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. . . ... . ,.. ., _ <br /> . . . . . , . <br /> _ :. . , . . ` ' . , ; • .. .. `' f: . �t ' ., .. - <br /> , , . ; . � . . . . . . , t . . . , . <• ' . � ,' ��" • � , � ;;. . _ -. <br /> -� � ... ' � � - ' � . � ' . ... ' ' .. . ' S, . . � , .� •. ' Q�._L"`.�.``_y � <br />. -,a� . , .. . . . . . . ' . ' . . . � d � ,x . - � . . . . � _ � , f � - . . .t`,4 :e---: <br /> _ .._...� ` t_J , _, �.�_r 1.__ t �_. _....�_.�_.—,.4_�.___,_� �..`J.....��. _ •� F�` .' �-' <br /> F ��`O ����0 ----—� . —�-- <br /> � 17.Transfer of the Property or a BenefcIsil Interest tn Borrower. If all or any part of the Praperty or any interest in it . , .` - <br /> .""..- — lti 1011l UT I(371��C[TCtI IUf It d UCIICIt�/dl ii1(CiC�� iR uvfiJLiCi i�nv:u:,i:+w'1Sf.^.i.0'.::�n..^:.Jt:'C:2`:^.f.f�22�:.1I��SKIl1)R't�10t1� . -•. -- , - � <br /> � Lcnder', prior w�ritten rnnsent. Lender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full uf all sums secured by this r�;,=a�„o,�,,;. <br /> Security In,trument.Howe�er,thi,option shall not lx exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fecleral law ati of the date • -. <br /> ' of thi+Security Instrument. . ._' �• �' <;" .. <br /> � _ !f Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceleratian. 1'he notice shall pra�•ide a period of not �._ _.�._,_y,�„x, <br /> "" less than 30 days from the date the natice is deli�ered or mailed within ��hich Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ,,... . , <br /> - - Security Instrumeni. !f Bormwcr fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies � _. _ _ _ _ _ .. <br /> pemutted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. �r: � <br /> i8. Borrowe.-'s Rig6i to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cenain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have , °;`. �` �: <br /> enforcement of this Security Inswment discontinteed at any time prior to the earlier af: (a) 5 days(or such other Feriod as � � . " • '_ <br /> �:t�.`� applicable Inw may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this .i.�-�� �°'��� . _ <br /> '� Securit lati•trument;or!b)ent of a '• �ment enforcin this Securit Instrument.Those coa,,+ions are that Borro�yer-(�:1 t'ays "�` .,ti,:' `,'�,;;`,-• <br /> r� • :*FF. <br />�'';-i::; Y r}' 1� P Y . �,• �.. =�•:. ,� ...: <br /> ,. � •.,�,.„•.,. . , <br /> Lender al! sums which then would be due ur.der chis Security Instniment and tfie Note as:�'�a acceleration had occ�:��: �.>r ft!i;,+��' � �.•� r <br /> � cures any default of any other covenants or agrea�:.:�ts; (c) pays all expen..�es incnrred "v-. ��a�.7C.�.�:IL:-.��13f1t}' IPS�'L*�.°,4'�'. 4�`t,+: d ,�'f ��K<<, <br /> !�.�r _ �.��'f . <br /> inrlud3r�,but not limited to.reasonabte ztcor�.ti-- �;�s: and(Q takes such 2cGC*?as E.e��s:r-�; :�...:�arsre,=�_ eei�-r c: �:_n �i�/��'�, �:� ,;�.,;r�,;;rr Jt�2, <br /> ' " ) "4 ' �+,�1,tt � s?, 4�4;�ij.f��'�'�'' �; <br /> ` �H�tF�'.ir�t of this Securiry Instrumen� L.;,-+���s-,-�.s in the E'roperty and 3erc••�er's ar�,:�,��.�a to Yay ::.�suttts sa:.:.�w::•. ..•f��` f� �,3�U,�„t��,. r: <br /> ,;�: 1 •s�.�=- <br /> ;x',�f chi� Src.rity Instrument shall wr��-.��� :�_:.�-:,�.: ��un rc.;ri:aement b: �rrv�c�- 'is>> Seeurity Instrument .�n� �e �t?�� ���'��`�.f'�'�`s"•. <br /> obligazic�res secured hereby shall rax�K:;:.�_<< �=��-�k if n,.� ,i==:�.""':.'on li;:.i oo=crr'�. L::�ever. this right to rei��,:e y�:+'� `'�fi � _ <br /> not �cea4�,a�.e�ea�i�-•�u�-���-a- "'. •� "��• <br /> aCr��;• .z'±:� ...�.:->.�;:t" <br /> Y�_ ��z of ��iz;Chan���i� Servicer. The i�ace :;r a partial interest in the Note ttogether with this Security -'��-'�-�'=- � <br /> �:•.���„- <br /> ' Instrum�ati may be sold ane or mom.cmes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the eniity(known `.. _,. .. �t=.�c�: <br /> ' as the"Lasn Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one = � �°- <br /> , or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be �� �;�'"�', -� <br /> •;_�"ni.�--•� .. .. <br />, _ given writ[en notice of the change in accordanee with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The natice will+t:�te the name and -.-�•=--T:-..°• :- <br /> ,,-r.- <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the addretiti to which payments+hould be made. The notice will al+o contain any other �,.:i_'' " <br /> : � �:., infortnation required by applicable law. ' '•� • ������� <br />! � . 20. Hazardous tiubstanc�. Borrnwer +hall not raax or permit the presence. u,c. Jispo�al. .wrsge. or relrase of any �--_ - <br /> Hazardous Subrwncc. on or in the Property. Borruwer tihall not do, nor allow any��ne ehe to dn. anything affeciing the :"L.°�.,• , �: <br /> • Property that i� in violati��n uf any Environmental The preceJing two �entenw�+twll not apply tu tht pre+cnce. use.or • '��: , _ <br /> storage on the Property�►f.mall qu�nu[ie,vf H;uarJou+Sub�tanct�+that are generally rccognicc+i tu be approprixtc to normal ' <br /> '� residential use�and to maintcnance uf thc Prupeny. -� <br /> � Burrower.rhall prumptly gi�•e L.ender�vritten nuticc��f any inve+tigauon,claim, demand, lawsuit or other acKion by any FT_ ;4 g <br /> � governmenwl or regulatory�agency or private pany im•uh•ing[he Pmpeny and any Hazardous Subtitance or Environmental Law ,. �`- <br /> • of which Borrawer has actual knowledge. IF Borrower learns,or is notified by any governmental or regulatary authority, that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Harardous Substance affecting the Property iy necessary. Borrower shall prompdy take <br /> , all necessary remedial actions in accordance with 6nvironmental Law. ' . -- <br /> . As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or harardous substances by �'�.�' <br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasnline. kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum producu, toxic " ;�.� <br /> . pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fcrmaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> . this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiciion where the Property is located that �� '` <br /> relate to or environmental protection. � � <br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENA,V'['S.Borrower and Lender furt�er covenanc and agree as faliows: '-'�"i` <br /> � 21.Acceteratian;Rernedies. Lender shall give notice eo�orrowe��:i�s to acce�eraiion Sa�t�n�Borro�rer's breach ��==� <br /> -!� of any co�•enant o��,�a2�t d� thLs Securlty Instrume�t (bat not prior to accederatlon ��cdec ���R� b7 untess �-��' �"�'r' <br /> . �., applicnbfe!aw provi�s cSLzre�sise�. The aotice shall s�ecifc: Ea)the default; (b)tre 2a�ion regcci�t eo cure�tie default; �__, <br /> (c)a d�ce,not less than 30��-s f�w�►the date the notise���.ven ta Risu:f�e"�e deYaut�emECSt be rurt�;artd �::�•,-_� �_ .: <br /> � (�tha4 CirC7u�to cum the def�r_fi: r,n or beTore the�a¢e�i�ed in the notice may n:.�?i i�n acesleratian u.f�e sums .��.y!�!"'','� �� .� �A,s=•' <br /> � secueeti f>y this Security Instrur�arrd�afe o6 the Pro�rty. The nottce shall iarther�tt..F�er[s(�rc�,cver of tt��rr�ght to i"�w�r.��>��:'.a-=-= <br /> •, reinsis�te aster acceterntion and cir.e rlght to L-iag a court action to assert the non�xis.c�u� nf:��i�`'ault or any other ����'":; ::�... <br /> ns <br /> defense of Borrower to accelen3ti�and sale. If the default is not cured on or beFom tfr��tL�ns:'s�ied in t6e notioe, <br /> � I.endrr, at its option, may requti��nmediate payment i�full oF a!1 sums secured �tc rfes Seturity InstruQnent without �`L��� <br /> � fuitt:�demand and may invR[�tiu power of sale and a�y other remedIes permftted tse�Apl�cable law.Lender shall be � <br /> � er.�:dz�.�en coltect all expenses inco:rmd in pursuing t6e remedies provided in tte[s�utr.u.�iy,h 21,inctuding,but not limtted y�.'"F�+.'"�-' <br /> ' Eo,��aable attorneys'fee.s und costs of tItte evidence. �� � �� <br /> � IP the power of sale is invoked, Tn�stee shall record a nottce u�dc�.�3ulC in eacb county in which any part of the �_��.•--� <br /> Properly is located and shall mail copies ot such notice i�tQte manner����:�:be�J ry appliqble law to Borrower and to _ <br /> ' the other persons prescribed by applica6le latv.After the tirne requlred by applicz(i[�fiesv,Tnistee shall give publtc rtotice �-�-- <br /> .�-�,,—:�,�_: <br /> " of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by applicable law.Trus4ee,wi�ut demand on Borrower,shall sell • ,� <br />• � the Property at pubUc auction to the Aighest bldder at the time and pl�ce and under cthe terms designated in the notice of � �'��` <br /> , �•�= sale in one or more parcets and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sate of all or any parce�of the �"-`� • �- <br /> ' .. Property by publlc annoancement at the tirne and place of any prevtously schedWed sale. Lender or its deslguee may , .�.�,; <br /> • �. purchase the Property at any sale. � .� . .-_ <br /> ' � -Y��1 <br /> . ;�:�'ii:.� :4u,� ...., r._ <br /> ... <br /> �z:�� .-,e�iira+�: - <br /> ' Porm 3Q28 9190 — - - _ <br /> •.,ti,:•,�,.. <br /> ,- - Paqo 5 0l 6 '''°��T�� �± <br />, �e. • • �'�7:. <br />. �i�� —"_ <br /> . ..'Wf►'k:�+,..�' <br /> :�t. :�%#4�'�l'�'��'.'f <br /> ; • . . . . . . • .. . • . . � � . ' • . : - . . .. • • . . � . :: . . . . . .�.- <br /> • . _ , � , '. , ._ _ , L <br /> . .. . � . � . �„ .. , � <br /> -. : >,�,. . • ��'.:;:: � . ;!�s�,. • -- <br />- � . . ,�:: . , . , _. • .. . .:�,.,• .- - -•� .- .. <br /> . � ,:). . ,j.,..�,`.;. <br /> .. .• , . .. . ... . ' . .,tt+ . • ' . — <br /> ' .. i: . - � . _ • : • ' : ..4. ' . "�i;�5' �." <br /> . , �, . . � <br /> .' <br /> ' -- � � ' r � . . - �c- - � . 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