� .. ... ,.. "i;: ;.�:�' , _ __
<br /> , .. . . ;�, . . , _
<br /> , , :::;� , , . �
<br /> . . . . . . , . ` 1 ' . . . , .�f . —
<br /> . � . _ � � ' . , � , � � � `�'
<br /> - . . _ . . . - .,. .. • ` , . .. . ' . . .. ._ � `• � � � . . • . • ;�t
<br /> , .. .. . . �i . ' � . . ��
<br /> .-� . 9�m �.oe4�� �---�_--==--.-:-�.-- �,�,T
<br /> . _.
<br /> lb.Borrmwe�'s Copy. Barrower shall Deg►ven oae conformod copy of the Nat�and of this Securiry insaument � =�'
<br /> . � 17.Traader of the Property or a BeaEtici�l Interest ir��o�mvger. If all ar any p�rt of the Prapeaty or any interest in it is , . . ,�
<br /> sotd or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Barrower is soW or uansferred and Bonower is nflt a nanualpason) without �
<br /> `;! Le�der's prior writter►consent,Lender may.at iis optio�s,require immediate paymeat ir�fiill of all sums secnred by tLis Security . _ _
<br /> � � Instsumexat However.this opiion shall not hc exe��sed by Leader if ea�eacise is gro W bi t s d by f e d e r a l!sa as a f t h e d a L e of this � . , .. -
<br /> � Sccurity Insmiment . .
<br /> ff[.ender exerci�ss this o rion,Lend�s�ll�ive Borrower notise of acxeleration.'!he nouce shall provide a period of not less
<br />. � tdan 30 days hom the data�e norice is delivered or ma�eA within wl�ich Borrower must pay all sums secured by tlns Se�uity - . � ; :
<br /> In.�ument If Hoirower fails m pay these sums prior tn the expuadon of tbis period,Lender may mvoke any remedies peamitted ,
<br /> ,' by this Security Iastrument without fiuther ntttice or demand on Bosrower. .. .
<br /> � 18.Borrower's Rigdt to ReinsZate. � Bo��� � � �ndidons, Borsowea shall have the right to have . , _
<br /> enfonoemeat of this Sepmty Insuument discantianued at any wise prior w the earliea of: (a) 5 days(or sucd other pennd as _
<br /> applicable law may spec►fy' for reinstatement)befare sale of the Propecty pursuant to any gow�of sale contained in t6is Secauity ` ... ,. .
<br /> Iastcumen�or(b)entry of a jndgmaent enfarcing this Seciaity Instrument'I9�ose candisions are that Borrowea:(a)pays l.enda all , , .- _
<br /> -. , svms wtush then would be due uad�ttus Seauiry Instrument and the Note as if no aocelc�ati�n had oceuned:(b)c�aes wy ;.....�:,. '
<br /> ' defavIt of any othea covenants or agreement�(c)PaYs all expenscs inc�ared w eAfox�m8 th�s SecamtY Iustiumeut,mcluding,but � , '•':� , • a
<br /> aoi Iimited w,reasonable amameys'fe�aud(�takes such action as Lendea may reasonably requue Lo ass�u+e that th€lien of this - . �'
<br /> . Secauity Insuument, Lendei's rights in the Pmpesty and Bormwer's ob li g a ti on to pay the snms secured by this Secuiity . . —
<br /> Instnnneat shall cont�ue �mchanged. Upon reinstatemcat by Bomav�er. Uvs SOauiiy In.suumeat and the obligatinns secured � . �.'::..���
<br /> u � . .
<br /> heieby shall remain f u II y e ffecdve as i f no a c ce l e r a t i on h a d o c c a r r e d.H u w ever,this r i g h t to reinstate shall aat a p gl y in the case of i ''. •-�'f�`'
<br /> �.�... ..:., _-.
<br /> �1�9 3�of I�Vo�hangel of Loan.Servicer. 'Ilie Nots or a partaal in� in ttie Note (tngethei witb this Security : .� � �'�,'„�.�'��.'�
<br /> IasbNmeut)may be said one or more umes without priar notice tn Bonowa.A sale may reswt en a change in the entiry(Irnown , �,. � _=�
<br /> . as the°Loan Sernse�that coll�cts monthly yments due under the Note aad this Secauity Inswment 1Uere also may be one or _ �- .-r.E1`'�=
<br /> � moae changes of the Lo�Selviar unre�to a s a!$o f t h e No t e.I f t h e�e i s a c h an�e of the I.oan Savicer,Bonowea w�be ^ �;_._"_'�-�-.T
<br /> � `� giv�written notice o��e change in accordance with pazaBraph 14 above aud app�xb2e law.The notice w�+71 state the name and . . , � --
<br /> w�
<br /> ad�ess of the new L�m Servic�and the address to which payments should b�made.lfie notice wiU aLso contain any otha ��� __.
<br /> mfonaation reqaired by�plicable law. . -
<br /> ;� Zil.��rdou9 Seabst�nces. Bonawer sstiall not cavse or gennit the presence, use. disposal, stnrage.or release of any ., • * � .
<br /> u ll
<br /> Hazardous�r�.ces cn or m the Prop�ty.Boimwer shall not do,nor allaw anyone eLSe to do,anydring�ffecCmg the Prope�ty , �-��;, .
<br /> that is in v°,mzre�e���vironmenml Law.'I�e preceding two s�teaces sha13 not agply to the psesenoe,ar�,or stwage on the : � =' � ..`_-;':.
<br /> . Property ef sm,�?D��of Hazardous Sabstana�tfiat�e g�eraliy receg�^�to be sppropriate w¢�m�iesidential uses `,•;�� �J;:.;:�.P.':
<br /> and tn ma�x���opeaty. •�,� �r b'•,,:=��-
<br /> Ba�� s3a�J�'Y B�ve Le�der wriuen r�n�of any �-essigarioa, c�im. demand, lawsuit a�o�er acdon by any �. x;7�: . .
<br /> govem��al ar re8nlzwr3►a8��9�i��'�P�Y ia�ralving th;H�,�eaty and any Ha�ardo�Sabslance or Eavimnmental I.aw ._.`r�-`�
<br /> :,.,. "
<br /> of whic°z��,�xower d a g a c t u a l l mow l e flge.I f Boaower t e a m s.o r s��t�e d b y a n y g oveanmeaaIl c.*r re g u l u w ry s u t h o r i t y.thaz an �i.�,.:; ' :
<br /> ny
<br /> removal oz�ot'ser canediation of any Ha�rdous Substaace affectmg the Property►�s aecx.ssary,Barrowa shall promptly talce all � ;� '�� .
<br />. aecessary re�edial ac�ns in aa:ardanse wiW Fnv�ental Law. � -'�
<br /> As tued in d�is g�ap6 20.°Hazardons S¢7n�ances" are diose substances defined as wxic or har�daas substances by ,��'�� �� ,.
<br /> Envaonmeatal Iaw and the foltowing scbstances: gasoline. kerosene. other �na�able or toxic pe�u� pmducts, waic ` °= •�
<br /> - pesticides�d 6abicides.vola6te salveats.matetials contamu�g�'�Stos or f o i s n a l d e hy d e,an d r a d i o a c t i ve m a r e�i a l s.l�s a s e d in . , .;. `� �
<br />.' this par�.--�.�h 2p."F.nvironmental Law"cneans fedual taws and t�ws of the jurisdictinn wheae the Propeaty is locatQd that selate � �° �
<br />--. ta h�3Ss,.��^''.°x�r.r�s�:irnon�sb�grnr•�hor_. _
<br /> NON-UN�RM COVENAN'I5.Bosowv au�H�nder fiatha covenant and agiee ag follaw� ,-::?'_
<br /> 21.Acoeieratbn;Remedies.Leader sha11 gke�a2iee to Bormwer prlor to a�tion toIIawing�rrower's 6rc�ot —_ � �._��_
<br /> any oor�nt or agreemeat in this Security Instrament (bat not prior to aoceleradon uader p��agraph 17 aNess ��"�!' _
<br /> ` .:—�fSR^_�Y_•rsrr—.
<br /> � appllcab3e f�w provtdes otherwtse).7'he na4ke aIu�1I specify:(a)tbe aetaniti(b)the acdon requ6�ed to care We detaWt;(c) '.�'P'`'I�"'=""�°
<br /> � a daEe.not ksg tban 30 d�ys f'rom t�e date tbe ra�tloe fs given to Borm�ver,by vrhich 4ae detnutt mvJ�.t b2¢mred:ammd(� � �'"�;,,� ,
<br /> k • -�= -��_ '
<br /> tE�t f�mre to care the defan[Y oa or betore t6e�-�speciiled in tUe notice�ay resait in sooeterat�aC the sum�secared .
<br /> .. Dy ttis Sec�ity Insf�affient and sstie ot t6e Pra�rty.7'ae a��ce s6s�I1 fmt�rr intorm Borrower of t�t rig�S to rttnstate ` —
<br /> after aaeekra4ion aad dhe rig�t t�C��g a comrt ac�ton t��cs�3 the non�istea�e o!A dcfxult or any ot6tr dettase ot ��'�
<br /> �. BormWee W$ooel�Uon and s�le.If t�e defealt ts oot c�..^���mr betore the date spedfied in the aotiae,I.ender,at its . '°1''-- �� .�_
<br /> ,�y,_`_
<br /> optioa•may reqaire imme�tate paymeat in fuD ot aD sQms s�red by�Security Instrument without tm ther dem�nd ':�,�„'��;'-��'
<br /> � aad may involce the gawer of sale and any o2her remedlrs p�rrm��ted by�irub42!a�L�ndra�shall�entl4izfl�ooIIect � � � •
<br /> ai!e:pensQS incarre�l i��arsuing t"�Q remiedzs�vided i3�paragr��l,inctuding,but not[im!!r�to.reas�aabSe ''. ..`���,`
<br /> P �
<br /> � attorne�'P¢�and cx�s ot title ecf,�m� '•-�r;• �
<br /> : stf3v s�:.,'�,. ;
<br /> IP c�Qawer of sale ts inv��,"1"�vstee aha11 reeo�t �madee ot defauit In eacD oonnty tn wairh any part af the .�`,�°��y'
<br /> � Property is Wcated and sh�D ms7 oo�ies ot svcD eatioe in the msmner prescribed by appllcab�e law t�Basrawer and to the :_..�;..°�--
<br /> • other pra�sons pr�jbed by applic�bk I�w.AtT,�r¢3e tlme reqatred by appYk�ble law.'iYu4tee s6��`se pnblic notice o! _ �. , ��:�,�_� ,�,r
<br /> s�afe to the pe�xo�s and in the manner presrn'bvJ�y applic�ble law.Traste�without demand on B�er,sdaU se0 tlhe _
<br /> . Proyerdq ui puUlk andbn to the highest Didder at the time aad pl�ce nnd ander t6e term�s d�guate�f in the notice of s�e . ;
<br /> Fotm 30Y8 0IO0
<br /> �•OR(NE�1�t21.Ot PapeSWe �mtqb: _ ' _
<br /> , i r •'� .
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