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. . "n tir'`•S.e� .4.��.__.__��__�_ .� _:i�,••:_ .._........_��..�._�___.._a.._ _.- " .... � ..., ._. .. . :.—' =..�[_i __..._ '- ,ky _-1�: _ . '"-- <br />- - ./�_.. • ..._L�.-��._.�..� <br /> �I�`L/��V -�iu � •' +, r—. <br />' c ' _ <br /> `t.: `Procesds')in connst�ian vrith ccndemnation or othar taidng of Ihe Proparty or part thereof,or for conveyance in lisu o!condemnatton. ' - _ <br /> Lender sttall be entitled ai its optinn to oommer[�e,aspear in an;l prosecute in ib o-,rm name any a�Ylon or st�3Sl aiso . . - <br /> be anU4ed to make any oompromise or se�iement in cannect�an vriih such ta6dng or demage.►n the event any porticn ot 9he Property(s . ;�,�` <br /> sa taken or dare�aged.Lsnder shalf have the o�tisn in its soto assd absolute d'�.scteL'an,to epPty a41 such pcooeods. a!',er daciuc4[ng :<..S � .. � -- <br /> - - u'ia�ie�rotr�aSi�3iS etld ex�3�'�e�& �� by it+n.�iri�a+i�'Ih�S?ic..�..^":.��,.�t►eny Ltt�eDf��t�at!heredy end in suCh —- -_-; . - -- <br /> ._�' arder a3 Lender may determina.or to aDA.y all&uch Pracesds.after sud� the restora�ion ot Uta Ptoparty upan ouah oon- ' �" - <br /> d'Rinns as L.ender may determ�no.Any aApticafkon of Picoaeds to iRdebiednsss stsall not extend or pos�ona tt�s due date o1 any pay- . _ _,�� <br />� - ments un�er tne tvat�.or cure arry deisuii merew�+v;��&;�:.�:.;:.•r°..�:..�!e..*�?=�!��e�i�tn Tn.�nr• _ _ _ - -,--- _�: <br /> � 8.P�atamiance 8y Let�der.Upon�the occurrerice of an Event of Default hereunder.or if any act Is taken or leg�l proceeding -.. • . .�. ��• <br /> commenced wPttch materiaUy aHects Lemfers interest in L1e Propsrty,Lertder may in its own discret€on.but without obtlgatnn W do so. � :�.. . <br />�_, �, and vrittwtrt notioe to or demand upon Tmstar and without releasing Trustar irom any oDt;�atton,do eny act w?tich Tntstor has agrer�d �., � , <br /> bui failed to do and may aisa do any other act it deems ne�essasy to proiect the security hereof.Tn�stor shall.immediats(y upan . <br /> . da�t►�,°retar b;t Lendsr,pay to Lender all costs and ezpenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectian vrithh the exer- , • — <br /> cise by Lender ot the foregotng rights.together with interos4 thereon at the detauft rate provided in the Not�,wh'.t0 shall be s�ded to --� :- -_ _`_ '�_ _ <br /> ths indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shatl nof incw any ttabitity because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. �. ;�. <br /> 9.Ha�ndatw aAatatiata Tn�stor shalt keep ttte PropertY in complianoe with a4i appltcabte lavrs.�tanc�s and ragutatlons . : <br /> � relating to industrial hygiene or ernironmer�l pro2ecUon(coSlective►y referred to herain as`Envircnmental Law3�.Tnistor shaU keep _ _ ;���.- <br /> � � the P:�ecty tree from all subsffinces deemed to be hazardous or toxle under any Environmentai Laws(cultectijrety referred ta herein ,��_� ��i = <br /> aq':�L�.�dous MatedaLs�.Trustor hereby wanants and represerds to Lendsr that there are no Hazardous AAaterials on or under the ,�.t,L.,,:;,x-- � <br /> . Pro�K�.Trustnr hereby agrees to indemnity and hofd harmless Lertder,its dicectors.offi�rs,emptoyees end agents,and any succes- -.�i- <br /> • �, :� - <br /> " sors to Lender's Uderest.from and againsl any and afl ctaims.damages�losses and 1'iabilsties arising fn ca�necGOn wtth the Presenoe. •. �_-�---..-: <br /> THE FOREGOIN(i WARRA�6TIES AND :. `'�"-•,"""',.- <br /> . use,�sposal or transport of any Hazerdous MaUerfals on,under.irom or abaut the Properry. . +;.,..v �,-.�w;��; <br /> �- REPRESENTATIONS. ANQ TRUSTOR'S O�LIGA'TIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INQEMNITY. SHALL SURVIVE ' _ <br /> t RECOM/EYA9�ICE OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. •� .: ` ,.' ' <br /> 10.A�tg[uneMs M ite�.Trustor hereby asslgns tfl lender�and g►ants Lendsr a securfiy irderest in.al1 ptesenL tuture and : �,: �,_� _ <br /> after arising rerY�.issues and p�of 4he Praperty;P���TNat�r st+ali.un43!the oocurrence of an Event of Delault,hereunder, • _s -_ <br /> have Uie�ight ta�f�ct and re�in such ren9s.issues and peoflts as theY beeome due and payabie.Upon the ocaiirtenoe of an Evert of `�`"` � <br /> U oca ,�;.±�� <br /> De1suR,Lender fr�y,either in rerson or by apent,with or without bringirtg any action or proceeding,or by a receiver appcirr[ed bY a �.'^�`�c n . .� � <br /> the�eof,in ifs own `;,�;:'�� •- <br /> � court and wi�out ro;�,�ol to the n..��acy of its sacurity.enter upon and take po�session of the Property.or a�ty►paR ���;' <br /> . -- name or in the name af ths�',r�.and do any ac4s vrhich it c4eems netessaryr or desica.bte to presenre the va(ue.madcetabil�t or ;; : <br /> renta6ility of fl�e r��i thereof or interest therein,or to increase the inoome theretrom or protect the securitY hereof and ��� . <br /> v�ith or withaut talcna�possess`�.�sr 1he Property,sue for or othervrise oolteCt the rents,issues and profits thereof,Inctu�ng Uwse past { . .,;��,`.. <br /> � ' dus and unpa[d.�g;reti�iyin9 tenants to mak��yments to Lender.Lender may apPly rents,issues and pmfits.less�and expsns� ;' ,; „.�;,,,�.;.: ..y.. <br />. '.�,::��� es of opera8on a�d callection including attac.ra��'s fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such oNer Ss Lender may deter- �`. .�-.�.��+ � _ <br /> ;�`,'f;,, mine.The entoring upon and takirtg possesai'��oi ths PropeAy.the collectiaon af such rents.issues a.RC�profits.and the appl�catlon .....,,�..,... =:. <br /> '. :�i�. the2of as aforesaid shall not cure or waive a�y default or no6ce of detault hereunder nr invalidate an��t dorte in c�cnse to sucb - �'�. � <br /> : dd�1i or pursuant to such notice of detault and,nalwithstanding the continuance in�a.�;2ssion af t�,e ar�par.y ar tl:�e oo�lectlon. _ _ <br /> �� �.°-;-�•` ce�wt and aR�r°:�c2tlon of renis.issuas or praf�s,Trustae and lender shali be entiried to E•r�Tase ever�rr�.W provid�frc in erry o4 the , , � <br /> ��;���: on tha tr�c�xerdse the wer of� �"'., -_- <br /> :sr.. Loan Instrurrt�5 0;by law upon oa:urrenco d any Event ot Oefaui�inctuding vViUtout limita2i ri�1t Do ,: . •:; <br /> °`�`'% Further,Lend�^'s rights and remedies unde7 L�a�pacagrePh shall be cumulative witfi,and in no way a F:�r1�Uon on,Lenders d9hts� <br /> :_�ri a. <br /> � ., � rernedias unda7 an�assignme�of leases av�@ rents reoortied aga(nst the Property.Lender.Tnutee and the receiver shall be liable t� �� , � ,'. , <br /> e <br /> aacouni onty farmosa rents a�aat�}r reoetved. r�;,,. ;i:• �: ,1 ' <br /> 91.Ev�-�:a at DetauiL The foltow(ng st:all canstitute an Event of Default under th:,��04 Trus� ; , � •3t3 �: '— <br /> (a)F�Ilute to pay any tnstaliment a!pdnCtpal or interest of any other sum secure6 hereby when due; <br /> . (b)A breactt of or default under 2m,7 pc+OVislon containad in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any d�e Loan anY �� <br /> `,1'ct-:ie ,��"_ <br /> � other IIen or encumbrance upon the Fca�aRy; `' � � <br /> ' •�� (c)A wr(t of executton or attachment or any similar pracess sPiafi be errtered against Trustcr.�vtich shall become a tien on �� <br /> • the Praperry or ar►Y Rfl <br /> r�un thereol or interest therein; �'•�°G � <br /> (�There shall be fited by or against Tnutor or Borrower an ac6on under any present or fuwre federaf,sta�cr ot�er smtute. �� ��:=:=_:,�"'_r;_ <br /> � taw or regulaUon retaUng to bantwptcy,insohrency or other selief tor debtors;or there shall ba apy�inted any trustee.receb►er or �;� <br /> � liquida4or af Trustor or Borrower or ot at)or any paR ot the Property.or the rentv,issues or profits thereof,or TnuWr or Borrovrac ��Y, ,,,,f�;:.,.,_,':� <br /> .: ; shafl makca�y 98neral esslgnment toa�,e benefit of cre�tors; - -- <br /> ::��;..�=— <br /> (e)�he sate,transter,tease,2rs]�r,m�nt,conveyance or further enciunbranae ot ali ar any paR ot or arry interest in 8�e �_ <br /> Property.e��t+er volurda.�a7y ar invaLrs�:.�ity,wtthout�express wdtten oonsent of Lender,pmvided that Tn�stor shall be permit �;?L?•"��- <br /> • ted w exc�rte a tease c�t��Prop�;���ai does nat x��in an optlon to purchase and the tertn ot which does not exceed one 't;�•�;;y:.iwr. ��� <br /> ,tf� year; �� .:.:__�.:: <br /> . .;.'�;r, (4 R�:�.�danmer►t ot the Propeny;or - -_o <br /> �.., (g)If Trustor is not an indivtdual.�a Issuanco,sale,transter,assignment,canveyance or encumbrance of more than�f a =:—�� <br /> oorporation)a total of percent of its issu� and outstarading stock,or rf a partnership)a total of per- �, �--- <br /> ,;�.,�.:. ,.,. ::. ..,:.:.. <br /> , ' oent o! parOnership interests,or{if a Omited tiabilfty�ny)a tota!of percent ot ths Umited Iiabiiityr oompa- ,__ ,..�:_ <br /> � ` ny interests or voUng dghts dudng the aeaod thia Qoed of Tnut remains a iten on the propeRy. -."'-°"� <br /> . : '.ti<<;; 12.R��.sa;Accelera3t�a Upen�ult In the event of eny C�a�t of Oefauit Lender may,wlthout noUee exoepi as required � =� <br /> • by Iaw,declare�J indebtedness secured hcr:,�y to be due and payabte 2.:d the same shal!thereupon beoome due and payable wlth- ��! '�� <br /> � o��t any preserrtment,demand,protest or notice o!any kind.The�eafter Lender may. —�=- <br /> • (a�Oemand that Tnistee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted heroin,artd Tnistee shall thereafter cause T�ustora inter- - <br /> est in the Properiy to be sotd and the proceeds to be distributed,all i�the mar.rM:�:ovided in the Nebraska Tnut Deeds Ack �'�'�.''��,-_ <br /> . .,�f (b) fcicercise any and all rights provEded tor in any of the Loan Instrumer:�or by Iaw upon occurrenoe ot any Event of _ ��,._� <br /> QetaufZ;ttnd <br /> �'���'�' (cj Commence an acUon to toreet�e thia Deed of Trust as a aa9�gage.eppoint a rseeia�or spec�tiCalty enfot�e any a6 ii`� - •. .-��r�� <br /> �!Y'j `;�.....,r,,,...;�y�a�,,: <br /> . ooVenante heTeol. at�:.�r <br /> ���,��:ri . <br /> . E�1�samedy hereln cflnterred upon or reservad to Trustea or Lender is int9r�d to I¢o Eprde�x�nre of a:.y o�or remedy hsr�iin,in the Loan y��.�;,�„ym.,:,y. <br /> insi�vvments or by law provided or pertni�ed.bui each sha3 bo cumutative.Str,�l te in e�s+ion to evEry att�er remody given hereunder. ;r-x_�,•�:e,�t��;,:•:-- <br />' � ` r �.r in the Loan lnstruments or nonr or hereafter existing at Iaw ar in equity or by otetu:e,a:�d r��y be exerc�sed oona:r►s�:l:ry,independentry :ria,TT_._��}.;,; <br /> ' '�'?'`�' orsuooesivehj. -. -".��"i'' ',"+ <br /> .,ti,; <br /> � ����' 13.4os�iars.The Trustee may resi3n at eny tlme without�xf Ler.�sr c�.�y e2 any time e.�d rvit�wut cause ap�oin8 a ta�c- �''�, �. :•�'.<�. , <br /> � cessor or sdc�ituto Trustee.Trustee shait not be liabie to any party,irt��Dir,g withc�.�i iie�.:�tion Lenal�r,Boerower,Tnutor or:.�r�pntr- � <br /> � � chaser of the Property,for any toss or damage unless due to recMess ar�e�:��!misec�;�w�and shall not(ie requfrea Sfl take any acdon .. � . ,,, �"r <br /> in oonnectlon with the entorcement o!this Deed of Trust uniess indemrcii�,in writirtg,`�r all�,com nsaUon o�r expenses which ,�y_•�,: _ _ <br /> ,;,�,�;�. may pe essociated tT�erewith.In addition,Trusiee may beoome a purcha�e at ar�y sa�e ot the PropeRy�icia1 or undet the power o1 , : ., <br /> �'�� �� sals�nted herein);postpone the sale of aU or any poRion ot the Propec�y,as provided by law;or sa0 the Property as a whofe,or tn . _ <br /> • � saparate parcels or lols at Trustee's dscretlon. � � � <br /> � � 14.F�and E:penscs•►n the event Trwtea safis ihe Properry by exercise of power of saJe.Trustee sh�il be entiUad to aFply �� <br /> �.. any sale proeeeds first to payment of all oosis and expenses o}exercising power o!sala.inctuding atl TruStee's tees,and Lendefs and � � <br /> Trustee's attomay's tees, actualty incurred to eMent{rsrmitted by applicable Iav+.In the event Barrowar or Tnistor exerclses any rigM ^--�� � <br /> pro�ided by law to cure an Event o}Defauit,Lender shall be enti4lpd to�scover from Tcustor ail oflsts and expansos actualty incurred as . <br /> ' • a resutt of Trustor's detauit,Incfuding writhout UmiffiUon all Trustes's and ettomey's fees,to th0 excont psrmitted by appilcab!e Iaw. s <br /> 15.F�ature Advances.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at its opilan,make additional end future adrrances and cead- . <br /> vs��to^�ar:a�:rat.�sC�i^�s�,:as�t^..Edsareces.rrl*3��nter�'st thQreon,sh�li be�secured by this Deed o!Trust At no Uma shall the � <br /> _ ____ . <br /> - . . . -- �. <br /> � . : . ' , .g-.. <br />_' � ' � � �,,-. <br /> __-,�_ ._-.�. . . .. . <br /> ----__., , .. � • . <br /> �.,..�.._ . . . . . ...... .. � . . , . . . . <br /> . ' :'v , '; �t. _ � � . i11 <br /> .. . ... � . _. .. _ , . , .` . . .. �.� ..r�' .. , .. . .. . . �.• .. . .. '_ � . .. _ _ .. . . .. - ._�.. '' _ .. �G� " _ <br />