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<br /> `Procesds�In connecUon with condemnation or othsr taking of the Property or part t�ereof,or for comreyance in Iieu of condamnation. � ,. � � _
<br /> � � Len�er sha11 be entitted at its opUon to commenos,appsar in and prosecute in its ovm name any acclticn or proceedings,and sh�U atso • � " ��'
<br /> be entiUed to m�;e eny corapromise or se�lement in oonnectlon►vfth such teWng or damage.in the evant any portton af the Praperty is . , . . _. ,``r:_
<br /> • so taken or damaged.Londer sPiall Rave the opUon Irt its sote and absalute discretion,to apply ail suah proceeds, afcer dedu�stng _ . , �
<br /> ' therefrom all�sts and e�ensea incurred by ft t�connsctlon with such Pmceeds,upon ar►y indebiadness secured hereby and in suah � � .__
<br /> a�r as Lond°s may d�tortn(rte.Qr ro�t ail se!c�h Procesdg.efter such dedu�IOns,to the restora4lon o4 tha Property upon surfi oon- - � ' "' _-
<br /> • � . d�tlons es Lender may determine.My appl�ation of Rroceeds to tndebtedness shali not exten�or post{�one the due dats oi arty pay- � , `7°
<br /> � ments under the Note,or cure arry default there�nder or hereunder.My unapptied funds shali be pald to Trustor. ° • � . .
<br /> 8.PaAomuttce by ILenAer.Upan Iha oocuRence of an Event of Defautt hereunder,or if any act is taken or Isgal prooesdirig '_ � __
<br />, �. eommenoed vyhtch rtnatedalry aftecLS Lendefs interest in the PropeAy,Le�dar may tn its own discretion,but without obiigaUon to do so. . �_ _
<br /> and withaut no�ice to or demand upan Trustor an�without releasing Tnistor ham any obligaUort,do any act which T�r has agreed - . . • �
<br />�'" but ta�led to dc end may also do any other act it deems neo�ss�ry to protect ttis s�rity hareof.Trustor shali,immediateiy upon
<br /> � demand therefor Dy Lender,pay to Lender aii costs and expanses incurred and sums expsndatl by Lender in oonnection witfi�tha exer- ----- ----=--
<br /> , cise by l.ender o!the tocegoing rfghts.toge4her v�itli iMerest therean at the dafauit rate provided in the Note.�vhtch shal!be added to • . ; �
<br /> the indeblsdness secured hareby.Lender st�aU noi incur any liability because of anything it may do or omi4 to do hereunder. , `` `
<br /> . 9. l4arardous 1�at�riais.TNStor sh�ll keep the Property in complian�wtth ail appticable laws,ord'�nanoes and ragulatfons -� . - . _.
<br /> �elaUng to Indu�h(al hygiene or environme�l protedton(coAectivety retened to herein as`Erntronmerttal la►�.Tnutor shall keep - - - - ..��.
<br />,••:;� � -.: �� .
<br /> • the Properiy tres irom all substanoes deemed to be hazardous or tnxic under any Environmentat Laws(oollectively reterred to harein , ..„�,_,..,,- • •
<br /> � • as"Nazartbus Matertais7.Trusior hereby wanants artd[epresents ta Lender that there are no Hazardaus Materials on or under the �._;.:..,��.z_:�;.yv:
<br /> Property.T�ustor hareby agrees to indemnify and hoid harmtess Lender,its directors.officers,emptoyass and agents,and any sua:es- - --
<br /> sors to Lenders iMerest,from and against any and all da(ms,damages,losses and Iiabii'�ties adsing in connedIon wiU►the presence, r•T�
<br /> ,� .. use,disposai or transpoA of any Hazardous Maferials on,under,irom or about the Pmperty.THE FOAEGOlNG VIiARRADf�ES AND : ��_. _
<br /> . :•�� � RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. i�� ���=_���
<br /> 10.Assl�nments o4 iients.Trustor hareby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security interest in,alS presen�future and �.. ��;_�.�,�Y:.
<br /> , aiter arising rents,tssues and profita o11he Pcogarty;provided that Trustor shall,until tha oa;urrenoe oi an Even2 oi Qeisult,hereunder. � ,�.
<br /> have the r[ght to wifect and retatn such rerds,issues and profits as they become due and payabie.Upon the oocurrence of an Everrt of -='
<br />