_.. . . . . . _ . . , ..
<br /> , � • ri7_ / 3 ' =1.', _ - , .. _ _ . ,_ .. - y _ _� -_
<br /> �L .. , ,'.t, " ' �. .v.�__...._�.. _. ��:.._.__�_.._..._.�.�_-.- - - -� �� _
<br /> i.' .y_.,_ ��.�_--.- .�._._-�_ `a . _ .
<br /> -y .�;Yo'.:�.:s� i
<br /> l_�nJcr cach mund�a.um eyual to " , -
<br /> ,ub,t:u�tiail� eyu��aler.t morteage in.ursnrr rmrrage i•.n�,t a�a�lahir. �iurc�z��er .hali pa� n, • . �
<br /> � .one-twelfth ut the}earl} m��rtgage m,urance premium b�mg ps�J h� Burhn�er«hrn lhe��»ur.utcr a,.�r.��r l:�p.ed ur rea.,��l tu ','�.'., .. .-
<br /> • he m effect. I.�nder�dl accept.u-,e and nta�n the�e pacment�a. :�lu., retier��e in I�eu �,f m��rtgagr in�uran�e. L..u�� r��cnc� .�' — `____-, .
<br /> pa�ment+ma} nu longer be myu�red.at the option of Lender. ef�rtgagc m.ur�nre cu��rs=�lin the amuunt and ti�r the prnud`� . _ _
<br /> . • that Lender requir��►p�ovid�d by an imurer approccYi by Lender a:am t+�tiume•a�ailable:enJ i,uht:�incd. Horru«rr.h:eil pay� .
<br /> the prc-�nium+reyuircYi ro m:iintain mon�age insurancr in effect.ur tu pro�•ide a 1�»>rc.en�r.until ehr�c•yuir�mcnt titt murtgag� ',• ��� ; r . _
<br /> ��` ia�ursnce end.in accorJan�Y«•ith any w�ritten agreement between Burru�ver and L�nder ur app6r:�hlc la��. , . >` : :
<br /> 9. Inspection. I.�nder ur ib agrnt map make re�asonable entrics up�m and imp�wtium ut thc Pn,perty. Lxnder+hall giv� ,F.__�`::_,-.._.',.._. --':
<br /> Borrua•er notice at the timc of ur priur tu an impection.pecif}inr rc::iaunahlr atu�e fur the impe��t�un. �
<br /> � 10.Condemnation. The pn«ec�i. of an} a��ard or cl3im for dam��e�, dircit„r ron,c•yuential. m c�mnecuon aith :�nv� . �}. .
<br />,'..,� wndemnation or uther tal:ing c�f:in� p:ut nf thr Prupert}.�,r fur cun�e}:u►ce in lic:u ol evndemnatiun. :trc h�rcby �•,�gnai ar.� .. , __
<br /> ,hall he paid tu Lender.
<br />-� In the event of a total tnl,ing uf the Propertp.the pr�ker.i.+hall he applird c.�[he�um�+�tiur�Yi hy thn Sctiunt� Imwmrnt. , _
<br /> l w•hether or nut thzn due. «ith am e�ce.,pa�d tu Burr�,��er. in thc ��rnt ��i a partial tab�ng ot ttu Prupert} �n �tihirh the fair , _-�
<br /> market�alue��f the Prapen�muneSmtet}betiire the tal.mg i.ryual tu ur greater than the :tntuunt uY the�um+�rrurrd by thi. . :_
<br /> Securit}•instrument immeciiately before thetal:ing.unle�+&�rrin�er:snd Lertder uthen�i.�agr�in Hnting.th��um��erurctii by� ___ •.�,�;_,�„�
<br /> chis Security In�trument shall be redu�ed by �he amt�unt uf the pru���ed> multipli�yl by tht tisliuwing frs��tiun: ia) the tutsl • . _.: „ :
<br /> amount of the +ums �er�red immediatety before ttie Wking. diviSt�l by Ib) the f:�ir markeY �•slue��f the Prupem immeJiatel) �'::4, � .
<br /> hefore the t:iking. .�n} b�1+ui�e shall hr paid ti+ Hc�rrc�wer. In thr e�•tnt uf a parti:il t:sl.in:��f the Pruptrt. in �+hirh the farc ,,,.r;��, .'�-
<br /> .�-.;,ti�,, �
<br /> � market��alue uf the F'rc�p4rt} immc�ii•rteh hcturr tlir t:►king i,I«.th:u�th�nmuunt uf thr,unu.ecurcri inuti:e�iiateh befurc the F ._.IX,
<br /> �. tal:ing. unles� Burmtver snd Len1�r othentiise agree in wriling or unles� :�pplicablr Isw othen��i<e providc�. the p:�xeeds.hall :�;��'��`i ' . , =-
<br /> ' be applied to the sums secvred by ti�is Security Ins.rument whether or not the swiu are then due. .„ , '�7� �. �:,�..:,4,=�
<br /> if the Property is abandoned by Borrower,ar if.aher notice by 1-en�er ta Borrow•er that th�candemnor offers to matce an ��,�; _,z�':_,-�.:�a
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages. Borro�ver fails to respand tu l.ender within 30 day�after the date the noiice u given. ,;_� .,,,
<br /> : ��i ;'7.:,�'-.�::-:i-;"-.
<br /> ,,� Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at its option, either to restoration or repair af the Property or to the sums ,,. : �
<br /> secured by this Security Instniment,whether or not[hen due. �. ��L,� +�.
<br /> • L:�.�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agrcx in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or 4;;r; �._
<br /> • postpi�c,�the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymers. ,"'''"�`�� � , _. . :.�.,:'�.
<br /> 11.Borrower:�ot Reieased;Fort�earance�Y�nder'+Ioi a V►'aiver.Extension of the time for payment or m:t!ificatian .�- Y ��v'��
<br /> of amortization of th.e sums secured by this Security In�trument grant e d by L en der to any su c c e s s o r in interest of Bnm�aer shall ,� , .""� '�. �_ �
<br /> �-' not operate to relea..��he liabilit}•of the urigir��; Borruwer nr Borro�ver'�,uccensors in interest. Lender shall not be require,i[o =_ =:_ �.,t...,,.,_
<br /> commence proccedir.gs against any successor��interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify amonization �_ ., l� .,,�„�
<br /> � of the sums secured by this Se�urity Instrvment by rea.wn of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower s �t,.� - _
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbe.:r�ce by Lender in exercising any ngM or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclade the ���'^ _-
<br /> .'•`_'� exercise of any right or remedy- � _. ��� i . �;.
<br />• � 12. Successars and Ass�g�Bound:Joint and Several Lisbility: Co-signeis. The covenants and a ement5 of this
<br /> � • Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower, subject to the provisions of t.�,'..�`
<br />. paragraph 17. Borrower's covenan�ti and agreements shall be joint snd several. Any Borrower who co-signs th►s Security �,':,.;� E
<br /> - �•: :::••.• � =-
<br /> Irutrument but does not execute the Note: la) iti co-signing this 5ecurity Lr.strument only [o mortgage.gr'atit and convey that ,,_ � �
<br /> . Borrower's interest in the Properr. under the terms of this Security Instrucr.znt: lb)is not per�onally obligated to pa}�the sums ' ,��Fs;Y•���:_, s� --
<br /> secured by this Security Instrume-=..and Ic)agrees that Leader and any otfier Borrower may agree ta extend,modify. 5�=bear or t�;, f:�, ::`:{''�. �"_
<br /> • make any accortur.odations with regard to the t�ms of this Security Insvum�t or tt:e:��:ir:without that Borrower's�-�sent. ; -. ;�
<br /> m
<br /> 13. Loan C`.nnrges. If the loan securej �y this Security Instrument is wbj�ct w a P.;-a+which se'-:a maximum Iuan charges. ,� ti�` �•
<br /> -���rq�t ., �$.{�5.•n ..._.
<br /> � and that law is t��a11y interpreted so that ct�e interest or other loan char��e coilzctctl cr �a be colle+�ro�i in connection with the ;.,•• {.
<br /> r`.'
<br /> � toan exceed the pc�-:ri[ted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be c�.Aaced fay tLT:a-�aunt necessary to reduce the charge ;�?,''
<br /> to the permiaed limit:and (b� uny sums already callected from Borrower which exce�u��permitted limits wili be refunded to s�:-• �
<br /> Botrower. Lender may chouse to make this refund by rcducing the prindpal owed under the AIote or by making a direct ��.:.�
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction �vill be treated as a partial prepayment without any • �:•���_:.
<br /> ,`-.4: ,.
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. �.'�'
<br />' 14.Notices.Any norice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing ,� � _
<br /> '• it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address " :�.�—, -
<br /> or any o:her address Borro�ver designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to _
<br /> � Ler�3er's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for in this � -=
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this par�r�gr,.�h. �':'_':^�.��.,:•
<br /> ' IS.Governia„ Law; Severability. Thi< Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law znd the 4aw of the -- —
<br />