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M�,� . , <br /> "e 4 Yt.-• �� � - -� .. . �_•,. <br />' . . KwM�trr.r.ww�►n• .. .-m.r.�..+ct�roa.�l..rn�w..�.�r�rws�.►�.�.. .... � - - . �' - — -- <br /> .�..:._._ . . . . ..Y.'" . .. � ' -- <br /> �L:. <br /> �` <br /> • '. �6 <br /> �; na�'""�:;t . ��. <br /> • cr:: <br /> , U To Protect the Security ot this Second Deed of Tru�t: 9¢� �(���a� -__ <br /> � 1. Payment of Indebtednes�. Trustor ShaA pay when due thY prhClp81 ql, and the Inteiest onVhe Indebtedness and all othor <br /> �i sums as povided In tho Loan Instrumente. <br /> 2. TOX@6. Truttor shAll pay each Inetalknenl of ell tuxes and speClal aseessmenis n� every kind, now or hereafter Ievied npalnst the <br /> Trust Estete or eny part thereof.before dellnquency,without nolbe Or dem4nd. _ <br /> 3. Insuren�e and Rapairs. T►ustor shtll mehtaln fire tnd extended coverape Insurance Bsurqip the Imprqvements constituting - <br /> � pan o} th�Tru�t Estat� for auoh amount�and on euoh t�rms raasonaby utbfrotory tn Bm�fblary. So lony as tho Froparty Is socurad by a j^ <br /> e � tlrst Aeed of trust or mortQepe,compllence wfth the hsurance requlrements of the iirst deed of trust a mortgage shall be suffiCbnt to eatlsPt � . <br /> the requlremems af thls parapraph 3 relathq to Insuronce. �` <br /> .� Trustor snall promptly repalr and replace the Trust Estnte or any part thareof so that,except for adinary wear and tear,the Trust Eetate - <br /> �' � ahall not detarbrate. In no event shatl ths Truator commR waste on or to the Trust Eetate, or commit,euHer or permR any aat to be done In — <br /> � or upon the TruSt Estate In vblation of any iaw, ordinance or repuiatlon. Trustor shell pay and pramptry disaharpe at Trustors aoet and <br /> expense au liens, encumbrances and ch8rpes Ievied,knposed or assessed ayalnat the Trust Estate or any pert thereof. — <br /> - 4. Actlong Attectinp Truat Estete. Truslor shall appeer In and aontest any eatbn a proceedhp purporthy to aHaCt tha <br /> :��, socurlty nereol or the riphts or powers of Benefblary or Trustee,and Bheil pay all ooets and expenaes, Inaludinp aost of svldene� of tkM► - <br /> ;� and attomeys'tees, In any euch actlon or proceedinp In whbh Beneficlery or Trustee may appear. If Trusta falls to mske eny payment or to __ <br /> n, do any act as and In tho manner provided In eny o} the Loan Instruments, Benefblary andlor Trustee,eaoh in thek own discrstbn, wkhout <br /> . , � oblgation so lo do and wRho�t notfce to or demand upon Trustor and wkhout rebasnq Truetor from any obllpetion, may mnke or do the - <br /> same tn such manner and to such extent 88 eRher m�y deem neCessary to proteat the seourfty hereof. Trustor shali, knmedi�taly upon <br /> demand therobr by Bonoficiary, puy ull costs and sxpdnses Incurred by Benefbiary in oonnsotbn w1h the exercise by Beneficluy of the __ <br /> foregoing rphts, Inaluding without IMnftation costs of evldenae of tftle,aourt oosts,apprat5nls,surveys and attorneys'tees. <br /> b. Eminent Domain. If the 7n,st Estate, or any pert thereof or Interest thereh, be taken or damaged by reason ot eny publb <br /> Improvement or Condemnatlon proceedlnp, or In any other menner hCludNp deed In Ileu thereof ("Condemnadon"), or it Trustor receives any <br /> not�e or other Informetlon regerdfng such proceeding, Trustar shal plve prompt written not�Ce thereof to Beneficiary.Trustor shall be entitled <br /> to a�compensation,awards and other payments or relief thereof and shall be entitled at its optlon to commence,eppear in and proseCUte In <br /> its own neme flny actlon or proceedlnps.Trustor shall elso be entitled to make any compromise or seNlement In oonnectlon with such taking <br /> . or damage. <br /> 6. Appointment of Succeaaor Trustee. eeneno�ary may, hom trne eo �wne, by a written �nsaument execuced and <br /> • acknowledged by Beneficlary, mailed to Trustor and recorded In the County h whiah the Trust Estate Is Ipcated and by otherwlse complyinp <br /> _______—_ wt�h rhw prov�ions of the applicable law of the State of Nebraska substRute a sutCessor or successors to the Trustee named hereh or <br /> . acUng hereunder. <br /> � <br />�•, : 7. Successors end Assigna. Thls Second Oeed of Trust applles to, hures to the benel�of and binds all parties hereto,thak <br />� helrs, Iegetees, devisees, person8l representatNes, successors and assqns. The term 'Benef�iary" shell mean the owner and holder of any <br />' � promtssory note given to benef�ciary.(whether or not named as Benef�Clery herelnJ. <br />� 8. Merger, Conaottdation, Sales or Leases.Ttustor covenants th8t Truotor will not sell, lease or othorwise dlspose of any <br /> '� of the Truat Estate. In the event that Trustor selis,leases or otherwlse dlsposes of any part of the Trost Estate,Benefbiery may nt ks optbn <br />- r declare the Indebtedness secured hereby Immedlstely due and payabie, whether or not eny defaup extsta. Benefblary shall consent to a <br /> �� transier ot the Trust Estate ro a third party to the extent such thkd paRy meets the requkements contalned tn,and aesumes the oblip�tbnd _ <br /> ',� set forth h the First Deed of Trust.The covenante contehed hereln shell run wNh the Property end shall remqh in full force end etfsct untll <br /> ` . - the IndeMedness �s peid h full. <br /> F, �.� .. 9. Events of Defauit. Any of the followln8 events shall be deomed an event of detauR hereunder. <br /> (a) default shall be made In the payment of the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due; r <br /> or <br /> _ - (b) Trustor shall peAOrm any act In bankruptcy; or <br /> (c) a court of competent Jurisdiction shaM enter an order,Judgment or decree approving a petftion fileC egalnst Trustor seeking any —_ <br />'-r� . . raorpenizatlon, dfssolution or slmflar relief under any present or fuWre federai, state or other statute, law or repulatbn relatinp to _ <br />- . bankruptcy, Insoh�ency or other rellef tor debtors, and sucN order, Judgm6nt or decree shall rema�n unvacated and unstayed for an — <br /> ' aggregate af sbcty (60) days (whether or not consocutNe) from the first date ot entry thereof; a any trustee, receNer or Aquldator or __ <br /> Truslor a of ell or any part of the Trust Estate, or of any or all oi the royaRies, revenues, rents, Issues or profits thereof, shflll be <br /> ° appohted without the consent or acquiescence of Trustor and such appolntment shail rematn unrflcated and unstnyed tor an aggreqate <br /> ; of sbny (6U) days (whether or not conseCUtNe);or <br /> Ft7�t0.LM0 (7/Bi) P�p�2 0l b <br />� ---_ ..:._:_..... __ <br /> �, <br /> I <br /> ' � I <br /> I I <br /> I <br /> .. ` E <br /> uaa <br />