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<br /> ,�IicaWe-�i�ii►.m�t�peaEy f«�)eefae sde or me Ropaty�iia�t°idaoY po�ver a[iale ooaqiinea ie ws
<br /> ' � , Sep�rY�►�+i+�aem�oe(b)eot�r.af a3rid�neat mto�ios Wis Sacatity imu�nM. 7'la��aoditioos ade�t H�o�ru�e (a? -.`..:. ':,.:
<br /> pa�s i:�aidet all sams whkh 11m�rou{d bc due uader dus Sep�+uy�eac and Me Na1c as.if-oo aocciaitian!�° ._
<br /> aocc ait , •.,; �
<br /> � `.i�e�ktblc�w�ea�aydef�itafas�►amacovea�otsora�eemeae�(c)p�Ysal��wc�edintntarioathisSacutity. ; :,
<br /> � ,is�ora4 i�rdodin6•but mt.limrc��.�rama�bk attae�.ys'far�ad(d)�ataes sa�a�ctioa�as I.ender may rasos�biy _: .,,.`, -
<br /> � �eqrite ia�d�t tbe Len df�Sen�ityi Iastnuoaw.I.eaderB rights in the Pnopaty.and Sonowwk oblig,�tion b qy i5e
<br /> s�oes s�c�ed by�6is SecQity��aaQt-sfiaU caotinue t�oaed- Qpoo nu�swaoaK by Bonuwa, dus Sea�nt�
<br /> ��d d�e obii�tioas a�+aaea l�aehy s6a11 tam�iu fulty eff'ecare as J no aooek�stion fud aocwrod. Hownver,tb�s. .
<br /> ri�tto�eio�eslnllmtappty�ibe_cayc.��ceJacationwada'p�apapht7• ':t :" �:
<br /> .�3�Sate of Note;t�taw/E�t I�Ser�ieas qtie Note or a it�t�est in the Natc tta8dhcr with this S�r--==.'_.-
<br /> Instn�mmt)nq►y 6e sold oae a mo�e ldi�cs wl��or�t prior noticue a a�rta�rer. A sak u�y nesuh in a c6aaae w tlie mtiryr
<br /> (laio�ra as tbe`lroan Seivicer'�11eiCiaHa,7s mo�ty paynteats due tr�der IUe Nio�e and tbls Socurity Insuu�oent. 1�aiso
<br /> msy ba ooe a mate cmnses ot J�e troan Savixt umiel�led w a s�le af the Nate. if tM�+e is a chaoae otihe Loan 5erviar.
<br /> Barowa w�!be�ivea wridaa noti�oe d t4e�pergC�socord�aoe witU p�ragnph t4�6ove and applicabtc taw TLe aa[ic�
<br /> will st�e tlie�ae�od ad�cess af t6o new Ltm Savicet aod Nit odd�ss W wluch pay�oa�ts sfiouid be rt�TGe notioe w�t
<br /> atso ooatain sny abrr inrormation nquirnd b�►+ipplic�bi�law
<br /> �/� Bs�arMrc S�Mbrbd��Bac�ower shall uot ewse ar petmtt tbt pr+esence,ose.dispus�t,storsge,ar celr�se of aay
<br /> �a�xdo�5�oes an or in the Ptopeety_ BoROwer shalt not do.aor sdbw aaya�e eLsc to da ai�y,thing affa�Cing tbe
<br /> Prapeie�ti�is ia:viaiation of�►y Bavuar�p�i� The preoading two smomces sl�atl zrqt�pp[g ta ttic Qt�tset�c�use.or
<br /> ,rr,��'�e Ptopr�t�r�smal!q�tities oE Hm�Sob�s t�t are ge�taiEy.tw�o�to be appt�tia�e b�1a�t
<br /> ,<.- _:�,'_��'�usxs and���.��.c(���uAe�.pco�pe�cyty��: /� `_ �{p l'w''c( j� ;�.. . _ �;�--�... ...
<br /> : :�.:•�:_. : . 1: .� . . •e.�;;��.:
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<br /> '.t. '� .l' �:��.�N 2y,p�ai"y)'.��"'_'�• ¢.��pa.a�il�R�Qi��1•���:T�!�MI�Z4`����.:'"'_.'��'�I�:��,�tri��.jLVY.
<br /> •,'�• ;.i,;.,��r11�4��'f,'}" ��7���'T'�"�".A��S"�":'^^� -�i. �. ���1� �4 ��.t4 x.. t
<br /> � ` y,,,,,��" y�,�,���, , r �����. . �., �,,.,�� �� ;,, , ,
<br /> z. ;t�i�R6+nya'���.�.Ywr+!��. .�,�`�a+;�.��..�r.!�'���1��`���4�s;,�`°'.�"y'i+s� t i S c
<br /> y �';^: .;t,��°4t��OV���.�y��>> .,��1{�yV,' :C��.��,1���-(.��. 1��'. �:��0�►-����E,+�'�Q..RtiiYk4+`,s�i��t � � �.
<br /> � �i � oq ��(�5j��'? )!!!R!• d5���,,y�!.��.^.��!,,W� . �1� �y � ( -t �'irt•,'�:.�:::')i;�%i.''� j ;;-. �._.b t ��
<br /> t� t�' � n�� +�l�h��?�r'��"s'�i�s.l{��t��� ��t � h�.
<br /> 4 ,l- 4Fj? �\�7::1�`*'C`L������`�!�!�t��a�..����'w'°I��:.•C:".•�aY%�=t'�'� ��§j�t:4'�4��l�tt'K � � ��
<br /> ' �'�'irgtilils��.�s��►i �a1rs��ein�blMr�i:��.�r��dtau 3� ��i � �
<br /> �;:�; �.,� �;`4�.- �
<br /> �. .pesncides and�:ca��,��s-xaES '�Ss c�erammg��aar ft�a�s�� ���'°yEd�,.�.. "
<br /> j...,• ' used�tbis parsg�p�:�t;`7���:.t�e�.fc�r!tasvs aod ia�s�ib�,�ti�e�1.!afi�e� .
<br /> �`.�t1r�t cet�te to he�'hf%-s3f'eiy v��vittimirie�ai plttcacteoa�,: � .�:';�,`;,.
<br /> `•.' •:, ; :�•' '��
<br /> '�,�:�; '. NON-UN�ORMCOYBNANTS. Barox�eititii3"Lender fiuther coveinnt and agroo as follows: ;:. .��
<br /> , Zl. A�edeniUaui� l.eAder s��ive aWiee to Barra+rec p�Iae to aealeralios folluwie�Borr+ower's
<br /> � 6rescli ot�y core�w�t a�saneewe�t is thi�Sec�rity I�st�aKwt lbN Mot prla'to aooekeado�aeder puapap6 17
<br /> ��ppUc�We bw prorida otlier�ris�b Ti�a aotice sMaU spcelfl: (al tl�e detaW�ib!tbe selio�req�ired to wre t�e
<br /> dehrki(c)a,Me��ot le�tln�3�d�a tnw tl�dak ILe�o11ce is�ivew to Ib�eawer.by elac�tie Ae�s�lt�nst 6e
<br /> ewN:�(�I►uN fal��a crca N�e reffiwk a�o�Mefw�e tl�e dNe�p�eitNa M u�c�aioe�ag nes.M is sa�ekra�M•ot
<br /> the w�t seist�pl l�Iii�Seawcity i�t�t aNd stk ot tMe Prn'ert� The�ot�Oe fi�M f�IMer i�forw Rorr+4w'er ef
<br /> tMe ry1N to aMNMt alte�aa+ek�atl��1 q�e N�t W bH��taYrt�etio�to�ert iMe�a�ce d s�eta�tt�r
<br /> a�y o1Me��efaae d Rorrower W acrekrMios�d sda It tUe At�aYM t�aot cri+a!ae ar 6efae tUc dste specified iR
<br /> tMt�Mke.l�eNerN ib�/tlo�a�y nvwlr�rl�diNe p�y�t i��irMdall aw�isecKSr by tl�ilsetrrfty I�atn�eM
<br /> wlt0ort(�6er�e�a�0 aad m�y isrdce �Me power ot s�k�d sey atUer r�n�edks perwitte4 b� spplicable ta� .
<br /> ----,."'� I.e�tr�If be eMilf�d to coYe�i NI�pesses i�c�ered ie pYrsYiiy{the ate�e�liea pravided jN tl�pangsph Zl,
<br /> i�cw/i�,MI�at N�ite�ta�o�ble sttan�e�rs•fees�d�asts d ti11e rvideK�a --
<br /> Ii tbe power a�sMe is I�vWced.7lrustee slyll�eeo�a a aatics d defa�k is eACb coYdy i�whicb sAy pu1 at tlk =
<br /> rrapert!1s laated a■d eMall wa�coptes d��otice t�tl�c wrs�er prrscribed by spplkabk bw to Bormw�er s�d to
<br /> tlk ofMer Pe+r�W�IbeA by�ble law A(ter tl�e�liwe ee�pired by spplicA6k Is�v.7Yustee sbsN Eive y�blic =
<br /> �oliee d sak to IMe perross aMd M the wa�er pres�ibat by Applicn6le law 71ro.�witlaot dtm�d ow Borrara. —
<br /> s�sdl tbe P�ope�ty N po6iic a�dio�to tie 1�biddl�r at tlie Nwe w�d pl�ce a�ad o�der t6e terie�de�satid� �_
<br /> tie�aii�+e�rtsale ta oae at�se paresls aee!�'asg a�dar�iive�tce deteneiaest 'iin�stee maf'pastDooe sale da/ur aay _.
<br /> _�-_= P�oN dt6e Pra�ertj by pir6Qe���oe�oeat`6t.i1�4oe�d pta��e of as9 previo�slY sc�eddcd s� Le�der ar its _
<br /> _—_�- . de�e�Y R�ndu�e t�ProPat��t au�g s� � . � , ;. _-
<br /> -.�;� UPo��e�eipt qf pY�e�t:d tie Pnke bid'.77n��.s�d�ar b t�t putc�ee�Trostne's deed ooeveyias t�e =
<br />