'ct�3t i�s'i�tc�od tAe iesxx�maurt: � -_ -_
<br /> :.::L> L e�t e r may e�im�te t v t�aount o f F i u d a d u�:vi�'t h e 6�d s i s o f auneat d a t a a n d r�a w n a bte�u?�i1t'�•�x p rn di�mes of-futune ���-
<br /> T= •:`-_;,' Escsav�rlt�ttsos��e�u�eseinaaea�da�ewitli� eabteiavv_ .��.�,.,� .�����;�r� , . "�� _-----
<br /> :_i r �� t ,� � `" . ��='.`,.` _–
<br /> :r � 'Fhe i'unds shaii be tield ia:�w.rnstiuitipR':ahose deposits are inwred by a fedcr��;mgt��cy. �n�trumentaliry. or entiry
<br /> r.' . " r�c::�j-
<br /> _- (inclnding l.ender,if Irnder issc��t;,�titutia�)or in any b`e+8er�1 Home Loan Bank-�,asi�'shatl apply tLe Fands to pay the .=•-�-�-.
<br />-`. Bscrow[teaLS.Iender aray not e�.,[�on�wec far holding and applying sl�e;Fwtds.�}�'at�alyzing the escrow accoun�or t•`'`;s;`�'�
<br /> veri tbe Escraw�it�ns ilnless � .�iwec interest an the F �i�fi s �lisl'e�taw ts Lender to rn�ke such _ _ -'.�� _
<br /> - �nE . �€�.-r��P&}•: !�,�.. �. Pemn -
<br /> Y, _ �:`° a cbarge.Rawever.tkiider may require Eor�a?��r�co pay a one-pme charge,£a�;s�c i,i��t rea!es[ace taa reponii�g service . . `��"�"'`�
<br />-'-� used by Lender in cannoction vri,.'�t-31us loan:'iditcss applicabte law providie�:i�i��Jdess an ag�nent is made or �'�'' '��'
<br /> ;�.�a_��,
<br />=-X: ` ' :.f�=�::r>=
<br /> applicabie laar requires interest to�ie.gaid.Lend�rr shali nat be rcquired ta pay � .'�ozt�iar�,c�.�terest or eamings an the Funds_
<br /> a•• :`.�'SK,:.==
<br /> ___ — . Borrower and Leader may agree in wr�tin�,fir,i�rv.gs.that inten�st sha116e paid`o�c�e 1�r3s. ixoder sha11 give to Bormwer, t�,,�==,_=-
<br /> T - _ „� withaut chatge.art ar�tal accaanting of the:f�ls; slwwing c�ed'tts and deb":tc to the Furjds atid tbe•�turpose for which each -
<br /> ,. � ' -'� debit ta the Fu�c vv�s,�rJe.'[T�e Furds are"pie�.as additioral securitx for all sumt secured by this Sr�naity Instrumrnt. �,.�-_-
<br /> , ' Jf the Funds.h��:��L,er�der exceed the�nts permitted to be hetd by applicable 1aw,I.ender�.�i�wne to Borrowcr �•'_'�''''=`-`
<br /> •. far the eace.cs Fui�ds,� .�i��d�n�e::»itl�the teq�irentenGs af applicable law.lf the amovnt af the Fund�;i��by,liett�at any �� _
<br /> '- �� time is not snffcient�tF,��t�,£san�+Items when due.Lertder may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such c�ye 8nrrower �.rj�a� _
<br /> �'�-'*' ' shall pay to l.�nder�;;�r'��saiy to malce up the deficiency. BormwQr shall make up the deficietwy in no inai.°that� r��r ��
<br /> ::�;;�,�,�"ys;=r` twelve monthly Pa�tneri�s;��•.f��et`s wte dixrctiun. � . - �i4'F�'�y� -
<br /> r'��' . � U n meni�pE�fulY a �ft:seuns secured b this Securi instrumescr.'l.ender s . . ,
<br /> �, .w,.f -;�, P� PaY �. Y 4' R4+�Promptly c�nd to Borrower anY • .;::r��{I�,��; �
<br /> ..t �i�• Fands hetd by L,ender.If.unttu�r3graph 21.Lender shall acquirc ar sell tfie I'ropeRy,,Ix�iilec priod ta the acguisitian or sale ' • ;�,�'��e�•'''�
<br />�r •�; �•,`� -t'���;iR:�.�
<br /> "a' of the Property.shall appiy arty femds held by l.cndcr at tbe�me af acquisition or sa�e'as,�.4�i.dit against the wms secured by 'nr, ;��F.-
<br /> _ " � �. ,;.����-.�r :
<br /> '�° '� +� . . thls Securily lr�ttumen[. ,,.... , . -, �..�
<br /> � ' 3.A ic�tlon of P!� ents.Unless• 1F�e law rovides othcrwise,all a ents receiveA " ;'';,-;
<br /> - `•�y ,,, �`• �, ' �:�; P'P� S'm dPP P P Y� b3`.L�'sder under parqgraphs �
<br /> '�-' �t,�. .,..
<br /> �• ,��'�'._; 1 and Z shail be applied:firs�.to Any prepayme�ir charges due under thc Nate:secand:to amounts pay�bte under paragraph 2: .>:-� •'�"-�
<br /> � �rt t.f,,' • :, (,r1''�'„'
<br /> �>;.: thir8.to intercs�due:Pourth.t��principal due:and la�t.tc+any fate chargec dae uncte�the NMe. ,; J''r%."
<br /> ` � ' �',-Y ,�;;�_:`%)��y�t,">��..
<br /> - - �`� 4.Charges;i.iens.Banawet s�hull pay.all taxe`.a�:sestiment�.charges.fines�ind.ino�sitions attributable to the Property � . ,�;,-�, ,.,,
<br /> 1�� ^ �P''�.. .
<br /> r� '`' �'S � , which ma attain riorit over this Se�urit ln+trument. and te�ehold • ',., `;�'� ,
<br /> �:,T; .,�k Y P Y Y P�Ymen�s ut g�.rents. is any. Bonower sha11 P�Y , •.. ��•. �`.',..
<br /> '� ) :�,�-�,�,:=:•;., these obligatians in thc manner prnvided in paragraph 2.or if rxst paid in that manncr.Bor�awer shall pay them on timedirectly ,,. ,,� . '�;=��,�,.'� •�:
<br /> � ����' to the n owed ment.Bnrrower tihail rom 1 fumish to Lender all notices of amounty to be under this ' �.'�'�� � '
<br /> � P�� PaY P �Y V� P�s�Ph• r
<br /> :�'. . ..�.�y��'+*'�a;� h ;'-f r��4�]f;;-�
<br />- . I P B a r r a w e r m a k e a t h e s e p•r y m c r i t s d i r c c t l y.H o r r a w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y f u m i s h t a L c n d e r r o c e p.u e v i d e n c i n g�h c p a y m e n u. 1.• ,�>•
<br /> �. `�: . ,,_, ��.:;:
<br /> 4"(� � �-`�- Banower shalt pramptiy diSC��at'ge any lien which has pr�nrity ci�•er thi�.Security I�:nt unless Barrower.(a)agrees in �:.+"��ji3`i"::
<br />- _,+•,.z.,..
<br />'�'','`,;• � '.�,:�_-�" ' wciting ta the paymcnt af thc.c+�l'n��.atn secured by the licn in a manner�crcptablc tu i.c���13�)cant}��ti in gand faith thc Hen �
<br /> ��,�;.. �� ,�,�.. , . . .
<br /> • ` .+�"�s�;;._s�' :;' � by. or defcnds again.�a.enfot�ir.�".a:'Ihe [ieni.in. 1eg31 pr�KCrding� Kfiich:in Iha I.ctt�:s'. up�s�fix�_+€��:crate u� preve�t the .
<br /> - ' =,a �� �►s,;t-,,•t�,•. ' :� 'r enforcement of the lien:or 1c�.�-t�:,-n,ui r1'=.�.li�ldcr„f�hc licn an agrcen�+r!�ati�fau���tn l,cndrr'�wiii�rdinating the licn ta
<br /> ti� r . • � : , ...: .
<br /> �j�V" 3iJ�:�,.��,` ' �' ."�':;�7�•�.�.
<br /> �; � `r�.•:' this Security Instrumeni.If Lc�:��s���n;ne����at any part uf thc F'ropcAL:i�.�uQ►jaz,t�y��.:m �chirfi may attain pri�,rity over :i,::.
<br /> � f r���:s, ;:f.�`�•: � .
<br /> � ��t+ii� �'y��,�f`�:` � '. this Security Instrument.Lenctrar:'s��r��c&irmt�cr a notire idcmifyin�;th��u:a. R��r:�ti��>l�alt wti.fy�hc lien ur t3kc ane or ,�;�y�',`�.�r;.
<br /> �.F,i;A'.�;.' 'A;;•�` ; more of the actions sM forth a[�r�.:1�4uiin lU days af the giving af nntire. . � , ����t,ti'r'�
<br /> ,�1,'�t ' .1.�.�:�'� � , ;i . ' � �'.�. /' i� rl)f
<br /> ,{1�,� z,� . , . .. Fom�3018 9�90� r4c�
<br /> 4 i �Li� ,�,•;�". � ,
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