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<br /> , , . _� . _
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<br /> �- - � T 5�'.L�� - - ---� - �_ . ._ . - . "- . _. _, • --...��� �' ��� -
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<br /> .'���.�1�0 i��0�1 Of�ORd�lZOCIOd DO t�1E�.�id all�i.�s •
<br /> A�l� M01��t�EI�I�•.i�:�Rt 0�i� ��"�'� � �i�� �!0 �6�OR'RlGd�,-1�f-'S0�
<br /> j��.�OE1MQ�11 ZE�d1Ea 1D�Q f���111mE�id ibC'ROpE[ty.` : . .- . : .�,.,�
<br /> � B(��O�ER,Cb�(BHA l�1�BO[io*C't��y��C�1�1C taf�i1�011E[E�►004YC�►Cd 1dd lli ik f�b j!��
<br /> pp����p�![iy�:J�lbC�y If L��C����Of t�00�.HOfiOf�l'!i M�[!�i��Nf(� .
<br /> ��p711SF{bC t�tICLO tb0 P��►i�,��lI i�i 11d dl�1�f�.�1 W�Y�.Q�tE1.17�. ' `
<br /> 'j}Q$$�Ij�'j'Y I��'RUMENT 00��1ES YO�fC[I[t ttlYlOdi tOC O�1011f�YEE i�0011�IlO�OfID OOYT�s�ilfb�I�IDd
<br /> vri�tioas bi►3�rbd�oa�o oaastiwta a unifam security ia�t cdvaing n�t pevpaty
<br /> UN�DRM aDV�tAN7�.Bo�t+a�rer and te�e�r as�ea�t aod a�xzs fdbx�
<br /> l. P�t�[h�e1M1 a�i L1[se�A+e�,r�st a�i Lie CM�. Bot�owrer sl�il Wc�mP�Y P�Y �dua tbe
<br /> _ pdacipat af aod lare�est oa tha debt aridenoed DS►the Note�ad�►y propaymeat aad late d�rges duo ue8er thn Narc.
<br /> 2.Fiii he Ts�a�i Lwea�oe.Sub1���PP�u►w or w a writta�waiver by Isader,Botcawdr s�il psy►w
<br /> tiade�ott6G dh►aaoolhly paymeors aro dut uader tbe Nore►uatii tLe Nde is paid ia full.a som(�Fuods")for:(a)Yariy�w
<br /> s�a�meols�rhide may atfsin pr�ot�1�d��RY�as a lint aa tho Ptupetty;(b)Y�Y�P�Y�
<br /> or�muund t�eirts+an Uti Pmpaty;I#�xi�*���-Y�Y�+�'�°TProP�Y i�r000tp�ttdums;(d)ynriy tlood lnsurwoe P�°s+
<br /> - ,td�;(ej Y�Y�A�:����Y:wd(fl�►Y�P��bY��m l�adrr.ta s000c�d�no�with
<br /> of S;;im�en:bTdGeP�Ymeat af mort�iasuraooa gremiwms.'Iliese itaa�an c�lied•Lsccow Itan�.'
<br /> ` d�e Povi�oos p�a�p4_: .,...._...•. ea�
<br /> ���Y,,��r►Y tb�auife,ic'tiqid.�'Fuods in�amoont;wt bQ esamd tt�e mtxiaaum amaunt a koder for a fede[a�I�t_'
<br /> idsod mo�e b�n mhF i�¢ec�c�,�.a�'s cscaow aooa�cot.ander the faderai Rcd Fstatc Sdtkmeat Pcaooduces Act d�':'':.._..
<br /> 1974 as�oeoded tmm mqe Da�in�G:f�:�eS:C.SoAioa 2601 esse�('RESFA',uWass aootl�er faw t6at applies m the flto�8s'.. ', �,.. <
<br /> >- dmo oallect aod Loid Fwids in at�aawiwt aoR to e:mod the ks.ser arna�'u"q,�;::• •�.
<br /> - seta a Ms�er umuat.If So�.�.tude�'.?a�$,rs�aa3► + .;�%�:-
<br />-- — ` L+eader,�y�te tee�no�et uE���ie on me e�sis of cari�dt�a�ti ana c+�anabf��uf a�penc�i�uts of_c�e:�::>";;:;�[::;.
<br /> Fscm�v Heoas.br a�enresc� . .po�!lio�`xia�$a�lir�k 1ao►- �� .�. , . �.;'-.� �} �«' ��s�,"
<br /> r �Rl".1ffiYIC[{�I A f0�:A1 ��r'�r s 1��j� <,5 °f r`,'`
<br /> - 'lbe.�Fiwds s1�tE he�`�r��T�FT�ruse��Epu�ts L,a�Banic. �� �r` ;s,�-
<br /> � ". , ..
<br /> sa i�i�on 'i� � Iiati"t�,a�' +��+w�s��'�ie;:�;�. �
<br /> f���,�,f���h �4�� ���n the�xts`aanusti ` `a��ji��r�o���& �"r`<<<,`'.�.;;
<br /> L�tc�nrnv Itaas.�.t� ;iiuEdiarge Bormwer fociol?�i�a4�$(� 8 + Y • ' �f= :,:9'
<br />- verifylua d�e�r`a�,'T�.,,''�I.cadet�tys Botm�cc i�ter�t v.t��e Fued4 ard applicabld�ltav per�si�s�3i3�'��iaaip�i , ;'r�;}.
<br /> - -- ����j�Tr����� r... ..t'"�� a'`•'
<br /> to�aji�xva��rbe for an indape�ee�ii�l�'�?�.��,s�3r�pe �
<br /> _ � by �`�Qodr�o�don with this lo�n, unkss a�plica�i�:1� provides otherwlse. UWess an. , ,.�.�'is'�'�ar
<br />_ applic�bk lai¢'�oqaitrs:�w be p�d,Ladar stralt`not be�itid to pay Bormwer aay intetest or e�aiis�c��n the Fliiids.
<br /> Ao�Cnwei and Lendes ra�r�ree in wcidng,howeverK�ti�t intenst shalt 6e paid on the Fwds.I.ender s��t:�to Bomawer, --
<br /> vr�tNout d�uE�,an ann�a�dDB of tde Funds.:�s�rin8 credits and debits to tht Fands and d�e�:for wlnch ac�
<br />-° dd�it to tl�F#�qds wss made.Tbe F�pe�ate pted�af�additional sxuriq[�or all auns seatii�d`���is:�y In�• '�
<br /> ' It the�'�dac held by[.ender excioddEa�amoya��rmitted w be beld by applicabk li�„�:'si�llaa�cwM w Ban�nwer
<br /> for tHe a�oessltand4 io,qq,00�;d�uc�a;�:���'s of applicab . _ o�:�;. :!� .,�., b�y �any _
<br /> k law Ii tfie amouM L'a��h�� t,erides
<br /> _ ----_ �.: �time I�mt sa��tta�c�e��l����,.�.•��.`.�der may sa notifyr Bc�nrs�ier ln wrm�tg,adc�:��Iii such case Brnmwer
<br />- slqdl pay to Lender die��c:wa?'maice c�r•tt5e defieieacy. Bomnwer�shaU make up tfie deficiepcy in no mote tdaa
<br /> t��elve monthly paym�.mts;mt�ero3r.�'��f�.ctiscc�etian. .. ,_`
<br /> UPop PaYment in full of'al�;dmaas secvrvd by ehis Setauitjr,t�trnn�ent. l.endcr s6a11 piqmptiy refand ta.Barrawer aoy. :�'`=-
<br /> Funds heW by Lender.tf.ander�'21.L�ender shall aeq��c se11 the PnopeRy..l�.Prior to the acquicition or sal+�;. ,'�,; ;;._;
<br /> of the P�opoRy,sha11 apply aay Funds heid by tr�nder at tde time ct�x<(aisitan ot sate as a ccedit ag�inst thc sums sxurod by ` ;'•:.��;�;;
<br />- 16is Sacuriry Instrument. ' ' ' . ��.
<br /> ::.�.�tz�,.
<br />= , 3.AOpliaiNow ot Paymeds.Unless applicable law pravidei'i�iierwisc.all payrtkpts rec�Yed by Leader under paragr�phs ''•�"--
<br /> 1 sad 2 shall be appliod:First.co anY Pcep�►yrnait charges due�rthe Nae:second,ta a�w�rts payable under paragraph 2: • ,���''''
<br /> thiid,to interest due:faurth,to principal due:and last:,to any late charges due w�dcr the h�. : �'�
<br /> - 4.�Liew.Bonower shall pay all fa�,..asses.sments,cAarges.fines�nd impasitians attributabte w the '""'�:
<br /> � �nY .. �.-{,'�;;:°
<br /> which msy attain priodty over this Secvrity tastruiire:�t. and leasehofd payments ar graund rents.if any.Borrower st�ll pay . t��:
<br /> o.,.,
<br /> ttrcse obtlg,aciqns in the mnnner provided in puagrapb 2,or if not paid in that manncr.Borrower shall pay them on time dira�Iy �' +�
<br /> w t h e pa's�s+�w e d paY m e n t,B orrower s h a l l p ro m p t l y Po m i s h t o L c n d c r�1!n a t i o c s o f a rt i o u n t s t a b c p ti d u n d e t t ti s�. . � �.'-_
<br />_ If Bamawc��u�aies these paym�ts direclly.Borrorver shall prompdy fumisi�ro Lender reoeiqs evidencing the paymeats.:::� ,. '•:,.,
<br />- ��w���FZ�?�Y dixl�uBe any lien which h�s priority over this Security Instrument uuless 8orrower.(a)�:c c� ;'`..; '•, c
<br />— writing w the pay,nieart`sr�ci�e abligation securcd by the lien in a manner accepable ta Lender;(b)cantests in g o o d f a i t h t h e is"�a ='.�-:: `'
<br />� by;.or def�srgai�#.q�J`'rz�meqt of thc licn in. 1ega1 praoeed"sngs whicfi in the Lcndcr's opinion operate to preveqt t�e � '
<br /> —_ � eafanx�i�ir#i�te lien:�Oi tc)���com thc hoWcr of tho lic�au agracmcnt�atisiactory to Lendet su6ordin�ting the�as.to
<br /> th{s Seea�n�':15�tntment, If l.ender+�i�,.rot»nes that any pan of th�Property ic subjoct to a lien.which may attain priorit�uver
<br /> � �`° thls Socurity yastrumetK.b�atder maJi give BorraWCr a noticc idendfying thc licn.Borrawer sha�l satisfy the lien or talce one or ;.,.
<br /> '•'` �'' ' " i�_': toore af lbe r�ctions set�o►tfe atwve within 10 days of the giving of noticc. '
<br /> �t�i: -_ . � ' �T,
<br /> j ;' , . : ' Fann 302R �H11 �
<br />. ;• r . "; ` . , v+a.2uf:e '.t�: ., •
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<br /> 1 V�t ,�•f.ul - . _ _ "rt" Jf" I 6y ��� ,` � �iC.i:':< ,. "f'..•t^. .7.r_ .
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