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i .,� <br /> '"� . .y�..� <br /> ,:s+r • .�. ,, ,. „ ,.- � � - ,•� <br /> 7. Protectton of LendePa Rlqhts in the Property. ir aorrowof iaus �o poAorm �ne co�ename and �ar«Am.n�s <br /> i conta�ed In th�s Security Inslrument, or Ihero�s a leyal proceedinp that may spnifiCantly aHect l.ender's riphta h tha Property(auCh as <br /> n proceeding In bankruptcy, probute, for condemnetlon or foAeltun or to enforce I�ws or ropulstlon8),t�en Lender may do and pay �or ''•`� <br /> � whntever is necessnry to protect the vaUe ot the Proparty end Lander's rfghts In the Property. Lender's aCtbns may hclude payh9 (� -_ <br /> any sums secured by e Ilen wh�h ha8 prlorlty over this SeCUrity Instrument, appearinq h court, payhp reasonable flttornoy's fee9 and QO <br /> enterinp on the Property to make repaks. Atlhouph Lender moy take action under this para9raph 7, Lender does nol have to do so. <br /> Any amounts dfsbu�sed by Lender under this parnpreph 7 shtill become additbnal debt of Borrower 8ecured by thls SeCUrky _ <br /> Instrument. Unless Borrower end Londer egree to other terma of payment, the8e nmounts shell bear hteresl from the data ot � <br /> disbursement al the Note rate and shall be ptyabb,wfth interest,upon not�e from Lendar to 8orrower requesthp payment. � - <br /> i 8. M01't�IIQQ 111dU1'lIf1QE. If lender requked moRyaye hsurance as a condRbn of maklnq the ban secued by thls Sacurfty � <br /> j Instrument, Bortower ahall pay Ihe premfums toqulrod to malntaln thE�mortgaqe hsurance In eHect. II, for any reason, the mortqay9� <br /> Inaurance coveraye requked by Lander lepso8 or ceases to be N ettec6 8onower shell pay the premiums requlreG to obtah coveraye 0 { <br /> r ,-� 1 substantlelty equlvaient to the moRflaqe hsuunca prevbusiy In eNeat,at a cost substantlalty equNalent to the aosl to Borrower of the W , <br /> • I mortpaqe Insurance prevlously In eHecL from an aftemate mortyeye Inaurer approved by Lender. It substentlally equlvalent mortqape <br /> �i Insu�ance coverage is not available, Borrowor shnll pay to Lender eaoh month n sum equal to onatweltth of Iho yearly mortpayo — <br /> � Insurance premlum belnp pald by Bortower whon the Insurance coveraqe lepsed or ceased to be In afleCt. Lender will acaept, use and — <br /> � retain these payments as a Ioss reserve in Iieu ol mortqa9e insurance, Loss reserve payments mey no bn�er be requked, at the �. <br /> � optlon of Lender, if mortgege Inourance coverape (In the amount and for tha period that Lender requkes) provided by an hsurer � <br /> � approved by Lender a4aM� becomes avatlable and Is obtalned. BoROwor sheA pay the premiums requked to malntain mortqap6 <br /> Insurance In eBeot, or to provide a bss reserve, until the requlrement for mortpage Insurance ends In accordanee wRh eny wrme� <br /> egreement between 8orrower and Lender or appl�able law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may mske reasonable entries upon and Inspectfons of the Property. Lendsr shail give <br /> Borrower notice at lhe ttme of or prfor ta an inspection specNyiny reasonable cause tor the inspectfon. <br /> 10. Condemnetion. The proceeda of any award or claim for damages, dkect or aonsequentiel, in connectfon with any <br /> Condemnetbn ar other taking ol eny pert of the Proporty, or for conveyenr,e � Ileu ot condemnation, ere hereby aasigned and sheli be i <br /> pafd ro Lender. <br /> In the event of a tota� taking of the PropeAy, the prxeeds shali be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> • whelhor or not then due, wRh any oxcess psid to Borrowe�. In the event af a pertla�takhg of the PropeAy in whbh the lek m8rket <br /> * value of the Property knmediatey be(ore the taking Is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums seoaed by thls Securky <br /> ! <br /> Instrument immediately before the taking, unless Bortower and Londer otherwlse agree h wrkinp, the sums seCUred by thls Secur <br /> � Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the procseds multiplled by the foliowin4 fraotbn: (a) the total amount of the sums _ <br /> � secured frnmediatoly belore the taking, divided by (b) the tek merket value of the PropeRy knmedtatey before the taklnp. My balance � <br /> shall be pald to Borrower. In the event ol a partlal teking of the Prope�ty fn whbh the tak market value ot the Property knmedlatety <br /> before the teking Is less thfln the amount of tne sums secured knmedlatety before the taking, unless Borrower end Lender otherwise <br /> �, agree h writhg or unless eppi�able law otherwlse provldes, the proceeds shali be applled to the sums secured by thls Securityr <br /> , Instniment whelher or not the Sums ere then due. <br /> -- tt the t's:.paKy» absndOned b;94rmwnr, or if, aRer notfco by Lender to Borcower thBt the condemnor oNers lo make an award or <br /> settle a Cleim lor demeges, Borcower faN3 to respond to Lender withln 30 days after the dete the not�e IS gNen,lenoer is authu�ued <br /> , to collect and apply the proceeds, at Rs optbn, either to restoratlon or rep9k of the PrOperty or to the sums secured by this Security <br /> � ° Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower othorwise agree In writing, any appl'�catfon of proceeds to principal shall not exlend or postpone the <br /> ,y, <br /> due date o�the monthly payments referred lo tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenye the amount of such paymen s, <br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Lender Not a Weiver. Extension ot tne ume for peymens or <br /> modit�atlon of amorttzatbn of the sums seeured by this Security Inslrument yranted by Lender to any successo�In hterest of Bortower <br /> �. shali not operate to release the IlabNity of the orlpinel Bortower or Borrowers succes8ors M hterest. Lender shd not be required to <br /> �p+ commence proceedings ageinst any successor h Interest or refuse to extend tkne for payment or otherwise modYy amortizetion of the <br /> �: sums secured by thts Security Instrument by reason of any domand made by the or{qinal Borrower or Bortower's suecessors In <br /> interest. Any forbearBnCe by Lender in exerclsing any right or remedy shall not be e waNer of Or prec�ude the exercise of any rfpht or <br /> �'� remedy. <br /> �. <br /> � 12. &uccessors and Assigns Bound; Joint end Several Liebitity; Co-signers. The co�enants an <br /> ' �; 8groements of this SeCUrity Instrument shell bind and benefit the suCCessors and aGSigns of LenOer and Bortower, subJeCt to the � <br /> � provisions of paragraph t7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shell be joint and severai. Any Borrower who co-sqns this SeCUrity <br /> � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slpninp this Security Instrument onty to mortgage, grent, and convey that `� <br /> 1 Borrower's interest i� the Property under the terms ot this Security Instrument; (b)Is not personally obligated to pay the sums seCUred <br /> �s� by th15 Socurity Instrumenk and (C) agrees th8t Lender and eny other Bortower may apree to exlend, modHy,lorbear or make any �:_ <br /> accommodatbns wlth regard to terms ol th�s Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. _ _ <br /> = 13. Loan Charges. If the ban secured by this Secwity Inslrument Is subJeCt to a law whbh sets maxknum loen charpes, r_ <br /> " and that law is flnaily interpreted ao that the inlerest or other ban charpes colleated or to be colleoted In comeatbn wkh ths loen �� <br /> exceed the perm�tted limfts, then; (a)any such lOt►n charges shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduCe the charge to the ° _ - <br /> permitted Ilmq;and(b)any sums already coliected trom Borrower whfch exceeded permitted Iknits wIY be reNnded to Borrower. Lender �-__F <br /> may choose to make th{S refund by reduCing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrqwer. If 8 ?.�� <br /> refund reduCes {.���cipel,the reduction will be treated as a partfel p�epayment without eny prepayment C herge un der t h e N Ote. �_ <br /> 14. NOtiCCS. Any notice to Borrower prowded tor in thls Security �nstrument shall be given by dellvering it er by malling ft by , <br /> first C�ass maN unless npplicebte law requues use ol another method. The notice She�l be directed to the F'roperty AddreSS or any <br /> i,�i, <br /> other addra35 Borrower designotes by not�e to Lender. Any notiCe to Lender shall be given by fust C�ass rnai to Lender's addreSs <br /> stated herein o� any othor address Lender desgnates by notlCe to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall <br /> be deemed to have been gwen to Borcower or Lender when gNen as provided fn this paragraph. <br /> � 16. Governing Law; Severability• 7his SeCUrity Instrument shell be govemed by lederal law flnd the �aw of the <br /> jur�sdiction in whiCh tho Propeny is bcated. In the event that flny provision or ciau3e of thls SeCUrRy Instrumenl or the Note conflicts <br /> I wfth applicab�e law, such conf��t shflN nol aHect other provisions of thls Security Instrument or the Note whkh Can be given eftecl <br /> without the conflicting prpvision. To this e�d the provfsions of Ihis Security Instrument and the Note ere declared lo be sevorable. <br /> � 16. BOffOW@I''8 COPy. Borrower shall be gNen one conformed copy o�tho Note and of this SOCUrity Inst►ument. <br /> I __�__ _• ��.� o.....e.� e Annafir.tal Interest Ip Borrower. It dll Or eny pert 0�lh8 PrOp@�ty Of 9f1y <br /> � i'r. i i8na�c� v. anc �...p....� ... .. _-••-•--'-� -- --,. <br /> ! mterest in it �5 sold or translerred (or if p bereficial interest in Borrower is sold or irgnsterred e�d Borrowe� is not a naturel person) <br /> 1 wdhout Lender's pnor wrdten consenl,Lender may, at rts opt�on, requ�r� immediate peyment m full o�all sums setured by ihis SeCUrity <br /> InStrument. Howeve�, 1h�5 opbon 5hpll nol be ex8rC�50d by lendor if ezerCise �s proh�bded by �ederai�aw as ot tne date ot th�s Security <br /> Listrument. ` <br /> ;f Londer oxerCises th�s opt�on, Lender Shell give Borrower notr,e o� accelerabon. The not+Ce shall prnvido ti penod of nOt �ess � <br /> than 30 dayy ii��u tha date the rc;�o w dolNOred or ma�led w�tMN wnrn the Borrower must pny a�� sums secured by this Security � <br /> Instrument. It Bo�rower lai�s to pay these sums prior to ihe expiration ot thfs period.Lender mey invoke eny remedles permRted by thf5 ' <br /> Secunty Instrument withaut hirther not�ce or demand on Barrower. <br /> fo�m 9028 0/70 , <br /> �'�O:UlM0It0971 Pag�J u�5 { <br /> • I <br /> i <br /> ��, I <br />