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,� <br />.;re;.�;.�:> �01�07474 <br />B. All future advances from Benefici to Trustor arjF�d, _. ��futtue obligations of Trustor to Benefici undex an <br />promissory note, contract, guazanty or other evi,den�e :�debt executed by Trustor in favor of Beneficiary after this <br />Security Instrument whether or not this Security Inst�ament is specifically referenced. If more than one �erson signs <br />this Security Instrament, each Trustor agrees that tt}is Security Instrument will secure a11 future advauces and future <br />obligations that are given to or incurred by any one or more Trustor, or any one or more 'frustor and others. All <br />future advances and ather future ol�ligations are secured by tPiis Security Instrument even though all, ar part may not <br />yet be advanced. All future advances attd other future obligations are, secured as if made on"the date of this Security <br />Instcument. Nothing in tYus Security Instrument sha:ll abnstitute a commitment to make additional or� fiiture loans or <br />advances in any amount. Any such commitment must'iie agreed to in a separate writing. <br />C. All other obligations , Trustor owes to Beneficiary, wluch may later arise, to the extent not prohibited by law, <br />including, but not limited to, Iiabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement between Trustor and <br />Beneficiary. ' <br />D. All additional sums advanced and expenses incun�d,,b�!. Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting <br />the Property and its value and any other sums adva��ed and expenses incurred by Benefzciary under the terms of this <br />Securzry Instrument. � � _ :,.,��� � :� <br />In the event that Beneficiary fails to provide any ne <br />indebtedness secured ander paragraph B of this ; <br />Trustor's principal dwelling that is created by this� <br />debts referenced �n paragraph A of this Section). <br />the right of rascission with respect to any additional <br />uy waives any subsequent security interest in the <br />�rit (but does not waive the security interest for the <br />5. DEED OF TRUST COVENANTS. Trustor agrees that the cavenants in this section are material obligations under the <br />� Secured Debt and this Securiry Instrument. If Trustor breaches any covenant in this section, Beneficiary may refuse to <br />make additional extensians of credit aud reduce the credit limit. By not exercisin,� either remedy on Trustor's breach, <br />Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's right to later consider the event a breach if it happens again. <br />Payments. Trustor agrees that al.l payments under the Secur�,.Debt wi11 be paid when due and in accordance with the <br />terms of the Secured Dabt and this Security Instrument„ ,�;,. „,,; , <br />Prior Security Intecests. With regard to any other mor�g�ge�- . �e�d of trust, security agreement or other lien document that <br />created a prior security intez�est or encumbrance on the Prapei'�, Trustor agrees to make atI payments when due and to <br />perform or comply with a11 covenants. Trustor also agrees. not to a11ow any modification or extension of, nor to request <br />any future adv,ances under any note or agreement seciirefl by the lien docutnent witkout Beneficiary's prior wntten <br />approval. _ <br />Claims Against Title. Trustor will pay all taxes (inclnding,any tax assessed to this Deed of Trust), assessments, liens, <br />encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary <br />may rec�uire Trustor to provide to Bene�iciary copies of a11 ��otices that such amounts are due and the recei ts evidencmg <br />Trustor s payment. Trustor will defend title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien o� this Security <br />Instrumant. Trustor a,gxees to assign to Beneficiary, , as frequested by Beneficiary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor <br />may have agauzst part�es who suppIy labor or matenals to maintain or unprove the Property. <br />Property Condition, Alterations and Insp�t fon. Ttust.o,,r' will keep the Pro�erty in good condition and make all repairs <br />that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not commit: or;;z�low any waste, �rnpalrment, or deterioration of the Property. <br />Trustor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and `u�e ,t�f�, not substantially change wrthout Beneficiary's prior written <br />consent. Trustor will not permit any change in any,li�`s�; rest�ctive covenant or easement witthout Beneficiary's prior <br />written consent. Trustor v�nll notify Beneficiary of att,ct��i�ads claims, and actions against Trustor, and of <br />any Ioss or damage to the Property. <br />c <br />� , � � - �� � ' �' ° . <br />- Bene�ciary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Beneficia�ry '� optitsn;:enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose <br />of inspectmg the Property. Seneficiary shall give Trustor notice at the time of or before an inspection specify ing a <br />reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any mspection of the Property shall be entirely for Beneficiary's bene�'it and <br />— Trustor will in no way xely on Senef"tciaty's inspection. <br />Authority to Perform. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, <br />Beneficiary ma�, without notice, perform or cause th�m ta be Trustar ap�oints Beneficiary as attorney in fact <br />to sign Trustqr s name or pap any amount necessary �or perFqrm�nnce. Beneficiary's nght to perform for Tnistor shall not <br />� create an obhgation to perform, and Beneficiary 's failure to;�erform will not preclude Beneficiary from exercising any of <br />Beneficiary s other rights under the law or this Securit� �s ����t. ;. <br />Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit D�eveiopm�i�t�y:`�rtistor a�rees to comply,with the provisions of any lease if <br />this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Property�includes a unit m a condomimum or a planned unit development, <br />Trustor will perform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants, by-laws, ox regulations of the condomttuum or planned <br />unit development. <br />� Condemnation. Trustor will give Bene�ciary prompt notice of any pending or threatened action, by private or public <br />- entities to purchase or take any or a11 of the Property through.condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. 'I'rustor <br />-- authorizes Beneficiary to intervene in Trustor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Trustor assigns to <br />____ Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any <br /> � part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Security <br />Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or <br />other lien document. <br />— Insurance. Trustor shall keep Property insuxed agains� ��4ss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably <br />associated with the Properly due to rts type and locatio�; TY�is,, insuxance shall ba maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> -- peniods that Beneficiazy requires. What Bene�iciary; re ��res p�su�Y to the_preceding two sentences can change during the <br /> -� term of the loan. The insurance carrier providmg. -�a iic��t�nc;� shall be chosen by Trusfor subjecf to Beneficiary's <br />approval, whicJ� shall not be unteasonably withheld. I�<�ri;ist,��; �aiks <to maintain the coverage described above, Beneficiary <br />may, at Beneficiary's option, obtain coverage to protect 8.,��e��'ioiary's rights in the Property according to the terms of thts <br />Secunty Instrument. � ��, <br /> � All insuxance policies and renewals sha11 be acceptable to Beneficiary shall include a standard "mortgage clausa" and, <br />where applicable, "loss payee clause." Trustor sha11 innnnediatel� notify Beneficiary of cancellation or termination of the <br />insurance. Beneficiary sha11 have the right to hoid the policies and renewals. If Beneficiary requires, Trustor sha11 <br />immediately give to Beneficiary all . receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon loss, Trustor shall give <br /> -- immediate notice to the insurance carner and Benefic�ac�! Be�eficiary may make proof of loss if not made immediately by <br /> -- Trustor. .. � , � �':: � <br />� <br /> -- Unless otherwise agxeed in writing, all insurance proceec�� sh� �e applied xo the restoration or repair. o,f the Property or to <br />tfle Secured Debt, whether or not theri due, at Ben�fzct�'�, t�ition. Any application of proceeds to prvicipal, shall not <br />extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled paymen�:x�iir�eharige the atnount of any payment: Any exce"ss will be paid <br />to the Trustor. Tf the Property xs acquired by Benefic2ary,,:�rustor's nght to any insurance policies"and- roceeiis resulting <br />_ from damage to the Property before the acquisition sha11 �ass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured�ebt immediately <br />before the acquisrtion. �� (pege 2 of 41 <br />E� �"' �O 1994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form qCP-REDT-NE 1/3172003 <br />�'� <br />� <br />�' '� <br />��';�' � <br />