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<br /> ,. . � ��e��(�). ��;�at lOfO�j thlf S0�I�Q[I�. 711f1lC OOO�t�00f ifE thft$�t�0�'�: (�j < •
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<br /> CL"C�Ed'.(b}CRlii�►�O��dlllE�OYl�ai�IC�pllf;(C��YSiUCX�Sl1iCYRG�/11difQCYl�tbLSSEC�/ �
<br /> t �Stf1�.mC11�uR 80t iflpttCd i0r.��tf�CjfS�fCl�'i�(�LI�R.SA�I�lOt1�S T.COdE!IIlijt YC�iOIi�►
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<br /> . , f�S lOCi�'C� Iblf� �I11RId1[S�lii�CUI�E_irIC11i1�Ea. UpOR t�iCmC� �80[[OMfC�•Ibit.�1,.•,' :
<br /> • °,- by���
<br /> <... �`" '` Lt�nio�euf and i�e obiis,�tiom saviced 6eteby sini!temain fdiY effactive as if na aootleration fiad accurted itoweret;�Ids ` '
<br /> —=------- •- ° -
<br /> .�t �st�uot iflt�ce�ot��r
<br /> � p�.a�t-.-•.-_=�--=------ --.. —
<br /> l�Sa4 atM���t I.w Se�i�ow �be Na�e or a prtiat iolerest in the Note(togahw with this Security -
<br /> LWnaneot)may be sdd b'ue cr,olo�e tiooes without pior eotke to Boaawer A sale may ranit ia s ch�age ia tho enciry
<br /> (kno�m�a the'Lo�n �oe�')"�t�it ool{bcts awnd�IY WY�s due undtr the Na�e and this Security inct[umeN. 7hete alw
<br /> msp be ane ar mae�d'tbe I.o�a Savioer�bted w a ade ot tbe Note. if thae is a c�nga of U�a Loa�n Sen►ioa.
<br /> Bo�mwet�rilt be�iveo writ�es t�ouce of the ch�ge in�ocacd�ox aith'pa�ag�pN 14 abave and itw. The notioe
<br /> rvill ap�c t�e mme aod addcestaf tbe uerr Lo�t Savioa aud tbe a�ness to which paynyents should� 'E'ti�mticZ wil!
<br /> ais�ooroia aay dbainfvm�aytrequinedbY aPWic+ibte l�w.
<br /> 2� Bas�r+iors S�isfa�oes. Harovrer sbaU aot cause or penait the p�ncw us�.di.�p�ai,staraBE.or nkase of any
<br /> :s.�, Nazudous Subs�ia�cas on oc ta tt�.P9roperty. Bartower sdall not d�,nor�llow anYaie eisc to do.�inS�8�
<br /> :.:.4,:�:_- Ropaty dne ia in,r`�n of a�FavQannanal l.�w 7Ue pKOCe�ag t�xas�s sh�il not appiy ta tt�pceseoc�usw or
<br /> �:°=��: s�pe�e,R�d�lj6:'4€smalt�of Nais�doas SuDstano�s tBat ai�.�t}!c�oog�i�od ta bt.�ripiia�t w ad�mol
<br /> .,,> , �[, .,; , ..t-
<br /> .-.i,.��'•°� G� , •� ' :ll . .'•:�.�.:. �!� ' �'�l
<br /> �t�i�7��}:' ,�����N���Yi�Y ., �`jl :° - • :. .. }.y., •ir
<br /> � ' i;:,..',,.• :$i`5����'��.Cl1�l WIIt�lYItIC�.`Of BIE�T�l'Uf�3i,L"t,ii`�.�, .5�►�'�,r,,�nC`�t�,tj�C�.�W ._.
<br /> ' e c;k:t} Q��;�a�i�.'�C4X Qf1YaiG�1QY[��Y4��11�.``I�_�1•Zi��+aa.1F�1l3'E��
<br /> ,� � �P;b��1�t;�1�(�:�` si� k00W�$Q U�OfRf1Ytt•`����F'��"a������'''T�!`.a� .��"�Of tC$UlY01Y
<br /> ;���.,�,. .autlwrity.tlrfEaia�_��ii�?�'+�?o��r reme�iatia�of any Naz�tdoas S �3i���i.�,����r�ssuyr.Borrawa
<br /> •��\:r "'"• �CtjOOS�It1CCd[�110CW1t�1 "' f�i ' {�t} �;(�`,,,�}
<br /> �> ':s s�allpst�mpRY��� ,���.'. � �._�.is.'�':<;;.."�'• � . �f � ,- ...
<br /> � a��' Isa��rdans wbstances
<br /> ,''`,i;;� ' ;�li,psed ia t�is�' . ��."Ha�srdous Su6st�nce's"ac�e tbose sub�a:3c.�'�ie:�:six i:. l� ,
<br /> ';r`�:;< < �t►c Lavii a�'��e�:ang su�stances: gasoiine.kefoseae.othe�.r�y;�.'��iiaiar,petsuleum prodacts,tosic
<br /> •j t�"... , i�t�i ,'�d.�..,..
<br /> ,,�,._;,`; �p�stid`�S and bet6iciQas,'vb�jq'�e:sinhents.materials containing acbestos o����:.;mr�}iii�;rcrd�t�dioactive materiais. As
<br /> }��_�.�._ -used in lhia�wagcaph 20."E�vara�ajental Law"oKans fedecal Iaws and ta�b;a���urs,�*•io�rt i�'(��Ptaperty�S larated
<br /> 'r''. �:;, tt�at re/ate to halth.safety or a►vttamneival protecti�n. ,`�� '°.
<br /> ���,:: ., ;=?:;;,
<br /> NOIQdJNIFORM CQVENAI�iTS: Barn��and Lender fuMer cov�t and ag�ee as folb�vs: �..,,:•':;.
<br /> � ZI. Ai�ceientio�;ReweAie�•�r�t'.'s��Ive to Botrowa pria�to aoederstia��Ri�riag Borro�rer� �
<br /> .�.,.
<br /> 6�+aeb d aq�ove�a�t or�«'�q-i0���arit911.�m?W4e�t(bat aot prior to�iari tit�(�r pa�asrapb 17
<br /> . applicaWe 4w prmides.,�J�iii��iot�t�y: t�i f1�e defaal�(6)tie xflo�;i�ai�ed to care/ie
<br /> �(e)s��at lp��ia�.�i aio�sAwi�����e�Ae` L��.w Borr�er,b!wliicR 111�def�wlt sact be
<br /> � err{+!.•aM Ii� , ..._ ,.ne ta cr��ide:�a�w 6efare tl�datre`� �.�.. 14 t�re�otiee�7�R`i�raooelerst�ao of
<br /> � t1�e�•ri��aaar��, , S��ru�im�aid s�fe uf tie Pro�p�e��'�owtir+e�II�irt��i(�a Bo�ra+ra'd
<br /> tk ria r:i.at�e�� i�l�ri�t m M�a eo�a'�.:.;. . i�_ai�c ylYk�!r.ds def�att a
<br /> uY�It:� , " �g�tt�. . .: .
<br /> �J;�IRiar'deka�se o�Borro��eKkratiao aud saT� �tl�e defs�t+��ae(4�ri a�i�ct�6etore�c•�te spe�ided i�
<br />— it�ee�l.c�der ae its optiow'�reqor�e imiaeai�ae pay�r�;s f�i�:alli�socai�ea by this�r"dy r,�rnrae.t
<br /> - - �vitkoat fQt�er d�aud a� may invoice We power oi sak�tti accy;�' 'd�Nii,e�t�ei�tliea Iter+�Ttte�:�g pPWicabte�� •
<br /> iddrdib,bnt aot Usked t0.reawaabk attoraeys'kes�d oo�ts dtilie e=�tdenca �::�� �:
<br /> It tMe po�►er af swfe is�vdced,7Y�stee siall recard a notice o�Aefault in each oou�ty i�tv�wulb any put ot tbe
<br /> Prooert�is located a��a11 m�il eopie�utspeM notke ie tie u�n�er prescribed by applicable Isw to Borro�rer asd to
<br /> tYe otie�peraoa+pnacribed by spplicabk bN Aher tbe tlme quind by sppUc�sk I�w.7t+�tee sYsN�ive pnWic
<br /> �ofke a�ssle to tie pe��ed i�tpe msnner prescribed by appNcabk.laM 7lrasteG Rltrwt dn�d a�Borraver,
<br /> - a�Y sd tir Pnupsrty sf p�Mic sadion to fUe MialKSt bWde�at t�e 6or�ra�nd pl�ee�d q�da�tbe�d�ted i� .
<br />� �. :'• tGe Notice ot�r��aae oe nars parals and in ariy order 7lrustea dete}wuGci�ea. 'tiwstee�asiy pos[�raiaesak of a0 oe aay
<br /> _ ;:1,'`, �t�++adi at�e °�r�6�b�3c�annoa ee�t at the time anA place.afi',��prevto�r���fsrT�. Leeder or�ts
<br />��■� : �,.,�� � Y .�, : . . ,.. ... �
<br /> ,; ,� ,..' �.
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