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.�r .. . ,..,,:,•;;- <br /> '::,y;r;,. <br /> R �t� . . , <br /> �11!"'- ' . .. .. . <br /> . •���� .. ^�• i����...I <br /> . i/ i � � <br /> � „ . .. .. '. \ . . +�� —_ ""'_ <br /> „ �r. •:: <br /> -.��A'S <br /> . . .� '(;;�G: <br /> .;1:_-. <br /> • puymon4s muy na longcn c�rcquircd,ut thc aptiUn ol' Lcndcr,if martgugc insurance covcragc(in�hc amount and for thc pr.riod <br /> thut l.cndcr requires)providcd by un insurcr uppra�cd by Lcndcr uguin buamcs uvuilublc and is obu�incd.Borrowcr shall pay thc(� -`:�,:�� <br /> � prcmiums rcquircd to muininin mortbugc insuruncc in cft'cct, or to providc u lass rescrvc, 1 luw�uircmcnt for mon�ngc 00 , r,l;�Y- <br /> ,�• insurancc cnds in uccorduncc wiQi unY wri�wn agrccmcnt bctwccn Borrowcr und Lcndcr or upp' ° <br /> :�,,,,,;,,,,� 9.lnspecNun. Lcnder ar its agent muy mukc reaxonable en�rics upon and inspectians of the Pcoperty. Lender shull givc� <br /> ar Borrawcr noticc at thc umc of or prior to an inspccuon spcc:ifying rcusonublc cuusc for thc inspection. <br /> - 10.Condemnation. 'R►� Procccds °f �c Pra crt r or�for convcysuice in li ulof candcmn tion,�arc f crcbyuassigncd and Q <br /> condemnadon or othcr takins at anY Paz�pf� p Y �"'� <br /> .r•hall bc paid ta L.cndcr. <br /> In the event of u total tuk�nS pf the Properly,�►e proceeds shull be upplied to the sums secureci by this Security Instrument,W <br /> whether ur not then due,with anY excess pt►id to Borrawer.In the event of u paruul taking of the Property in which the tuir market `' <br /> valuc of thc Property immcdiate ly be forc t h c u i k in g is c yual ta or grcatcr than thc amount of thc sums securcd by this Security - <br /> Insuument immcdiatcly bcforc thc ��R�c°�oun of thc pcocecdsemultipl'�ec1 byythcf ollowingrfra u nc(a) thc t tal amoun t�of <br /> Secu r i t y I n s u u m e n t s h a l l b e r e d u c e d b y <br /> thc sums sccurcd immcdiutely beforc thc �silcing,dividcd by (b) thc fair mar kct v a luc o t t h c P r o p c n y i m m c d i a t c l y b c f o r c t h e — <br /> '. taking.Any bulance shull be pu�dc�nn0 y�������°u o umount�ot' [he�n ums se ureci i�mmedintely befoArc the Ctukin�cunle.cs ___ <br /> • Property immcciiately beforc b <br /> thc procccds shall be applied w thc <br /> Bonower and Lender otherwisc agree in writin�or unlcss applicnble law otherwisc providcs, <br /> sums sccurcd by this Securiry Insuumcnt whcthcr or not thc sums arc thcn dua _ <br /> � If thc Praperry is abandoned by Borrowcr. a if,til'tcr naucc by Lcndcr to Barrowcr that thc cundcmnor affcrs to makc a�� <br /> award o�seule a claim for damagc�B000�s f�l`�aorpcuQ�d'�c�pdestor u n3oracpairfaftthc Pr PcrcY o�uo thcsums securcd <br /> � is authorized co collect and apply P <br /> by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. T lication of roceeds to rinci al shall not extend or postpone <br /> Unless I..endcr und Burrowcr atherwise agrec in writinb.smY upA P P p <br /> � ;�' thc duc datc of thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrred ta in paragraphs i and 2 or chxngc thc amount of such paymcnts. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance Dy Lender Nat a Waiver. 6xtcnsion of thc umc for puyment or modificapon <br /> of umortu.�tion of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument grunteci by L.ender to any successor in interest of Honower shall <br /> " not operatc ta rclease the Iiability ot d�c o+�binal Sorrc•:�cr or BLn�w�r'c tiuccessors in in[eresG L.ender shall nat be requircd to <br /> ��. successor in intcrest or rcfusc to cxtend timc for payment or othcrwise modify amoruzation af <br /> • commcncc procecdings aguinst any <br /> � � the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by reason of any demund made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors <br /> tn interesG My forbcarancc by L.cndcr in cxcrcising any right or remcdy shall not be a waivcr of or prccludc the cxcrcise of any <br /> �; right or rcmcdy. <br /> lZ.Successors and Assi�ns Bound;.Iotnt and Several Liability; Co•signers. Thc covenants and agrecments of this <br /> Security Instrument shall bind ttnd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br />- �: paragraph 17. Bonower's covenants and.n aretm`�n si n ng this Sccur ty Instr mentnon ye o mongage, gran Bpnd convey that - <br />_ � Instrument but does not cxccute thc Notc O b <br /> Borrowcr's interest in thc Properry undcr thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b) is not personally obligatcd to pay the sums <br /> �. sccured by this Sccurity Insuumcnt;and (c)ugrecti that l.cndcr und:u�y othcr Borrawcr may ugrcc to cxtend,modify,farbear or <br /> �� makc uny uccommodauons with rcgurd to thc ecrms ol'this Sccurity Insuument or thc Notc without thut Borrowcr's conscn� <br /> � 13.Loan Char�es. !f the loun sec:ured by this Security Instrumen[is subject to a luw which sets mtucimum loan chnrges, � <br /> � and that law is finully intcrpreted so thut thc intcrc�t or othcr loun chargcs collcc:tcd or to be collcctcci in connecaon with tlic loun �, <br /> � exceect the permitted limi4ti.then:(a)anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the:unount necessary to reduce the churge to the <br /> - � permitted limiG and(b)tu►Y sums alrcudy collccicd irom Borrower which cxeccded permitted limits will bc rr,funded to Borrower. _ <br /> - �` Lcndcr may chaosc co makc this rcfund by rcducing thc principal owcci undcr th(cNa mcnt wythout any prcpay cn chargc <br />- Borrnwcr. If a refund reduccs principal,thc ralucuon will hc trcutcd as u partial p p Y � <br /> r undcr thc Note. __ <br /> 14.Notices. Any noticc to Bonowcr providc�d[or in this Scc:urity Instrumcnt shull bc givcn by dclivcring it or by mailing it <br /> by tirst cluss mail unlcss upplicablc law rcquires usc of unothcr mcthod.Thc noticc shalt bc d'acctcd to thc Property Address or - - <br /> _ _ any othcr uddress Borrowcr dcsignutes by nutice to I.cndcr, Any notice to Lcnder shull bc givcn by fust class mail to Lendcr's �� <br /> address sixtcd hcrcin or any othcr uddress L.cndcr dcsignutcs by noucc ta Borrowcr. Any noticc providcd for in this Sceurity F,��_� <br /> Instrumcnt shuU bc dccmcd to ha�c hccn givcn�o Borrowcr or Lcndcr whcn givcn as providc:d in this paragrnph• `"�`..,; <br /> 15.Gc�verning Law:Severability. This Sccurity In�trumcro shuil bc govcrncd by fcdcrul law und thc law of thc �.•..,__ <br /> jurisdicuon in which thc Properry is locatui•in thc cvcnt th�t uny provision or clsusc of this Scc:urity Instrumcnt ar thc Notc .!��'.}.:. <br /> contlicts with applicu b ic law,such cont7ict sh�ll not uffcct othcr prnvisions of this Scc:urity Instrumcnt or thc Notc which cun bc <br /> givcn ctfcct without thc conflicung provision.To this cnd thc provisions of this Scc:urity Inswmcnt und thc Notc tuc dcc lare d to <br /> � bc scvcrablc. <br /> � Form 3028 9IA0 <br /> - � In01U16: <br /> � •8R(NH)�sz�2�.o� Pagoaol0 <br /> . e� <br /> I <br /> _1 <br /> � ._ .— <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ' � _ <br />