h`�. .` . . . _ . . . ,.' . _—
<br /> � ." . ' . ` . ' .. . . . � - . - . . ' ., . . _.r�n . .. „ . ' .—
<br /> ., .. e , . � .. . , .. _.
<br /> . . . `
<br /> .. � , � . ., i . _ ' ' .
<br /> � . �
<br /> � . .. � •.- .'.. .. _ _ ��' • ' �}�
<br /> . .. . ..
<br />..__ _'" "'— ' . ...._.. __-T., _i. '__
<br /> 97�00�� � - � :��
<br /> ` and all easQm�ts.aPPw�ten��.�d . . . `':�`.
<br /> , 'POGEI'EIFR WTTH all We impravemeuts now or hereaffEr aected on the pmperty. ����-
<br /> � � All r lacements and additians s4all aLso be covered by this Security lnstrumeni , ,•.�.. —
<br /> < fncnues now or hea�after a p�t of the pmpe�rty. eP ,�
<br /> ; All of the foregoing is ceferred W in t5is Seceuiry Instrume°t as the"Property" �' __ _
<br /> is
<br /> ..� BORROW�K COVVFNNANTS that Boirow�is iawfully seised of the est�te hereby cunveyed aad has the right m gcat►t and , .
<br /> • � convey the Propeaty and dyat the Prope�y is unenc.umbeaed,except for eacumbranoes of recard. Horrower wa�►ts and will . • �
<br /> -� dsfend geue:allY the afle to the Pronperty against a11 claims aad demands.sub}ect to any encumbrances of re�ord. ! + — : r;:;.
<br /> P
<br />�'��:� TI�IIS SECIJRITY INSTRUMFNT combines uniform covenants for arlional use asid noa-anifonn covenants with limiied r • _ -.- - _ .- -- ` -__
<br /> ' •� diaron ro cons�iWte a vnfform securitY msuument cove�g rm1 pmF�Y• k . �
<br /> variations by.{uris � .
<br /> . i iJIJ�RM COVENANTS.Borr�wer and I.eu�r a°venant and ag�ee as follows: a when due ohe �. , . T
<br /> " � !.Paymeat o4 Principal�nd Iaterest;P�'epmYment and Late Charges. Boxrowea shall promPaY P Y , � . �• ,�,.�_
<br /> 1 Priac�pal of and intr�est on the debt evideaced by the Not�aad anY P�Y�t and laie chazges due under the Note. � . -.,. �:
<br /> : .; 2.Ftimds for Taxes and Ins9ranoe. Subject tn agpticabte law ar to a written araiver by Leuder, Bormwer�pay�� k.. ' , _` ��
<br /> •':,, I.e n d e a a n t h e d a y m a a t h l Y P a Y m e n t s a r e d¢e a n d�d i s N Q i z.nnnl the Not�is paid'ui full,a sam("Funds'�for:(a)Y °,r,`r�
<br /> : ,; and asse�Ae�ts which may attain priority ab-�r�is Sea�rin+�eQt as a lien on the Pm�erty;N)Y�Y I�l d pa y m e n t s . , _S ti
<br /> � or ground reuts on the Pro�ecty,�sny,(c);��1y bazazd or pmpaty insur'�e premiums;(cn Year1Y flood ins�rance premiu�ns.if , �.." _
<br /> . �� anY•(e)Y�Y m�aSe insur�►ce r'r�i""c if any;and(�any sums payabte by Baaowet tn I.ea�dea,in accordance with the _ �'`"--
<br /> �`�:�
<br />. provisioms of paiag�aph 8, in 1�af the g�ymeu4 of moitSaBe msurance premiums.'fl,�se items are called"Escmw Items." , ,.. . .`°_ .�'°t7�
<br /> F
<br /> Le�der may,at any 6mc,colleci�d hold Fands ai an amount not to exceed the maxIInfun ammmt a 1end�for a federally relafed , '� .:�;_.—
<br /> Le ' -
<br /> . murtgage Laan may reqnice for Bormwer's esao�v account under the fede�al Real E�tate Settlanent Procedwces Ad of 1474 as .- ...._,
<br /> I .• ! Wr.v . '��
<br /> am�ded fiom time tn time,l2 U.S.C.Sect�on 2b01 et seq. ("RFSpA°),�anles�anotha law that appfies to ths Funds sets a lesser , . . . .��!�
<br /> �r�t If so,Lendea may,at�ay time,coll�t and hots!Funds in an amount not to exceed the lessea amonnt Leuder may f. , . � ,�..�::.°a�=—
<br /> _. ��._,.��`
<br /> �ate the amonnt of Fuuds dne on the basis of cunent�.a and�onable estimates of eacpendit�aes of fuhae Escrow Items or . -
<br /> .;;.� o':�se in accordance wit���ble law. � �`� _
<br /> The Funds shall be held�an instiaitw�n�.l.ose deposi�are ins�nred by a fedeaal�,��c}+.�rumenralilY,oz eutity(includfig ,{, ._ = ,�
<br /> ,.�., epos . �� "
<br /> L c m d e r,i f L e u d e r i s s u c h a n irs�.�.�sioa)cz��y Fede�al Home Lflaa B�'c.I.ender saII agply ihe Funds W pay the Escrow • :s- r
<br /> `� -. ��l�x•-�
<br /> Items.I.eader may aot c6arge�wer f��iding and applying the Fwws,a�nuasY�Y�S the escmw accour►i,ar v e r i f y i ng - ,����x.�� �'
<br /> . unless I..e�� ' �a�w b Lender to make sucL a cGarBe. . ,s ° r;;`-
<br /> . Fscrow Items. ,�.--°'ys Bom�wer interest on the Funds and applicatz� � '. �� . s ,...,,.,.'-
<br /> the b •'%k;'��d•',� .
<br /> Hnwev�.Lender may re�qnue�.-vw���gay a on�dme charge for an mdepe�des�rzal estate tax m.poYtinB seav�ce uso� Y ' : �;• , ..—
<br /> o �,'. 1.�,F,. . ,�. -t
<br /> &cable laar �'a:;��: ..�:,. c,
<br /> I.ender in connepion widi t�is I�an,���tQ 1�a Provides oth�-ise.Unles.c an agreement is made or aPP r.'µ;a r?,ti ;.�;; '%Y�r� �: �'
<br />. 4 . r¢�uines interest w b e p a i d,L e�a d e a s h a U r.��r e q u i�e d ro P a Y B o s mw�sr�y interest or eamings on ttte Fands.Bormwer and � � .,. : .-F��.�"'�
<br /> I.end�may agr�e in writing,t�owever,that int�st shall be paid on the��s.Y.ender shall giv8 to Boaow�,without charge.� ?'`�A. •:'�.':
<br /> o � ••
<br /> " :armual accountu�g og the Fua�s.showing cgedits and de'�n�the Funds and the purlecse for which eacd debii w tt�Fumds was ,, t.,..•. .,` � _,_—.
<br /> h _ �¢'vi� • " ;: ��,
<br /> �' .'t 1�e Funds are p�d g e d�aadditional se�iY far a�s�.�secured by this S�%�^suumeat � ���,� c' S, F _' .. ..
<br /> � '� If the Funds detd by Lw��ceed tk�a.o�ts pear'..�w be held by appllcab�e a�•�,Len d e,r s t i a ll acco�t��a r m w e s f o r iE1
<br /> ,' `�.,' i��:,•
<br /> the excess Fuads in accardanc�a�b the r�a�n�u of a�p.icable law.�f the amo u n t�f t h e F�m d s h e 2 d b y I.euder ai an y tim�is � _, ;p.`1 •, —
<br /> not suffcient w pay the Fsdxoa£t�ns when due,Lender�...°y so notify Bn►,�ow�r in w�g,and,in sucb case Bomnwer st�all pay ,*�t:�t: :
<br />� ' to Lendea the amount aecess�to ma�ce ap the aencicx���� Dazaw��hr•lt ursye :�'� �" .�"—'►ry in no m�re trian twelve - - -- --_=:_;��",,-
<br /> ma:.th1Y PaYments.at I.enda's sc,le discreaon. �' t.''��
<br /> l7pon payment in faU of sIl sums serured by this Seauity Insuument Lender shaU promPtlY refaad to Bo�wer auy Faads '`:..��,���:��.,r _^
<br /> � ' held by Lc,ad�.If,�mder PuaBaph 21,Le�der shall acquire or sell t�:.Property,1.ender,Prior w the acquisition or sale of de ,�,,.,,, ,- ;;
<br /> s1ra11 Fvnda held by I.endes at the time of acq�m or sale as a credit against the sums sec�aed by� ^ _
<br /> , lY�Y .����.�'°� --
<br /> PraPertY �PP - - — �
<br /> Sec�ity Instrameat "' _ -.----_°`
<br /> �r-..• �
<br /> 3.Applleation ot Pay�a�n. Unless appti�able law�vjdes othe.cwise.all FaYc�:nts nceivrd by Leader��u�aiag�'a,46s ':.'�z� . �`.g
<br /> 1 and 2 stiall be apptied: first,zo aay pregayme.nt charBes�ae uadea t�e Not�secand,w emounts payable i��i��Z: ;.• :.. . - ` '
<br /> � . third.tn inteaest due:fawnh.to priacxpal dme;and last,to any late charges�.�under the Note. '��"�".�� �_'
<br /> . 4.Chargee;Ltens. Bomnw� shall Fay all taxes.assessments.charges+ fines and impositioas arinbutable to the Ptopetty _ _
<br /> en ,�leaseho2d ents or gro u n d ren i s.if an y.Boirawer s6a11 pay these _--_-� �°_
<br /> • which may attain prioritY ov�fiis Security Insuum ��r PaYm - -
<br /> . obligations ia the manner pr¢a�aed in paragraph 2,or�n�+.�aid'u�thai maoaer,Boirower shall pay them on ti�e�ectly to the � r . ",,;;.
<br /> � 'ii"
<br /> peison owed payman�Bom�«�er sha11 piomptly fumis�ca I.eadea il aotices of amounts to be paid under t��ag�aph.If �t; ,
<br /> ;;;'<..t .��r:.�,�. .
<br /> ` '.' Bmmwea makes these paymra�ta direqly.Borrow�shall promptly fv�'�w Lender receipts evid�mca�g the�ayme.��. i���.r,;_f�,:�.;.....• �,--
<br /> Buaowea shall promptly ctiscbarge any lien which hag prioriry as��is Securiry�eat unless Botrow�:(a)agiees �_ �s., '-•:=
<br /> ia :.,�,�;�:.� :,�.•• -
<br /> ��'�. ' � �':•
<br /> ' wtitinng tn the payment ag di�oblig,arion saaued by the lien in a manner acceDiable w Lend�:(b)contesb In gaad faith the lien •.,�r�:;T. c `
<br /> gado . '
<br /> which in the Legdea's opinion opetace�o prevent tha . : �",_�--.
<br /> by,or defe,nds again.st �i'�c�ment of the lien in, legaf ProceedinSg ,;'..�� ``-'`,_'�..-., .�: �'
<br /> enfo�ement df Lhe tiea:or(c)sec�ues fmm the holder cf the lieai an a�eemeait satisfacmry w Lender subardiv�g the lien to ,,°�;':µ; ..__ _;;:._. —.
<br />. ` this Ser,urity Trstn..-cent If Lendea dete�mmes that any pa�t of the Ptaperty is subject to a lien which may atmin Ipriority ovea 1�is �y. .�:.,_. .
<br /> p, m y..,; ..
<br /> . .i,�.� ��•
<br /> • .�`'�f� Security Instr���Lenda may give Borrower a notice irlentifying e�lien.Bonow�shall satisfY the lien or take one or moTe �;.,�`,,�,r:.: .
<br /> �'i'.' "
<br /> �� of the actions set forth atsove aithin 10 days of the givcag of nobce. .;�;;.' . .''�•, . �[
<br /> Crorm 8028 �I�O v<•;>`; �
<br /> � -:tlab:-- `:i.::•, ' . .
<br /> ��6R(N��azi2�.o, ae�•x of e r•,: . , _
<br /> �e .
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