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}' . • . , . ��z�'. '. <:3,'.:; - � ... . . . . _ <br /> "-�-._i... • yr �,_.-'- ' . - � .. � . . . '+c:r..<.. " . ' . . .._. . _. " _ _— <br /> 1 . . f.. � .. _ �.�. <br /> ?2, SECURIYY Ii�ITEREST UMDER THE UNIFORM CIX4IMERCIAI WDE This Dead of Trust shai ba considered and be effeaive as a firtt+narsg � � , <br /> � s+atemsrrt and a fixture fting pursvant to ttie pmvisiw�s of tiie Unifonn Comrretdal Code(as a�opted in the state whers the real proporry is lacatod) � — <br /> _ �yYe�n�3 fixtures,chatte�'s,and arHdes oi parsonal property now owned or hereafter attaehed to or to be used in connection with tha Proparty tog�ther wiih <br /> any and a0 replacerr�ams thereof and addrtions thareto(the"Chattets'1.and Gtar�tor h9reby�ants Lender a secumy irttsrest ia such Ci�als. The�etrtor is ` - - . __- . = <br /> � tha Gratrtei described abova. TPis Oeed of Trust will be efiective as a flrcandng statemam fited as a fixiure filing v�th respact to all fixwras indu�d vrAhin .- <br /> J sa?d prensisas a0d is to be filed to►reoord in the rea!estate rece►ds of each oowry whero any part ot sald prarrisss(inducGng said fixtures)is situatad This � ':r.s. <br /> ' Doed of Trust shall also be eftective as a finandng statsmem covering any other prenisss and may be filed in arry other appropriate filing or recardr.g � , --- <br /> atfiee. A prban,photo�aph'a or other reprodudian ot this Deed of Tn:st cr of arry finandng statamorn relating to this Deed of Trust shall be suifi�em as a , <br /> fnantirtg staterterrt fw any of the purposss reterted to in this Paraqraph. The securad R3rty�s tha ten�r dsscribsd above. Upon damand.Grarrtor shall � . . �u;�� <br /> matce,executo and defrver such seau�ty agreamerrts(as sueh term is deflned ln sald Unitorm Commerdal Cadel az Lender at Eny tirre rrmy deem � • �a <br /> neeessary or proper or required ta�gam to Lender a pe�feeted securitY tnterost In the ChatteSs,and upon Grarttar's failure to do so.Lendsr is authorized to O � , � _ <br /> sign any sueh a�esnem as the aQeM of Ctantcr. Grarrtor heteby suthorizas Lender to file financing statemerrts(as such term is defined in said Un'rfartn <br /> Corrrnerdal Cod3)with respect to the any 6rtsa.withaut the si�ature of Gramor. (3rantor any tima upon re�est of Lender. Q • • <br /> sign such finandng statsrr�ms. Gramor will pay all filing feas tor the filtng of such finandng ststemants and for the refiiing thereof at the drres required,in � , `. <br /> The opinien ot Ler*dat,by r.a:d ll�iform Cornm9rdal C,ode• �t the lien af thts Deed ot Trust be sub;ect to any ssairiry a�eerr�rt covering the Cfiattels.then .� . _ <br /> - in the event ot su►y d9fduft un�r this Deed of Trust.aU the ri�t,tiUa and'mterest ot Grantar in and to any and all o!the Chaztets is hereby assignsd to . _, ._ _ ._ _g� <br /> ` � Lender,together Nrttfi the benefit of any deposits or payrr�xds now or hereafter rrede thersof by Geamor or the predecessors or suaessors in tr�e of .y'i . <br /> Grdmor in ths Pro�erty. , , <br /> . `� <br />_>'. � 7d R91111BURSEl1�@IT OF AAAOUNTS EXPEKDED BY L.ENDER. Lenders aption.rtny eupend fimds(ncblding attameys'fees and l..�l . � , r <br /> expenses)to parfarm arry act required to be talmn 6y Grarrtor or to exereisa any rt�'rt or remedy of Lender under thls Deed of TNSt. Upoo demand Grarrtor f� • � <br /> shall immediafely reirr�urss Lender for all such amaurtts expanded tsy Lender tageth5t with ittterest thereon at the loa�ar of tho highest rate describad in any , . <br /> Obligation or ffie hi�ast rate allowed by law from the date of payn'ent umD UtF3 dale of retmbursetr�em. These surts shall be lnduded in the definitlon of j ' • ' .. - _ <br /> '' Ohligallons horein and shall be seaired hy the beneftdal irrterest�atrted hereln. If the Qbligations are pafd aftsr the be�nning of publication of nobce of • --- <br /> �� sale,as herein prcrc.�d,or in the�+rerrt l�ender shaU,at its sole option,pemit Gtarmor t�pay any par[of the OWlg�or,s 2`.ter the b e g inning of pubiit.a�an of � � _ ; "<.�"`__ <br /> ��=�. notice of E'��n provided then.G►antor shall pay qn demazsd aU sxpenses ir,a,.^�2d by the Trustea and Ler�i�tonrtedian with sald publi�a�. � , , ..-�,.. <br />"�:••<i �` , • - _ <br /> indud�ng reasonabia�meys'fees to the attomeys tor the Trustea and fcr the Lender.a�ad a reasona6le tee to the T-�.�?�,and Qus Oeed of Trust sT�J ba ( �:`;;r�:, ._.:;._,_— <br /> security far all sueh expenses and taes. •',(,;>:, <br /> � �;,... � <br /> S � ;:.`.. ' �>x.,�•. <br /> , �ti �'�� <br /> 2�. 61PPUCA7tON OF PAY1411ENt5. The Trustea shall the prooeeds of the trustee's sale,f�rst to the costs and expenses of exeroising t�e power of i°�.,;�:�:, , ,,,,_•�-^°��_ <br /> sa'o artd of tha sale,lnducfing U�e paymarYt of the Trustee'�s acLiallv inaured rtot to exceed Ute amourrt which r.ay bo provided for(n the Deed oT Trust. ' "'. %.'�,4,,:y- ; :,.._-�� <br /> _ seeond,to paymerrt of the o6ligaUOn sewred by the Daed of Trust.lh( the paymerrt of juNor deeds of tri:st.rsacngages or other Uenholders,and the � - �*.at:,. . � <br />_� pal� ttie persan or persons l e g a l t y entitlad thereto. t -'r��`�, '''"�'_" _ <br />���'"' %(''t.�'' . :�___ <br /> • 26� pOWER OF ATTORNEY. (irantar herebyappoirtts Lender as fts attomey-in-fact to endorse Grantors narre an a!I instrumerrts and other dcwrt�erRs �. :, : '"�.,�_,",��----�,-; <br /> ' pertain(ng to the 061ig�ions or Deed of Trust In addrtlon,Lender shall be entitlad.but not rea� perform any action or exearte any doaurem , , : t•-� <br /> r eq�1r e�t o b e t a i a e n o r a x e c u t e d b y C i r a m o r under thls Deed of Trus1. Lendefsperfortrence af su�actton or exeatian of such documerrts shalt not 3_ �.•f�--���;_•. <br /> relfave GraMor from any Obligation cr cure any defauh under thls Deed of Trus1. Al l pwers of attamay dss a i b e d fn 1 h Ss Dee d o f Tru s t are c ou p la d v ri t h a n ,k ;ti... ,, <br /> hrterest and are irrevocabte. . �`�� : <br />. �� ' lr. nft.. <br /> ' . /�}� �����..,. <br /> 28. SUBRCGAT[CN OF LENDEA. Lendar s:a:1 he subrogated to ffie d�fs ai 7t+r holdsr c5 a�Y ptevia�5 lien.securiry 6tterest or encurt�br'�z � '. '. `. ,��'�:tr;' `.�r.�� <br /> • d�sd�rged with tunds advanced by Lender regaz��ss of vfierher these liens,seeur�ty+n*erests ar os.zr c�au:�rr<.�r,�es have been released of record. • .. y��r; �-- <br /> E. ` ..;Gr,��, �..�k� '. <br /> 7I. COLLECTiON COSTS. To the extem�pe�d by Iaw,tirantor a�ees to pay Lenders ressor�a fees and costs,tndudng,but nat lirtited m.feas <br /> and costa of auomeys and otl�er agerrts(�ndu`c.asg wrtheut�imltadlen Paral�s,deri�and cc:.svt�s),whether or not such attomey or a�rt is an � � <br /> errployee of Lender,whlch are inanrad by Lert�r m colleetlng a[ry ermurtt e or enfordng any�� :ar remedy under thts Deed of 7rust,whetl�er or not ��%'..�+�.�,��' �. .k:.". • :. <br />;,s�:,i-t suit is lxou�tt,indu�ing.6ut not limited tc.all i�a-�easts Inairted on appeal,in banlauptty.and�or post-jud�nerrt eotlecUon actions. f�: �:. . ' �: .' . :•w� <br /> f�� � <br /> `' �.,+.� tf��,��.,�,� d <br /> 2g, PppTIqL qE1FASE. Lender rtey releas3 its lntsrest In apo rtton of the Property by exeaning and rea�a�ln�one or more Partial D2eds af ; � �,'(. :; �_ <br /> Recornreyanee wY.ixe+n atfeWng i4a Irrterest in the rematning portlon of the Pmperiy. NoUtfig herein shall be deemed ta a5 igate Lender to release arry of its 1-'°`: �- .'�. ��i. �- <br /> Irrterest(n the ProRer19(exwpt as requt�d under ParasvaDh 38 or as may be olhenvlss r red by law).nar shall Lender be obligated to release any part 'q;,�;'�,;�. <br /> � of the Property if Granwr is fn dafaufl under th(s Daed of Trust The Ilen and sepmry Imerre�aeated by the Deed of Trust remain in eHeet with respect to �t t �':'' �� �r .�, <br /> thai portion of the defined(n the Deed of Trusl,that Is not the subject of lhls er airy Parttal Oeed of Recameyance P'€`.5 •���.;a': � ���,'„'j;. ;`� <br /> ir� �if '• ,., �. <br /> 29 110DIFiCATiaAI AND v�AIVER. The mod�flcatlon or waNer of arry ot Grantors Obllgatlans or landers rlpMs under thls Oeed of Trust m,..h 6a ��' ` �3S• '�_- <br /> � corrtatr�ed In a wrt�ss�sf�ed bY�e►rde+• Lends►maY Darfortn an4`of Bonawers or(�rantors Obligations,d�stay or fafl ta exerdse any of its�rts ar aa�e ..�•, . � t + •.�• <br /> � paymerrts from Grarttor or anyone mhor 1hEn Orantor wIthout eausing a walver of those 0611gatlons or�Iphts A waivar on one oocaston shalfnot eo�'tir.m -- _ �,���;�` �: <br /> a waNer o.n a n y other oxas�on. Cirantors O b l l g a t lons un�8 s�of Trusl shall not be afteeted itlender artends,wrryroMses exehanges.tat7s z: ''' .: �"ti. ;r: <br /> e x e�(se,t rt p a�r s o r r el s a s e s t m y ot the Obli S a t tons 6etan n to Grarttor,Borro�uer or thtrd oartY a any of fts d s�t s agamst arry(�rantor,Borrower or <br /> �Itd pariy or any of the Property. Lendar's tafhue to insfist upon sbta performar►ce of arry at the Q6ligauions shall not b e deemed a waivar and Lender shaU ' �� � �'� � ,±`� <br /> ' have ihe dgM al any Urre thereafter to inslst upon sMet perfomance. • '� � <br /> 9R SU8S1iME TRUSTEE 7RUSTEE LIABIlJTY:COdIPENSA1iGrl. In case of the death,inabtliry,refusal to act or atasence ot the Trustee from the • ,-�`i",''��� - <br /> y�ate yyhera tha real properly is lac�ed or In case the holdnr of the ObtigaUons shaU daslre for arry reason to remove tho Trustee or any su6stitute truste0 as �•^�,.���_ - <br /> ' tru,toe hereundar and to appolrA a new trustee ln hls place and stead,the hotdar of the Obligatlons Is horeby granted fiill power to appotrA in wr(ling a _,� <br /> c�Uririe trustev tor sald Ttustee,and 8�e substinne trustee shall,when appolrrted,beoome suaessor to all d�ts o1 Trustee hereunder and the sama sfiall _�� <br /> • beoorna vested in htm for the purposes end ob;eets ot thls Deed o(Tnut wnn all the er,duUes�d obllgaUens hereln confetred on the Ttustee. Trustea � _ <br /> stiall not be Ilabie for eny errar of i'u�tn or ac1 done by Trustee,or 6e othe se responsihfe a aaourRabte under arty dreumstances whatsaevav. - •�� - <br /> Trustee shall not be personal(y 1ia610 rn case of etriry by h ot mryone aWng by vlrtue ot the ps�a.'s heteinpranted B upon the Deed ot Trust tor derits "�'�'�" --:��� <br /> oontracted or 1labilily or dartrges Ineurred ln thert�na�m�t or opera]lon of satd prer.ds� �me shall have the h�t to reiy on arry Ins�trimierd. _ <br /> d o c u m e n t o r s l�t e auth orizin g or au p p onin g a t ry ( taken orpropo sed to ba taia^'� c •��+aunder or 6etievai b lt Ingoo0 fatth to tregemilna. ,: , _ <br /> Tructee shall b0 erttlUed lo relm6ursemem bt e�on ses Inam e d b y B i n t h e pe r f ar:�.-��ra�"_.:.�s h ereim d er an d to reayso n a b l e o o rt p e n s a U o n b r s u c h . . . __._ <br /> ''Y"�;*`��` <br /> o f i t s s e r v t c e s h e r e u n d e r a s s h a l l 6 e c e n d e r e d C i r a n t o r w(0,hom Urre to tlrre,p�.g:a^p ensatian due Trustee hereunder and retmb��rse Trustee(or end .�:�_. <br /> save and hald it harrriess hom and agalnst any end all toss,cast.lia6(liry.dama9e an6 expensa wha'soever Encurred by it in t he pe r fortrence o f i t s�t!oa '�' =--- <br /> . p��moneya rooelved by Trustee shaN,urrtl used or epplied as hereln�v1 ded,be hetd In trust(ar trn�urposas for whlch they ware recehred but need not '�����.. <br /> � 6n segfegafed Inarry manner from any olher monoys(oxcapt to t h e e�Rem requUed by law)and Trustee shall be under no liabflity for Irrterest on any �� �,� ,i �:_ <br /> moneys reoelved by fl hereunder. `����" : g��' <br /> - : S...L•�i�[. .:� . ,- <br /> 31. SUCCESSOA9 AND ASSIGNS. Thls Deed of Trust shall 6o hin�ng upon and Inure to the benefil of C;rantor and lender and their respeothre ^� �'."�' <br /> suocessors.assigna.wstoes�reoelvers.adminisVatota.Personal ropresorrtativoa.lo�tees and devlsses. '�Yu:,'t�+�so��,fs�:-,"` <br /> •:r.s�:+.-�.� <br /> . .�t , <br /> • �.NOTICEB. Except as otherwise raqulred by law. nodae or other oomrunlcatlon to be provlded under 1hls Oeed o1 Trust shall be In wriling and serA ... , � •�;t�:--.- <br /> to tha partlos at the addressas desalbed In 1h1s Osed�Trust w sueh olher address as the partlos may deslg�ate In writing from tirre to Urre. My sueh _,.. <br /> noUoa so gtvan and sent�flrsf dass matl.postage prepaid,sha11 be deemed ghren the oaAter of three(3)days after such nodoe Is sem or when recelvad •� ~ '•::!�.`_"'' <br /> � by the person to whom su noUoo Is being ghran. '�'`'�`�� � . .. �' <br />`. ,,;t�,�';,." • <br /> � 33, gEYERABItiTY. Whenever pos,�ihle,eaeh provlslon of thls Oaod oi Trusl shall be Irrterp►eted so as to be effeellve and valid undor appl(cahla daie '�':,��i' '���`:•:: <br /> taw. It any pravlsion of Lhis C�1 of Trust Nolates the law cr Is urtet►foreeabte,ths rest ot the Oeed at Trust shall corrtlnue to 6e va(id and enforce�Ble. ' '�•,�- <br /> :� . � . :(:,_.__, <br /> 30.ApPL1CpOSTc WW. T`.ts deed of Trust shatl be govamcd�y ths laxa of the stata whera tfla�Sn31 Fto�rty Is loeatsd. l:a'ees�ppllcab;e taw provi6� �3t• ��1 �'�"�'—�. <br />,.��,, . __,_ <br /> o�henvtse.GrrROr omssms ta the jurl^.,dtWn+�and wn�to of any court seleeteC I;ry LAnric� its sale�iscretien.tx2t�d in that state. f:.''/ '..�,.i;�,;',+�, ' <br /> g5, NgSCELLAAYEOUS. f3rantor end Lsnder agtae that Urre Is o!tha ossenoo Glarrtor walves presentrtem,demand tor payrtiarA,noUee of d�shonor and � . � 1���` � <br /> otost o c e p l as re�lrad b/law. AII referonces to Grantor In thls Oeed ot Trust sha11 Indude allpersons sigdng 6elow. I}there is rtnre than one Grarrtot, �`°"� - <br /> t�helr ObG B a UOns sh a 1 16o�'n:nt and ssveral. ThIs Deed o!Trust represents the cortplete 1nte�ate d understan d�ng h e N ueen Orentor an d L en d er pe A a ln ing to " . r"-�.; <br /> thetemtsandoondtlonshereof. . . _ — <br /> 98. NO THIRD PAHTY RiCiHTB. No person Is or shall be a thlyd parry benefletary of enyprovlsion of thls Ooed of Trust. All provlslons of this Oeed of <br /> � Trust In favor o}Londer are irttended sotely for tha banofit o}Lomder,and no thlyd party shalf Ye erNUed to assume or oxppe11ha1 Lnndor will nat v�ahre or � . <br /> � oonsem to the rrood�BraUon af any provlslon of tfis Deed of Trust,in tenders sole c8scroUon. : f`-� <br /> 97. PAESERVATtON OF UABtL1TY AND PRIOAIIV. Wdhout aHecting the Oablliry of Borto�ver,Grarttor,or any g�arantor o1 the Oblipattons,or any other � . . <br /> person(exeept a pt�raon o�qxossty released In writlnp for�he payrtem andpartomenee ot ths Obllgailons.and vrithout affecting the r7�ts of Lender with <br /> respoct to any Properry not expressly refaasod in�ng,and wAhout It�alring In eny way 1hB prforit}r ot thls Dead of Trust ovor the interest of any person f <br /> " e�u lred or 8rst evldenoed by record"ing subssquem to tf�a racormng of thls Deed ol Tnis1,Lender may,eaher hetore or after the rtnturity ot the Obligations. F . � <br /> and without notice or oonserrt:re�ease any person Oahie tor paymem or peAormanoc,of all or arry part o1 the Obtigations:make any egre emeM atte�ng the � __ <br /> tems ol paymert1 arpertomian�of all or arry part ot the Obtl�tions;oxorcise or rotraln ham ezerdsing or wahre any ripM or rerredy that Lender may have _ _ <br /> under tho Deed of Trust:accopt addtional socunry ot any Wnd for any ot the Obt?gatinns;or retease or othervvise deal with any real or personal preperly � <br /> � sewring tho Obfigations My person aap�tring or recormng e+ndoncs ofarry imerest of eny r►ature in me�roperty snaii be asenr�d,vy acyuiung a�a� r ;-- _ --= --- - � <br /> irrtercrsl or recordng any ovldonco thoreot,to hava consented ta all or any such aqions by Lendet. f <br /> � vepedd6 I , �+�'_ <br /> I NEOOTD ae�.u9s -- —� . . <br /> I , �' , <br /> 1 . . , - '-.--``, . <br /> ----- - - '•-._.��=�—�a:�na. —r--.— � <br /> ---_....,�..___._ - ' . � . . .. <br /> - , � - ' .. . . .�`• , t� '� - � • �'- .. ' <br /> . . . __. .. . � .... • .� .�. . . � .. .._�� ... ... . .. ° .. � _ . . �. . ..� . ' - - . . . .. �' � . .. . • ' .. .. • . <br />