_�i�.�Y. —_..—.-y......__t�..`� .. .._s._`�__.Y�—_'_..:.._._ ,�-`-•°.c�- --°----�-'� � � '�t ;k . • • .
<br /> - . -t '
<br /> . ' . L 7� ����ia . ` . .. ti. ,< _
<br /> ` �` `Procesds'in aonnecUon wiih cond�mnation ar other taldng of the PropeRy or part thereof,or tor conveyance in lieu ot�undemnaSon. , �_ �` -_ .
<br /> Lendsr shatl lra entitled at ifs option i�oommence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any ection or proceed3ngs.and shall also � � __
<br />' ` be entiUed ta mak�any oompromise or setUQmsnt tn connec�tfon with such talcing or damage.In the event any porttan oi tl�e Prtsparty ts � '� �• -.
<br />' so tsken or dama¢�d.Lender shall have the oDtion in its sote and absolute discretion,to eRptY ell such prooeeds, aftor deducttpg =�_�`._��� _
<br /> therefrom ail casts and expensea incurred by it En connectlon wiih such Proceeds,upon any ind�btedness&ecurad hereby and in such . • - ' ;`_
<br /> order as Lender may daiertnine.or to app(y el!suoh Proceeds,afte�such dsductions,to the restoraUOn of the Proparty upon such aon- • � �
<br />`���� d�ons as Lender may datertnine.My applcation of Praceads to indebtedness shali not entend or postpone the due date o!any pay , ,�
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapptiad funds shall be paid to Trusbor. ' �__
<br /> � � 8.Per[ormance by Len�er.Upon Me occurrence of an Even4 of Defautt hereunder,or if any ect is taken or tsgal p�ocee�ing .
<br /> commenced which matedaltY aNects Lendefs interest in the Proporty.Lender may in iis awn discretion,6ut without obtigation 4o do so. �,` . �.
<br /> • . , and withaut noUoe to or demand upon Trustor and withcut releasing Trustor from any obligatian.do any act�nrhich Tn�SYOr has agreed •, ' �
<br /> but iaitsd to do artd may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shatl,immediateiy upan
<br /> -- demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lendsr all oosts and expenses incurred and suens e�ended by Len�ar i�cor�riactiaso e�tth ths etter- -- ----
<br /> . ase by Lender of the toregoing dghts,togsther wfth ioterest theraon at the dafault raie provided in ths Nate,which sP�aU ba edd2d to . � . . �
<br /> ,s : the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur any liahilityr bscause af anythi�g it may do or omit to do hereurK9er. ,,,-,�;��,��,�.,:_
<br /> , 9.Hazardaus IY�arial�.Tn�stor shall keep the Property Ue corrtpliance with a�applical�te iavrs,ordinanoes and tegutaflons . . . .. ., '. �.
<br /> retating to intfustrial hygfsne or environmanffiI pmfecton(ooilectively referred to hefe{n as"Erwimnrt�en3el Laue�.Tnrstor sftall keep �� � . ? � ,
<br /> the PropeRy hee trom ati substancss deem�tl tc bs haaardaus or toxic undar any Fr►vironmant�J Laws(caltecctivety refeared to heretn `� � �. '.�,�
<br /> • , as'Hazaraaus Materials�.Tn�stor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that thera are no Harardous MatBrials on or under the ,,4;,4 . ..,��,
<br />� � Property.Ypets�r hereby agrees to indemnify and ho�d harmiess Lender,its drectors.ofRcers,employees and agents,end any suxes. ,, __°i==�=-�"
<br /> sars tn Le�ers irt[eres�from and against any and aJt daims,damages.losses and IiabiitUes arising in conne�don wfth the presence, •r' "='.�-.,--,-..r�
<br /> � use,disposal or tisnsport oi any Hazardous Matertals an,under,ftom or about ihe Propeity.THE FOREGOINO WARRANTIES AND � '. „�,••:,�,,�- :
<br /> � . RE�i�+'V�YANCE OF THi3 DEED OF TRUST. `�`��
<br /> tC�Asstgnmenta ot Rorrb.Tnutor hereby assigr►a to Lender.and grants Lender a sacadry interest in.all present,tuture and .<( � _�- �'T'_"j
<br /> � • after�ising rents.issues and pmfits of the Property:provlded thai Tnistor shall,untU ths xarrencs of an Everrt of Qe�a.u14 hereunder, "`�
<br /> � have the rfght to cat!ect and reffiin such rents,issues and profits as they beoame due and payabfe.Upan the occurrence of an Everst of ;. _`*—�°�
<br /> Dafauit,Lender rr��g,either in pe�son or by agent,with or without bringing any action or procesding,or by a receiver appoirted by a ' _
<br /> ' ` oourt and wifhout reg�rd to the adequacy►of Ks secudty,ertter upon arM fake possession of the PropeRy,or any paR thereof,in its own ` ��`� ��
<br /> ��_.--:_�_
<br /> -� --��=-+}►�°'...
<br /> name or in the name of ifle Trusiee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirabie W preserve the value, marketabairy or =';�,,� .T f � �:`-;
<br /> �. rentability of the Property,or any part thereof or interest therein,or tn increase the income theretrom or protect the securtry hereoi and, •;;�;s?:� �
<br /> �,��!•'• wiih or wiihout taldng possesslon of the PropeRy,sue for or othenrrise collect the renis,issues and proftts thereoi,indud'ing thase past • �_� ___
<br /> ` .:,�� due and unpaid,by noU�ying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents.tsstres artd proi'iis,less oosb and expans- _:•...� ����.;-,`-
<br /> ' '���` es of operation and coftecdon including attomey's fees.to any indebted�ess secured hareby,all in such order es Lender may deter- :�- 't�_ -
<br /> � mine.The enterin u cn and takin ossessia.�u c�tfie Pro the coilecNon of such rents,Issues artd rofiis.and the �cafJon •` , ��±}`=��xti-,
<br /> 9 D 9 P PeKf►. e P aAP -•s�,�r ,�.e;;.
<br /> �o
<br /> �'. theee�as atoresaid shali not ceua or wahre any detault or no'Laa of dafauit hereunder or Invaltdate any act done In response to sueh % •• � '- -: '�`�
<br /> , :1,, daf�-w,itt nr pursuant to such notice of defautt and, notwitt�s3_a�ciing the con�nuance in possassion of the properiy or the collection, ;�'r„�;••y�.: +���±.,� �
<br /> � p;:`�, ceceipt and appltc�Eion of rents,issues or profits,Trustee and ussn�er shall ba e�Utled W exercise every rfgM provided tor in any ot the '�� '�� +.
<br /> �• ' Loan Instnimenis�T by law upon oocatrence of any Event of De9suit,incEuaMg e�thout limitation tha right to exercise the power of sele. � ��
<br /> :;,;�� a:.....,.::.;;��:�.:��. '��
<br /> ��� ;:%s wrtr�er,��rg.�g`ks and remedtes under thls paragraph shall be cumu�ifirs e�,ith,and in no way a I�miffi�os�on,Lenders�ights and
<br /> .�i".'•,��,�� remadtes under any a�ignment of leases and renis recorded against the Praaerty.Lender,Trustee and the reoeiver shail be Iiable to .��,`{,.,., �� � ����;' �
<br /> J�` account oniy for tRose rants actu�!.�r received. �n ;` �
<br /> 11.Events of Oehuit Ttra tollowing shali oonstitute an Event oi Defautt under tfiis Qeed of Trust L��' '�,,���, .
<br /> . '-f'' (a)Faitusa to pay any inshaltmeni e!prlricipal or irrterest of any other sum secured hereby vfien due: . � '�,�e.;,.
<br /> .,,f : ;�-ri;,_
<br /> ..�.� (b)A brez�h of or defauit under arry�!�viston conta(ned in tha Note,this Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan instrumer�ts,or any ,,v R;�r_�_
<br /> �'�� other lien or encumbrance upon the Prop�y: .0
<br /> - - Z;,}�:��ti ai axa�z ar at�tChss�r's2�s any s�mUsr prec°ss st!?�b9 entarad ao�inst Trustor whtch shall become a Ilen on =_ �`'�`
<br /> �e PropeRy or any portion thereof or interest therein; �` :-
<br /> � (�There shall be fited by or against Trustor or Borrower an actton under any present or future tederal,sffite or other statute,
<br /> law or t a::,s n r etatin m baniw ,insotvency or other reftet tor do�tors;or there shali be appointed any trustee,reoeiver or ���"_�
<br /> � ,:.�I liquidatof r o�c�stor or Borrowar or of afl or any part of the Property,or t�`�a renis,issues or proflffi thereof,or TtusZor or Botrmver --L----=--=�°-
<br /> ='`; shati make any genarai asslgnment for Yria baneflt of creditors: � � �-
<br /> (e)The salo,transier,Iease,essignmant,conveyance or furthe;encumbr,an�at afl or any part of or any interest tn the �::�°
<br /> � Property,either votuntnrity or tnvohmtarily,without the e�ress written oonsent ot Lender,provided that Trustor shall be pertnit �{,>'"�`�: �'�'�-. ��
<br /> -: ted to execute a lease of the PropeRy that doea not contain an opUon to urc7�asa�the tem►of which does not exceed one ��'��i.' '��- ��.�_
<br /> � . P �.:•:;, ::.;
<br /> •,r}� ya� �:k; `.r. �.
<br /> � ; ��,;<v:., _
<br /> ��_'.,;;'�;;� (fl Abandonment of the Property;cr _ ;����,.
<br /> �?7'� (g)It Trustor is not an individual,tha issuanoe,sale,trans9er,ass3gnment,odnvsyas�ce or encumbrance of more than(if a . :��=�;
<br /> � corporetlon)a total o} peroent o}its issued and outstandl�g ataa�,or;�.°a partnership)a toml o? per- ` , ' ',. '
<br /> , �',� cent of partnarshlQ interesb.or(if a limited liability company)a Wtal ot pereent of 4he limited`�ll,2y compa- .,;�;,.�..,. `..��.� �
<br /> ny interests or votlng dghts dudng the pedod this Oeed of Tnist remains a lien on the properly. �''��'r •
<br /> � ,. !:� 12 Remsdle9;Mcefopatlon Upan CaiaulL In tha event ot�ny Evenz�t Dofauh Lender may,wlthout notice except as required __ '��''�2
<br /> � ` by law,dectare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payahte and the same shall thereupon become due and payaWe witlw _��T��{
<br /> . � out arry presentmenl,demand,pro*.est or noiioe o!any kind.Thereaftsr Lender may: r+"•'='���'`�t"�`T
<br /> (a)Demand that Trust�e exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustora(nter- � `.r���`'• � �
<br /> ��b r- •-�,r-r-•'-.
<br /> . est tn the Property to be sotd and the proceeds w bo disVibute9.all in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trusl Deeds AcY, �jk��;.•',;.�.:. , �
<br /> �,;` �tb��ise eny and ari rights pra�de�tor in any o!the Loan Inshumente or by taw upon occurronce oT any Event ot : `:c:,�Ty.
<br /> �,.;'; (c)Commence an action to forectos�ttrais Oeed of Trust as a mor�qa�s,appoirrt a roceiver,or sgeciflcalty entorce any o!ttas �'�+`` '���"��°�
<br /> , ' �i.;4.`
<br /> � • oovanants hereo}. �:°�.-
<br /> P.0 romedy herein coRferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intende�to be excl�ns�u3 01 eny other remedy►he�eln,in the Loan "i±����`��. -
<br /> ir��menb or by faw provlded or permitted.but each shall b0 oumutative,sha11 be in addlt'bn to every other remedy givan P�oreunCer. :v��t:.
<br /> ' '� in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or tn equity or by sieh.�e.and may be exerclsed concurrenUy,independertLy .`,,;�,, ..+� .,•��~ •
<br /> or succesivety. -'; � � - -
<br /> 13.T�ustee.The Trustee may resign at any Ume wlthout cause,artd Lander may a4 any time and without cause appolnt a suo- •..,,,�,.,�.,,,;�;r,:'A��'
<br /> oessar or substitute Trustee.Truatee shall not ba liabfe to any party,inclu�.�mg without 6mitaUon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- . . �
<br /> � chaser o!the Property,for any losa or damage unless due to reckless or willlul misconduct,and sha�l nat be reduired to take any acNon :,_;,�;*;},;�aY,�,;�
<br /> in conneeUon with the enforcement ot this Oeed trt Trust untess indemnifted,in wriUng,tor ail costs,compensaUon or expenses vfilch . �
<br /> "". may ba assoclated therewnh.In addltlon,Trustee may beoome e purchaser at any sale of the Proper4y Qudicial or undar the panrar oi '
<br /> '- ssle granted hereinj;postpone the sate o!all or any porUon of the Proparb/,as providad by lauv;or seli the Property as a wholo,or in . .. . . :
<br />. � separate paroei�or lots at Trustee's discreUon. . •'t'��;`�
<br /> � � 14.Fe�s and Exp�nta9.In the event Tcustee sells the Properiy by exerGsa of powar of sale,Trustee shati be errtitJed to apply � � �"'`
<br /> any sate praoeeds flrat to payment o!ail costs an�expensea of exercising power of sate,inctudin�alt Trusteo's fess,and lendefs and . . •
<br /> . Tru�tee's attome}�a fees, actualty lncuned to extent permitted by applicable lav�.In the event Borrovrer or Tn�stor ex�rclaes eny Bght , . � .t:-
<br /> provldsd by law to cure an Event o}Dafauit,Lender shall be entllled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actualty incurred as . . :
<br /> a resutt o!Trustofs default,including without Ilmitation all Trustee's and aftomey's fees,to the eMent pormitted by applicabte law. . . ._
<br />..__�_�._. 15.Future Advancea.UDOn reques4 ot Borravrer,Lendar may,at+is opUon,make additlonal and tuture advancos and read- . . ,
<br /> --
<br />„ . • vances to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth interest thereon,shait be secured by ihis Deed ot T�ust.At no tfine snatl tne - : • : -.
<br /> � • ' � ' k.
<br /> _ .....�....y.,.�_ ... ' : " . . .- --... , - � - ' ' ' . . ,,, . ,.; �� , _ . <;'� . .. . . ..
<br /> _ '' .. . . , . . � . , . ._ • . . , . .� ..
<br /> .. ._ ._. . . .. . � • ' . . .r.;. . .. . .. . • . _. . . . ' .. . . - , . . . � . . • . �. , , . �.. , . .. . . ... . . . . o . ,
<br />