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, ��. . <br /> �� , . � . . <br /> ���,• � �i���; u <br /> . � � '-- <br /> . �_. <br /> ., , _,_�'_ .�. <br /> � • -- <br /> 'PIX;ETHBR WITH ull thc impravcmcnu now on c�rcuftcr crcc:tcd on thc properry,und ull cuticmcnts, uppurtcnunccs, und ° <br /> fixtures now on c�rcaf�cr u purt of thc properry.All rcpluccmcnG+und additiUns shull ulso bc covarcd by this Sccurity Insuumcnt� f:: <br /> Ali af thc farcgoing is rcicrrcd w in this Sccurity lnstrumcnt us thc"Prc�perry." p� ��_ <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowcr is luwfully sciscd al'thc estutc hcrcby convcycd und hu.y thc right w grnnt und-� <br /> , comcy thc Prc�perty und thut thc Property i� uncncumbcrcd, cxccpt fur cncuu�brunccs uf ra:ord. f3urrowcr warrants :uid will � ���" <br /> �,,,-,-.,.� dcCcnd gcncrully thc utic to thc Property uguinst ull cluims and dcmunds,subject w uny cncumbranccs of rcc:ard. _ <br /> -++ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT c:umbincs unilbrm covcnun�., lar nuuunul usc and nun-uniform cuvenunGi with limi�d Q _ _ <br /> vuriuuons by jurisdiction ta consutuu:u uniCorm security instrumcm covcring rcul properry. (� <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrowcr und Lendcr covcnunt und ugrcc u+t'allows: N -- <br /> 1.Puyment af Principal and Interest;Prepayment and I.ate Charges. Barrawcr shall prompUy pay whcn duc thc W _ <br /> principal of und intcrest on thc dcbt cvidcnccd by thc Now wid uny prcpuymcnt and latc chargcs duc unJcr thc Notc. - <br /> • 2.Funds Par Tax�t and Insurunce. Subjcct to upplicablc ►uw or to �writtcn wuivcr by Lcndcr, Borrawcr shull pay to — <br /> � � L.cndcr on thc duy monthly paymcnts urc duc undcr thc Notc,until lhc Notc is puid in full,a sum("r-u�as') far: (u)ycarly uuces <br /> • und ussessmcnts which muy uttuin priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt us a licn on thc Property;(b)ycarly Ics�schold puymcn�ti <br /> ' { or graund rents on ihc Praperty,if uny;(c)yctuly htu.urd ar p:�hcrty insurnncc prcmiums;(d)ycurly Qaad insurnncc prcmiums,if <br /> any; (c) ycarly mortgagc insuruncc prcmiums,if any;und(n uny sums payublc by Borrowcr to Lr.ndcr,in uccordnncc witt►thc <br /> ' provisions of purugrnph 8, in licu af thc paymcnt of mortgugc insuruncc premiums. Thesc i�cros urc cullcd "Escraw It�:ms." <br /> L.cndcr may,at uny umc,collcct und hold Funds in an�unount nat w cxcced thc mnximum umount a lcndcr far u Cedcrully rclutcd -�_ <br /> � mortgabe loan may rcyuire for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federul Reul Estete 5etQement Procedures Act of 1974 ati <br /> umcnded fram timr. W timc, 12 U.S.C.Scc:UOn 2601 ct seq. ("RESPA"),unlcss uncnhcr luw thut upplics to thc Funds scts u lcsscr <br /> .# tunount. If so, Lcndcr muy, at any timc, callcc:t und hold Funds in un umount not to cxc:ccd thc Icsscr amount,Lendcr muy <br /> astimatc dic Funount of Funds duc on thc basis of currcnt duta and reasonnblc csdmatcs of cxpcnditures of luture�scrow Items or <br /> othcrwisc in accordance with applicablc law. <br /> ,� Thc Funds shNl bc hcld in an instituuon whosc dcposits tuc insurcd by a fcdcral agcncy,insUrumcntality,or cntily (including <br /> Lendcr,if Lcndcr is such an institution) or in uny Fcdcrnl Homc Loan Bank. Lcndcr shall Apply thc Funds to pay thc Escrow <br /> � Itcros.Lcndcr may not chsu�gc Borrowcr for halding and applying the Funds,annually thc cscrow accounl,or vcrifying <br /> � thc Escrow Items,un�s�Lendcr pays Borrower intcrest an the F�ands and applicuble luw permits L.cnder to m�lce such u charge. <br /> However, Lcnder may require Bonower to pay u one-time ch�rge for un independent rcul cstute tax reporting service used b� <br /> � l.endcr in connccuon with this loan, untcss uppticablc luw provtdcs ot7icrwisc. linless mi agru:iuCnt i� r�ad�ar applica�lc la::� <br /> ky requires intcrest to bc paid, Lcndcr shall not be rcquircd lo puy Borrowcr uny intcresl or carnings on the 1Funds. Borrowcr und <br /> ° . Lendcr may ugrce in wriung,howcver,th�st intcrest shuU bc paid on the Funds,Lender shall give to Bonower,without chnrge,an <br /> annu�l accnunting of thc Funds,showing crcdits nnd dcbits to thc Funds and thc purpose for which cach dcbit to thc Funds was <br /> madc.Thc Funds arc pledged as additionul security for all sums securcd by this Security InsuumenG <br /> If the Funds held by Lcnder excecd the amounts permitted to bc held by applicable law,Lendcr shall account to Bonawer for <br /> the cxcess Funds in accordance with Ihe rcquiremenu of applicnble law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lendcr at any timc is <br /> not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lendcr may so nopfy Bonower in writing,and,in such case Borrower shall pay <br /> • to Lendcr the tunount necessary to make up thc deficiency. Banowcr shull makc up the deticiency in no more than twelve _ <br /> monthly Lcndcr's solc discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums sccurcd by this Sccurity Insvumcnt, Lcndcr shnll prompdy rcfund to Borcowcr any fiunds <br /> ' hcld by Lcndcr. If. undcr parugruph 21, Lendcr shall acquirc or scll thc Propeny,Lcnder,prior ta thc acquisition or salc of thc _ <br /> Property, shull apply any Funds hcld by Lcndcr at tt�c pmc of acyuisiuon or sulc us a crcdit ugninst thc sums sccurcd by this <br /> Securiry lnstrumcnG <br /> 3.Application of PaymenGv. Unlcss applicuble luw provides othcrwisc,till pnymcnts reccivcd by Lcndcr undcr peragrnphs �,;;�— <br /> 1 und 2 shall bc applted; first, to any prcpaymcnt churges duc undcr thc Notc; sccond,to:unounts payablc undcr paragraph 2; <br /> �.•' <br /> th'vd,to interest duc; principal duc;und lust,to uny lutc cliarges duc undcr thc Notc. <br /> 4.Charges;Liens. Borrower shall pay ull taxes, usscssments, char�es, tines and impositions attributnble w the Property �;-_ <br /> which may attain priority ovcr this Security Inswmcnt,and Icsuehold paymcnts or ground rents,if:u►y.Borrowcr shall pay thesc - <br /> obligatians in thc manncr providcd in paragruph 2,or if not paid in thut manncr,Bonowcr shsill pay thcm on timc disectly to thc _ <br /> person owcd puymcnt. Dorrowcr shull prompUy f'umish to Lcndcr all noticcs of amounts to bc paid undcr this pssrugraph. If =- <br /> '� Borrowcr mukes thcsc paymcnts dirccUy.Borrowcr shall prampUy fumish to Lcndcr rcccipts cvidcncmg thc paymcnts. - <br /> � Borrowcr shall promptly dischargc any licn whict� has priority nvcr this Sccurily Insuumcnt unlcss Borrowcr:(A)agrecs in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u munner accepwble to Lender;(b)contes4i in gocxl fuith the lien <br /> by, or dcfcnds ubaintit cnfixccmcnt ol' �hc licn in, Icgal procccdings which in lhc Lcndcr's opinion operutc to prcvcnt thc <br /> enCorcement ol the lien;or (c) secures Crom the holdcr of the licn an agrecment suUs:uctory to Lender sulwrdintiung the licn to <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt.IC Lcndcr dctcrmincs that uny p:ut ui thc Praperty is subjcc:t to u licn which may uttain priority ovcr this <br /> Su:urity Instrumcnt,Lcndcr moxy�ivc Bonowcr a nouce idcnufying thc licn.Borrowcr shull sausFy thc licn or takc onc or morc <br /> of thc actions sct for�h ubovc within lU days of thc giving of noticc. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> IQ��•6R(NE)iex+2�-o� Papo 2 oi c imuui�: <br /> I ! <br /> I �� <br /> . „ ` <br /> .,: <br /> �1 — — - <br />