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.. ! <br /> ,� �. <br /> � <br /> nY . <br /> t� <br /> . . . ., � , . ••�y��' „ . <br /> . , -� - . 1 - �Yt'Ffy.V.r_. <br /> .. I . . . �� .. . `..'�..:�Ff.1;. <br /> I 5 TRAN8FER OF THE PROPERTY:ASSUMPTION.If nll or any part ot the property or intorest theiem is sold,transferred or , <br /> � • � otherwiae conveyed by Trusior without Benaficiary a pnor wr�ton consent, excluding (a)lhe ereation of a lien or encumbrance <br /> uub�rd�nate to lhia Deed of Truat,(b)Iho croation of a purchnea money aecunty�nterost tor household appi�ancos.(C)a trensfer by <br /> deviae.descenl or by operaUon ot law upon tho desth of a�oint tenttnt or(d}ihe grant of any leasehold intereat oi three yeara or lesa � <br /> not cantaininp en option to purchase,euch action is n breach of this agreement,and Beneficmry Boneficiary's option,declare - <br /> nll the auma aecured by th�s Deed of Trust to be immediately due and payable. or cause the trustee to 1de a notice of default.� �_ <br /> Bonefic�ary shetl have waived auch option to accelerate it,pnor to the sale,tranefer of conveynnce. Benef�ciary and the person to ' ,_ <br /> whom the prop�rty is to bw�old or tresnaferred reach apreement in wntng that the credd ol auch person ia saUSfnctory to Benefwiary' r <br /> and thnt the�ntereat pnyable on the eums aecured by this Deed of Trust ehall be at such roto as Beneficiary shall request. .-�• <br /> 5 ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;REMEDIEB;SALE.Tho tadure by the Truator ro make any payment ur to periorm any ol �' - . _ <br /> � ihe terme and conddans of the Note,or any renewals.moddicatwna or extens�one thereof.or the pRyment of any other indebtedness � . <br /> secured heroby or m the pertormance of ary ot th9 covenante ot sgreemen l e h e r e u n d e r e h a l l b e a brench of this a greement and the � � ,� <br /> .• Benet�ciAry mny declare a defeutt and may declara all sums securad hereby immediately due and payable and the same shall � � , <br /> thereupon become due and pnyable w�thout presentment,demand,protest or notice of nny kmd.ThereaAer,Beneficiary mny dol�ver � . � <br /> to Trustee a wntten declarction of default and demand lor eale.Tru3tor egrees and hereby grants that ihe Trustee shell have the .�� , , <br /> Qowor of salo ol the Properry and d Benef�ciary decides ihe Proporty is to be eold d shall deposd wdh Trustee this Deed ot Truat ttnd �r,:�q�2 uti� <br /> „the Note or nolas snd any other documents evidenang expenditurea secured hereby,and ahnll delrver to Truateo a wntten notice of . �r <br /> _�. ••: ;'.i��.i.' <br /> •�default and election to cause the Property to be sold,And Trustee.m turn.ahe►II prepare e s�mdar notice n the form reqwred by law, ,,;;,� <br /> which shall be duly fded tor record by 7rustee. `��;'�"'`^'�'�� <br /> (e; After ihe lapse ot such time as may be reqwred by law followmg ihe recordetion of NoUce of Oefault,and Notice of Default <br /> and Notice of Se►le havmg bean groen ae reqwred by law.7ruateo.wrthout demand on Trustor,ehall sell the Property in one _ <br /> or more parcels and in such order as Trustor may determme on the dnte and the time and plpce desfgnated m said Notico „ :,,���. <br /> of Sale,at pubiic auction to Ihe highest bidder.the purchase pnce payable in caeh in lewlul money of the UnRed 3tateo at ••�S:' <br /> . +'• <br /> tho t�mo ot 3alo.The person conductmg the sale may.for any cauoe he or she deeme expedient,poatpono the sale from � <br /> c�me to tirc�e untd a ehall be completed every auch case,nohce of postponement ehnll be gwen by public deciarat�oi <br /> thereof by such person at the t�me end place last eppointed for the aele:provided.if the sale�s pustponed for longer thun <br /> one(1) day beyond the day designated in the Not�ce ot Sale. not�ce thereof ahsll be given�n the eame manner as the <br /> . ongmal Notice ot Sale.Truetee ehull exocute and deliver to the purchaser ds D:ed conveymg the Property so sold.but <br /> wdhout any covenant or warranty,expreae,or implied.The recde+ls m the Deed of any manners or facts ahall be conclueive _ <br /> ' prooi of the truthfulness lhereof.Any person,mcludmg without I�m�;ation Beneficiary or Trustee,may purchase at the esle. <br /> (b) Whon Trust9e sella pursuant to the powerc here�n,Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale to payment o1 the coste <br /> �, and oxpenses of exorcis�ng the power of sale and oi lhe eale,�ncludx�g,w�thout limdation,the payment of Truetee's Fees _ <br /> incwred,which Trusteo's Foes ahall not in the aggrepate exceed tlio following amounte bncad upon the amount aecurad <br /> hereby and rema�nmg unpeid:5 percentum on the balance Ihereof;and thon to the items in subparngraph(c)m the order � <br /> . there stated. �' �' ' <br /> ' (c) After payu�g the dems specif�ed in subparagraph (b), if the oale re by Trustee, or ihe p�oper court and other coste of �. ,�:,,•� <br /> = foreciosuro anJ oaia i ths�ala:c p:::s::s•"•!!=fud!^!"-!}^"-'rinsure.the oroeeeda of sale shAll be appliod in the order stated _..•.i.: ; <br /> below to lhe pnyment ot ;`i{;,. <br /> (1)Attorneys fees and costs of eollection; •' : `t.!!:; <br /> • (2)Cosl of any ewdence of title procured in connection wdh such sale and of eny revenue required to be paid: ,,. . <br /> (3)All obl,gat�ons cecured by th�s Trust deed: •° }'•r <br /> 4 <br /> (4)The remamder,rf the person legally entdled thereto. •°"�° <br /> 7. ADDITIONAL SECURITY INSTRUMENTS.Trustor,at ds exponse,wdl exeeute and dehver to the Beneficiery,promptly upon ��: <br /> N•�_ <br /> demend,euch secunty inalruments as may be reqwred by Benefiaary, m form and substance satisfedory to Bene6aery,wvering • ��;- <br /> ar.y of the Property conveyed by this Dead ot Trust,which secunty inetrumenta ehall be adddionsl secunly tor Truslor's tadhful <br /> performance of all the terms,covenantc and conditrone o1 this Deed of Trust,Ihe promresory notes cecured hereby,end any other R4, <br /> secunty mstrumente execuled in connection wdh th�s transaction.Such instrumen;s ehsll be recorded or Wed at Trustor'a expense. _: <br /> 8. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCES30R TRUSTEE. Benehciary may, lrom Ume to time. by a wntten insirument executed and �;;_��- <br /> ' � acknowledged by Bonef�c�ary, maded to Trustor end reeorded in the county or counties in wh�ch the Property is located and ty �;;�,r; <br /> ' otherwise comply�ng wdh the provisions of the appl�cable lawe of the State of Nobrtfska substdute ef succesaor or aueceasors to the <br /> L'�:��� <br /> Trustee named herein or achng hereunder. �;- <br /> 9. WSPECTION5. Beneticiary,or ds agents,representnUvec or workmon,are nuthonzed to entor at any renaonable time upon =__ _ <br /> � " or m any part of the Propefty for the purpcse of inapechng the samo end for the purpose of qeriorming any of the acte d ia authonzed 'Y��_� <br /> � to porform under the torme of the Deod ot Trust. '�""� <br /> :;��.= <br />- �-: 10. OPTION TO FORECLOSE.Upon the occurrence of any broach and upon ihe declaraUOn of default hereunder.Benoficiary `����_ <br /> ' shall huve the opt�on to foreclose this Doed of Trust in the manner prowded by law 1or the foreclosure of morigrsges on renl property. ��-�`- <br />- 11. FOREBEAfiANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE N07 A WAIVER. Any forebouranco by Beneficmry or truatee in �`i� ��;_ <br /> exeroioing nny nght or remedy hereunder,or otherwiae attorded by opp�icnble law.ehail not be u wa�vor of or precl�de tho oxorcise �`�„�:.�: <br />' of any such right ar romedy hereunder.Likewiee,the waiver by Benefic�ary or Trustee oi eny default oi Trustor undor thic Dood of .,, y� <br /> Trust ohall nol be deemed to be a wmver of esny other or e�mdar dofaulls aubsoquontly occurrmg. <br /> - 12. TRUSTOR NOT RELEASED. Extension of the time for payment or modification or amortiznt�on ot lhe sums oecured by thia `';'�� <br /> Dued of Trucl grnnted by Bene(iaury to any succussor m intorest nf Truator shnll not operate to roloaco.m any manner,the liabddy oi <br />, tho ongmnl Trustor and Trustor's succescor m interest. Beneficiary shall not be required to commonce proceedmga ngnmot such <br />- succoesor or refuso to extond timo for payment or othorw�ee moddy amortiiation of iho cume secured by this Deed of Trust by <br /> �enson of any demand rnado by lhe onginal Trustor and Trustor's successorc in mteresl. I , <br />' 13. 6ENEFICIARY'S POWERS. Wilhout utteclmg or releacing tho hnb�ty ot the Trustor or uny other person liable for the <br /> paymont of any obligution herom mentioned,and without aHocting the lien or churge of thia Deed ot Trust upon any portion of the <br /> Property not ihon or thorelotore relensed cfs cecunty for the full amount ol all unpaid obhgations.Benel�cipry may,from time to time <br />- nnd wdhout notice at the roquest of one ur more Tw:.tors(i)releaso any porcon so Imble,(iQ extend or renew the matunty or ulter any <br /> of the term�of any such obligutrons.(iu)grnnt other indulgoncec.(rv)reluase or recorrvey.or cau�o to be released or roconveyed at <br /> any time at BenoUcmry's optiono any purcel,portion or all of tue�roporty.(v)inke or rele�se any other or ud��t�onai socunry for any <br /> obl�gation hervm montioned, (w) mak�compoadions or other arrangomontc w�lh dohtors m rvlration Iharoto. All Truslore chall be � <br /> .,w�.....�..a e.,a ti..��..d h„tho nr��nna nf tha Bono6ciarv or any trustor us hvroin stated <br /> = ����d��6„���.�:«•"•�.,.,..n....._....---- --• <br /> 14 ATTORNEY FFES.COSTS AND EXPENSES N thn Bunelicinry of thia Deed oi Trust�s a ba�k As do(inod by Nobraskn law. � <br /> nny stc+tement conla�ned m any other,ection ot thic deed nolwdhstnnding,the Benefic�ary shall not ba entiUed to recervo or take ttnd 4 <br /> dobtor shnll nol be obligated to pay or pive.any confescion o��udgmont,powor ol a�torney to contvs��udgm�nt.power of attorney to ! <br /> uppeur for a borrower m a�ud�c�nl proceedmg a ngreemenl lo pay Ihe costs of colleciion or tho pttameys te�s.unlass the interost � <br /> ` pnynble by Ihe le�ma of thc Nole referred to in th�,deed is 16'C�per pnnum or lecs.or the nole�eferred lo�n Ihi�deed is ropayuble in �� <br /> two o:moro oqual or unequul m,tt�llments and over a period o�mo�e than one hundred fortyf�ve(145)months.Provided.howover- <br /> thiit thrs,ecUOn does not npply to the Iruatee teo rc�e��ed to m Pnragrnph 8 6(b) Prov�ded turthor thnt thi,Pqrpgrqph 8.14,hall not <br /> aputy to th�;Dved ot Tru,�.rt the Bene(�cmry here���c not u banb <br />� <br /> � ORIGINAL(1) I <br /> � <br /> ....�.. ,n� •,..ti..�•,...� 'BORROWER COPV(1) , �w�sac.o� <br /> - �RETENTiON COPY�t) <br />