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<br /> �. . . ��� ���" " " � .. .- S .
<br /> �. �mrpr,no b�es be requiied,�it Poe_ap!tioa ot Irader.if mact�e imur�oia���Cm tt�a�oiowit iod fa the petiod. - ,
<br /> tirtd,eadar .?ro9wi�a)Pm�►ided b1r�n i�iPA�5Y��6auitia ivsib�ie ad tl obqeaed,Bonaver�it p4►
<br /> ,. ��e�t i��pi�od t°mriaW°�i�anao�e ffi dfect.a�a p��s bss teseive.ar�d�tT��iiquirement fa matti+l� .
<br /> ia�st�no�e arh ia a000�diooe wit6 auy writteu�eaawt�b�tweda BoRO�et�►td Leeder ar appiic�ble izw.
<br /> � . !.L�tiw.Laber a ics�dqt doaY mdce�ie a�trks tipon wd irtspe`edom of tbe PmQaty.I,eoder sl�ali E►ve _
<br /> Bonoires aotioo at the m�e of oc prior so ni impectiod speciFYing r�k cxrse�artlie u�tion. , �
<br /> � i�.Cwie�o�•'1Le pcaaoods of sny atw�rd or c�im far damaBes.di�o�ao�eqa��• ia aanoa�tton with aay _ .
<br /> condp�on or utbar takinB of any pa�t of the Property►.or far waveyuke in tiac_of�.are hecebY�8��
<br /> -_-
<br /> _ : .::. , -: -.=
<br /> `sbdi be pid to lader. `
<br /> _ _.In d�e eveas of�mt�!�of the Pc�upeRy.the pxuweoda shall be appiiod w the s�uas secr�red hS►tius SowritY Insaumaot,
<br /> — w6etDer at mt thcn dus.wid►aay excess paid to Hotrowor.In ti��vent of a puti�t taldngof t�e Prt�itt�wtticfi t6c fsit -
<br /> mutcet:vatne of fh�Pcopaty ina�nodiatety�befae tb�taldng�s ei�t ooe oc gc�r tbaa the amount of�he wire sea�red by thia
<br /> Seprcity ios�umait i�paoe�iatetY 6efac tbe taiciag.untes�Bacowa and I�o¢ea otheswise sgrao in writin8,the sua�seamed 6Y
<br /> dds Sa�rItY Imtcw�.s'�l b�:�bY tl��nauit of t6e p�aope�s4�iidFlied bY tt�faitawIng fraaion:(�the tdal
<br /> aanunt of tbe��'�Y��.��p8,.�.��3F.���=�t 6ir mutcet vatu�of tt�Ptopetty lmmadi�cdY
<br /> 6cfot�e the ta�cing-�4a�c�4�Snoe a�W!tie paFd�to Bait+avrea��;�tt�!?���.parti�t latting of the l�copaty in w6ieb��fair
<br /> mukd valne of�GG„�Y��9 befia��the taking�s: t�`:t���.e��nnt of the sums sxucod imroedFatd before tbe
<br /> �,�� m .`�`' i`�.:i�id►le law otln�vuise prav�dts.tbe proc�eeds s�ll
<br /> WdnB•tu¢c� I.ender otbenvtse'�toe '�t�i'�' ,
<br /> be appGo�to t�sd�s socntrd by this Se+�nity ti�nunant, ki�s�s1r�t+�swns are then due. =..
<br /> ����;•M1�°� offcrs W ma�re an
<br /> ":`I��4�Y is ab�ttdooed by Botmwer.or if,�r::�i��'u��'"taBa[t+uwer th�t the oo�
<br /> saQe a iaim for dm�s. Bormwcr f�'is toi�� '��'��E�30 days afta ttie-i[�4"tbe mNc�Is given.
<br /> _ ,I�i�raiciecj�'i��• to caliax at�d`apptp tl�e p�oerOdsi,�`i�,�c��r�k�+?�toiatian.oc t�pair�t�li��Q'�u�a'tY or Eo We svm�
<br /> �;�i.�-WLl�7�I��t :I� �F� � t��''��;ir.�� •. � .- '::1-j��*'.:. : _ '•�J'i(
<br /> ,� ' ` ���L..� ��' "�.�y I. \i'� +.:..1.:.
<br /> ^. ' w�iYis��1uiW!`..�7w:•.:'.:. ri:t:}:Y<-.? :r"t .���...i: .;, �.,
<br /> r, '
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<br /> � pod�pope t1u doe date of tha monthly pay�Ms��i�;si��nphs 1 and 2 or cB;����,�� s�p�� .;.����:��`:•�;�"
<br /> : �....
<br /> 't�r�ry ...ti�,.
<br /> `.l�;�amRerNotRda�ed:Fu�6e�s�a�t,1�.�Fa?',1�sWaiti�sr.Eatauiag�it`�tifna�'orpaymentdrintiilifiration . ;�•
<br /> uf�mot�tibiE Qk��.�s��6P tRis Ser�:ia��'6�:�t S�antoa bY I.ender to anY�sor.#��enest of Bomn�rer shali ,,.. .
<br /> L)::
<br /> not oparat�to�e tl�e liab�7ity of t6e ong���i�e�+`p��orrower's s+iooessois in inter�est.ie�dk�%'°sba11 iwt be required to':��.
<br /> ���is Ssa�ri Itutivafeirt�f�.of any dem�ad made�� origi�rrowa or�iomawer�'s
<br /> �,,.
<br /> of:ti�;�sams socqrod bY tY �5'
<br /> supo�ii�,up.j4te#est. My fo�be�ranoe by LEnder in exer�.^�g s�ry right or nmedy.sCca�t nat be a waiver of o"r preclude the
<br /> execps�of�q� `t�t or mnedy. �; ' `�, � ` `�.•:.,
<br /> .�:;.,.�as:aad A.�Bo��d;Jafoi't aad Severd Lis�Ait�r;.Co�:'It�e covenants and agr�e�neMs of thi�'.:;�`•.,
<br /> Seairi�;�,���s�all biad aod berrcfit Ai��sucoessors aad acslg��f;Er�de f an4.'$arrower. subject to the Qrovisions�`_`;���.
<br /> 4�'.:.��iyec's oover�ats and agmments.sbartE.fixe��o,?r���:�"sral. i&irrowtr wl)o a�-s3gns:this Secu�tg:;;;'
<br /> �:�if�r,����f�rot exeWac the Nate: (a)is cv-si�i�����.�suatent����tu mvrtgage,grant and`4vmrey tiW'
<br /> F.� . �,.�. • t �
<br /> Bor'r�ec��l�xtt`�the Propeny under the terms of tifn.�So�.�qii�:�'�nt:(b)is noc personafly obiigatod to pay the sac�
<br /> secnred li�t;�ia S�t�y i�.si�t:and(c)�cees tdat Lend�r am#E��ci�Bomower may aguee to e�rnd.modify�forbear ot:
<br /> make a�,-4y� ' . 'fav�rtm�sions wlth«gard to the termS of this Savriry Ins�po�t or the Note without h�is�:�orrower's oonsent. �
<br /> '�,�`�,'�,oau Charges.lf the loan secured by this Security instrum�nt'ia subject to a laa which�a�is:�?na�ctnmm loan charges:
<br /> aai�.tfia1:��aw is�finutty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collecte�i or to be caUe�Ci in connearam with tfp
<br /> lo:�:�sa.'�th�,�ted limit�.then:(al any such laan charge shall be roduced by the arnoum,t�eessary to reduce the ct�e
<br /> to'th�a,pem$tu��:'t:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrawer which exceeded pecmitCadL���ts wiU be refuinded sai':. •
<br /> Bpttpwer. La�,s�ay cfwose to make thi.c refund by reducing the principal owed under the :��ite or by making a dir�;^a � ;
<br /> p a�ii�nt to Bonbwer. If a refutd �educes princ�pal. 11�e reductian wiU be treat�,�as a partial PrcpaYment witfrou/ an�..,
<br /> pse�symrn!charge under the Nate. ;., :
<br /> 14.Natioes.Any natice to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument shail iie given by delivering it ot by mailing
<br /> is by fi�st ctass mail unless applicable Iaw rei�:cs use of another method.The natice sha11 be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or any ottKr adcfress Borrower designates����r�aticc co Lender. Aay notice to Lender shaA be given by first class mail ta
<br /> Lender's addr+e�s stated hereln ar arry aher s�i�ess Lender designates by notice ta 8onawer.Any tatioe providod for in this
<br /> So�vdty lnstrumrnt shaU be deemed to have bcea give�t tic�i8mrower ar Lendcr when gi�en as.provided in this p�graph.
<br /> 15.GoYerel� l,yw; Se�rp�biltt�r. 7'�ijs 5�;�:�nstrument shall 6c govemed by federal law and iite taw of the
<br /> jurisdlction in which�he Property is locate�;'�����+�j�t any prQ�ition ac clause ot this S�ty lnstrurtlent ar the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law,such rnnfliq'�rdl,�i4t at�cuc�tMer pra���nf Ihis 5ecurlty Instniaqe+ea or the Nate which ran 6e
<br /> giveo eFfect wilRaut the canAicting pmvise��;fi'o thi�cad t�e proviSY��iy of thi+Srcurity In�trument and the Note are deetare��"�
<br /> to t�e severabte: • •,.. :.. ' •
<br /> ���gorrowt�•g Cpp��8a�iii.�wer shall b�given one�a�i�i`atmed copy af thr Note�d of�hic 5ecurity InstruTnent.
<br /> ' .. � . Fon,�aose 9rsa�;
<br /> '.�., '�;': �: .',; ,;...'.'. - vape4orB `.
<br /> .;�.�
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