� .tp�;, ._ • � .� - ,. , . � i�'• } .dT'
<br /> � t` l .._Si--._._._._.^_ .�_____._. --a�'...�_:.Y� e�.._._.�.._...._.. '� • 1 .
<br /> . .� .. • `.� � �!k L F ,s��':
<br /> ����
<br /> " +ub�tantiallv eyui�alent mottgage insuranre cu�•tra�e iti.niu a�aidable. Borrc�uer ,hall pa� to Lrmicr�•e.h nn�nth.� ,um ryual l�, , . . .;��':
<br /> � •,one-nvelfth uf the yearh• murtgage insurance premium being paid b� &�rrowtr when th�m.ur,anrr c���rr.�ic Iap�cd +�r.r.e�rd w °•` -' ?-=..__
<br /> be in effrct. L.tnder uill accept.use and retain these payments a.� �lu.s re�enc�n I�ru ut �Ili�rtL.tiC m.ur.in.r I.���� rr��n ' c, +t :� :.. .:. ���?;
<br /> . paymcnt,may no lon,er be requireJ,at the option of Lender,it m�yrtgage ►n+uran�r r���er.�g���n thr.un��um arn! f��r tl�r (urn�� ,.
<br /> • � that Lender reyuire>1 peovided by an ia�urer approved by Lender a�ain hecume.atiailablr anci u��ht��nc.t R��rru��rr.h.�Il p:�`� , �
<br /> the nmiu re u'sr��i to maintain mongage insurance in effect,ur to provide a lu.�r�.cnc. unUl thc rcywrcmcnt tur m�.i�Fa�:� , . , , /���.:
<br /> Pms 9 =_-
<br /> � msurancr c:nd�in arcurdance with any written agreement between Borrower and[.endrr or apph�.�hlr la�� , � � " _
<br /> 9. Inspectieo. Lcnder or it,agent may make rea�onable entrie+upon:uid in+pertiun+ ��f tBe Pruprrty i.rn�fcr.liall Five� , _ _
<br /> ���w' Borrower nutice at the time of or prior to an inspection spec:ifymg rea,onable�au,r f��r thr insperu��n. ' ,� ,�;r'�`
<br /> ' � 10. Candemna6on.The proceeds of any awatd or claim for damageti. dirc�'t �,r�on.cyurntial. in r�u�n�tiu�m «�th.�ny� , �r,y*, �J
<br /> condemnation ur other taking ut any part oF the Property, or far com•ryanct in licu uf cundemnauun. are hrrehy a••��nrd an.i� . �.
<br /> �hall be paiJ to I.c:nder. . �� • '" .
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property.the prureedti�hall be apphed to thr.um+tiuurcJ hy Ihi+S«unty In.trumcat. :,, %�.
<br /> uhether or not then due.with an} excess paid to �orro�ver. In the r�riu �3t a pania! takm�; u1 the Pr���cn) �n wh�ih thr fair � ;�'� � ,+;y, `
<br /> ��� market value of the Property imme3iatel� before the taking i,eyual tu��r gre:iter than ch,smount ui the +um�kcorcd hy ih�+ __�s _ _ ♦�-
<br /> • 5�:urity In��rument immediately before the tudcing, unle„Borrow�r;u�d i.endrr uther«�tic agrc.�in wnun�,thr�um+��rurcJ hy _ _
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be redured b}• the amount oF thr pro�ecYi� multiplied h} thr t��Uoaing fract«�n: ��i rhr intal _�<<:, _._
<br /> amonnt uf the +ums tiecured immediately before the taking.di�id�Yi by �b1 the fa�r niarMtt �alue ��f thr Pn�prrt� inm�rdcacly
<br /> � before the talcin=. Any balance shall br paid to Surrower. 1n the event of r p:srual tiking u(the Yrup.•n, in whirh th�(a�r � . ",,
<br /> . '�. rrarket�alue af'the Propertp iminediately betiire th:takin, i�le�s than the amount e�f thr.um,.r�urcJ icnmui�atcl� bet��re th� . � ,��,. '`
<br /> •t.•�.,.:..
<br /> ' taking, unless Borrower and Lender ntherwi�e a�'�'�in writing ur un lc�s app li�a b l�►aw ��c h r r w i,e p r ovidc5. the pr�xecd++hall t .. :-:��a;;�:
<br /> be applied to the sums s�red by this Securit� ia+trument w het her or not t he sums aze t he n d u e. . ..,,,�:,.•.,ti .T_.
<br /> if the I'roperty is abandoned by Har.ow�r.or if,after nonce by Lxnder[o Borrower that the cundemnor offer.w nuike rn ��,�:f.r�:,.�,;
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages. $c�rrou�er fails i:> *espond [o Lender within 30 day+ after the date thc notire i� given.
<br /> � - I.ender is authorized to coltec:t and appty chz�rckc�ds.at ita option,either ta restoration ur repair uf the Property or tn the yum� : "� �' � ,
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether or n��t ihea due. '�"� � �� . ""�`� _-_
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvise agre in writing. any appfication af proceuls to princip a l s ha l l nut extend or _
<br /> . postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or ch:snge the amount of�uch payme�it,. �.'��.
<br /> 11.Borrowec tiot Released;Fovbearance By Lender hot a Waiver.Extentiion of the time For Rayment ur nioditieation _
<br /> of:unortization of the sums secured by this S�curitr Inetrument granted by Lender ta any successor in interest af Barrowc�'+hall � �
<br /> °�, nut uperate to release the liability of tfie arigi:ia!�oaower or Borcower's succes�on in interest. Lender�hall not be reyuired tu ___- .,r �
<br /> cumtnence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvixe modify emuni�ation � �,
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demdnd made by the original Borrower ur Borruwer'+ .�`�-� � .
<br /> succe�sors in ictterest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ur prulude the _
<br /> .._.�_-_.:..
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. '� °•~�_°
<br /> • 12. Successo�s and Assigns Bound; Jolut an�{ Several Liability; Co-signers. 'tl�e covenants and agrdementti uf thi�
<br /> � Security Inscrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. +ubject[o the provi�ium uf �.�,..n•
<br /> : paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shati be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-sign, tM� Security t"':�!" .�-.
<br /> Instrument bnt does not execute the Note: (a) is co-+igning this Security Instrument only to mongage, grant and cunvcy that z. �_
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the tcrms o€this St�urit� Instnsment:(b)is noc personally obliga[cd to pay the wms �..9�•. �.
<br /> secured by this Security Irutrument:and(c)agrees tha[ Lender and an� o:.i�r Harrower mxy agree to extenJ,mi�Jify,fi�rbear or �
<br /> make soy accommodations with regard to the terms of thi,Security�Instrument ur the NTote without that&�rrowcr',con�ent. ~���.,�
<br /> , �� _
<br /> 13. Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Securit� Instrumzn: is�bject ta a law which�ets maximum loan charge�, �° ��'7 ';,• ""'
<br /> � and that law is finally interpreted so that th�interest or other iaan charge�callected or ro be collected in cunnection with the ;;,�.3ji'•� _
<br /> , Inan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall b:re,j.s.ed by [he amount necessary ro reduce the charge , � ��N�'
<br /> ta the permitted limit: and(b)any �ums already collected frum BnrrouE� .�Y�ich exceodeel permitted limits will be refunded to ' �r.} :'�
<br /> Borro+ver. l.ender may choose ta make this refund by re�iucin� the princcpai owed under [he Note ur by m:iking a direct �� � _
<br /> . �t. _
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment withaut any :�;-,,--
<br /> � prcpayment charge un3er the Note. -
<br /> ' 14.Notices.Ar,y notice to Borrower providr.�l for in chis S:curiry Inst►ument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing � :
<br /> it by first class mail unless appficable law requires use of ano�ner method. The notice sha.'t be directed to the Properry Address � _--�
<br /> � nr any olher address Bonower designates by noii�:e to L.ender. Any notice to Lender s'nall be given by first class mail ta �
<br /> . Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrowzr. Any notice provided for in tbis ,�,.,.,�„� �. .:: �._____
<br /> � Security Inswment shall be deemed to havc been given to Barrower ar Lender when gitizl a;�*ovided in this paragraph. ��'#'�.
<br /> � 15.Go�eanijt� Law; Severabiltty. This Security Ins[rument shall be governed b}• te�eral law and tfte law of the � f�,^:_•;,',
<br /> � jurisdietion in titifiich the Praperty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of t'�is Securiry Instrument or the Note _ -- _
<br /> ; conflicts with apglicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provtsions of this Securiry instrument or the Note which can be _
<br /> given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared _ °- " '•- `.
<br /> • tn be severable. _ .. �� .---
<br /> ,-�-��^e+s,s.. -
<br /> ' l6.Borrower's Cop3.�orrower shell be given one conform:d co�y of tf.e Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . 17.Trnnsfer of the Pra�ety or a Be�s2Sic6a1[nterest in�nrro��s-.If zll or any part of the Property or any i�terest in it = .___:...
<br /> ir+old or transferred(or if a bzneficia!interes[in Borrower is�Q.d or tra�s°erred and Borrower is not a natural person)without -__._
<br /> Lcmter's prior written consent, l.ender may. at iu option, require ir.:-r.edi2:e payment in full of all sums secured by this ` *:�..
<br /> _ Secutity lnstrument.Howevet.this option shall n�t be exercised by LertC�-if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date _
<br /> • ��f lhis Scrurity Instrument. •• �� °
<br /> � '. If I,ender exercises this optioa. I.ender shail give Bonower notice cf acceleration.The notice shali provide a period of not :'"��_,.; --
<br /> • Ie�� than 3Q days Gom the date th: notice is deti�ered or mailed uec.h_-:�vhich Bonower must pay all sums secured by this . - �
<br /> �. tic�urily I�irtrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior co t:�e:�cp:ration of this period. Lender may invake any remedies F-'°"T"'�'��'T" a '
<br /> pr.rmittcil by thi.Sccurity Instrument without further notice or den:��e cr.'Sorrower. Y_� f`-
<br /> IH. Uurruwer's Rl�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower meet. cer�.::r canditions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enfotcement uf this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time pno,- �o the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period ay ;�;'F
<br /> appiirable I:nv m:►y specify for reinstt�tement) bePore sale of the PrnReny pursuant to any power of sale contained in this '•�±f.-:-.
<br /> Ifl
<br /> � tiecurity Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgme�t ea`orcing this Securiry Instrument.Those conditions are that Bonowee (a)pays ��i����-�'"
<br /> � � d.ender uU �umti tivhich then would b�dae vnd�r �::is Securiry lnstrument and the Note�s if no acceleration had occurred: (b) ""''"'�"�''3- :
<br /> �----._
<br /> ��•
<br />' cure,su�y detnut�uf.any other coven�n:s or agr°rments; (e) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. 3• � �. —
<br /> ' incluJ�ng. hul nut limited to. rpsona!±le E*__err.e}� fees: and Id)take+such act�on ati Lender may reasonably require to assure �-g,�,,�,�� �
<br /> Ihat Ihe liei�ut thiti Sccurit Instrument. Ler.�•e.• �n�hts in the Pro ert and Borrower's obli ation to a the sums secured b '��z°�''"''�'=��� -
<br /> Y e
<br /> thi� ticcunty Instrument tihall conti�ue •�nc^anged. Upon reinsa tement by Borrowcr, this Secunty Instrument and t e "�`= �
<br /> ;�-,- • .
<br /> uhl�guti�n�ti+ccurc+l hcrcby shall remzin tuUy e:iective ay tf no accelerati�n had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall _ �;;j
<br />, nut npply in thc ca.rc��f acccleration und�r paraoraph 17. - `"-°'�"..
<br /> �-��•�.: •
<br /> . . lU. ti:�te of Nolc; Change of I.�n Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with thiti Security -
<br /> � Imuume�n i m;ry hc.ruW one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entiry(known . � �
<br /> :iti�he "I.��un tirrv�rer"►that collects montbiy payments due under the Note and this Serurity Instrument.There also may be one ,
<br /> or motr.han�r.�+f thi la�an Servicer unrelaled to a�ale of the Note. If there ia a change of the Loan 5ervicer.Borcav�er will be _ . � �
<br /> ��ven w��uco nu�iie��f ihe ch�ngc in acwrdance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiil State the name an� s,:� �. : �
<br /> aJdreti+ ��I tt�e ucu Iw�an Servicer and the nddress to which p�ayments shoulJ be made. The notice will also contain any other -..-.,�::.,:�;;.�:��:
<br /> infutnstltun rrqwrcJ hy:��Pi«�nie i�W. . .' . �
<br /> - 20. Ilu�livdnu� 5ttbctunccw. &►rrower shall not cause or permit the pnsence. u�e, ditiposal. �torage. or relrs.e nf any
<br /> � }{,��,��,�ui�r Sub,l;m.r, �m ��r m the Prnperty. Bottower shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to Jo. anyttiing affccting the
<br /> � Nr��prny ib,it i.n��u��:niun��f any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. u�e. or ��f�.:.��
<br /> =_---- ;sr.r.;�r ::_: !l�.� 4Rt�j_•:t; ��! ��n:�ll �Sn:m�itie�nf Ha�ardour Suhtitances that are �enerally reco�nized to he appropriate tu normal ,.
<br /> ---- ----�__--_ --
<br /> � re+�d�su:d u,r,en�l tu m.nntenanre uf the hroperty. �
<br /> .- P,,00 3,,,, Form 3028 9190 � . .' .
<br /> . ' _ , i,,�.....
<br /> ..�.._.._�.-.-....._. . .. ..... ._�,... --i . . 't ,.'—^____'__"+r� _ _ . .. .. . ' ..
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<br /> �. .. ,,. ......._.._ ----:.... . .� —--.. ._ r . , :� -- � • . ' ..
<br /> �,�,.�;'�,.,W
<br /> - -•- • "�. , . _ . . .
<br /> . :.. , , ... ��,.�,� . , .. ' � ,_.
<br /> - . ., „ .' ., n `� � , - . . . . . .��.!?� . . .. �. • - . � _ . � .. .� � .. . . . �- _ ,. -"- � . - - .
<br />