<' - , . . . . . � �.. " , .' , .• y�. , �. 't . '_ �;o��
<br /> -- ---- - -�_�_�.�� -� _ . . . . . . _ , , u . '_�
<br /> 9����Q�.S'� �� ,. � > _ .
<br /> � ' -
<br /> Y. Prctectian ot Le�nder'�s RlghYo in the �eoper4y. u eorrov,ar iaes co panorm u�e covenan�s �d agreements � ��� ' � � �` � '; .
<br /> cor�4ahied trs this SswrI1Y InsVument. or Msre ts a legal Proceedmq that may sipniflcenMr alfe�t Lenders rights tn the Propsrry(such as ��
<br /> a proCESdi�p In baniwptcy.Probate.for G,�ndemnation or forte�re or to enforce taws of reyut�tions),then Lender mtiy do and pay for . ' . . ` �,r.-
<br /> whIItevar b n2�essary 4o proteet Me va9ie of the Property and Lertde�s righis tn the Prop�rty. Lender's acttons may inctude payfig „ _ .
<br /> eny sums seeured by a Qon wh�h Aae Rrtor3y over this Securdy instrumant,apPearin9 in court, DaY�B�o"�� attomey's tees and . . r'""`
<br /> h 7,Lender does noi have to do so. �
<br />_ ��yy�p��a�r��rty�p mska re�a.US. Afthough Lendsr msy take acUon uedar th(s paragrap � . ° . � "��v.
<br /> Any amounb E�S6ursed by Lender und2r thi� Da�9�Ah 7 shall become add�ttanat dabt of Bor�vrer secured by this Sac�r�ty - __=-s =—�='__'_
<br /> h�EbrumanL Uniess Borcow� 8rtd LBttBer 8gts7 to othet tams of psyment, these emounts sAall beer Interest fro�'n the date of � �-
<br /> d�Curs�u►t at the Mote rats end sha7 ba PaY���v�h inYerest.upon noUce from Lereder ta Borrowar requestln9 PaYment �
<br /> 8. MOP4�(IIQ@ IREAlr£1QtC2• It Lendar requfted mortgage Nsu�ance es a cond@IOn of mak(np the loan secured by this t ' , a.�._,
<br /> SIICUrity tnstrumenL Bomower shall pay t�e premlums raquired to m�tntain the mortgaga insurance in eftecL S}, for any reason, the � . �
<br /> " mortsaq�hsurance coverege roquUed by Lender tapses or ceases to be In e�Borrovrer shall pay tP►a prsmiums requ'ved to obtaln � :_
<br /> coverape sutrstanntlaIly e4uivat3nt to the mortgage insurence prevtoush � eff�t, at 8 cast subst�ntallY equMatsr►t to the cost to � - .- _ _'. .._- -- - , _
<br /> � t' !
<br /> E
<br /> � Bortowar of the mortgage insurance pceviousN in eNect. from sn altemate mortgags Nsuier aPproved by Lender. It substanttaty . .
<br /> oquNalent mortqa�e Insurance cova►aye is nat avai'abie, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to onefixelftth of the � � _ —
<br /> y�uy moRyaqe hsutan�e Dremlum being pald by 8orrow�when the insurance ccvera8e fepsed c►ceased to be fn etfect. Lendor wiu _
<br /> aeeept, us9 en0 retafn these payments as a loss reserve t� rau of mortgflge Tnswanca Loss �eserve payrttents may no longer he
<br /> requted,at the optTOn of lender. ft mortgage tnsurance covs�a�n tt�e ac�aunt and for tha per[od thai Lender requires) provided by • '
<br /> an irtsurer apProved by Lsnder apain becomes aw.Tah(e a^� "s abta'ss9... Larrower shaU pay the prem�:u requ'ved to maintain � �
<br /> mort�y�tnsutence in eHect• or to provtde e to^,s z�serve.u�:'�.�L�+e requirsmertt for mortpage tnsurance ends tn acxotdenCe with sny . ,.U�`
<br /> wrttten&pteement betwaen Bortower and Lender or apptic8lDiB Iaw. . '"`��r.,
<br /> � . • .. -
<br /> � 9. Inspeotton. lender ot Ns 8Q2nt may m�ilce reas�na'�js 9t►7fes upon and �:s�t..�ons ot the Pro�2rtY. Lender shall give � _----�-��_
<br /> Borrowar notfce at the ltme o4 or prior to an InspectAn spec�Y�+E����=��e�0f=}�°���o� - �"�—
<br /> ��:
<br /> 10.Conde�ran�tion. The proceeds of any award or c� t�a dsm�tbes, diract ar conseqae�iia�. a� connection w�h any ` y
<br /> �. condertu�aUon or o2har taking of eny paR af the Praperty. or for cc:n�yaz�� I`".=si af aandemnaUon.ero he�by assigned end shall be , ''�":���
<br /> :.,• -r •_
<br /> �� patd ta Lender. `_�;:" `:�•;:-�',
<br /> •�'i In the svent of a total 4s!c6+E ot the Praperty, fhe proceeds s`.sau ta appG�t� L'Q sums secured by tnts Securiiy tnshumen� . . ,-_ ,� _.„_
<br /> whe.:�w or not then due.wftA anY exceas Patd W BortowBr. tn th3 eti�eri a5 a pa.'.�::iiTg of the PropertY In v3hi�h 2ra taQ market • .°:.'l� �Y�;
<br /> : . . �::'�ls
<br /> '�; vtJis ot the Property 6nmediatety befo�e ths tekhg ts equ�1 ta or gr�:3 tt'.a.i the amount of the sums sacared by this 3scurity �_ _.•�
<br /> �.,:. t:�s�ument irnrtbdlatey betoro the takNg. unlass 8orrowsr a�� L�:er c��:rw'sa asree En wrt'Ung. the sums seCUred by thts 3ecurity �; - ��
<br /> �� tnsirument shail be reduce0 by the amount of the proceeds ^�4`�P�ea =y the (ollowinp tractton: (a) the total amount of the sums _ . , ��
<br /> :��`�
<br /> ,} ss�nued tmmedtatery batore the m�ctne.diviQed by(b)the iaE�.alcat va.h:a af the Property bnmediataty be(ore the takin8. My balance . . -
<br /> sha91 be paid to 8arrower. In Ma mvent of a partlai taking oi 3ta Property tr► which the tatr markei value of the Property Unmediatery ._ � ,� �
<br /> ';f befate the mkMip Is less than the 8mount ot the sums s�r•z�immedlaEey before the tektnp, unlass Borrowst flnd Lender otherwise .,��,�` . �. ..�
<br /> ��li: aqree tn wrf!!ng or unisss apPDcebb law othuzvise provides. the procc-c�:� �P�aD be app0ed 4o the sums socured by th(s Securfty . �i i
<br /> / Insbumer►t whstht�ar not the sums are tl�on ch�. �:`
<br /> '�5,7' • '�,� , '�j i F"-.'
<br /> �}�g propeRy k;abandoaed by Borrovier,or if,after noUce by I.e:•�ts 8orrower that the candemnor ofters to make en sward or � �,� f• , ti �
<br /> � settle a aletm(or damages� Bnsrswsr fei►s to respand to L.enc�r+rt.t'cr:�c'l�YS after the date the notice Is given,Lender ts authorized
<br /> to caUect and apPly the proaeeds. at tts optfon,e'dher to res^:rz'.�r cr s�ai of the PropaRy or to the sums secured by tt�is Securiry � �. . _ �:�
<br /> Ins'�u�nt,whether or not ths:e c4ra. " � `i�
<br /> Uniass I,andet end Bomctirer atherwise a�.^�in writln9� �aY sPD��'ot Droceeds to princip8l shall no!extend or postpone the ��r. ,-�
<br /> � C�a�+ais ot the nanthy paymer►ts reterrdd ta in Dera9raPhs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of suofi paymenb. `�� � —
<br /> ..i�, � _..
<br /> ' B1. Borrower Not Released: Forhearance By Lender Not a Waiver. �ccens►on ot cno cane ror payment or _ _,�,;
<br /> rtr�d�?catbn of amorti�tlon oi the sums sec:ured by this Secus6ty Insuument pranted by LenQer to any successor tr� Interest of Bortower �,;,��.
<br /> � s h a 0 no!oaera te t o r e f e a s e!h e O s b D'R y o f t h e o r t g i n a i B o rt o w e r o r B o rc o w e�a s u c c e s s o r s in InteresA �ender ehall not be required to �f '. �'-.:--
<br /> � commw�ce proceedinps a�atnst any auccsssor in Interest or refuse to wct�d tine far payment or othenvlse mod'dyr amorttiation of the •_
<br /> sums secured by this Securay Insbument by �eason of any demand made by the orf�hel Borrow� or Borrowets successors In , ..,�_:�
<br /> tnterest My forbearance by lsnder h axeraieinp eny rtpht or remedy shall not be a waker ot or prectuda the exercise ot any rfght or �����,s;rr;�.
<br /> � ���►ae�s,j:a.�,�,t..
<br />' ; remedy. ---------
<br /> �; 1Z. Suceesaora�nd t3sst�ns Bound;Joint and Several Uabiltty; C�-alg�era Tne covenan�s and _------ ' -
<br /> ,� �ynsrtNnts of this Secufiry Insburtw�nt sAaO bfnd an0 benof3 the successors and assi�ss of Lender end Borrower, subject to the ,� --�
<br /> ��:':� Provl�ions o!paraprapt► 17. 8orraw�fs cov�►ents end e�eerrtenis shaU po jcint end esueral.My Borrower who co-si8ns tt+is S9curi!yr ��"� ._
<br /> ' i r tnstrum�nt but dooa not eocecute the Not� (a) �S ca-sipninp thls SecutRy Inatrument ony to mortgape. grant� end corrvey thot __
<br /> Borrowofs Y►tYrost b the Propatty unQer the tertns of thts Security InsUumenx (b)fs not peasonaily obligated to pay the sums securod '`:,..""
<br /> �!°'�►�.�,'�":
<br /> by lhb SaourRy Instrument; and (c)aprees that Lender end sny other 8orrower mey aproo to extand, mod'dy, forbear or make any .:.;�
<br /> ��w..
<br /> ar,�ommodations wRh reyard to terms of this SeCUrky InsVu:rcant or the Note wrihout that Borcowo�s ConsenL ',, �� '-�•r` ,yr,...�.+
<br /> 13. LOa11 Cltaf��s. I}the ban secured by ths Secur�yr Instrumertt Is subject to e law whtch sets maxUnnm toar+c�arges, ..t,�._-'�'-, _
<br /> end thtt Iow Fa ttnt�ty Interpreted so that tf�e lnterest or other ban ohsrges aoi(ected or to be co0entad in connection with the loan , := �.•,;_ _.
<br /> excaed the p�miC�d fmdo. then; (a)any EuCh loan Charyes sh811 be redcC9� by tfie amount necessa�y t0 reduCe the Chflrge to the ^�'w•
<br /> pennRted Qml�en0(b)anY`-a�ateady ooBected from 8orrower whi�h exceeded PertnRted Ih+iG+w0 bs retunded to 8onower. lsnder • °����i:'...- .��"
<br /> �..,.....�,;•
<br /> mey Choaae to maice thb re�4ar.� by reduafnp the prYicipai awad under lhe Nole or by c�ici�9 a dir�6ct payment to Bcrrowet. If a . :����:
<br /> refund roduces princ�pal,the reQuc4bn wPJ be treated as a pasttal prepayment wfthout any proDayment eharpe under tho Note. . , ;. : .
<br /> 14. N011C�. My noUce to 8ortower ptOVided fot h thi9 SBCUrIty Insbum9nt sh8f1 b9 Qtverl by deilrertnQ ft Or by msiling rt by . *'�-�.'-�*�•��-=� -
<br /> ftrst Ci�ss rtK9 unUss appQCabt9 taw requies use of artother method. The nOt�e shaU be Cirected co th� PropeRy Addross or any „ • �`
<br /> �_-..*.��.-:;•�.
<br /> C;Nw addross Bort(►war QeSbnetes by nOUCe to Lender. AnY noilco to LW�dor BhBU be Qiven by iirst ciass m8i1 to Lenders adQres9 • ._;r;;..T.._ _
<br /> 9CCbd hereln Or at►y other 8ddro3s Lende►desipnates by natixe to Bor►ov�et. Any notk:o �rovldsd tor in thi9 SeCUV'AY Insttume�t Sh811 .. _. . . _ ,. �
<br /> ba deemed to Aave been Oluen to �ortower or Lender whar+�9ven as provided h thls p�ragDaph• � � ` �
<br /> ���� 1b. Gaverning Law;Ss�vQrabilitgt. rn�s sec„rtcy InsUument slfatl b0 aove�ned by ipdeaal �aw ana tne �aw or cna � —
<br /> ' JuriodlctWn In ae'�ch the Propwty is located. �ihe event that any prov7stos► or Clause ot thb Security Insdument or the Note con9licts _ _.__.___�_�_.
<br /> .�� .. wkh apD�� gw, suCh conitict ahail nat aftect oiher provisbn9 ot tfi;s S�x•r�ly InsWment or th9 Noie wh�h can b9 gNen eifect E,.-�-..a.r�-• --
<br /> • wkhout the coniUctinp prwk�ion. To thb end the provisions of this Security Instrument cnd tne Nofe are dacMred to be severable. . �.�4*°�, •
<br /> 18. �orrower'a Copy. Bonowot shaU be given crr�eanformed copy of the Noto end o}thls Securityr insbvmant , �.
<br /> �7. T�anster of the Rroperly or e Beneflci�7 Intereat In B�rroweG If ell or Eny peR Of the Property ot eny � . �__
<br /> hterest In ft b Sold or m�nsterted (or tf a bene0ctat interest �n Bortowor's soid or transterred and Barrawer is not a naturai person) . - . C�
<br /> n
<br /> without Lendefs prior vrtitton consent,Lender may,at its optlon, requ�re�nmedlate payment in fuil of a11 sums secured by this Security :
<br /> Insbume�t. Howrever,this option shaii not bo exercised Ey Lender A exerciso �proh�ited by federal law as of the date of this Security •. �•;
<br /> � InsVument �
<br /> H Lender exercises this opUon,Lender shall glve Bortower notica of acceieratbn.The notfce ShaO provlde a period ot not tess than �
<br /> 30 days ttom the date tho notice is deiivared or maited v�ithin which :'�s Borrower must pay all sums socured by this SeCUrity ; . .
<br /> � tnstrume+►t If 8orrower teils to pay these sums prior to the expiration ot:�s perlad. Lender may (nvok�any remedles permitted Oy tn�s , `
<br /> I SeCUrny InsUument wHhout tuRher notiCe or demflnd on BOffOV/Bf. Form�028 3.4: � . �
<br /> I Pt9�9 of 5 � ' . �.
<br />.._ __j E!42?.1M0{P/�n) _""—_—'.— ___ .
<br />. � i . �A
<br /> I
<br /> • �' S '.
<br /> .I ,( . I• ._.... �� .
<br /> - _ .. . .• , ' —}._�..�.._.�_�,...,_"_�
<br /> .. .' . . .- .. . . , . - � '� . .. . . .. - ' •. � '•` .. ` . � .1/ � �• . . • . . . " . . _ ' . .
<br />