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^ _ .•r. . . • ' � ( . _ .. . , . , . C. � . . . . ,:..u:� • .. ,_ <br /> �. . . . • . . . _ � . . , ' � a,° <br /> . L . , < 4� c . . . . .. � _ . . . . . < �+•,- ss_� . <br />_ , . . � . � . � . - .. . � � - , . . • 4. . . ' .. __ <br /> ' � ' � ' - . ' �.� . .. . t . . . .. • ' . . .r'. _" <br /> • . . , . �-' � • . ' . � i. .1 . . . � <br /> '_"'"_"_♦ . ._.."_ "__"... ._ _ —__�_ ..._... ..- . . . .. . �� • � . .� . . . ' ` � . . . . . - � . .. . _. .... . . . � ` _` a, ��F!'i <br /> � 10���� �`: � , � •.�. .. . <br /> � � � 97- � , <br /> � , <br /> TOGETHER�1VITH all the improvements now or hereafter ecected on the property,aad all easemeau,appurtenaaces.and �" �` � , . : � <br /> futures now or hereafter a part of the property. AU �placemenu and addirions shall also be covered by this Securiry ' � • � • � "��Y^ <br /> , r, <br /> tnsuument.Ail of the foregoing is refemed to in this Security Insuument as the"Propsrry." • -�_ ==�=�- -:��;: <br /> BORROa►ER CQVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seis�d of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and , `.. ; �� � <br /> convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered,exa�t for encumbrances of retord. Borrower warranu and will � � �;� <br />. E, defead generally the titie to the Propeny against all claims�d demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. ' . • <br />� THIS SECiTRITY WS7RUMENT combiaes uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform oovenants with limited � • : , - <br /> variations by jurisdiction to canstitute a uniform security instrument covering real properry. � . - -- _ -- � - -- <br />` 3 UNIFORM COVENAMS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follaws: C, ' ' �` <br /> 1. Payme�tt of Priacipal and Internsh Pcepay�ne�t and Late Charges. Bomower shall pmmptly pay when due the ; � �'�,, <br /> ` principai of aud interest on the debt evidencea by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. ' ' ., ." <br /> 2. �mds for Tages and In.c�anoe. Subject w apglicable law or w a wriuen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to � - _ - <br /> Lender on the day mondily Payments are due uader the Note,until the Note is paid in fiill,a sum("F�mds°)for:(a)yearly taxes ., . •�•';r.,- <br /> . f; and ass�sments wIuch may attain priority aver this Security Insuument as a lien on the Property;N)Yearly leasehold gaymenu . � .__' -...- <br /> .. or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c�Yearly har�rd or property incnran�p�:(d)Yearly flood insurance premiums, "��_.;,;�..�: --_ <br /> ��Y; (e)Y�Y mortgage iasu:ance premiums, if any: and(� any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, ia accoidance with : . . . ����-'— <br /> . • r, n---- <br /> the pmvisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of¢he payment of mortgage i�urance premiums.These items are called"Escrow Items.' - ; , — _— <br /> . Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exc.eed ths a�aximum amount a tender for a federally � ~`"'�'r�' � <br /> �� related mortgage loan may re�ire far Bonower's escrow account under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Act of ��. •� <br /> .�,; <br /> 1974 as amended fram time to time, 12 U.S.C.Secuon 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA°),unless another law thai applles to the Funds - � �'i� <br /> . • sets a lesser azaouni. If so, Lender may, at any timE,collea and hold Funds in an amount noi to exceed the tesser amount. �' ,; .�f�►.��- <br /> .,�r• �° <br /> �; �er may es6maie the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditu�s of future ' • ;. ��'_ <br /> .--i rsccnw F�czns or otherwise in acxordance with appticable law. .__ a+. • <br /> ,;i I7ae ir-ands shall he fleld in an institntion whose deposits are insured by a federal aSencY, instrumentality, or entity •: •.,�:�`-�.f?;:�;,r <br /> ('mclnd:�:a!'c.ender,if Lender is surli an institution)cr in any F��1 Home Loan Bank.Ixuder shaU apply the Fands to psa the . � : ���=��'� <br /> .�' Es..�row Items.Lender may not charge Bormwer f�r i�c.ding and applying the F��+s,annually analyzing the escrow ac�sr,L,or > -� _-. <br /> �Y � • . <br /> .� verifying the Escrow Items,unlesa I�pays��aer interest on the Fur,��3 applicable law permits Lender to m�I�s.� � .� �.. . ,.�: �:,` <br /> - a charge.However, I.entler may regv7�.�e�orrower w pay a one-time charge�.�independent real astaie tax reportin��vicc �` '-�� ',•° .: ^}1 .: - <br /> used by Lender in wnnection wit�s ;��s loan, unless applica�Ie 13w provides othera+ise. Unless an �,rv cemeat is m�*:� or <br /> applicable law requires interest w be paid,Lender shall not be mqui�d to p���rrower any�terest or eamings on the�nds. � '` <br /> ; Borroarer and I.ender�,� agree in writing,howe�:�,that inter�t�a�1�e��:a the Funds.Lxnder shall give to Boaower. , ,;`_�- <br /> withont chuge, an a� accouniing of the Fus�.s, s�owing cc�s and a�:rs to the Fnaals aad the putpose for wtuch each '�'t <br /> debit w the Funds was made.The�c�ds are ptedged as addipor:t.t s�curity for all sums secum..3���Secauity In�*■+��. .i•� �, <br />