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..:., <br /> � . <br /> _�� . . : <br /> , . . <br /> ,�°�.- Y� <br /> .. . . •4�"A� . .. . A'-_.. <br /> . '•;., <br /> I ' ' - <br /> � <br /> i 7. Protection of Lendar'a Rights in the Property. it eorrower ious to pertorm �ne covenants and eqreemente - <br /> contefned In thls Security Instrument, or there 13 8 leyal procoeding thet mey slpnif�antly etteCt Lender's rlphts h the Property(auch as <br /> a p�oceedinq in bankrupicy,probate, for condemnetlon or forteiture or to enforCe laws or repulatlone),then Lender may do and pay for <br /> whatever is neCessery to protect the velue of the Property end Londers rlphts �n the Property. Lender's aotlons mey InCbde peylnp <br /> any suma �eCUred by a Ilen whbh haA prlarfty over thls SeCUrity Inetniment, eppetrhy h oourt, paylnq reaeonabk attomey'6 lees and a <br /> enterhfl on the Property tu make repalre. Althouqh Lendar may take aCtlon under thls para�raph 7,Lender doea not have to do so. _ <br /> Any amounts alsbursed by Lender under thla parRpraph 7 shall Wcome additionnl debt of 9orrower asaured by thb SecurRy _ <br /> InBtrument. Unlesa Borrower and Lender apree ta other torms of peyment, these amounts shall beer interest from the data of <br /> dlsbursement at the Note rate end shall be payabk, wRh hterest, upon notbe from Lender to Borrower reoueathp payment. <br /> 8. Mortgege Inaurence. If Lender requked mortgape InsuranCe as a condklon ot making the ioan secured by thb Security - <br /> In6trument, Borrower shail pey the premlums requked to mahtain the martqape Insurance in effect. It, lor any reason, the monpago <br /> insurance coverape requlred by Lender lapsea or ceases to be in eBect,Borrower shali pay the premwms requked to obtaN coverapo � <br /> substantielly equivelent to the morigaqe insurance prevfously In eHect, at e coat substantlalty equiva�ent to the oost to Borrower of the <br /> � mortqage insurence prevbusly in eHect, hom an efternate mortgaqe insurer epprovod by Lender. If substantlelly equN8lent moripaee � <br /> �surance coverage is not evail�ble, 8orrower shail pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one�twe�th of the yearty mortyaqe <br /> �nsurance premium beiny peid by Borrower when the Insurance coverape�epsed or ceased to be In effeot. Lender wlli BCCept,use end �.�, <br /> retain th9se payments as a loss rnsorve in Iieu of mortfleqe hsurance. Loss reserve payments may no bnqar be requPed, at the C - <br /> optlon of Lender, M mortgage hsurance Coveraqa (h the emount and IoI the perbd that Lender requkes) provided by en inaurer Q <br /> approved by Lender epain becomes avalieble and Is obtehed. Borrower shall pay the premiums requked to mahtain mortyapa Cj! <br /> �nsurance In eflect, or to provlde a loss reserve, unt11 the requkement lor mortpaqe Insurance ends In accordance wkh eny wrkten r� <br /> agreement between Borrower and Lender or appl�eble law. `"� " <br /> 9. It1b�BCti0f1. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entrles upon 8nd hspectbns of the Property. Lender shaN gNe <br /> Borrower not�e at the time of or prlor to an inspection spealfyinp reasonebte cause for the inspectbn. _ <br /> 10. Condemnetlon. The proceeds ot any award or claYn tor damages, dkect or consequentlai, In connection with any <br /> condemnation or other Iaking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance In Iieu of Condemnation, are hereby assgned antl shall be -�- <br /> paid to Lender. <br /> In the ovent of a total taking of ihe Property, the proceeds shall be applletl ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a parttal taking of the Property � which the fa�r market r <br /> va�ue of the Property immediately before the takhg is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by thls Securfty �_ <br /> , Instrument Immedfetely before the taking, unless Dorrower and Lender othenvise 8gree In wr(dng, the sums secured by thls Security j: <br /> , �r Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mullfalled by the foitowhg fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums <br /> 'R. secured Immedlatery belore the tekhg, divided by (b)the fak maricet valua of the Property Immedlateiy before the taklnp. My balance <br /> shali be pald to Borrower. In the event of e partlal teking of the Property h wh�h the fak market vaiue of the PropeRy Immedlately <br /> � , before the taking Is less than the amaunt ot the sums socured knmedletety before the taking, unless Bonower and Lender otherwise <br /> ` agree In wrlting or unless appibabfe law othervvise provides, the proceeds shall be appllsd to the sums seoured by thb Seourity <br /> • Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if,atter not�ce dy�enoer to Bortownr ii�nt it�o corderrr,cr ot rr� to mal:e s.^.8ward er - <br /> settle a claim fqr dameges,Bonower fails tn respond to Lender wdhtn 30 days after the date the noUce is given, Lender is authorized = <br /> to collect and apply the proceeds, at fts option, either to restoration or r0pair of the Property or to the sums secured by th�s Seaurity k <br /> . Instrument,whether or not Ihen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agreo in writing, any appucation of praceeds to principal shall not eMend or poetpone the _ <br /> ' due date of the monthty payments referred lo In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoimt of suGh payments. ; <br /> � � 11. Borrower Not Relessed: Forbearance By Londer Not e Waiver. Exlensbn ot cne ��ne ror pnyment or ��-�=� <br /> ' modiflCatlon of amortl�ation of the sums securAtl by thls Securfty Instrument qranted by Lender to any successur in Intarest of Bortower '��"?' <br /> shall not operate to release the Ilability of the orfpinel Borrower or Bortowers successors In Intarest. Lender shall not be requlred to -�_ <br /> ;•� commence proceedlnyo egelnst eny successor In k�terest or retuse ta extend tkne for payment or otherwlse modHy amortintbn of the _ <br /> sums secured by thls Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlpin8l Borcower or Qorrowers successors In � <br /> interest. My forbearance by Lender In exerclsinp any rl�ht or remedy Shail not be a waNer of or preclude the exerCise of any rlght or -• <br /> �'. <br /> remedy. <br /> 12. Succeesore end Asafgna Bound; Joint and 5everel Liability; Co-signers. Tne covenan►s and <br /> agreements of thls Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Londer and Borrower, subJect to the <br /> provisbns of paragraph 17. Borrower's covonants and agreements shall be jofnt and several. Any Borrower wh0 co•signs this SeCUrity ___ <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•sl�ning this SecurRy Instrument only to mortyage, grant, and convey that -__ <br /> r�. Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security InstromenC (b)Is not personally obligated to pny the sums secured , -.,,;�, <br /> ' ' by this Security Instrumenl; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may apree to extend, modify, lorbeflr ar make any _____ _ <br /> accommodations with regard ta terms of this SeCUrity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower5 Consent. '�tir--�—_ <br /> 13. Loen Charges. If the ban secured by this Securiry Instroment Is subJect to a law whbh sets maxknum loen oharges, r,��; s <br /> and that law is fin811y hterpreted so that the Interest or other toan cheryes collected or to be co��ected In Connectlon wNh the loan �--s= <br /> � exCeed the permNled Imits,then; (a) any suCh Ioan charyes shell be reduCed by the amount necessary to reduCO the charqe t0 the : �aTW/l•-�,�,5, <br /> ' .1V'�f Y R�) <br /> psrmitted Ilmih and (b)eny sums flkeady collected from Bortower whlah ezceeded permkted IYnits wlll be refunded to Borcovrer. Lender ��,�.;_„�� <br /> may choose t0 make ihis refund by reduC�ng the prinCipal owed under the Note or by meking e dlrect peyment to Borrower, if a ,;H�,��:...�.; <br /> refund reduces principel, the reduction will be treated as a p8rtiel prepayment without 9ny prepayment charge under the Nole. :� •':�- <br /> 14. NOtIC@&. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securdy Instrument shall be given by deliverfng it or by maiiing it by <br /> c y� <br /> first C�ass rnail unless applioable law requ'ves use 0� another mothod. The notiCe sh811 be direCted lo the Property Address or sny „ <br /> other adtlress Borrower desgnates by not�ce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be gwen by first ciass mail to Lender's address � <br /> ' stated herein or eny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security InstNment shflll <br /> I be deemutl to hnve been gNen to Borrower or Londer when given as p�ovtded in this paragraph. • <br /> 15. Governing Law; Severabflity. This SeCUrity Inslrurnent shall be govemed by tederal law and the law of the <br /> � jurisdiction in which lhe Property is located. In the event that any provislon or c�suse ot this Security Instrument or the Note conflbts <br /> � with applicable law, such Conflict shall not aHect other provislons ot Ihls Security Inst�ument or tha Note wh{ch Can be gfven ettect <br /> withaut the confliCting provision. Tp this ond the provislons o�this SeCUrity InstNment and the Note are dBCbred to be severable. <br /> ! 16. Horrower'S COpY. Bortower shau be gNen one conformod copy of the Note and ot this Security instrument. <br /> � 17. Transter ot the Property or a Bsneficfal Interest In eorrower. �� an o� any pan or ��a r�o���y �� tl��r � - �- _- <br /> �nte�est in it is sold a trAnsferred (or if a benel{Cial fnterest in Borrower is sold or trensterrod and Borrpwer is not a nalur8l person) i <br /> wdhout Lender's prior wrdlen consenL Lender may. fll its optfon, requfre immedfate payment m full 01 all sums securetl by th�s SeCUnry I <br /> Instrument. However,this opbon shall nol be exorc�SStl by Lender d �z0�ci50�s prohibded by federal law as of the tl3le ot�his SeCUn�y � <br /> instrument � <br /> il Lentler exe�c�ses th�s oplion, Lender shWU grve Borrower not�ce of acceleration. 7he not�ce Shall prov�du � po��od ot not loss <br /> � tnan 30 daps �rom the dale Ihe nol�Ce �s dolrvered or me�led withm whiCh the Borrower must pay all Sums secured by IhiS SBCUrdy <br /> Instrument. II Bo�rowor fmis to pay lhese sums pno� lo the expuabon ol th4 penod, LendBr may mvoke any remedies permiled by this <br /> jacui�ly ���stiumom wdhoul�urther nOtMe o� demgnd o� Ho�roWp� �o,�.+ aose vvo <br /> 1+n:Hl h1111�0 J1) fhge J ul 5 <br /> �.45 <br />