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. . . .j:;; : <br /> . � ,�, . � . • . . . �,,r:< . ' - <br /> , - . . . . . . _ . . ' .' .. � � '�O�i�µ�` .. _ .5� <br /> _ . . _ . - • . . � - ' ' . �.!`�� . }.r, <br /> ' . . . . ' . • . � . , � . . '` , `_ <br /> , . ` _ . . .. . . d ., � - " , —. <br /> ' ' ' . ' ',l .. �' _. . <br /> �� • _ •___ ._.... . `. . .. "' , . . .. � = —� ---a.–+�4..-- <br /> � • R�REGQRDEO 97— ����'�o y�"a��o�c� �:� . . , : __t- <br /> - - '"'i a_ • 7�i t �i� Ca.nuntv inet��r�i � ,` •�;��� <br /> � 16.�orra�rer's�opy. aom�ww sunil u���x3fa�u�u�'3 ef'�:_���^:-�+'°_::.,:. _ .-•. _ . .--- <br /> � : 17.Transfer ot the Property or a Benefist�l InterPS4 ia�arrower. If all or any part of ths Pro�erty or any iaterest in it is �' � . - ; "�� <br /> sold or transfeAed {or i�a h�eneFr.cial in�t in Borrower is sold or transfetred and Borrower is nat a natura!persoa) without . ` , __ <br /> Lender's prior written consent,Lender iis o�rion,require immediat�payment in full af all sums secaued by�his Security .� � <br /> �� Insuument Hovrever.this optioa shall nat be ea�crciscd by Lendea if exercise�s prolu�ited by federal law as of the date af this ' , �. . `. �°: <br /> - j Security IastmmenL � . , <br /> ff Lender exerebses this opsi�on,Lender sha116rive Borrower noi�ce of acxelecation.'Ii�e norice shaII provide a peaiod of aot l�s i , . �; <br /> thar►30 days from the date the natice is delivered or mailed within wtuc6 Barrower must pay all s�uns sx�red by this Security � ,_- - °-.- — <br /> Ius�ument If Borrowea f to pay these sums�inx�1�apiiation of this perioil,Lender may invofse any remedies pennivai .. <br /> by Nvs Seturity Insaumea,�iimhontfwth�noticeor d�d bn Borrower. � . <br /> • 18.Borrower's Rig�erito Rc�'�nsteta.���•SOnowat:maeL� ceatain condirions, Bomower shall have the right co have � .. -_ <br /> enfomeme�t of this Sea�n+ I�Wnest.diseflntIna�d at�r time prior w the eariier a� (a) 5 days(or such other paiod as , . . <br /> � applicable law may . . trbefor8's�of ffie Prapaty pmsuant tn any powea of sale ooaraiaed in this Sc�ciuity ;• . . , <br /> . lnsavmea�or(b)eain'Y of a jadgment enfo�ing t6is Serurity Insuument Those conditions are t�at Bomower:(a)�raYs Le,nder a�l , <br /> snms which t9�n wau�d be dne und�tlus Security Instivment and the TVate as if no aocete.r�a�t�ad occaae�l;(b)c�s amR �- ' � . -�=_'�_ <br /> . default of a�y e'�ar ca�•��aLS nr agceeameata:(c)PaYs all expease.S inaure�ia enforcing this Sec�.Teiy Insu�e��,incIa�dsng,'�u2 ' . .�.�,^,°-`�.� <br /> nai limiited to,reasoss�b'��meys'fees;and(d)raYes sach acaon as Le,nder may reasanably require w ass�ue t�:t t�e L.�n of t� <br /> ' S�nrity lnstrament, t.��r's rnghts in iha Propedty and Borrower's abligaIIon to pay the svms secuiet3 by t3is S� �;;:�': . " • .. . - <br /> � b�st�umeAl Sh211 ConliIlL*.°, m�-',.6anged. UpOII minctatrmeAi by BOimwer. this S� Instrumeait and the aTM:�'ans sa�e� y��';;:.. :�� . `� <br /> _ ��rreby shall remain fuIly e�'�tive as if ao acce2eration had occuned.Howevea.this n t to reinstate shall not a�Ty in the cas�oi ����•�. �� ;;��`'��- <br /> 2cceluation underparagr'�.-��17. ;',:,;. , , •;.`�,�:.,�'^k ;, <br /> 19.Sate of RIoYe;Ch�oP H.oan�ervicer. 'ibe Nots or a partial interest in the Note (wgether with this Se�'s} �;'� ' ':;���,<. :` �:' °:s: <br /> . 3�.�sorument)may be sold a�a gr more times withoui pr¢r notice to Bomower.A sale may msult in a chauge in ths entity(Imotivn ;... ;: .° ,`::�:r.',^ :;�{:;'.' <br />. �the°Laan Semcd')w�at�Ileds monihly paymeas�e und�the Note and this Sec�ity Inssaument'Ihere aLso may be one or �ii''�-� '. � ,.,.:� y_�-�;5-�_ <br /> � �changes of tha I.omfl�rricer unrelated w a sa:�of the Nors.If there is a change af the I.oan Seavice�r,Bolrowea will be '�. . - <br /> `:4 given written noace of c�x�ange in accordaace aith paragraph 14 above andapplicable law.'ltie notice w71 state the name and � . � :';"*;�; r�"'�'�'*� <br /> address of the new I.oan S�vicer and the aridress to which payments shonls!be a�ade.The notice w�71 also contain any oth� . '�'�'` ' _��< <br /> �'� infom�arion mquued by applicab2e law. , ,� ''��i,'�: ' <br /> om an ,� <br /> � 20.Hazardou�Su6sfancPS. Borrowea s6all not�wse or peanit the presence, use. disposal. sroia8e, or release of any , �� n <br /> ';$ Hazardoas Sabstances on or in the Propeity.Bocmwer s6a11 nat da,nor alloa anyone else w do,anything affecnng the ProPert}+ r:'..: ` "1 . �_ <br /> d�at is in violation of an��avsonmental Law.The preceding two ssutences shall not apply to the presence.nse.or storage on t�e �" ,.,.-. � ' —_ <br /> :. Prope�ty of small quan�of Hazazdous Substances that are geaeaally recognized w be appropriate m nom�al residential�ses ,;: ' <br />:;1�.�;�_� and w mai�*�n3nce of the Praperty. ,.. . �.` �. :— <br />`.:• Boa�s+�r shall prompily give Ls�a�s v�ritten nodce of any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuii or othea action by any :- + '''..�i ;, a - <br />.`�`f r:' goveanmeatal ur regula�y+agency vr private pa�y invalviag the Pmpe.�ty and any Ha7ardoas 5nbstance or Envuonmantal Law <br /> e �• . <br /> of w4rich Bomower has actual lu�:owledge.If Borrower leams,or is aotified by any govemmwtal or regulalory authority,thai any {�,� '' t <br /> u <br /> `' `:� �emoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affeaing the Pmperty ns e��essaiy+,Bomnwer shall p�mpily taice all , , ---�- <br />:�i,,:;{� necessary remedial ac6ons in accardauce with fiavironmental Law. .. ..,����;, ' �;� ; �` <br /> . As us+�d m th�s paragraph 20,°Hazardous Substances" are those subslances�oi:�s�uc or ha7ardous substances by .�. . ?; <br />' Frivironmental Isw and the folloanng substances: gasoline, kerosene, oth� �lam�.i��: cs oa.�ic petroleum pmducts, waic ' ,;��, ; `.;t �>-, <br /> pesbicides and dabicides.volau7e solve,nts.materials conmunng asbesws or fom�atd���..,:�d�fioactiv�e mate:ials.As used in --�„�r�- - .�- —_ <br />' this patag�aph 20,"Envaonmeutal Iaw"means federal laws aad laws of the jurisd��a���c�ie Propeaty is toc�ted Wat rElafe • • � f�. ' -• <br /> w health.saf e t Y or envaanmenlal prote�tion. <.-�. �.' ;-; <br />