. . .-.
<br /> , - - � " ' ..� .. _ . - � . ' _4 . ' ... . �
<br /> . � ` - ' .. . . . .. ' . � . � . • ` • � - . . . . , _.�__.�a___�' . � __
<br /> I .. 97"�,����� � • - ---- . =:
<br /> �"
<br /> �t= pil ap�l;eab.+e Iaws and resgu!a+fons.indut5ng.withaut lirtitation.the Americans viith Disabil'rtias.�ct.42 rrtua o�y tc�rel.stato or rtun:apal �' • ' _-.
<br /> -;� r -``.- --. ,.�,
<br /> re�lafiona prortu;g�ed thsreundar)and afl zaning ar.d lwldng laws arid regiitatlons retating ro tha Properly by � j -
<br /> autliorlty wi�.h juris�cL'on over the Propsriy.pruae�stt}�ata and stu!!bs ebservod and ecrr�Lad wqh v�al malerfa!respoUs.and all rfgMs.ccenss3s. . ,_, f.: �•,+�'.
<br /> � mits,ar�d cefifreates of oaupanr�l(mdu�8��m��to zonirtg variances.sped�i excepUons fcr nonconteming usea,and linal inspeenon
<br /> Rg � ot the Prop3rry.presemty ara end shall be obtainod � �--,_._-----` ----,,_
<br /> { appmvals).whether tertporerll er pemnnerA.wh,ch are rtete�tai to thfl use and oscupar+cY j , '
<br /> 1 pr��rved and,wt�era neeossaty.renswad: s under thfs�eed o!Trust and these aetlons do not and shal not j . `lql'
<br /> � (d) t3ramor has the ri�ri and is duJy authariaed to eznatte and perfomi its C)bligation . ;.
<br /> L
<br /> �f canfliq+vith the provisions ot any staMe.reg�a@on.ardnanee.tule of law.contraG or other agreement which may ba b�dsc8 on Q�"..nta st eny Um9: . . • +f
<br /> . ,1 �el �o aGian or proceedng is or shall be pendng or threatened which might rtateriaty afted the Property:arod
<br /> C3rantor has not vintated end shall not vfaiate any staMe.reguration.ordnsnoe.ru:a ot fativ.contraet or��In�eP►ent(ind�n�g�to t is Deediot � . . . .� �,
<br /> (�1 •
<br /> ihose gaveming Hazardous tdtaterials)wNdi midn rt�aterlaity aifect the Property or Lende�s d�ts or inte Pe
<br /> ' Trust. . • .
<br /> 9, pAlOA 0&F�S OF TRUST. Grantor repre°..ems and wartants that ihere are no prtor d..�of trust attectin9 erry part of iho Prop�ty exoept es set fonh - - ---, _ -- --_
<br /> on Sehed�a B arisehed to ihls Oeed of Trust.whld�GrantaT a�eas ta pay and pertorm in a timety mannec If ihere ara arry prior daeds of m�s�i�en ._ , . . �'
<br /> d�
<br /> i tiran[or agreas to Pay ail amourrts o�ved.and pertorm a11 o b ligati�ns r e q u i r e d,under such dzeds of trust and the indebte�ess secured thereby and turther . . , � ��
<br /> � agraes ihffi a defautt under any p r l or d a s d o f tr u s t s h a U ba a defauR undar this Dasd of Trust and sha0 entille Lender to ail rights and remed�es cantainad ' .._
<br /> herein ar in lhe Obl'gations to wh�ch Lender would be errtitled In the e+reru of arry other deFaLtl.
<br /> ' f 0. TRqHgfEpS OF 7HE PROPERTY OR B�I�ICfAL Ii+3TERESTS IN GRflNTQAS OA BOiiR9WEFiS. In ihe evertt af a sels.comreyance.lease.
<br /> camrut tor deed or transter to anY Person af ail or any part of the wai praS�ertY desait�eed in Sdiafi,le 0.or any Urterest therefn.or of all or arry beneEdai • .. , . '_
<br /> tnterest in Botro�+ret or Gramor(�f Borrawer or G r ar rt or is n m a n ffi u r a lperson or p ersons hut 1s a corporation,fimted I'iab+liry c�rpanY.P�Q�A w�°� � . . -
<br /> .:? oiher tega!emity).Lender rtey.st'rs optton dedare the oinstan�in9 Prfnd�al baiac�ce of the Ohligattans plus asauad imewst thereon imned��ely�e an d • _ ,.. ---
<br /> PaYabIQ. At Lendels request.Czrarrtor or Borrawer.as the case may be.sh3ll famisfi a complete siaterterrt setting forth a0 of iGS stoddtalders.mert�ers.ar . .Y;�a.:~-.°-.. rv
<br /> .;� partners.as appropri�"te.and i�a exterrt af their respsetive ownersh(p Urteresis. . .
<br /> �`..'*..� . -�
<br /> � 5� ASSIGNTd@R OF RENTS. In oonsider�on ot the ObiigaUons.wh(ch sre secured by this Dead of T►ust.Granta absalutety 2ssigns to Lender aU �-
<br /> t3rantors estaze.rtgM,titte.interesl.daim and dem2nd navi avmed ar hereafter soquUed a�li�d�iease9 anda�emerrtswhelt►erw�rPptteen���rnJ�are ���`_—
<br /> e�¢ensions,renewals and subteases).ail agreemerrts for use and aocupancy oi the Prnperty 1 B� f'�"�si=r:•�;-
<br /> hereafter raferted to as ihe'leases�.and aft�uararrtles of lessees'pertartrence under the Leases.togetfier wiTh tha Imr�ate and eorttfivs'S r�gM to , °r�,,.•.-• ,.:--_,
<br /> cottect and receive sil af 9ie r�s.mwrte.racetpta revenues.issuss.Pmfiu and ather inoame of any nature naw ot herr�ter�Ce(mdudmg azry income of . .. ,.';`.�`.",_
<br /> ��s
<br /> arry n�ue oorting�e during any rederription pertod)under C�g Leases or from ar arising out of the Property tndue�ing rtinim..�rerrts.add�tional rents. �.�,�.
<br /> . pereertage rants.Patldng or wmron area rtemtemance�r.`:?anions.tax and insuranoe comn'hiniona denden�y rents.li4uidated damages faliawing . , • �,..�,�r�*�
<br /> shuetion or .
<br /> defauR fi arry Leass.dl proaesds payabte�sder arry poGay ot tnsurance oavertng loss of cerrts wsrdtlng trom w�tenantabifitf'cwsed b7l de .�,..� �
<br /> darmge to ihe Properry.atl proceeds pay��as a resutt of a tessee's e�csrdse of an opUon to purd�asa the Property.a!1 Prooeeds der(ved from U�e `:._`::;�--'.ti'°°�,.z �+�,.= i
<br /> teminsi(on cr rejeWon ot any Lease tn a barc'¢c.�ptcy ur osher insoNency proceedng,and a!Ipraceeds trom eny d�ts and dafrts oS arry Idnd whlch Grarttor , ; . •�.��:�
<br /> . rtey have a�:nst any(essse under the Leases or anyr acaparrts of ihe Proper:y{a!I af the above are hereafter wllecBvety referred to as the'Rerrts�. This ��n�[
<br /> asslgnmem is subpet to the d�t,pawer and au�ho►iry�ven to the lender to wlleci and ap�iy tha Rents. This assl�mem Is reoorded in at,�oMance with
<br /> ,�: applim6le sta[a!a►v:the Gen created by ifils assi�rrertt is(rrtended to ba specifie.perfected,and choate upon ihe recor�ng ot this Deed oi Trust,ait as •, ,, ��-T:'
<br /> per
<br /> � pmulded Hy a�lleable state law as amended hom ture to Ume. As lang as ihere(s no defauit under ihe Obtigatlons or thls Deed of Tnu1,Lender g�ts �+:� •}i :.� .
<br /> Cirantor a reircrabte Iicense to eofiect a!I Rerrts from the Leases when due and to use such prooeeds in Ci►a►rio�s trusiness operaUons. However,Lertder
<br /> ' may at any Ur�e require Gramor to depnsft a11 Rerrts irrto an aaourrt mafrrtained by tirantor or Lender ffi Lendefs InstiMlon. Upon deiwit in ihe payment � ^ : �
<br /> '• oi.or in the perfortrence of,erry of the ObGgations.Lender may at tts opiion talae possession of ihe PrepertY and have,ho►d,rt�nage.lease and ayerate the . .. '
<br /> properry an tertr►s and for a pertad of tlrte ttrat Lander de6ms proAer. Lender may�ed to colleet and[ece(ve afl Rertts(rom ttte property.�.d!-ender �::. . � �
<br /> � shafl have fuil power to rtel�o�-..^�attons,rer�aUons.repatrs or repaoemerrts to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may appty a`l Rems in '�`" ! --
<br /> "•.. �:,f•- Y.�
<br />- Lenders sota asereUon to�f�nt af the�BaL'or�s or to the payrrerrt of the eosl of such atterations,renovatlons,repafrs and replaeerterrts and any
<br /> ., expenses inddertt to taldng a:�catafnng pas:assion of the ProPBnY Periomeafly and ihe managoment and oper�inn of the Propem- Lender may(�ep ihe :.:.y��'��<.:� -,,, .- .
<br /> ���' ProPanY ProPa�Y insured arr�r�y disdu.-��y taues•charges.dairts.assessmaMS and other Ilens whfch may aoerue. The eu�nse and wsl of these .:,;;�:;° {
<br /> aettans may trepafd irom the Rerrts reurv�-d,en�ar►Y unpald amourtts shafl6e added to the prirtdpal of the Cb�gations. These arrflurrts,together wltt� _�;.L;..
<br /> . '� ofier co55.�:�;I beeoms part o9 the Otr:�llana sewred by this Deed of Trust. ���:.�7�+::;;` :.'� �--
<br /> � . :�,.'
<br /> 8. LFASES 0.'4D CRMEA lLG,�EEMEliTG. Grarttor shall not ta}�or fail to taf�any aWon which may eause or permit ths tertNnaUon or the whhhaidng of '"�t ' --
<br /> r t a l n i n t o t fi e P r o . In ad�tia n,(3ranta.w(thout Lenders prtor wrltten .���::. �
<br /> �Y PaY�rrt tn cotmeetlon wf4►arry Laase or ather a�eert�esri('Fl�eeme►�17 Pe 8 PQrtY mer�t:(c)assi or aL'aw a �
<br /> eonsem.sha11�sot:(a)aotlee[arry rrontes paya6le imder arry Qgreamerrt rtrore fian one mortih in advanee:(b)modiY anY A�gee � : � i.�';.1`-
<br /> . pen,sewrity,nterest or other encumbrance to be placed upon ararrtors rights,tiUe and irrterest in and to arry A�aerrem or the annwts payahie ,.,i _ ,
<br /> thereundar,or(di terrrinate or eanoel arry A9reemeM exeeDt for ihe nonpaymem of�y sum or other matorfel hreach by the other party lhereto. It Geantor - � ,s,.�_:
<br /> recelves al arry t1rrB any written camnmi�ation asserting a dafavit by Orantor under an A�eemerrt or purpoNng to tertrinate or eancel arry�sn1. ;� �-.�,•._
<br /> (irantw sha11promptly brward a eapy of sush comrunieation(and arry suhsequerd comnunicatlons retating thereto)to Lender. Ail such A�a�rav:s:s and , .'=�,-= —
<br /> n.,,�.,,ti.. w,.;:. ���
<br /> iho amourtta due to t3rantor tAoreunder a�e AereLy essl�od to Lender as adddonal securiry for ihe Obifgaticns. —
<br /> , �� �i�� �~�- 4s-��•.
<br /> 7. COLLECTtON OF INDEBTE�NESS FRCiI THIRD PAR1Y. Lender shall 6e entitled to notity or require Cirantor to noC arry LhUd party(Indu�ng,but ' '
<br /> nat Ilrtited to.{essees.Ifeensees.govertuneniel m�lhorities and inatuance aor�n ias)to pay Lender any tnde6te�ess w�.i�n awing to(irertta xriM " .�,� ' '..�>.,:': ;:
<br /> � "f respecl to the Properly(amulathreN 9nde�ess7 wheitsr or not a defauli exlsts under ffiis Oeed of Tnu1. Qranter shall d�7igerNy cdlee�the -
<br /> ir.�
<br /> Indebte��cw(ng to Qrarrtor finm these"�`�hd parties urM tha glving oi such noUflmttan. in ihe uvetrt thal Gr'scr PussossES et receives posseaslon ot _ _,_
<br /> E n y 1nsU�3 or other rertittarkes wfih r��et to the Indebtedness foqawing the giving af weh nou'fleation cr i�Use instn�r.nnts or othor rerridanaes . �
<br /> � �ons9tute�:e Frepaymeru of arry Indebtettr�ess orthe�a�merrt of arry insuranoe cr wndermailon p r o c e e d s.(3ra-ttor s h a l l hc i d�a h Ir s w r n e n t s a n d a t h a� .; � .;;c::.. .... :.,..=-y
<br /> ' rem(ttanoes in trust tar LcnQn apart hom fts other ProPertY•endorse the instrurterrts and other remittanees to Lender.and inan-�'i�ly provlde Lender wfth ,:;y�_.�,',.__
<br /> ',:i possesslon oi tRa Instr�and other rerii'itanoes. Landor shafl be erRhled,but not requlred to colieet(by tegal praoeedrt�a-othorwirs).extend ihe -�,'rf'—�`-_
<br /> � Urr�for payrt�rA.oortqx'.�dsa.oxchanga or reiease any obA�r or w(tateral,er otherwlse setCa am/ot 1he Indo6te�ess whether:r not an evem of defaufl -��=��' '�
<br /> •� exlsta unde�!�is Ageemer.t. Lendar hhail not be Ilabte to(irantor tor any aC o.,,grror,mistsfce.artisslon ar delay ttaWng to the a�tlona desa(bod in ihls .. r,s �,;.
<br /> -ha
<br /> parageph er arry darrk�ges resuiiing thereUom Notwithstamm�g �a �regoing, nmhing hereln s�cause Lender to be deamed a � � •• •�`�:
<br /> moAgagetrr��ossessian. . :•,•,�r =�,,� i,:_
<br /> : , ` Y
<br /> '� e. USE AND AAAIKTFNL�,^�JCE OF PROPERTY. �rantor sh��tace all ae�ons and rtrak9 any ro ra needed to malrttain the Properiy in good con�fiUon. � '� '�' --.
<br /> � Gtarrtor shail not comr�t�r aemit any wasto to be corm�:d w8h resyeG to the Property. �turta shall use tho Proper.y sotety In campllance wlth :: .', Y:,,',,..<.. �-
<br /> ' a p p l icable taw end ins�.�polieles. Qrarrtor shall not rteka an y etteraLOns,addclans or i m p r wemertts to the Property w:?h-.,r�lendefs prlor written •';;���„�,�,,;..�
<br /> ' consem. �Ja:':aut 1lmiting thae!o ing.aIl atteratlons.ad�frllons an d Irtpr�vem3rtts rt e d e to i he Prope r ry s h a 1 1 6 e s u b j e c l t o t h e b e�e fl d a l i r rt e r e a t b e l o r�n g — . .,.�:':;„�y�yi 4- .`,___
<br /> � �':t�:.;r, ,.. .
<br /> .i to 4ende�.��r1 nat be removed ut Lien�er's pior written eonsem,attd shel!bo made at dratRors sole e�.r�.,�. ,� 9�.;; ,..,._.. ;.�;'...
<br /> :.: !�1;,,•:;.,
<br /> 8. �pgg��1 gypAItAGE.Gsania shall boar iha amire dsk ot any loss.the9,tb^sWeUon or dartrego(currul�w.�ly'Lnss or Damage�to tha Pro�c.ry or any . . . _
<br /> . p�p��}��(rom any qus:>whatsoever. In the e�ertt of arry Loss or Oam�.Grantor shall,at the opUon ot Lsnder,ropalr the atfected F:�riy to its ,;;,;,;
<br /> prev!ous canr�tlon or��or aanxe to bo pald to Lender the decrease in tfx3 tar market valua ot th�atfected PropeAy. • .
<br /> 10. INSURd1NCE Ths P;�Srty wifl be kepl insured for its tull InsuraWe valuo(replacerttent cost)against ail hazards indu�ng loss or damaga eaused by . •_ ►ru:��-
<br /> �f 4oad,ea�r�q:ake.tomado 2rd fire,theh or other casuaBy to the extent raquired by Lander. (3ramor may otstaln insurenoe on ina Property!rom such
<br /> � cenparti�s�.s are aae�t�lo to Londar in i�s sole discreUon. Tho Insuranco polizi9s shell requlre tho insurar:eo oor►panY to provtde Lender w:.��t least .
<br /> 30 days'wr.tten noUce befcre auch poiidos are ettered or cancelfed in an rrenrer. The i:surance polides shall nartn Lc::d:r as a loss
<br /> � payee an thffi r»ac1 or omission ot Grerrtor or aT/alher person sha(f aftecl the d�tl ot Lender to tra�a:d the Insutanoe praeeeds pe:�ing to ihe ,
<br /> ! loss os dartege of the Frc�e.ry• In the everrt(irdrtor tai�s�o au{ulre a malntaln insuraneo,Leader(atter prcr..+rg nottce as may be teQuired by law)may _
<br /> In hs dsuetion procure F,�prsprlate inwrence oaverage u�nn ihe Properly end the Insuranoo wst shall De an advance p�y�a and boaring Interest as • . _
<br /> ��p���pa�aph 23 az;d sxured herebyr.(�rantor sRz111umish Lender wlth wlda�eA of insuranee in�ie�r.g the re¢::sao'oaverag9. Len�r may act . .
<br /> as attameyImfael t or GrarAor in m a k ing an d se t U lnB d a t m s u n d e r i n suran�p olidos,cancelli n g an y po11 cr endorsing Grentors nart�e on any drafl or �
<br /> negoUable Instrurrer�t drawn by erry Insurer. AA such InsurancepoIldes shall bu inrr�edlatety assl�ed,pt e�d ard delivered to Lender as tuMer sacuriiy
<br /> fot lhe ObltgaUons. In the evem of loss,Granior shsll Inrnediaiety glve Lender wrltten nmlee and Lende��S authorized to rtekc�proof ot loss. Eaeh :
<br /> � Inswence aor►panY�s drected to treke paymeMa mrectly to Lender Instead of to Lender and Grantcr. Lender shall havo the rl�rt,at its sola apqon,to �. _
<br /> apply such monles taward the Obllgatlons or toward the cosl of rebuitdinp and restoring the Properry. My tvrourrts rr�y at Londer's opUon be applled in . —
<br /> . ,� the Uiverse order of tha duo dates thereof.
<br /> 11. ZONING AND PRNATE COVENANTS.Grantor shall not initlate or oonsont to any chango in the zcning pravlsions or prlvato wvanams aNecting the * `-
<br /> uce of the Properly without LenQera prlor written consertt. If Gtamofs use ot the Properry bseomes a nonconforming usa undor any zontng provislon,
<br /> Gramor shall not cause or pemit such use to be�soorttinued or ahandoned withoul the prlor viritten oonserA ot Lender. Grantor will Irtrrediate(y provlde • , _,_-
<br /> LontEer wlth written notice of arry proposed ehanges to the zoning provislons or private covonams affecllng the Property. � _
<br /> 12 C�NDEMNAi}ON. Grer�tor sAall Irmiematoty ptovfde Lendor vrith vrtitten nottco ot any actual or threatened condermatlon or erdnent domaln � � �.
<br /> prooeading pertalning to 1he PropeAy. All monlos pa e to Qrentor from such oondertnation or tafdng are hereby assigned to Lender and shall beapp1ied � � �'
<br /> __ fu�a!2!s�.?ym�rtf ot lenAe�s attomays'fees.le�xpsns9s end othsr eosts(indudinB appraisal taes)In oonneetlon with the oondartmation or eminerrt - _ ____ _ __�'•
<br /> � dortFiln proCSedngs and then.at tha opllon of Lendar,to the payrt�eM ot the Obfigatlons or the restoratlon or repair ot me Property. : ,
<br /> ��
<br /> � ��'�/ : _�� : . � �.
<br />' � P,^.Qp2d . . �'� --
<br /> � NEDOTB Rw t13i _- .-_" t_ .
<br /> ,,.s-__.__.M
<br /> . -�.� _ - - -...sY��� . - .
<br /> . �_ � _ . .. , . .. - . . . .
<br /> ' �- _ ' . 1 1 ' �. .', ' . . _ . , . _
<br /> . � . . . .
<br /> . .. .
<br /> �
<br /> -... . . ' .. . t .. .,. - . . .. � . . �- ' .; � � . .
<br />