. . .... . ,....,i. . ,. . .....� ...._. ...__"..r____._ ._,.,..__.. . .�..,. _ .� �. . __. • . _ .. . .�Z ;
<br />, `r ���.�`: ����� 4���.��... __�. . - �- � - � `z` 4 �
<br /> � .�,� �,►� 9� i�0� . , � ` :�,�. .
<br /> : �..t:.
<br /> . ;, �..:...;
<br /> � ` ,f 1, paymtrn�. Bonower agreea to malro ail paymeMs on tRs sewred Aebt wP+en due. U�less Borrower end Lender agree otMrwise, anY �.,
<br /> paymeMs Ltnder receivat fiom Borrowor or for Borrowar'e Denofit wi�� be applied�st to any amoums Bortows3�o�ves on the secured debt , �
<br /> e:dusive at interest or principttl,Soeand to irtores�and then to pri�apst.It partial propayment of tha secured deDt oecure for anY roason.it u+ri�� :` f ` ,
<br /> .. not reduce or excusa e+�µsct►sduled{xYmeM until tAS saauad dabt�s p�d in full. _�'�J-_--
<br /> � � J
<br /> a,�t�n�q�t n s t Tttl�i.SEAower w��i-psy a0 tezea,assessmersis,and othaa eharpes attributabla to tte�propertY w hen Q ue an d wi n d at end utlo , _
<br /> ta the propertv a�airn4t eny c l a i ma v�e h w a u t d i m A�t�d��e n o t t h i s d e e d o f tr u s t.L e n d c r m a y ra q utro BonwHer to ossign any rigrita,ctaims or �y '£ . _
<br /> Agfoneac wlurh mvar Ilta Jhi�fe aps(ntt perqes who 6t�pD►Y�abor or ma4aritls to improva or mairtain the propertV• _ _
<br /> 3.Iniurana.Bunowor wilt &eep ths property insured under terms aceePrib!e to Lender et Bortower's oxpense ano ior Len der'a uer�o:�i.:.�t -�=--:� ~-_--
<br /> insuranee De�ieies sl�ail indude a standard mortgaga dause in fevor of Lendar.Lendsr witl be named es Ioss paYee a*as the irr>ured on any s�ch .�
<br /> msuran6e policy.Any insurense Oraesods may 6a appliad.wttT►in Lender'S disaeUon,to either the restaation ar mpaIr of the damaged proDBRY ;�'{._• �^
<br /> or to the secared deht.If Londer requ'ves mortgage insarante.Hortowar agrees to maintain sueh msuranee for as long as Lender repulres.
<br /> , : { _. -__,=-ss�:.�`.
<br /> � 4.Propa►ty.Bonovuer will keap tPie proDanY��Bood eondition and maks alf repa'va reasonably neesssary.
<br /> � _ s ���,goRQNrar egre�s tp pay e!!Lender8 exyonses,ir►Nuding reasanpb:e attomeyc'fees,it Borcower breaks any eova�ants in this deed �' �
<br /> gre
<br /> . i of trust or in any o0li0atlon seaued by this daed of trust.Borrower w�l1 pay thete amourna to Lendar as provida0��Covenarrt 9 ot tiiis daed of � - __ ? �-;-�'
<br /> yttust. .. . _::c•,:.__-.. .,
<br /> ' . I YP . . =',`—yy;-= F__�.
<br /> 8.Pda S�auft�r URaraats•Unless 8oaower first oQtains Lender's written consent.Banower will not make or partnit ony changas to an riar „ '< _
<br /> : � securiq/ �nterests. Borrowar witl pertorm e!1 of Bonowrer's obligations under any pnor mortgage, deed of Vust oe other seaMy agreement, . - �
<br /> including Bortower's covenante m mate payrrte�rts when due. �+'.:F�"`�= �- -
<br /> �,puI o!Rortt aed Profib.Bono»er essigns to Lender the reMS and profrts of the propertlr.UnTess Bo�wer and Lender have agread ^. �_ �,.ti-____
<br /> � pthe e In writing, Bonower may coliect and�etaEn the rerrts es lortg as Borrowe►is rtct in defauft.tf Borrower defautts,Lender, Lender's ��:�,m:;'-
<br /> aQent,or a courY aADointed teeeiver may take possession nnd marwge the property and colSect the rents.My reMS Lender collectc sfiall be , � --
<br /> apptied first te the eosts of mamaging tne proparty.induding court onsts and attameys'fees,comm'issions to rernal apents. and any othsr --- --
<br /> � necessary retated expenses.The rema�ning amount ot rarrts vin'll than apAlV to D�errts on the sewred dsbt es Drovided in Cove�ant t. ;��_
<br /> 8.La�ssl�dds•Con�riuma%P1a�d Urt[t D�vdopmsc�ts.Borrowar agrees to comply vrith the Drov+sio�of a�y lease if this deed of uust is on �R� ---
<br /> a leasaliold.If thls deed of trust is on a unit in a condommium or a planned unit devetopmerrt.Bonowe►wi��perform all of Borrower's duties -`-7--------_,_'_ -.
<br /> under the covenarrts,by-Iaws,or regulations of the condominium or pJan:s=d un'st deve2aDmenL �_ _i.:y•
<br /> 9.Aut�itY of l�e+d�m Parform for BoRO+Mn-�f BOrtawer fails m Derfortn anY of Borrowar's duties under this dead ot trust Lender may --
<br /> ' <�,roruwction ontl»propertV s�d a�oMinuad�a�rmnot���r►�ted on tn s reasonahl�e manner,Lender maY do�wh�atever is�ne�san►tu Drotaact Lend rs • -- .
<br /> aoamty i�tarest in the property.This may indude eompieting the eonswcNon. � •�'~'
<br />, � Lendefs faitvre m per(orm vmll not produde Lender from exerdsing any of its other rights under ths taw crr.�sis deed of uusL _.;;,;,� ;��. . .--
<br /> - - an0 vu�tl mear i te�res[hom�Ca�te of t�h Padlm�bnt una!F�.�..°d 1n f�un aWt�tl�eei 6iteer�estaa e�;r�--�-t on th��ed dembt6.u��II be due on deman4 �-'=:,��' ;�;::�"�"`:..
<br /> `�-- f�- ��S'
<br /> ,� �p, p�f�t tad peplvatton,If Borto+.Yar f.-ls to make any payment when due or Cx�afir .��'���eer this deed of trtc�^t ar any ` :-.��
<br /> obligation seeured by 1hEs deed of Vust cr en1►priot martqage or deed of trust,Lertdar maY sa:e'�tha maturitY of the seaue��t and � �. .
<br /> Aemand immediate paYrt►ent and may irnoke the power of sate and arry otfser remedies partnitted by a,:.%%�bte law. _
<br /> . i.J�
<br /> 11.R�qwst fo�Nottu of C�fatdt It ts herebq requestecE tE.�:t copies of the notiees of defeult end sale be sent w eaeh person wtio is a party ...F
<br /> hereto,at the eddress of each such person,as set fortt�C�aan• . _
<br /> 12.Pawar c!Sah.If the Lender invokes tt�.e Dowar of saia,1l+0 Tnutee sdall first record in the office ot the rogister of dasds af each cou�ty .,��.. ;�s:, •
<br /> wtiereis�tY�+�^t property or some part c:fC�cel thereof ia situated a notice of defauk wMaining the irtfOfrtl�fiOO teQUifed by law.Th9 TNSL88 �`'` sY�,e •�
<br /> e►eto, and to other persons as rs:�aSed by ,;r�+- �' YoS
<br /> shall atso cca�coDleg u!th9 notice of b�-�aa..w ths Bortawer,to each�erson who is a parttir h ,
<br /> �` applicablo law. Not lass tt+an one mo�.ftra►tne Trusiee tecards the noUce of detauk, or two cr.cr.�s if the trust property�s sro2 in any ,
<br /> incorporamd city or vi!tage and is used i:s ra�a�+mB aperations carried on by the trustoT,the tntstea sha:1�Na pubtic notice of sale to tPrs�persoTS � `���,:s ;
<br /> , and in the manner prescri3c-.d bv ePDD�����aw•Trwtee•v�tth°ut demand on Bortower,shaU seU tY.a�:oDerty at puhlic aucttan to��8hest , ;. .f,:. s.:,,`.;�� - ;
<br /> b i d Q e r.I t r e q u i r e d b y t h e�H o m e s t e a!Rotection Act,Trustea ahafl oHer the pm�ery in two se��ato sates as required by appf:�ie law. �-.�
<br /> Tnistea may pos�ene sx�i���f a��or any Careef of the property by pubGe announeemarsR�z t:.a t i me az:d p l a e e o f a n y p ro v i o u s l y s c h e d i.,e�s a t e. �� ''� ���, .
<br /> . y�� Lender or its designes may�wrchase the�sr„artY at any sale. ._._ . - __—
<br /> wr ;4.
<br /> Tha recitiafs csc:�:.`ned in � r �'
<br /> Upon�acelpt of paym ent of ffie price btd,Tr.sstee shall deliver to the purcheser Trtutee's deed conveti�l�,7 tne property. ' �'•, -
<br /> Trustee's deed ahaD be prlma tacie evfdence of the trutA of the statemer�cantafned therein.Trustoe�t:s0 appN the procaods oi the$a+a in tt�a ,q a-�:,
<br /> ' following order: (e! to eIl expensas af the sale, Including, but not fimfted to, reasonable Trustee's tees, reasonable attomey,s feos and s:.
<br /> roinstatemerrt fees;(b1 w efl sums secured by thts deed of trust,and(c1 the 6atanee,if arry,to the persons Iegally entitfad to receiva n. ��•
<br /> - ��•--:�....
<br /> 13.For�cllowt�•At Leadera option,this deed of trust��tri�0 toractoseA in the manner prov�de by appllcabta law f�r`crsdosuro of mortpages � ;,�,;�
<br /> . �
<br /> ." on rea!property. *�.�;-.:,��------._
<br /> �4,q�.Lender rnay e�rter the prayeAy to inspect R if Lender p�-r,�Bot�ower notice betorehand.The noUce must state tha reasonabte ____,��e�f_---_�•
<br /> � • cause or lr+�'e�s inapection. � r w-Y- "
<br /> �6,�rxutlot�.BoROwer esslg�ns w Lender the,pr4ceoda oi any awaM or wlm tor daraages coru'.�:ed wfth a conQemnaUon or other takfn8 �����,:,,_.�i�_
<br /> `'� of a11 or anyr psR of tl�e C�cs.ertY•Such proceeds will be apptied aa proeiQed in Covenartt 1.Thla assi�meat is subject to tfie terma o4 any prio► _,__
<br /> seauitY a�eemorrt. -- -— -
<br />,a,,�, •.. 18.Watvw.By exerclsia8�ray reme�y avaitable to Lc�nQer,Lender does not pive up any:rShte to la^•�use anY other rertwdY.BV not exet�sinp , _, �°-.� !. ;
<br /> any reme6y upon Bortowe�a defauN.LenQer doea not weive arry�lght to later wnsider the evarrt a dc��:r:t if it heDDen9 aIIein. �� „� g: .
<br /> � 77. Jant�nd Snr�nf Ltab�tv: Co-al�ara:Saeeo�uaro end AselQns Bamd. AII duUes under tAi3 Csed of trust aro joirrt and several. Any '4:�
<br /> 6artowet who eo-slpns thfs deed of trust but does not eo-slgn thd underlving debt fnstrumeM(s1 daes so onty to grarrt and eonvey thet
<br /> Bortowefs iMerost in the property to the Trustee unQer the tarms of thl�Geed of VusG In addition,suah e Bortower e�ees that the lender and ,�"'�
<br /> - anY other Borrower under thts deed of trust may extend,modHtior make any other changea In tha urma of this Cr�ad of ttust or tho securad .'!+��'- ';.,.•.
<br /> do6t without that Borrovrer'e eonserrt and wfthout rete�nfl that eorrower from the terma of tfll9 decd o?wst. "- ��,'� �'''_��
<br /> •� �:.
<br /> ''' The dutiea��benafrts of thla deed of t^.•s!shal!bind anG bonefit the:aer.essors end asslgns of Lec►dr•and Borrow�r. ;;,,�,••�,f�.
<br />`"�:1' �.: .,,.T„�.
<br /> 19.Notlu.UMasa otherwiae requirem����H.any notice to Bortower shail be gtven by deflvertnp it er t�rnai►ing it 6y cer6fied r+r.al��rassed to ��:;�.
<br /> � � ;.; Borrower�t tha DropertY¢�dross or a�q�Yner eddresa tl�et Borrower has�fven to Lendar.Bortower wID stva anY notice to►sn:s LtiY u-�rt�fiad '.y'����
<br /> � m�il to Lender'a eddres3 o��DaIIe 1 e¢�.is deed of trusL or to any ather a�dress whtch LenQer has deslgnated.Any oiMr noUce ts Lnnder shail y�t�
<br /> � ' be sent to Lenders ed�rvss as s4ate0 ca paga 1 0}thia doed of vuat. .��
<br /> �';�1 Arry notice shall bs dte.iusd 1a h�Cea^Siven to Borrower a lender wAen piven In the manner stated above. _��-s�-.�
<br />:,,5 •'. ,_.
<br /> ; �, 19.T�antin af ttN Rop�rSy a o Bess�e�.dl0rmr�st 6n tt�e°R°w�.t4 afl or any paR of the propertv or arry In:erest in lt is sc!d an�ansferted �, �_ p�:=.
<br /> without LenQe�'s prlor writtnn conse� Cender msy domand imms�i's�peymeM of the seeured debt. Lender may also Qe:ra�S i�nmediate ••���;:;
<br /> ,, ;�,• peymern H the Borrower is not a ncRtsal person and s beneflclal itmer.ast in tho Borrower is sotd or transterred. However, LorJoz may not =�y �1 �*r�!■�
<br /> domand paymarrt in the ob�ro uituatlons i!it�s pTOhitsitod by federal[�.-w as of the date of thla deed of trust. �� ',
<br /> a0.R�comnYane�•When tha ab08ation socured by ttsis dood of trust has been paid and Lender has no turttter e?�t�a�:lon to make advances ,�t;3!,,���,_';--""
<br /> � under the trlsUUmante or n�eements securod by this U_3d o}trust,tha Trostee shalf upon written requost Dy�'�E�.a�dsr,rezcmrey the truet , ,._ , _ *'..�°�
<br /> _ � proportY.The lertAor shetl etiver to tho Dortowar,or to 8nrrowers sucussor in interost,tho trust de3d and the cr,�g or eL1er eveA8nce of the . �a
<br /> ... obligaUan so eatlstied.Borrowor shall pay ony rocordaHon eoste. ,
<br /> � 21. Sueeasur Tn,sw. Londor, et Lenders opHon, may romova Trustoe and appoirrt a successor �ustee by firat, maiGng a apy o}tho . . '
<br /> � � substitWon of trustee as roquirad by oppficablo taw,and then,by filinp tho substltution of Vustee tor record in the offlce of the register of deeds � . �
<br /> � � su�ed to ell�hie s wor QuUes euthorit�y e d titlo of the Trustee nemed in ta•he Qeed of UuK and of a y su ees�sorytrustea°f the property,sha11 . . °"-�
<br /> �� `
<br /> . t . "`
<br /> �
<br /> [• . .
<br /> . lpago 2 0l?1 . . �
<br /> - BN7KERS SYSTEMS.INC..ST.CL01JD.MN 683D1 11-800397•Z3�11 FO(UA OLV�MT6NE 6/1991 _— _— '- . � . �'
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