.. . . . . . . . . �y� . . .c . •�:.
<br /> . . . . . . . �a . . -- . . � . . ..��. .° ` .,. . • " " ' " . . q�,�,
<br /> . s�._ - _�..�_.___._r�__ .� _� . , ', ,. � .. . . ' . . . . ._.�ti., F, - - --'
<br /> � + ?2 SECURITY INTEAEST UNDER THE UNIfORtA CO��RClQL CODE. This Dead ot Tn�s1 ahall,�corisldSted d ba eft�e as a finandng , '� ' �� ' �
<br /> staterrerrt�d a fixtura filing purauant to the provislons ot the Unifarm CortmeMal Codo(as-sdop�ed(n the state�vhere ihe rea+proparry is loeatad) � • ��
<br /> __ S covaring chattels,and arttdes of persortal pmpeny now owned or hereaft9r attached te ar to 6a usad in aonnect:on with the Rraporty togsihar vrith " � '
<br /> . � any and repfaoorte3nts theroat and addtions thsreto(ffie'Chattels�.and C�rantar hsreby grants Lendar a securityt irrtarast In such Chattcls. Tha ctbiar�s --` ------- a''�
<br /> rt
<br /> ttte Gra�itor desaibed abave This Oeed of Trust wGl be eftecilvs as e finandng sKatartnm fiied�s a flxiuro filing with respect to al iExtures indu�d withU � ,`.� -
<br /> sa:d pr*mises end Is to be fi!ed far reoord tn the real estate records of each caurYy where ar:y pari of sad premtsas(inauding fald fixtures)is siluated. This � �
<br /> Qeed ot Tru�t shall atso tre effattive as a ftnartang sta'.emsm oovEtrfng any othsc premises and may bs Fled in any othar approprfate @fusg or reoenfing � . _ . ;�3
<br /> �� otfioe. A rarbon,photo�aph(c or other reproduction of this Doad of Trust or of any financ(ng staterr�ert relatirzg to this Oeed oi Trust sfia�be suffidem as a � � . . � ,_
<br /> fu�anr�tg statemerA tar arry ot ihv purposes reterred to in thts Paragraph Tits seauad party Is ths Londar�sall�d above. Upon d�rrgrtd,f3rantor shali � �
<br /> rnafce.ezeaite arid d�frvE�such sew►ity a,ryeerverrts(as such term is dsfinsd tn sald tlniform Conmerdal Code)as Len3er at any tirtie may deem . . . �k�_'
<br /> , � necessary or prcpsr or requU6d to grartt to Lertdar a porfacted sewriry imsrest in the CAattets.and upon Qramors failuro to do so.Lendor is authorized tc , ;
<br /> s;gn any suchagre�merrt es tha agem of Grantar. Granior harelsy authorfzes Lendzr to fi!e finandng statemerits(as sudi tertn is deflned in said U�itartn ,
<br /> ; � Convrerchal Codo)vrith respeG to iha Cliattets.at any tirtr�,without tP�e signaturo ot Cirantor. Gramor wi0,however,at any tlma upon re�est of Lender. "•:�
<br /> r
<br /> stgn suc�finandng statemerrts. Grantor will pay al filing t�for the fiCng of sudi finandng sta4am3ms and tcr the refiling thereof at t�re dmes required,in -
<br />- �.1t Ihe opin[on of I.,e�idar.Dy sad ilrtNarr+'+CotNtxrreFaf Co�o. It ttp!'sn of!h!s Osed of Trust lts sub,�d to any seartity�a eemam oovering ths Chaite�s.then .- . -- - _--- ° -_
<br /> ! in the evertl of any defautt unsktr thls Dead of Tnlst,ail the�ight,tiUe and irrtarest ot tirantor in and to any and all of tha Chasteis is hereby assi�ed to � . +-
<br /> ` � lertder.together wrih th9 benefR ot any daposits or paymaMS ncw or hereafter made thereof by Grarrter ar thc3 predecessora or suaessora in Mie of , • ''�
<br /> { C3rantor in t�e PropeAy. ' - . :,�
<br /> . 23� RE1318URSHNENT QF A81dUHTS EXPH�IDED BY L.�iDER. Lander.an Ler�s aption.may e�end funds(indudng attomeys'tees arid legal . . .
<br /> �� � expensrs)to psrtosm any act recp�(red to he taken by QraMor or to exeroise any rfght o►rem9dy fi Lender undar this Oead of Trust UFan derrend.Grantor , u
<br /> j shall irm�e6atety reirrburse Lsndet for ali such ameurtts expend�!by Lender to�7her uith(nte:z�1 thareon at the lower of ihe h[�est rale dssa(ts2d tn arry . . �
<br /> db6gabon ar the highest r�e allowed by law from the date ot paymeni urrtil the date of re(mbursarrerrt. These sur�sfra0 ba induded in the daftnition of . . .'�;` ..
<br /> ra
<br /> � Obi;gabons herstn and sha11 bs seeured by ine benafldal(nterast granted herefn. If ihe OMi�ions are patd after tAe be�nning of p�tic�lon at rtotice of , . ^���
<br /> sale,as heretn provtded,or in ihe everA Lender sha0.at fts sole option.pemit C;rantor to pay any part of tfie OEli�aitons after tha 6eginning of�licattan of . ' -_-. , -- ,.�
<br /> �R rtmloe of sele.as he�e!n provlded.then.tiranta aha11 pay on dertand aSl axpenses ineurred by tte�Trustee and Lenda►in eonnedion wilh sald Fu6(.`calion. + � -
<br /> � indud+ng reasonahte at[omeys tees to the attomeys far the Trustee and tor the Lender,and a reasanahie fee to the Trustee,and ihi�Oeed of Trust shati bo , . : ��
<br />' security tar sU such expenses and feas. ' . ....�-:
<br /> ` ?A.APPiJCA7I0N 0�PAY�fS.Ti�e Trustee shall aoatv the prooeeds of the trustea's sale,first,to tha costs and expenses of exerdsingthe pawer of � �'��
<br /> �� sala artd ot ihe sale,indud+ng the payrterR of the Trustee's fieas��uaIIy inwrted nat to exoeed the amourtt wfileh may ba provldad tor in the Deed of Trust, �,�=�•-s
<br /> '• seoond to paymerri oi ihe odigaUon senued by ihe Deed of Tnist,thTrd to ihe payrt�rn of putior deeds of hust.morigages ar olhsr lianholders.and ihe . , ' _
<br /> ,;'r..;�-:� -r�ii�:=:-
<br /> .. ; 6atar�ea.if arry.to itte person or persons tegatly erttitled iheteto. �. � s..i . "µ�,�..
<br /> ,; . '-•�r�` -,a�
<br /> �<.�:�i;a,
<br /> ?,S POYYEH dF AITOtifl1EY. Giamor horaby�UKS Lender as its�tomeyin-taG ta endarse GrantoYs narre an alt tnsmmertts ar,d oiher doeumerrts � ' %� • �-'�-!
<br /> � --T�.==
<br /> � pertaining to the Oblf�atians a Deed of Trust. n ad�tion.Lender shaall 6e erniifed,but rtot reculred to petfartn any acUon or exeaIIe any doeumerrt _ _ ,.�..i, �,�,;
<br /> sh
<br /> r�uired to be taksn or exearted by Crsrttor undar ihts Oeed of Trus1. Lenda�spe rfomr�n¢ef such acLOn or exeanion of such documems shall nat , »�
<br /> m n
<br /> relteva C3rantor from any 06Ggaiion or aue arry defautt undor this Deed of Trust All pwers af 2�mey desaibed in this Deed oi Trust are ooupled wilh an ' r a ; .
<br /> irt[erest and are Urevarabie. •
<br /> r . _'--
<br /> 28. SU�ROGA?18H OF L@IDEA. Lender shaU be subragated to the�4�ns of ihe hoider of any previous �ten, securiry irrterest or eneintirance • � � ��`���✓
<br /> dscharged with fimds advenoed by Lende�regaca7ess of whether these Cens,s�.�ity imerests or o]het enatrtibrances have been reteased af�. . . " ° 's:`�:—:
<br /> � 27, COLLECitODI COSYS. To ffie extempemitted by L�+r.Grantor agees topay Landers rsasanahie fees arid oosts,fndudnQ,b+»rtol limlted to,fees . : � ,;�. ' _ �'"'��
<br /> and eosts of aitomeys end other a�rrts((ndu�Fng wrth¢u�Grrttation parategals,derks and consuttants),whether ar nal suc3�aaomey ar a�em ts en .� . { `.ti�°•
<br /> ertptoyee of Lender,whi�are ineutred by I�nder in wCe��any amourrt due or er►forcing any riaM or remedy under this Qeed af Tnut,Lvh�er or not � r .��`:. .�
<br /> sufl is hra instu�n bu!not limited to,a(I fees and costs marred an al,tn 6an1w and�ar post-judgrnern colleetfon aGians. _� �s���t'% ,
<br /> � 8. ePPa P«Y. • {,!�;jpl
<br /> ..�i:•i�k:'X;��t.��- - -�
<br /> � ?8. PARitAI RELEA3E. Lsnd�r rtay e�iLs hrterast in apo Non ot the Property by execWng and recording one or�re Fa.`� ��ds of ,,,�,.�,, .
<br /> Reoorrveyanee without affecUng its irtterest in�-e:a+saining�cc�tlon of the Property. IVothtrrg h.c-�n shall be deemed to obli�e Lndar ro���.y of its , •. .' .',��=:,.��
<br /> irrtarest fi iha Prcperty(except as required ur�r P2rag°�'53 or as may be otherwise requ�d fay law).nor shaii Lender�e ai-e�.=d to r',�asa any paA ;w�.?�s•,
<br /> of ihe PropeAy if Grarrtor fs in deta�dt wder this Deed of T�3t. The lien andsecurtIy intet�st�aded by ihe Deed of Trust rernafre in eP.e�2�n'i e.espeq to ' , . ,��;;-;rr. :
<br /> . thai portlon ofthe property,as deflrted in trte Deed ot Tnist,3�st is not the sub;eq ot ihis or artg€�atUal Deed ot Reeenveyance � •.`;�`•�)Y.,,
<br /> 2B. IIODIFlCA7i0N AHD WAiVEH. ThB rrndftr�lon or waiver of arry of Gafltrtors 061igalions or LendeYs�under thls Ceed of T�t must be �;� �
<br /> �� contatnad in a wriling si�ed by Lender. Lender may perform any of Borronrar'c rn(irantoYs Ob11ga01ons,dslasi or to exerctse arry of Qa rt�ts w axept - �' •
<br /> � paymeMS irom Gtar;tor or ather than Qrantor witlwut causing a waf�er et those 06�galions ar�ts A v,raiver on one oaasion aAali nat oonstidne . � �•' -
<br /> wut
<br /> . a walver on arry ather o�(3tantor's Obi ons under this Oeed of Trust shall nal�aHaeted iil.ender ert8nds, exr�►an�ea.tatls to •; ; . u L '-•�
<br /> �se,Irtpalrs ar release9 arry of the 0611 ans belongfng to arry Qrantor,Borrawer or thirdpar1y a any ot fta�t�ts nst arry(�rantar.8crrowrer or _�_� `. :�.
<br /> : third p a ri y a e r ry of the Pra p e n y. Lender's faihue ta tnsist u p an striet p ertomenoe of an y of the ObI'gaUans shaD no2be deemed a waiver and Lender shall -- —
<br /> hava ihe�i�t at eny Urre thereafterto Insist upan stdq pertormanee. •r� �+;
<br /> -, F t' �'`�..� _�
<br /> 90 SU89TITl1TE TRUSTEE;TRUST¢�LABILRY;CGMPENSAl10H. In case of tha de�h.inat�f'ny,refusal to act ar absence of:he T►ustee tromthe ` '=";�,r� '•�
<br /> • state where��eal properry Is lorated ar ir�a�ha holder of�he Obli�11ons shail deslre tor alry reason to remove the Trustee or arry substfMe trustee as ��,,tr'��
<br /> trustee heteunder and to appoirtl a new tu.�a in his piaoo and stead,ihe hdder of ihe 0511gazinns is here6y�amed fuU powe►to appoirn in xrrftl a :•tYti�'��'�' "`
<br /> .��•.�LAt+, �c��,
<br /> su�tiwte trusi9e for satd Trustee.and 1he�s bustee shail.when�ed.becarrre suooessor to a(I d�tts of Trustee horeur►derand tAe samo I - �.t� .., _,.y��,�_
<br /> becarr�vested(n him fonha p�uposes end ebJecta o}thls OEed of Trust w aD ifiupower,duLes and obBgalions hare�carAerred on the Trustee. Tnutee •ti,�-�r,r�-.,
<br /> sf�a0 nat be ftabie for arry c�rmr ot��r�e rn a aG done by Trustee,or bc►othen,vise rerp��.�.e a axauntabto undcr eny dratr�stanees rrhatsoever. --="---.-f-��- ^�.,�..
<br /> T►ustea sha11 rwi be persardG�Gah�e' fn ease of er�try by it or arryone actlng by vlrme of ttt��rx3rs herein warTted rt upon the Oeetl ot Trust tcr de6is , .
<br /> oontracted�Uahiliry w a lnc�ured In ihertanagemam a operatlan ct sald prerr�a 7rustee shall have ihe dl�st to on arry irr��mem, • � � �.::=. '
<br /> darn� �,,:,.
<br /> dooumerrt�rr cx,�taUae aW�orizing or sppoNnp any action takan orpropossd ta be tal�n L�it hewundor a bellaved bylt in�taiQi to lz;�nuine. �� •:�� .� � -
<br /> Trustee sMP;be ertUUed to reirrburserrerti tor e�en ses Inwrted by fl ln the�f�rr�ance of its dutles hereunder and to reasonabTe cartpensa�sur,ii:r sud� �r��._=_.
<br /> of tts servkes hereunder�ss shali be randered. tiraritor wUl,from Ums to t1r.ra,qy oortpen:�on due Trusteo horeunder and retrttiurae Tn:�e'ar and .� --
<br /> savo and hold it hamiess tramand eigalnst arry and all loss,cost,Itabilityr,dert8ge and e�ensewhatsoever Incurred by if in ihe perfomance of�s cutles. ��."�'�
<br /> � AO moneys reoatved by Trustee aha0,unUl used a appiled as hareinprov�ded,he held tn trust for tho piuposes for which they were reeehred,@ut r¢ed not �a,' . - �"'
<br /> 6o cegegrted inarry manner irom r�ny other rroneys(except to the exter»required by law)artd Trustee sh�ll he under no lla6ility lor iir,�on eny .,=t3`; :r a==�=• �.,�
<br /> rroneys receNed by B hereunder. �"�'�{�,:t,,. , . ,
<br /> ��' �f,�,r,,�. . .
<br /> 31, Et1CCESSOBB�DID ASSiGH9. 71tis�ed ot Trust ahail be bin�ing upon and inure to the benefrt c1 Gramor and Lender and thelr respective ���i;v'.4r� ; . . ��
<br /> SuOeesso►8.esslg�s.truste99.tecelvere.a�nlnistratota.personal represerrtatives.legat�9s and dsviseea. , .. ... _
<br /> : ':';�"r':,. �
<br /> � 3Z N0110ES. Exeept as mherwise required by law.erry naUoe or other eommunieation to be provided undar this Deed oi Trust shafl be In w�ting and sem � -�.--_-�-•�L>�•'
<br /> to ihe p�Ues at the�dresse3 descfibod in ihis Doed oi Trust or such olher admress as the parties ma desi�ate in wtitlng(rom time to Uma My sueh �: r•.i
<br /> notice so g,'ven and sertl H►st class tr�7,postage prepald,shall 6e deeme�d g�hren the earller ot tMee r3)days after sucA nolloe Is sem or when retelved �,.�'a�:w> >��:�. -
<br /> " !sy the pees�to whom su�noUea Is beirg gtuon. :`�i,a,,,.�,��:{-'
<br /> � :'�..�r.: :.'v;�-�:� -
<br /> S3� SEVESiAB1L1TY. Wheer.ever poss(ble,eaeh provision o}this Deed of Trust shall be irtteryreted so as to 6e effecthra ar,d vaid under sppOrahle state . . .-=�-��. � .
<br /> Iavr. it eny prov(sion ai���G3ed ot Trust vlofates tha law or is unoTrtorcoahlo,the rest ot tha Daad o1 Trust shall wrrtlnus tv be va9d and enforceabte. ••
<br /> 39.APPLIC/l�LE IAW. �.is Oeed ol Ttist sha11 be govemed by the taws af the state where U:e reai properiy is located. Unlsss appiiwbte law provfdes •� . � --..
<br /> otfiervvfse.Qrarttor conseats to the�uds�4a�can and venue of any oourt sele�3J by Lendrir,in tts soto d�scotian,la�tted in thaf state. �• .��„._ --
<br /> 36. A�SCELLANECU9.C3rdntor and Lertder a�ee ihat Uma is at the esse�:ae. Grarttar wahres presermr�errt,demand for paymem,naUoa of dshonnr and •
<br /> �. protest ex�t as requlred by law. Ali references to Grantor In thls Deed of Trus1 shal inciude a11 persons sig�ing beiow. It ihere is mnre than one Orantor, �� : . � �,�_
<br /> fihelr Obtlga it ons shail be foirA and severet. This Oeed of Trt:si reproserts Use cemplete Irrte�ated�nderstan�ing belween Grantor and lsnder pertaiNng to
<br /> tho tem�s end condUons hereol. • � ' -
<br /> �,'.�..
<br /> 36. HO 1HIflD PARTY FiiGkTS. No person Is or sh�l ba a lhird pariy banoflciary of any aovision o1 thls Deod of Trusl. Ail provislons oT thls Deed ot � .
<br /> Trust in favor o!Lender ore imended solety tot the benefit of Lender,end no thUdperty shal(ba entiUed to assurtta or e�eci ihat Leeidar r�i(I no1 v�ahro or •' � =
<br /> consem to the ma�iflqtion of arry pravislon oi this Oeed o}Trust,in LendePs so!e�scretlon. .
<br /> �. , . `',`
<br /> 37. PRESERVA?iON OF Wt81U1Y AND PRIQAITY. Wnhout aHeettng the IiabiTrty of Borrower,Grantor,or eny guatantor of the Obiipattons,orarry other ' •
<br /> persan(except a person e�ressty released in writin�)for ths payt�rrt andperfom�arsce ot the Olilig3lions.and witnout atteWng the rl�ts of Lend9r v�ith " '
<br /> mspecl to any Property not o�ressiy ro�eased in�mtin ,and wittwut ir�nalring in an way the prioriry of this Deed ot Trust ovor tho trrterost o1 any porson . � • �.
<br /> r na r 1r
<br /> aoquIred or Brat evidenoed by reoordng su�se�em to o recor6ng o1 lh7s Deed of Trusl,isnd3r may,either before or after the maturity of the Ob1lgaLOns.
<br /> and without noUco or eonsent:refease any person I�ahfo forpaymem or pertomence of a1i or any part ot the Obligatlons:make any a esment attor(ng iho � � .
<br /> tortrs of payrt�m arpeAormance of a0 or any part o}tha Offiigations;exerdse ar refran hom exerdsing or�vaive arry dktn ar renedy�Lender rrey have � -
<br />' �i undar tho Oesd of Tnist;acoept a�onal senrmy of mry Idrtd for anyr of rt�B OhFgations:or retease m mherv+nse dea3 wrtn arry reaf cr porsanatp�rry - � -- -.---�
<br /> seduing tno ObUg�ons. Arry pQrson aequldng or rewrdrt�euidentx�of any irttarest of any nature in the Property shall be deemed.by acqui nrt g sue(� �•
<br /> , irrtarost or recording 2ny ev(dence thoreoi,to havo consorrtc�d to ail or any sueh aetlons a�Lender. •
<br /> NEOOTD Rw.fl9s vr�dul6 ` . - �
<br /> � ���'r�'a-z . -. . .. . _
<br /> �-.:
<br /> -- . _ . , . .. . . � . . . , ;
<br /> . . � . . � . . � . :�: . .. ��� � . . . _ �:;:. . . .� . . , . . . . ._ . . . �,.
<br />