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-�� <br /> � „ ' ' <br /> ,,;�. „ ;���~ - . , <br /> . .G+!t'p1Af�1�111U"±w' . . . _ . r ,. "',,`: <br /> - � �� wCAS�:''. <br /> ' . �i:r�f5er_'.-.. <br /> 17. Transbr of th� Proporty o► a Boneflalal Intorest in Borrower. if aw or any part of the Prope►ty or .. , ,�z.__ <br /> any Interest In it Is sold or transferred (or if e beneiiclai Interest in Borrower Is sold ar tranaferted and Bonower is not a nnturcl ::'�,:';;`"� , <br /> person) without Lender'a prlor written consent.�ender mey,at fls optlon,requlre Immedlate payment In full of all suma secured by - <br /> lhls Securlty Inatrument. However, this optton ahall not be exercised by Lender If exerclse is prohibtted by federal lew ae of the -- <br /> dato ol thls Socurity Instrument. • � ' <br /> It Lender exerciaes this optlon,Lender ahnll glvo 9orrower nolico ol accelorutlon. The nalice shnll provlde u perlod of not�' � <br /> e�' <br /> loos than 30 days Irom tho date the notice Is deWered or mailed withln which BoROwer must pey all sume secured by thle =�,v_ <br /> Security Instrument. fl Borrower (alis to pay theso aums prlor to tho expiratlon of ihls perlod, Lendor may Invoke uny remedlea� .�f�° <br /> , permitted by this Security Inatrument without furthor notice ur demand on Bovower. I _ <br /> 18. 9orrowor's Right to RNnstate. II Bonower mee�s certeln conditlons, Borrower shall have the rlght to have I <br /> enlorcement ot thla Security Inatrument dlscontinued et any time pdor to the eadler o1: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod na ��., <br /> , • applicablo law may specify tor retnstatement)bn}ore sulo of tho Property pursuent to eny power oi sele contelned In thls Secudry r� _ <br /> �, Inatrument; or (b) antry of a Judgment enforcing thls Secu�iry Instrument.Those conditlons are that Borrower. (o) puys Lender ail �; ;�" <br /> Mn,iLrtJ� .l Y`•`���,• <br /> sums whlch then wauld be due under thia Security Inslrument and the Note as If no accelernllon hed occurred; (b) cures eny � :��, ;:^- <br /> � ""� delault of any other covenant or agroements: (c) pays all expenses Incurred In enforcing this Secudry Instrument, Including, but � �,�,�:-. <br /> ,�,_•._- <br /> not Ilmited to, reenonabie attomeys'teea; and(d) takea such action as Lender may reasonabty requko to assure that the Iien of ,.,;�;,�--. <br /> thls Secudty Instrument, Lender's dghts In the Property and Bortower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Secudty •. ':,�x��:_� <br /> Instrument sheil continue unchanged. Upon reinstetement by Borrower, thls Secudty Instrument and the obligatbn� secured ,�, �- <br /> hereby shall remsln fully efteGMe aa M no accelerellon hed occurred. However,thls right to reinstate shalt not apply In the case '- - <br /> t ot acceleretlon under paragraph 17. . ���,� <br /> 3 19. SaIY Of NOte; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a pArtiel Intefest in the Note (together with thls 'f� <br /> Securlty Instrument) may be sold ono or more times wlthout prior notice to Bortower. A sale may result In a change In ihe entity ,. <br /> '� (known ss the'Loen Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thls Secu►ity Instrument. There also mny " .''� <br /> � be one or more changes of the Loan 3enlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the Loan Servicer, _ <br /> '� Borrower wili be given wdtten notice of the change In accordenee with parngrnph 14 above and applfceble law. T he not ice will - <br /> atate the name and eddress ot the new Loan Servicer and tha address to whlch paymento should be made. Tho notice wlll also <br /> � �I contaln any other Informatton required by appWcable law, <br /> S 20. Hazardous Substances. Bortower shell not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, stomge, or release ot _ <br /> �. �I any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shaN not do, nor allow anyone else to do, enything aifectfng the <br /> I Property thet Is In vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presenae, uae, or <br /> � storage on the Property of small quantltles of Hezardous Substances that are generally recognized to be approprlete to nortnal <br /> ��� I residentlal uses and to maintenence ot the Property. <br /> � Borcower shall promptiy glve Lender wdtten notice of any Investigatlon, clalm, demand, lawault or other actlon by any _ <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or prlvate party InvoNing the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmontel Law of _ <br /> whlch Borrower has actuai knowiedge. Ii Borrower leams, or is notifled by any govemmenlal or regulatory authority,that any <br /> � removal or other remediatlon of any Hazardous Substance atfecting Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly tuka ali <br /> " necessary remedial actions In accordance wRh Envkonmental Lew. <br /> ;. Aa used In thls paragrapn 20,'Mazardous �uostences` are iooso subsiancna Jaiindd eo tuxlt or hazardaus aubstsnees by <br /> Envlronmental Law and the following aubstences; gasoilne, kerosene, other 1lammable w toxlc pet�oleum products, toxlc <br /> � pesticldes and herbicides, vdatile solvents,materfals contalning asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radbaotive materlats. Ae uaed in <br /> � „ ; paragraph 20, "Environmentel Law'means federal laws and Isws o(the Jurisdictlon where the Property Is loceted that relate to <br /> '�� health,sefety or environmentel protectlon. <br /> � <br /> �• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree as tollows: _ _ <br /> �, 21. Acceleratton; Remedles. Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to accoleretton __ <br /> :� following Borrower's breach of any covenent or agreement In this Security Instrument (but not <br /> G prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provldos oth�rwiso). The notice _ <br /> � shall specliy: (a) the default; (b) tha actton requlred to cure the default; (c) e date, not I�as than <br /> ` 30 days from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which the default must be ourad; and <br />' �� (d) that faiture to cure the defauit on or betore the date specHled in ths notico may rssult tn <br /> n acceleration of the sums secured by thia Security Instrument and sale of ths Property. The notice _ <br /> •k ahall further Inform Borrowar of the rfghi to retnetate after acceleration and tho right to brin� a <br /> � court actlon to assert the non-exlstence of a default or any other defense of Borrowor to ----- <br /> acceleratlon and sale. If the dofault Is not cured on or before the date epecifi�d In th. ootie�, <br /> � I.ender at tts optton mey require tmmediate payment in full of all sums secured by thls 8ecurity ��,�; <br /> Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and eny other remodies �-- - <br /> _ permitted by appltcable law. Lender shall be entitled to colleat all expenses tncurred In purauing �_-�= __ <br /> •� the remedies providod in thts paragraph 21, including� but not Iimited to, roasonable attorneys' ',,,,_y k,.,,,, <br /> . fees and costs of title evidence. •.��1", <br /> ' If the ower of sale ts (nvoked, Trustee shali record a �otice af default In each county In ,��r.}�� <br /> p � k-r�-r , <br /> which any part of the Property is located and shall mail copies of auch notice In the manner ' .� l�,._;�, <br /> prescrfbod by appliaabte law to Dorrowor and to the other parsons prescribed by applicablo law. ,,;,N <br /> Aiter the time required by appllcable law, Trustee ahall give publta notice of sale to the persons ' "�''"' <br /> and in the manr►or prescribed by appilcable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell "'�'. ��,���� <br /> the Property at public auction to the highest bidder et the time and plsce and under the terms � � <br /> deaignated In the notice of sale in one or rtiore percels and in any order Trustee determines. •• <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or ony parcel of the Property by public announcement at the <br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the <br /> Property at any sele. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, 'Yrustee shall deliver to the purcheser Trusteo's � <br /> deed conveying the Property. The �ecitala in the Trustee's deed ahall be prima facte evtdence of <br /> the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee ahall apply the procesds ofi the sale in the <br /> � fotiowt^g order. (a) to an costs anq expenses ot exorcising ine power oi saie, and ioe daiv, � ----_--°--=- <br /> Including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed three <br /> � % of the principal amount of the <br /> � note at the time of the declaratfon of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by It�w; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Securtty Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons ; ' <br /> - legally entitled to it. <br />� i i.i�.i�d,����/� viy�� n.-r �� /.� �� ' ' <br /> •�ri.iJ , <br /> _ <br /> _-1 ..___ _ _._. ..___._ . . <br /> _.._._..__. _. . ... _ ______._ _. .. . _ - _ _ _ <br />