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<br /> . ;.�.,�.�i a�rr+� I�.ra.�.Horeo�i�Yt;t�y►.tha im�a�e�.a.►,ez�!det a*aae.tle�ae�-aa��-�_� :
<br /> -,::�:`lwopeitr�tad�,aiiW tass by�ii�.�id�inciu�ad wiebiu t�k'term'eaie�ded cova�t'aMd�:o�let 6�ird�.�ecwdiq� .._:. `
<br /> . Ifands ac Saiodiq�.fix vrrhic�Icedzr eequl�rs i�ura�r:.This ima��sLtl!�be�aoimiaod in d�t�anotmts srd!ar tlie�tiod�
<br /> ., d�t t�eetkr mluires:7t►�inwrance rarricr�n,oiding thc im-�trsn�s styil be chosa�by 86tnar►tr subjoet.to 4tder's�pproral
<br /> which�tl e�t E�e�eteason�bly witl�hetd. {f EORUNtF lills t0 III�IRilt1�'Q1716t QCSCf�IfOa�bYC. E.ender�twy.at t.endct's
<br /> e�ptiat,obqiti mve�ge Ec►pratect lepde�'s rights�ia�hc Pnopetty ia aaoac�danne.�icb p�ras�ph 7. .
<br /> . A1!��e policies a�1��is aWll be,aooepnbk w trriaet aud s1�t11 include t stanQud matp�dause. I.eedet
<br /> . �:.:atali i�e the dght ta hoid tAe polici�aad ia�ntw�atr..U l,tader iequiKS.Boau�xr s1�aU P��Y t�Ye to tsnder�Il moapts ot
<br /> - -- -p�id��d��fi tbte��sof l�ss.��er s�!!giYC�!�ur 3�x 3�ec�rris��ud�
<br /> (�end�r any mike proof of loss it oot m�de pamptlY bY Bo�mwe�• .
<br /> Unless Gender and Barnr►'�er otAawiso a�ree m writina.inwr�aoe pcooeeds ah�t!be ippiiod ta ratoation ot t�epair of�he
<br /> Faoperty daau�ed.if t6e�estofatim or r�ir is eaonomidly fe�sibk and 4eader's security is rat lessened.U the resto�tion or
<br /> -. - tepair is not 000r�id[y fasible or l�eoder's sacnriry�nWd be tessened.the insuaaoe prooeed,c shaU 6e applied ta the su�
<br /> socurod bY IDes Sa�ritY[�tnu�k. whtl�er or not�doe.�rith any eroess piid w Borrower_ U Horrowa�aodo��s th�
<br /> Pmpe�ly.ar does oat answ�er w�id�in 3�days a notia from Leoder that the iawraooe c�rritr has o�'e�ad to satlk a claim.then
<br /> t.a�der msy ccdlect the.inw�anoe peoonods. [sade�r may uses d►e procatds.to cepir ar rrst�e tbe Property or tn pay sum�
<br /> socvrod by this 5eauicy Ia�tmment.whetl�et at naE ibert du�"lUt 3aday pet&�d w�l begin wlr�t tuc notiee is given.
<br /> Itnt�ss tsnder aod Borrow�er otAe�wise ag�oe in wnting.any applicat�oR oFpcoceeds to p�fincfp�S'sfialt not aeta�d ar
<br /> postpo�ae tbe due date of the moKhiy p�ymaus t�farod ta�n p�ragn�s t a�2 aG ct�oge the amaunt o[the paymeo�s. If
<br /> uuder poragtaph 2t tbe Rnpeety is acxluiceQ by Isoder, Bomowa's dghE ro aay:RC�___�.�pol��nd p�ooeods re�Iting fmns
<br /> dsnm�e W the Prope�ty prior w tLe xquisitian sdAil pass to I�eodes to tt�e�tent of tf�e sursts sow�6y this 5ecuriry It�strumeat
<br /> - -�YPia�tothtao4uivtian- "
<br /> f�.Oa�el.!l�aaatiw.Mai�r4eri�oea■d it+deet�af-tie L!�o�etty;�+a�ds Iw�t Ap�Catiout L�fli�,:��•-r
<br /> .�ic,r,ower seou aocupy,es�isn.ana ase tt,c P�eperty gs�a'sspdr�e,cipar resiamorw��diA sixty asys�flter rhe.e�;�i'��;: �
<br /> • ac fe�ui� `. `. .rr_
<br /> . '-;;�°�is SecwitY Ia�uae��.�Call ooati�ue to aooupy,�ie'1�opaty as Banns�er s�xincipai ns�denc�e for �S.t�;;,.. ,.
<br /> �'the d�te of ooao�ncy:►��S:�erider ottnryrise agrees'+iii wniting,v�fiich oonseot sUall no!6e untr�asona6ly a�' , F�^�s .
<br /> exan�tir�:'`'�;en�ac�ces�ezist w6ich ue beyad Eormwer's contnnl. Bomnwer si�l nat desuay. dama_r����pa'ic::3Ste ,
<br /> � Pcupeity,��►�te'P�vperly to deterloeate.ar wmmit waue on diC Pnoperty.Eormwe�shaq 6e ia def�![i�f'i��toiFetiuire
<br /> actian orp�c��ng.whetlxr civil or criminal.is lxgun that in I�.-nder's good faith judgment mutd n�sult.��l��ts+ne of the
<br /> Penpercy oi�YrsR+�ise ma[cri�lty i�air the lien erratad 6y�his 5ecariry Instruma�t or l.ender's seairicy uu;e�;l��wer may
<br /> cune sach a��i�azW reinstate,as pr+aWided in parag�18.by��g the xtion or Froceeding w be d�3;����+�aling
<br /> . that,in 1e�?�'�,�a�d fa;th determ%e�vi�.pr�cludes forfeitur�g��Borrower's interest in tt��rupe�ty`►a`��b���z31
<br /> impaim�,nt�tit�;liiii.�;{i.�e:��t+�:�''S�uity tnst�ument or Le�rJlp:r.'s:secvriry interest. 8orr�ver s�ll also 6e�';��if
<br /> Batruwer.` . .• , �. � .T :
<br /> c�qit�•�'ie;3�pq��pf',�ation�i,�h.�.gave materially false��A�ca�r�e infomntion orstatemer�ts ta Lendei(aY�`od
<br /> ta providc E;e�r,if�w^'•,9s�:i�tsrial infom�ation)in connoction witl�`t�e�loan evi�k�nad by the Note.including;,bu!no4limitod
<br /> ta.np�r,.nr�s boricec�iag SomawePs a�cupancy of the Propeatjt:�a prcincip�i residenre.ti this Securiry ����t is on a
<br /> leasel�otd��diiiia3wer shall_c»m�iy witb all the rmvicinnc�Af the�: if Bnrmwet xquires fee titJe to il�e;��:;=±3�e.
<br /> Irssehold�?ti�:fa tiile shatl not merge untess Lendcr agre�.s ta�t�er in writing. ;�, `. ,..;.
<br /> 7.P�ti�q�n of La�dw�'s Ri�IKs in tbe Ptoperiy. I�Barc����s to perform�he�venantc and agro�tt�;��coi�iro`3'in
<br /> this Sep�ri���G�st�ment.ar there is a legal Proce�diug i�'.�:�i�ti.�t4cantly aff'ect I.ender's rights in the P�rty(suCh'as a
<br /> prace�ding�tt irdnhruptcy.probate. for condemnatiart��,'�ti�`�,4t{s enforce laws or regutations),thm[�dr�may do and
<br /> . pay for srQ��r�is r�oces.sary to pratepf,tLe va�ue ut-�ir�.Q�ptrt�r_srd.E.ender s rights in the Property.I.etMer's aaio3s�i.�r
<br /> it�clude p�yiirg�.any suau secured by��Ii�aa.wAich hx+p!�?+'ii�'�ii�s Security InsUu�:'appeazinS in coari. �ia,�ti�pg`
<br /> . .reasonablc auomeys'tees and enterio�.+a�i�ei'roped[y,r��a.�.i;�+Er�if�;��cder rmi:t�o�actioa wnctu this puag�apb -
<br /> ,�.�nde►does not have[v�n so. ', , �':. •' :;�•
<br /> :"�. Any.amounts disbu�d by Lender�under tl2i�s�g�rpVz'F�;�#'fb�' i�e.a�dnional debt of Bor�vrr�_stcured by this ,
<br /> �rity,;T{�.vivment. Untess Borrower and Le�der'•�Lg�'.ui�3[t°ri�r c:�of paymem.theye art�unts shall bc?�h�densi from the
<br /> �+��uf�i�µ�rsement at the Natc rate and shall bc QSyabie. with:mxrest.upan notice from Lendef to$�oriz�wer requesting
<br /> t. . :�.
<br /> �?� '' ,: .
<br /> '' :�.lE�rjety�e�nnnce.If Lerde�requirod mo�e insaranceas a rnndition of making the laan seca�:adby this Sea�rity
<br /> :,;Y�uu�::floaower shall pay the preaniums r�it�t io m�in�ia the mot�a�e in.wrance in effe�R. if..;��r:�sy reawn. the
<br /> mortgage.�ce coverage requirad by Iu�nder fap�s a�r ceases�rl�e in effec�. Boaawer�hall p�:tL'�js'ie�!n�ams roqaira�d tp
<br /> obtain emre�substantially eyui+alef�t`c.%Uie mongage in�ur.u�or:,�[evicw�ly in effect.at a c�t;�t�itist¢��"equivafent�v��3ie
<br /> oosl tcr&�t�ia��pr af lde.ttaAg�ge icr�n�e previewsly in eifecl.%�'iv�an attemate mrntgag��ir�Slsr�`a�ipra�ed by 1� if
<br /> substantialfy�Sbvattat mo�cgage insurance covetage is ix+l availatiie.Bnrroa•er sDrall�ay�c�L�•u�riiaach a sum equal to
<br /> anNtwelfth o4 d�e}c�aty.'mr�rtgage irourancc premium being paid bv Barroa�r whe»the in5ur.,u-�.a1v�t�g�I.a�ssed vr eeased w
<br /> be i�effect.!�w will xcept.use and retaln these paytne�tts as a tor,er.r�+enr in iicu ut must�¢g� 'ima�rire. Loss reserve
<br /> - , ` iaen 3�28 S�/9C _..
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