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-, � . . .. . . . . . • .. � . - <br /> , S. _' ' . " � � . . . . - � . . . . _ v.�_ <br /> � . ' ' ... �: . . . . _ .. .. .._._..W_._. - ,."_'_''...�. . . . . .. ._. .... - ._ "_ _'. . . _.�___._..�� .' .-.�. <br /> .: _'_ . .__..._.._,�.�_.._....--. . . . . .__._" + _. . . _. • . - t' . . _ <br /> �� and all easements. apAuRenances. and ' ' '_ ` ' • <br /> TOQETHER WffH e1� the improvements now w hereatter erected on the property. t, , . „ �, -. <br /> ' fixtures now or hereafter e Rart ot the property. All repl�cemonts and addiUons shall also be corered by this Securiry�nstrument , ; � � <br /> Al!01 the toregomg Is reterred to �n ihis 3ecu r ri y I�sttument as the 'Froperty' , _ <br /> BORRQ1McR COVENANTS that BoRO�ver is t3wfwly se�zed of the estate he►sby conveyed and has the nght to g�ant and(g � �_ <br /> - c�nvay tho Property and that the Ptope+�ty � unencumbared. exc�pt Rar encumbrances o1 recnrd Bortower warranu �nd wdl� ;: <br /> detend generally the tiUe to the Praperty ngainst nU ctnims and demands, subject to any encumhrances of record � ' �s�—_ <br /> THIS SECUfi1TY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenQnts far rtatians! use and aomunAorm covenams wdh hmrted �as`_ <br /> variatians by Juqsdfction to eonstitut�n undorm security insWment covering rea!properry � • ` . .� <br /> U�1IFORM COVENANTS. Bosower and Lander covertant and egree as follows . • . , ° <br /> when � <br /> 1. Payttaent of Priwcip�! an� Inteves�; Prog�aymant and Lato Charges. Borrower shall prompt�y pay � <br /> due tho prinupal at and mtcresl on the debi mtdenced Dy the Note and any prepayment and iate charges due under tho Note. i � <br /> 2. Fvnds foT Texes eitd In�urattCe. Sub�ect to appficaDle �aw or to a wrAten waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay , � �' <br /> ' to Lender on the day monthty payments nre due under tho Note. unLl the Note �s pa e^�on��`he SProperty n(b) Ye�y �easeha d� [� . _ _ t• .� r. <br /> -- taxes and assessments which may arimn pnority over thts Securityr !��lrumeni as a , _ _ . _ <br />, • payments or ground rents on ine Properiy. d anY: (cl YeadY hnzard or propeAy �a�surance premfurrts. (d) yearty nood msurance ' <br /> premfums. d any: (e) yearly martgage�nsurance premmms, d any:and(fl eny wms payable by Bortower to lender m accordance <br /> �� wilh Ihe proyisions nf parag�aph 8. in lieu o( the payment at mortgage msurance premwms These dems are called 'Esanw <br /> Items-' Lender may. ut any Ume. colleU and hold Funds in en emount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender �or a � <br /> }e�y{�y related mortqage loan may require tor Bartowei s esaow acwunt under the lederal Real Estate Selttement Procedures ':x _ <br /> Act of 1974 as amended from time to lrrce. 12 U S C. �2fi01 et seq ("RESPA'�. unless another law that appiies to lhe Funds � �-_�-��:_.. <br /> sets a�esser emount. H so.Lendar may. at any Ume. collect and hold Funds m an amount not to excee4 the lesser amount. '. a�+;G�� <br /> Lender may estimate the amount oi Funds due on the basis of current data and �easonable estimates o! e�sc-nditureis of(uture •. .^ <br /> Escrow�tems or othenr+�se in accordance with appGcable�aw. � �'-""'° _" �-'�"s`�'-- <br /> ..+ ..�-- <br /> The Fuads shall be hHd in an inslitution vrfinse deposi[s are insured by a federal agenc.y.instrumen�aldll• or��Y e E aow �' -- --'-=� <br /> � Lender, il I.ertder is such an instituflon) or in any Federal Home Laan Bank Lender shaU appty the Funds to pay •. ... �'==-=-� <br /> Items. Lender may noi charge Borrower for holding and appiying the Funds,annualry analydn9 the escrow account. or veritying `.��.;,•�, <br /> � ihe Esaow Items. unless Lender pays Bortower interest on the Furtds and appticable law permits Lender ta make such a �����,;�_ <br /> charge. However. Lender may require Borrower to pay a onetime charge tor an independent real esfate tax repoRing service �r���; <br /> used by Lender in conneetion with th�s loan. unless applicab►e law Provides othenvise. Unless an a�yeement is made or �a�=— <br /> � appGcabte l�w reqwres interest Eo be paid. Lender shall not 6e required to pay Borrovrer any interest or eamings on the Funds. ,. ,, =�a.-, <br /> 8orrower and Lender may a�ee In writm9. however. that mterest shall D>paid on the Funds. Lende► shall give to Borrower. , " •�.;�_4-��, <br /> :�. ��.� <br /> without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds. showing aedits and debits to the Punds and the purpose tor v�hiet► each C. :,�.�.;_-- <br /> deDR to the Funds was made. The Funds are pled9ed as additional securiry tor aft sums secured by the Security Instrumenf. " •^�__ <br /> It the F u n d s h e►d by L e n d e r e x c e e d t h e a m ounts pertnitted to be hetd by apptieable Iaw. Lender shall account to Borrower �• .:,��u^ _ <br /> for the excess Funds in accardance w(th the requGements of apptica6te taw. If the amount ot the Funds held by Lender a t a ny �— <br /> v�?�f7�r' .. <br /> Ume is not suffi�ent to pay the Esaow Items when due. LeaQer maY so noti(y 8orrower in writing. and, in suCh case BoROwer .a;��` Q ��. _ <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the defiaency in no more than ` ---�,�,..:;•. �� <br /> "' lwetve monthty Lender s sole disuetion. ';'•� � <br /> Upon payment in tu0 of all sums secured by this Security Insdvmen� Lender shall promptty reiwd to Borrower eny Funds <br /> ' held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquire or sell the Property. Len der, pdar to tha a c quisition or sale of the <br /> + �� Property, shall apply any Funds�efd by Lende►at the time of acquisi�on or sale as a ctedit against the sums secure�by this >..:��:_ <br /> Securiry InsbumeM• ents receired by Lender under .� • �': <br />• " 3. R�n�iir.a4ifln O� Payi�6mZS. Unless applicabte law provid� othe�wise. all paym <br /> �.-a.�:,:i;•. S and 2 shall 6e applied: Frst. to any prepayment charges due under the Note: amounts payable under ��� <br /> p�,�_Tu:l, 2;thfrd,to interest due:taurth,to pdnciFal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ;�.,-,,; � <br /> ., �. C4tazge� L.I0�9S. Borrower shall pay aU taxes. assessmeMs. cfiarges. fm_s and impositions athitiutaD!e to the �s��;. ;� <br /> _ . Frcperry i.hich may attain priotily over this Security Instrumen�and leasehold paymfln� or ground rents. it any 8ottower shall -�� <br /> l• � pay these ehBgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2. or 'rf not paid in fhat manner. Borrower she0 pay them on tima . •E�;'.� <br /> directly to ths person owed payment. BoROwer sha(I promptty fumish to Lender all noUces o1 amaunts to be pald under thls .�,, <br /> `�' paragraph. If BoROwer makes these payments directly. Bortower shall promptly fumtsh to Lender reCeipts evldeocing the � ,i,� <br /> �;r�- <br /> � payments. <br /> Borrovier shall promptty discharge any Iien which has pdoriry over this Security Instrument unless Bonov�er. (a)agrees in ,� <br /> � � writing to the payment of the obligaUon sewred by tfie lien in a manner acceptable to Lender: @)coniests in qcod faith the ;:�L <br /> lien by, or defends agalnst enforcement ot the Gen in, legal proceedlr►gs which in the Lenders opinlon operate to prevent ihe ��� � <br /> e�forcQment of the lien: or(c) secures hom the holder of the Iien an agreement satisfactory to LenCer suberdinating the Iien ta ��, '� <br /> this c,,eqiriry 1nsWmenl.If Lender dete�es that any part of the Property Is subject to a Ueo which ray attain pr(ority over thts _ _. <br /> � ,f Security Instrument, Lender may giva Bartower a noUce lden6tying the Iien.Borrower shall satisty the Er.�or take one ar mare a� - � �� <br /> the actions set tarth above withln 10 days o1 the glving of noUce. � ' .•*;l���+�:"� <br /> ��" 5. Hazard or Properly Insurance.Bormwer shall keep the lmprovements now exlsting or he�eafter Erc-cczd on the _ __ <br /> L:__._x,�_ <br /> PropeRy insured against loss by fire. hazards included withln the tertn 'extended coverage' and any other ha7ar¢� �dud�g ---- _ <br /> _ .•. � floods or tlooding,for whtch Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be malntained in the amounts and tar ihe periads �_,.. ,- <br /> that Ler.der requlres. The Insurance earder provid'mg the insurance st�.�be chosen by Bortowe•r subJect to Lender's eppmv-��C ��_�:.^� <br />� whlch sha7 not be unreasonably withhe:d. If Borrower tails to ma:T�n coverago described above. Lender Lender's =-�—�—_;:_J_�t <br /> � � opUon, obialn coverage to protect Lenders rights fn tF.e F9�operty in accordance with paragraph 7. ., ! _ <br /> ' All insurance po8cles end renewals shall ba accepiatle to Lender end sha7 resude a standarde o��9���lreceipts ot l""�' <br /> � !.{: shall have the dght to hofd the policies er.d renewals. tt Lender re�.'�es.Bortowv sha0 promptty g1v .� - � <br />" i;;ki pald premlums and renewal noUces. In ire event ot losa. Bortower sr�4 give prompt noUce to the:surance carrc-�and Lende�. � �� • _ <br />. �;'�.�1 Lender may make prool of Ioss if not m�c�promptly by Bortcwer. �'��d: <br /> Untess Len der an d Bo rt o w e r o t h e n v i s e a g r e e i n w z i t i n g,insurance proceeds <_I:�'1 be applied to restoration or repair of the _�:y �;,;s�,;��7;�, <br /> property damaged.H the restoratlon or repair is econo-r.�.,afly leasible and LenCer 3 srycvrlty Is not lessened. If Y`te restoration or ;., ' ,'. ''�;'. _ <br /> � • •i repalr Is not economlcaJy teasible or Lenders secun.y ��•culd be Iessened,the ::+s�•r•��oa proceeds shall be appli�t r� the sums i�,, , <br /> ' secured by this Securfty InsVUmen t. w he t her o r not �hen due. with any excess G��3 to Bonower. If Borrower :i:andons the ��.r�� �.`�+.' i�e°y, , <br /> PropeRy. or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender Ihe insurance carrier has oHe►ed to settle a claim,then �,���,r��- `?�#�f; <br /> • Lendet may co��eet the tnsurance proceeds. Lender may use the =ciceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pa}t suzr.s ,��_�!:r,"`��t`�$„4;, <br /> . • sewred by this Securiry Instrument,wAether or not then due. The 3:,-day pedod will begin when the noUce is ghren. - •• F.,a:}i;f� � <br /> Unless Lender and Bortowe� oiherwlse agree in wriUng, any applicatlon ot proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend C7 _ — <br /> postpone the due date o1 the monthry payments retcc�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. H . :•- <br /> � • <br /> � under paragraph 21 the Property Is acquired by Le�der. Bortowers right to any irtsurance popcies and proceeds re��lUng hom �;;, , <br /> damage ta the Properly pdor to the acqulsi�on shatl pass to Lender to the exlent oi the su�ns by thls Sec�T.y Instrument �}.` <br /> � immediately pdor to the acquisition. ��`4���� <br /> ` •..>4;. . <br /> 6. Occupartc�, Presenration. (lflaintenance and Pratection of the Property; Borrower's Loa� • — <br /> Appltcatton; LeasehOlde. Bonower shall occupy. eslab�ish, and use the Property as Borrower's pdncipal residence within <br /> sixty days atter the executlon of thts Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bortower's pnncipal � <br /> resldence tor at least one year after the date ot occupancy.unless Lender othervvise agrees in writing.which consent shall not --. <br /> be unreasonabty wfthheld,or untess extenuating circumstances exisl which are beyond Bortower's control. Bortower shali not ;�� <br /> destroy. damage or impalr the Property. atlov+ the PropeRy to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Properly 9ortower shall be in , <br /> � default il any foAeiture aclion or proceeding, whether civil or criminal. is begun that i� Lender's good faith judgment could result . <br /> � . in toAeiture ot the PropeAy or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. , <br /> E <br /> .�.__._ : . <br /> �,a, � +�• L.. <br />- - �--- .,,,-.�n.., ...,� .: <br /> . . _—:--�..._,,._-- <br /> C _ .. <br />. . .y.l��i . . . ��. <br /> < <br /> „ .:�, ' . ��. _ . . ..�� , i• . � ` � ' . �` , . . � ' . ' ' � . . '... <br />. . .. . � . . . , _ • ._. . . . � .. _ . . .. . .. .�.. .. _ . . . � ✓t. . . ... . . . . �:� . • � . .. ... - - . . . . , • . <br />