. � . �• � . . .�. . .� . . _ ., - �rf .{- . ' cK ° y .. _ -
<br /> . . . t � ,. ' . �. ' . _ �t<..-•'�� � . , � . . �.� - - S_ .� � ..
<br /> �� � .. � . • . . . .. , .,t.... . . .. - . ` � J+Si •a --
<br /> ��M - .� . . ' . � _ , . . Y , r '� ...: . . �`i .. . •, --
<br /> :1_ ` __�ii".�.�� ' _r_ �_..__.�__�_.____._.._.__._�.._...._� . .
<br /> _ �� ����I��� . . - . + l. ��
<br /> � 17.Transfer of the Property or a BeueScial Interest in Eorrower. If all or any part of the Propeny or any in[erest in it , • , ; �
<br />� is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borm�ver is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without • � , - . .
<br /> i.ender's prior writtem m�sent. Ixnder may, at its option, reyuire immediate payment in fult uf all sums sccu�t:d b� this - _ _- ;:,.�:;�,-.�°=
<br /> Security Instrument_ Ifowever,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date �.�`,�1 -
<br /> ' of this Security Instrument_ � "' �
<br /> ..,'Se'�::`:.j-.,S�i._'is.i.
<br /> If l.ender exercises this option. Lender shall gi�•e Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall procide a period of not ,_ :� ,
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sums secured by this , .Y„�..,`
<br />" Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums pribr to the expiratian of this period. Lender may invake any remedies _ . _ : ����' _
<br /> . permitted by this Securiry Instrument without further notice or demand an Borrower. _ _ __,,:_�Y_��;_�____
<br /> � 18. BorroKer's Rig6t to Reinctate. If Borrower meeu certain rnaditions, Borrower shall have the right to have ._
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: lal 5 days (or cuch other period as ��� '��'�.
<br /> - _ applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property punuant to any power of sale contained in this `-�•'!'�""""`�
<br /> ' Security Instrwnent:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays - � .,.,.,;, .; •
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had accurred: N) ��,a,,,��;.=.�'-= ' �K_;.;:
<br /> ;�.*-�:`�*-., �
<br /> c�tr�any default of any other covenanu or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, . , . �;
<br /> induding,but not limited to,reasonable attomeys fees;and(d)talces such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure ' ` �c....�;;:;�:�•'
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Bor�ower's obligation to pay the sums secu[ed by s. ' ; � " ..
<br /> .' this Securitg Ir,strument shall continne unchanged_ Upon rein.atatemznt by Borrower, this Securiry Instrumeni and the ' ��s�r jfi��j `, ,
<br /> ;�;, wl'sgations sec��r�hereby shall rem.z�a full} �ffecti�e as if no acceler<etion had occurre�. Ho�vever, this right to minstate shall �JIt ,:�. y K �
<br /> q�� �r�.c',;'!i:Z S L'-�"K C3ie-.'-f 3Cti�.'rtiQn c�r.3�I'�13T^�3".irr ��. ,�?' ;Yi.i3 s" " �, ���.r.-
<br /> >r'1� ]'�)_ Se:e o����C. c��P �6 taaan 52r�icer. Tt+e \otz or a partial interest in tc� Vote ito�ether with this Secusit� �;' '�°;..,,�F f e.��� ,
<br />-=_�aie� 1. ' j m� _� ,'.x' .� .
<br /> �`"' ��z-:�r.;��t be�'.L on��-..�*°times u;thout pria eotice to Borrower.A sale r�a� result in a change aa the entity(knoaro ... r s�
<br /> ,::.;}.. as�.}�e"���;� Servi.:er"1 L`�r,a:i�.0 mo��_►p �aymencs d-��uader the�Iote and this 5e;.urin�Lzsa�-��ent.There also may be ane �:� _ 3{'��j'�'�:t'�
<br /> „tn�,' o-r�or:c?�a.���o.`U';e L o�r.S..-nicer u�-��2`e;4�o a sale of the Note_ff there is a chz=,Ee of tS�s i.�:�en Servicer.Borrowez will�Oe 'R �� s�y�a�"h ' ,"�
<br />_�� �� �� F.��
<br /> -`-- ���zn w�;�n��ia of the c`ar.ge in acc�:a:..�ce with paragraph l�ab���e and applic2�.,.la�:�.T:v°an::=e will state the name and ':�;�i ,:;,,�. • ,;.:;�,- ,�:,
<br /> �%
<br />-':�;�s`•'�,� ai�':zss of t;�e r,ew Loar. 5.w s:icer and the address to which payments should be r.�e�e. Tfie no*_iae will also comain any oiher ',is,;�v��'..�, ��'-:
<br /> •,•r , :r.�:crmation required by a�.-3.�J:able law. _ ,; , :".`�.`�.;,f; -
<br /> ��>�;� :• � �''��ti�,
<br /> • 20. Haaardous Subsiaaces. Borrower shall not cause or permit tha pressa��. :�:e. disposal, storage. oc release of any ;±���:.;�:_. `�`� . �'�-���
<br /> ��a;''T�'.:
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ailow �:.yone else to do, anything affecting the �:sr,:`:: ;` ''�k-` ..—
<br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or ji��•:�- �r.-=� . '- �'.•; •�'
<br />, � storage on the Pcoperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogniud to be appropriate to narmal �4�,;,,�;...�..��'�� •: ``' 4 �
<br /> residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property. i., � •- �
<br /> . Borrower shall prompily give l.ender written notice of any investigation, claim.demand, fawsuit or other action by any '� y
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property and any Ha7ardous Substance or Enviranmental Law ";
<br /> ' of which Borrower has artual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is natifted by any governmental or regulatory authrn�ty, that . ` - M1
<br /> any remaval or other remediation of any Haiardous Substance atfecting the Property is neces�+ary. Borrower shall promptly take -r + .i,f,•.:'���
<br /> afl nc�e,rary remedial actions in aceordance with Environmental l.a�v. :�!:¢ .:
<br /> . A� u+cd in this paragraph 20. "Harardous Substances" arc tho,e,ub�wnres dcfined ay toxic or ha�ardous substances by j�,
<br /> � Environmcntal law and thc follawins tiub.tancc+: ga�ulinc, kcro�cnc. uther flammablc or toxic petn�lcum praducts, toxic �� . �}. ,
<br /> petiticid�ti and hcrbicides, volAtile�oh•ents,material+conwining a+bc�toti nr formaldchyde,and radioactivc matcrials.As uaeti ir+ _
<br /> Ihis paragraph 2U, "Eneirunment�l Law" meanti fecleral lawti and law,of the jure,diction where ihe Property is located that --
<br /> -. rcfatc tu hcatth.safcty ur environment:d p�otectinn. �'��-
<br /> [YON•U NIFORM COVENAN'PS.Borrower and Lender further cavenant and agree a+follows: ' ';�•
<br /> � 21.Acccieratton;Remedtes.Lender shall give nutice t��Borrower prior to accelerutfan followins Bornu�ver's breacb 'A`_-
<br /> oY s�ay covenant os agceement in this Security lnstrument (but not prior to ucce4eration under paragcap6 17 unles9 �
<br /> • • oppltcable law provides othenvise).The notice shall specii'y: (u)the default; (b)the actton required to cure the dePaulh, --�'"��
<br /> � (c)a dute,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whlch the default must be cumd; 3nd �-�-*-- - ,
<br />' � (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date spec[tied [n the notice may resuit in acceleraHon of t�e satabs — - ----- --,
<br /> secured by this Secur(ty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the rig�4 to
<br /> � reinstate after acceleration aad the right to bdng a court actioa to assert thQ non-exlstence of a defaalt or any o9.� - -
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceleratlon and sale. IP the default ts not cured on or before the date specitted in the not[ce, � ���;
<br /> = Lender, at its opt�an,may require immediate payment in fWl of all sums secrared by this Security Instrament wit�aut -_--- �
<br /> � � ftirther demand and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedIes permitted by appUca6le law.Leader sha�9 62 "' —
<br />' "�3��% entitled to collect all ex ases incu�red in ursuir►g the remedl� rovided in this ragraph 21�Induding.but m�t U�'..� r
<br /> r71�a�r-r,a�
<br /> s�t„�i�; Pe P P Pa � �':'°'.��: .. ;
<br /> ��° '� ta,reasonabte attorneys'fees and co.sts of titfe ev[dence. .
<br /> :�: ,`.. IP the power of sale is invoked, Trustee sha11 record a not[ce ot desae�¢ 6n each cnnnty in wht¢6 any part of the (�`:�,_���.�...
<br />;;s_�"*.� Property is lacated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner pr�ss�'�d by appficable law to Borrower and to ,.; '' � _�:=
<br /> "'• the other rson9 rescribed b a lice6te taw.After the time uired b a ilrable law.'H'rustee shall ve ublic rtot�ce �
<br /> � . :i Pe P Y PP �1 9 PA � P _ . —
<br /> �F of sale to the persons and(n the mannsr prescrfbed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, shall sell -- —
<br /> the Property at publtc auction to the highest bidder at the time and plate and under the terms desiRnated in the notice of ��a�..,��:;,.z_;�'
<br /> ' sale ln one or more parcels and in uny order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sflle of all or any parcel of the �"--� — -_-
<br />� �' r Property by publlc announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sate. Lender or tts desi�rtee ma� �
<br /> �� � purchasc the Peoperty at any sale. ' .
<br />. '=y:�-.�.,eey�..s4.s�,-..-
<br /> �.:_:'�f�i''?lti.'_
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