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' . �VGi'��. . . . . . }. ., . . � ,`�;.` - _ V ` �.. . �YIL _ <br /> _:Yi{-�:' - t _ . . ' . ` 4,f2 , ��{ � " r. . .V , f�'i t� . . " ""—a._y..�� _ <br />. ,t_._._ ..�..�+._. ,... _. . _ ._. .. . __."_'"'.... .. . . . .. ...... .. .. .. . � 1. r <br /> " ` c . ..,�\:'aci�.�. <br /> � ' • 17. 4ransfor of the Proper4y or a Bsne�icial In4erest in 8orrawer. lf ail or any part oT tne Properry or . �- , - <br /> ' any mterest m rt is sold or transfened (or A a benefiaa! interest in Borrower is sotd or Vanste�ed and Bonower is nut a rtatural . , — <br /> person) without Lender s pnor wntten consent. Lender ds option,require immed�ate payment in full of all sums secured by , . = - <br /> this Securrty Instrument Hotivever. this option shail not be exercised by Lender d exercise is prohibded by federal law as of the � ,i;• <br /> I �_ <br /> cate of this Secunty InsWment. � ` � '_: - <br /> If Lender exerCSes this ophan. Lender shall give Bortower nottce of acceteraiion. The noUCe shall pronde a penod oi not � _� <br /> less than 30 days from the date the noUce �s delivered or ma�led wAhm which BoROwer must pay a!1 surns secured by this � � _. , .___._._. �_ <br /> Security InsWment. If Bonower ta�ls to pay these sums pnor to the e�piraUOn ai this period. Lender may �nvoke any remed�es � A ` <br /> permitted by this Securrty�nstrument without tuRher notice or demand on 8orrower. <br /> 18. BOROWePS Right to ReinS''�'dte. It Borrower meets certain condNOns. Horrower shall have the nght to hare�,�. , <br /> enforcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time pnor to the eart:er of: (a) 5 days (or such other penod as Q � ; . • • -> � <br /> appGcable law may specAy tor remstatement) before salE oi the Property pursuant to any puwer of sale contamed m th�s Seanly <br /> Instrument. or (b) eniry of a judgmen[entorang th�.s Seaurty Insbument Those cond�Gons are that Borrower (a} pays Lender al{ � _ _._ __ _____ __ _ _ . <br /> ' sums which then would be due under th�s Secunty Instrument and the Notct as if no accelerabon had occurted: (b) ares an , <br /> detauR of any othe►covenant or agreements. (c) pays all expenses marred m entorcing this Secunty �nstrument.mGuding. but� , . L <br /> noi 6mited to. reasonabte attomeys'fees: and(�takes such action as Lender may reascnah'y require to assure that the lien of _ <br /> this SeCUrtty tnstN�ent Lendefs nghts m the Property and Borrowers ob(igatioa to p�� the sums secured by th�s Secu!rty . <br /> Inswment shali conUnue uncfiartged. Upon r�instatement 6y Borrower. this Secunty InsWment ard the obligalions secured '- <br /> !�ereby shall remain tutty eftective as A no acceleratian had ouxiRed. Hovrcttet.fhis right to reinstate shall not apply in the case . <br /> ux • <br /> a�acceleraUOn under paragra�h t7. . �� <br /> • 19. �Ste of Note; Change Of L03n SeWicer. The Note or a a partial interest in the Note (together with this , �.�.� <br /> Seaufry tnstrument)may be sold one or more times wi[hout prior notice to Bortower.A sale may resuft in a change in the entity ;".�=;,h:--.-�"� <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer)that callects monthty payments due under tha Note and this Security Instrument. There atso maY ' ' • ��'`:,u�.��,'" <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate ot the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. ��,�-. <br />, 8orrower w�U be�ven wrttten notice oi the change in accordance with para9raPh 14 above and applicable law• The noUae will i ��,�.�'- <br /> state the name and address ot the new Loan Servfcer and the address to which payments should ba made. The notice v�ill also � �.t-. : . _. <br /> contain anY other infortnation re�u"ved hy app�icab�e Iaw. ' �'��' �`' <br /> 20. HazBidous S�lbstanCes. Barrower shatl nat cause or pe�mit the Presence• use. disposal, storage.or release of _ .,.. _�R. ����6 <br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the P�ropeAy. Bortav�e► shall not do. nor allaw anyone eise to do, anything attecting the � - °- <br /> PropeRy tAat is in viotation ot any Environmental Law• The preceding two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, or - <br /> storage on the �'operty of small quanti�es ot Hamrdous Substances thai are generafty recogn¢ed to be appropciate to nortnal <br /> ' residential uses and to maintenance ot the Property. � ,.r- <br /> Borrower shaD promptly give Lender written notice ot any imesligation. cfafm. demand, lawsuit or other action by any �_��T <br /> '. govemmental or regulatory agency or private parry involving the Praperry and any Hazardous Substance or Environnr,mtal Lav� uf ,_�_T� � <br />�.,.',�:;•: which Borrower has a e l u a l k now l e d9e• I f B o r r o w e r �e ar n s. o r i s n a ti fi e d b y a n y g o v e m mental or r e gulato ry authoriry,that any < <br /> �.,;,,,, is necessary. Bortower shall promptly cake all , <br /> removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance aftecting PropertY -.•;,}' _ <br /> �, �ecessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. � <br /> As used'm this paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazatdous substances by ,�: '_ � <br /> �'�' ' Environmental Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flarrtmable or toxic petr'oleum produc4s. toxie �... ;, � � <br />;;+;��. pestiddes and herbicides, volatite solvents. materfals containing asbestos or fortnatdehyde. and mdioactive materials. As used in !�"j;,° ^.i� <br /> •���t�' para�apfi 20, 'Environmental Law' means t e de r a l laws a n d l a w s o t t h e j u d s d i c t i o n w h e re the Pro pe r ty is located that relafe to �� =i i <br /> or environmental protection. {� ' <br /> . � <br /> �` �c <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8oaower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: — <br /> � 21. Acceferatton; Remedies. Lender shall give aotice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon ! .��� <br /> � fotlowic�g Borrowee's breach of any covenant or agrsemertt in this Secu�ity instrumertt (but not �:,��., <br /> . prior to acceteratfon urtder paragraph 17 unless applicah9e law provtdes otherwise). The e�otice " ,;�• • <br /> � shatl apecify: (a) the defaul� (b) the action required to cure the defaut� (c) a date, not tess than :. ;•.,� ,: <br /> 30 days 4rom the date the notice is given to Borrowe�, by whfch the default must De cured: and _ < �:�.�:_�°• <br /> (d) tha4 �ailure trs �ure ths defaut3 on or beEore the date specified in the noUce may result ln r;�:�=---.__—_ <br /> acceterafiae� n4 ti��uins seaured by thls Secu�ity tnstaument and sala af the Property.The notice `5��� <br />"'�����: sha11 S�►iiter i��vnz �rcaas�r a�F s9ee rISM to re1nstate after aaceleration ane! the rigM to bring � ,r,;•�:..,,,._..:�'��`. `. ,. . . . <br /> ���l!$��' court action to ��t tte� �tan�~existence of a default or any other detenss o� Borrower tm ��,`•��<'"�`:�'� .• . <br /> :, t�' ,s�i<{►w �--T'— ,.. <br /> acceleration and �LQ. 1f the cicf�if. ia tis�3 cured on or before the date specNied in the nattce. «��.f�tf��'`:`"��-_"' .� <br /> .'' Lender at (ts option may req�ire imntadi� payme�t in full of all sums secured by Y�s SeaurJty �� ���`:"� <br /> ����� <br /> tnstrume�t without turther der�and and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies __ _- <br /> �:,,t;��,; permitted by applicabte t�.e. I�nder shall be entitted to colfect all expenses incurred in pursuing r.: , <br />'��`?'•;i�: the remedles provided ir+ ififs paragraph 21. including, but not limited to, reasonabte attorneys' .. •�tl`";,;�'• <br /> rr�.-. :� ��a;a,;�. : ,_•,°., <br />�`���'"" fees and costs ot tltte evldence. � <br /> t _,.:.. L... •�-�- <br /> � � � H the powor of sale ls invoiced. Trustoe shatl record a not�ce ot de9auf4 In �f�ch county in � ��',,7•�-•:�� <br />'.;;,,',, . wt�ich �,ny part of 4he Property is located and shall mail copios o! such nuttco ie� the manner � ' ��� � �, <br />:_:'��i�,F,•: pres�ribed by applicabte law to Borrawer and to the other persons prescribo� i�y applDcable law• �=.: �. " . �,; <br /> After the time required by appticable law. T►ustee shall glve public notico af sale to the persons '"'� <br /> ' .i::�;�}}.��-��.d�:� .. <br /> asnd in 4he mannor preseribed by applEcable Iaw. Trustee.witho�at demand on Borrower, shatt seQ ' ,,�,r�.,�.�,�,.:.� <br /> t�ee Property at public auction to the highoat bltider at tho time and placo aad under the terms ;��',,: �;�, � . _ <br /> _,,,,�,.:. �ak'�:.'-. <br /> . �., destgnaCe�l En the nolice of sate in one or moro parcels and ln any order Trustee determines. ,_ <br /> Trus4e� cru�1 postpone sale o4 ttll or any parcel 04 4ha Property toy pu�tic announcemao4 at ffie � � <br /> time �'�m1 ��aze of any previa��ly scheduled sato. Le�der or its destgnee may purchaso the . : ,��:� <br /> Property at any sate. � . _� <br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the price btd. Trustee sPoall tEelivur to the purchaser Truste�'s : �-� <br /> deed conveyl�g the Froperty. The recitats in the Trustee's deaei 3hnt1 be p�ima faeie evldence of . <br /> � tfie truth o� the statemenis made therein. T►ustee shatl app:y 4he proceeds of the 9ale in the . <br /> � follawing order. (a) to atl cosls and expenses ot exercising th� power of sale. and the sale. .• . <br /> ��' includit�g tho payment of the Trustee's tees actually incurred, no!to exceed threo ' . • �� <br /> � % of 4he principa! am�ourtt ot Uhe . <br /> note &t the Ume of the declaraRion of default. and reaso�able attorney's fees as p@smitted by law: <br />