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;� . _ _ . _ . ... . .. 97- io���� �� : ; �f�����r.—:T� <br /> � . : .: . . �.^�:�� <br /> Ity a�e�pl,�wb;s Im�,ro ond raQu,�LOns,Indudng,without lirtitaUan,tho Amedeans wlth Oleabtiittes Act.42 U S.0 Saaian t2�Ot et seq. (end all � �.��. <br /> . , to�u�3tlans prpmu�p;uatl ihoraund�r�nn�al zonlnp nnd buit�nng Iae�a and ro(�utationl roleting to tho Proporty by vlrtus ot eny federel.stata or rrundpal . < , � �:N=.- <br /> � I eirtlwrtty wfih'ryrlrAttbn ovar tha Proparty.Proremty ero and shaJ bo ob�rvod and aornplted tivith{n ell matoAal rocg��aU d�ta ficonses. , , , -- .. -. <br /> pem�ts.and oeRiP,satos of oowp�znay(ino►u�ng but not limlted to ioning varlancas,spoda!oxcoptiona lot nonoanfaming usos.and finfsl�nspoetion :. �.i <br /> ` r, .� e�rovats).whether tamporary or pamnnom.which are matedel to tho uso end oaa�paneY ot ths Prop�rty.pros�ntry�se3 and st�alf bo abtalncd. . �, � <br /> prc3sorvad and whero 000QSSFUY.renowad. �� �� ���' <br /> p� u <br /> (d� Orantpr has tha d�yht and is�ty sulhorizod to oxecuto and pertortn fts Obligatfons undst this Deed ot Trust and thcr..o actlons do not and shatf not . - <br /> ' con111ti�vith tha prouls!ons ot any s►awte.reguL�lan.ordnanoo.tule o4 law.tomra�sS or other 8�C`mert wn!ch may be h2nd�g on Citentor at any timo. �• �� ��.t; <br /> . (s) No acslon at proata�ng is a shall be pen�ng or threatonodvfi:rl►r�gh�rteiartaity alt�.9lta Pro�riy:end . . '�� -, <br /> (� C3rantor has not vlatated and shall not vleiate any��in�nce.rule ot Iaw.canVaG ar otho!a�etTmatit(intludtng.bitl not ifrti!oQ to. � ... � � - <br /> t h ose g ovamin g Hazar�ous Materlals)whleh rrt�t rtaterialry afteet the Properry nr Londsr's rights or intarest in tho Proparry Wrauar�to th�s Deod o1 }; ' � <br /> Tnut. � � � !r <br />^.. � 3. PRIOR DEED9 OF TRUST. Gramer represerns and vsgrrants ihat tRere aro no�tw daeds of wst attectln9 enY Part ot thg Properry oxcept as sot�orth <br /> ' on Sehodula B attached to ihis Oeed ot Trust.which Grentor agreas topay and pErRarm tn a Umety mannor. If there are eny Pnar de¢ds of trust then . . . :� <br />� • Gtantcr agroes to pay aU emounts aNed and Pertortn all o413gctions requirad,undar such dsods of trusl and tns lndebtednoss sQwred thareby and h:rther ` '� . -- <br /> � - agt�ss that a detatdt�mder any Prlor daed of trust shall be a btt,utt urtdar U�is Q....^^d at Tn►st and shall en!ltta l.enQ�r to aIl rights and rermdss corrtaned - -: _ --. --,:°'� <br />• hsfef�or in the 06ligmlona to�vht�Lender woufd bs entiUsd in the sveM of any other defavtt. �°-= <br /> . . . -a� <br /> .�;; ' 4, Ti�ANSFEBS�F 1HE PROPERTY OA B�iERC1A1 It�iTEREST�R�1 CiRA!'iT09S OA BOAROWERB. In ihe evertt of a sals.camreyance.I°ass. " . ' : t"`•. <br /> �npa�,q{w deed p�transter toatry person of aU or any pzn of ths real proparty desuihed fn Sdie�!s A,or any irrterest theretn.or at all ar arry beneflclal .. , �.. �_ - <br /> (Meresl in Bortower or Grantor(A BoROwer or(iranta is nct a natival rson ar Per�ons bu1 is a oorporallon,Gmited liabitiry oort�pany.FartrrershiP.wst.or �•� <br /> c9e=r tegai entity),Lender its optbn dedare the outslan�ng�r.dpal batanoo ot the OhGgattons ptua acausd(ritetest thareon irtn�ate[y due and _ . � , ;. <br /> PaY�e. At Lendere requas�.Ciramor or eorro� the case may be,shall tumish a cortplete statemaM sen(rtg farth ail of its stadd�o'ders.mem6ers.or '. . -'�,,�.�. _ . ._. <br /> � aPProArlate.and the extetrt ot iheU respecUve awnetship irtierests. . , ; �'t`:. <br /> 6. A38IGN6'!HJ'f OF RENYS. in eonsiderdtion of the Obtigatlons,wh:ch are seaired bY thts Oeed ot Trust.Grantor ahsoleitely assigns la l,ender all . . • :I°,' <br /> � '.�-_.:� r <br /> Grartor's estate,right,t3Ue,irrterest,dalm and dertend na�nr owned or Yereafter eoquired in a!I exisUng and fuwre teases of the Property (indud�ng , <br /> extens[ons.renewals and subteases).alla�ee rterrts tor use and oxupancy of ihe Propeny(ai!such leases and a�eemertts whether written or oral�ara "` >` _�;-�.- <br /> - hereaftar referted to as the'Leases�.end all s�arandes ot Iessees'pettarmance under ihe Leasas.togelher wfih ihe imrredtffie artd wrtinuing rf�tt to _ . . .. �� . `�: <br /> coilect and reoefire ali ot the rerrts,�ncorre,receTpts.revenues,issues.Erofits and other inoartre ofarry naWre now or hereafter due(indud�ng fnoon�e at ,.. Y_...:.�<��_- <br /> � any�re oomtng due c 8�dng arry r�f e rt p t ion p e d o��m d e r the Leases or(rom a aris(ng out of ihe Prope r N indudng rtinimm renta,��erts, ,_�,�x�-'�° <br /> . pero�e rems.Parldn9 or cono•rmr,�srea rrre[ntenar►ce wrtri6uuona tax and Insurence wmnl�uttor� flciency rents.IiquWated d�s t�u4lovtfng r^.,,:_._y,_.�7: <br /> "-;;.:_ ��,.rt't u�arty Lea�r,,�l Fsaceeds�:��a under anY P��Y ot(nsuranoe oovering loss of rents resultfig trom imtenarttatrifity caused b on or <br /> _��, <br />:•%`1"r� �: �tr�,�aa to tha R�'s..a9 Freae�s�Yabie as a r�salt oi a lessea's exerdse of an opdon to purdiase the prooeeas�erived tmm� _.�%t�,;�,t.�=:�._.. <br /> e���. tc�%;.^�n�r:�ic+,o.zny Leasa ir.a Eanlmi���d!er insohrency��n$,aRt12A proDeeds Uo1118t1y�Igh[s end C18IrtlS Of e(lyl Id�ld Whldi Qf&1t10T , r'� --� _- <br /> ���' am���ee undar��Saasas�r a�w�u�nts of the ro� per(y(aD di ttra abuve are hereafter collscovaly refeRed to as the'Rents�.14►ts t. ' '�`�€��{�� , -,. <br /> f� �?'crs�r-s _ <br /> �•-�';' ;�s,yrrs�-st is su��a i�tf�e rfght,F�ca`a-s�aut.�?a:ia,•gi►�n to the Lsnder to collect and appiy the Rents. This asstgmrm�t is reoorded in aeaordanoa wi�h -- . .__,:� ��^ r(!i, , <br /> �f i�s s t a t e l a w:t h e l i e n a e�i i�y L h i s a s s r g n r re m�s irrtsndad to be s p e e i fl0.PB���end chnata u p o n ihe racarc5n g of UUs Deed of Trust,alt as `' ' ��r,� 4`�5'r`_'' <br /> . is <br /> ��e����,�;,�d(rom mr�to time. ps larag as there is no defauft undar ttta a b i fgatlons or this Oe e d o f T r u s t,L e n d er g a r rt s ;� <br /> ��'=Y aPDr ope <br /> � f3a�ra�a revoeahte Ucen�or�to deposil all Rents tr+to an�a000um mainteined hy Cirsnta or�der at Lende sein�stiYhrtlon. Upon�deiautt tn iheT�payn�Trt '�� � '�''�,'�'��� ti',�;�, <br /> '�` � r.�'J�a'ry time cequhe D°S It :..�'' . ` � S <br /> of,cr s the petforrra.nca of,erry of the Obii ons.Lerrder ma at fts takn possession of the Pro�etty and have,hold managa,leasa e�d oPerate ths ' W °';F� <br /> Pra�'cn tertns and i�a peri¢d ofi tm►e t�hat lander deems���n�►may praceed w ooUecl and reoehie aN Rer+ts from the propettY.and lettider y:�',��;�,� .�h,�'x�>;;���:::;.''.''%t�•� <br /> in► <br /> �S�tr�vs fuil pawar to�ke aIIaraU�'�s,ranovattotts.rePatrs or replacecne+its to the Property es Lender may deem proper. Lerxier may�1y aJ Rents k+ t�<c �� ' � �` i ^- <br /> Len�eYs sola dtscration to pay�r3�dF Yhe Ob1�Sations ar to the pay�rient of the oosl of such aherations,renovattons,repatts and��s and� �jd� ��; <br /> e�ensas in d d errt to t a l dng a n d r e i a i nln�p o s s e s s i o n o f i h e P r o P e r t y P e r l o d i e a l l y a n d t he mana g e rt�ern and operatian of the Praperry. k�nder maY k e� ., Y,, �� '`- <br /> Propenf'ProP�Y(nswsd and may dscnarge anY taues.charges.da:ms.assesstnertts and ather Gens wh i c h may acaue. The e�ense and cost ot 1�ieEe <br /> aWony may be�aId itom tha Rerts raoetued.end arry unpatd artnimts shall be added to ihe pr(ndpai of thB Obtigailons. fiese amoums.together� ��-:�y � . :� <br /> this Deed ot Trust. 'i�'. '..n �,� <br /> other oosts.sha11 wcart�Part of the Obagations secured bY ,� . ���, ,. :�::.r° <br /> B.LFIISES AND OTHER AQAEESkE111i9. Qr�tor shall not talm or fail to take�r►y actfon wTich may cause or pamit lhe teminstton onhe withholding of � � <br /> enY PaYmsrtt In eonnepian wiU�eny Lease or ot4�era�eerr�an1�'Ageement')V�rtalnfng to ihe PropeAy. U ad�tian.Qrantor,w�hout Lendera prfor writton � r� '• ;6 ,' <br /> .. consem.sheft nax{a)eoitaq any monies payabta under arry A�peement more than one rroMh In advanw:(b)rtn�iN enY Ageement:ic)assi�or altcw a <br /> Ilen.swu(tY�nterest a other ena�rt�branw to be paoed upon Qrorrtofa rt�t9.U[le and irteresl in an�to arry A�eemerd a 1he ama�payahiu ` �,,�' , -. , <br /> _ �nereunaer,a�d�tsmin�e or canoel arry l�geemem exoept for iho nonpayrrem at any s�nn or other rtstedal brea�by tha other party thereto. if C�rartor � '_ ..� <br /> raeeives at arry me arry wrRten eomrunieawn asserting e defaWt 4y Qrantor under en Agroemerrt or purponlnp to terrNnata or eanoel arry ll�aartenl. .....,.....:. <br /> Qranta ahall torward eoopy of sucfi oamunlcatiw�(and any subs�quom comrunlcation9 relating theroto)to Lender. AO eueh A�eements and +,��--- _ <br />. � the srtnurrts to(iraniorthereunder are hereby esslgied to Lender as addtfona!seaxfry tonha ObUgailons. y` , '--�'��.. <br /> " a:.�,- -- _.. <br /> 7.COLLECi�ON OF UIOfiBTEDHE38 FR01A 11iIflD PAA7Y. Lendar shall be emiUed to noUty a require Qrantorto noUty arrythird party(indudng,but '` _� ;_- ,,,,;_.. <br /> not Ortited to.lessees,Uoenseea. ammerdal eW�wftles and inwranco oo�s)to pay Lender arry Indebtec�ess or o6Ug�lOn ewing to Gvanta with _•��rue <br /> . resspeet to ihe Prope�tY (atrt�il��lndobtadness�whether or not a Qe 2 exlsta under tNs Oeed af Trust. Rrartta ahafl�igstiUy coUett the --_--- _-- <br />, Indebtefioss owing ro Cirantor from se tAird parUes wiL7 tlie gluing of such notifieatlon. In the evEnt ihat Cirarttor possesses a reoeNes posssss:on of �:��� �. <br /> • . arry insinunerrts w offier rertdttanees wiih�espeel ro the Irtdebto�ess foUawin9 the giving of wd�notillcaticn u H the iastruments a other rartittaneas <br /> . oanstiUrte Uis prepaYrt�erA af arry Indebte6�ess or U�e paymertt ot erry tnsurartca a eondemiaUon praceeds.Granta shal!h::9 suoh L�suuments ar�d a':.har �L���_._� <br /> rertittaneos in trusl for Lendef apart from its other pcoPenY,endorsa thn inswrtients and ather rertiRanoes to Lender.and�.-�m�g�,de Len�r wHh � ,�,: _ <br /> -- pouesston of the insuumerrts�d ather rertilttanees. Lender�aD bB erNt►ad,hu�not reQilred,to ooliep(bq�P��cr cffzA�vi�l.e�end U�e ..x,,.�t�•�_;�,.� <br /> �{p pay�nt,corrprortise•exrhanQe w reteaso arry obllgor or cot'�ral.or oUx�w�se s�YJearry of the Indebie�ess v"..�i`.er cr r.��.z evsm o!defauft <br /> s;:..� exsts imder�ts�� Lender shail not be Ilable to Grantar far arry aetlon.orror.rtistake.ortission a dotay perain�:g to the acEons de3aibed In this <br /> ':�';:' �gaph or arry dart�ages resutt}ng iherotrom Natwfthstandng ihe foregoing, noihing herein shaU ca�a Lender to 6e deened a . . �_-»c,;.-; '�` <br /> rnor-„3�agea-in�possesslan. - <br /> a `"•-�+wl�*r'":s.: -,-..-. <br /> 0. OUSE Al4D{AARJTFS1AtiCE CP 9RQPEfiN Cirantor shall taim all ecUons�d rr�arry repai��aae�d to malrttain the Proper:i in gaad can�`..rn. y. .. <br /> Grar►tor shall rtot eommit or pemit atry wastB to bo oommitted witt�respecl to the Property. Gr�anar sAa1!use ihe Property so�y t�eortpli�w w:.l� �•• . � ,� <br /> •�, eppikabio layy and insuranoe poildos. Cirantor ct�ail not rtmia�arry afterations,ad�0or�s or irtpravaments to ihe Property without Ler,ders prtor k:�i .....,,,�r.�.:: _ <br /> ,yi,�:;, cansem. YYehoul Iimtling the foregoing.a11 elteratlons.addUans end improvemerrts rt�to the Pnperty sha0 be subject to ihe benaflcla!irrterest 6e!n:��(ir� •,-. �•- <br /> -J1 rv to Lendor.sha{I not 6e rarmved wflhoul Lendefa{xlor wriCen oonserrt.and sha9 bo made at Qrantor's sole e�ense. ����?�'�;�rix��*= <br /> � .�.�,,...,;.._._ <br /> _..,... _ . <br /> " • a L489 OA DA1tAGE Q�nta ahaU bear 4�e emire dsk ot erry loss.theft,desiructton a darr�(wrtutatNely'Loss or Oartgg�')to C:a Fro�e ar:s:y ° _: �_ '� �' =- <br />. �: �qy���eoi{��y quss Nrhatsoevar. in tne evem ot arry Ias�s cr Oarr�aga.Grantor tho opUon ot LBnder,repaU tha��Fr�t�^j'n it9 ,.a �.-.�. ._ _ , <br /> - prsvious coc�ttsn or pay w eausa to be paid to lsndenhe deerease�n 8ie faU r�erf�t vahia of tl�e aftected Property. ._.,_._-... . _ __ <br /> �'•...��.,; ' . -�. <br /> �,; 10. INSURANCE ThB Propetty wID be kept Insured for tts MI InsuraWa value(re�IaeemetA oosl)aSalnst all hatsrds Indumng loss or darriago ea:ised�y ••.-:�=;,3•- � . .•�� <br /> .. � r+ flood.eanhquake.tanado and flre.tho8 or oU�er casuatty to the exterrt roquire d by Lender. Gramor may obtein insurance on tha Properly har s:�a f� . • --- -- - _ <br /> � . J� oorrpan es as ate aocepta6te to Lender in Rs soie�saetion. The insurat�co polictes shatl require ihe insurance oortpany to pravide Lertder witf�at Ie�t , .,;a-�---:.--: <br /> �0 d a y a w d tt e n n a t l c e 6 e fi r e s u e h p o i i d o s a r e aRared or eanoeiled in e r ry manner. The insuranoe polides shall nartte Lender as a la:s � -r:��-;e . <br /> payee proy that no aG or omisslon o1(iraMOr or any otherpetson sha11 atfect the rl�t ot lender to Eo pald ihe Insuranoe prooeeds pertahdng to the ,_ - <br /> �css or�uraga of Uie Properry. tn�ho evertt Qrar�tor fats to ao�ire or malntaln Insurance,Lander(aftor provtdng noUoe as rray be re4ilred by taw)maY .. : � <br /> � in its dsrreUon proeurea�o piate Insuranee oave►a8e upon the ProoerN and the insuranoo cost shaU be an advance paY�e and beating irrterest as <br /> , �,. Qasa(bed in Para�apb 23 end sawred hereby. Cirentar shall fumish Lender whh ovldenee of insuranea Indeating tho roquired eoveroge. Lendor may aet ... .?� . <br /> • es attomeydn-taet tor Grantor in rr�ng and sAttl(ng datms undor insurance poPdes,canoelli�arry po11cy or ondorsing�mmora name on any draf!or � , <br /> " nugoUabte instrumerA drawn bY eny Insurer. AII sucn insum�o�iaoa sna�i�e�m�acary ass�ed,piodgod and deifvered to Lender as lurther secudry , �� <br />� � � (or ihe Obiigatlons. In the evard of loss.tirantor shall 1 atety gNs Lender writlen no8oe and Len�r is aulhorited to rtako aoaf oi loss. Eaeh ,�iN1ie�•rr•��.� <br /> incuranco oortpany�s d'ireeted to make paymerrts direGly to Londot(nstead ot to Lender and Oretrtor. Lendar sAail havo the ri�t.�1ts sota option,to , . <br /> . npyly such monles toward ihe Ohtigations a torrard the oost ol robuildng and restodng tha Proporty. My amouma may at Lendefs option be applied;n � . . <br /> • th9 imersa ordor oi ihv�e d�es thereo}. .. <br /> . 44. ZQl+ll�'!fl AtJ�PANATE CCYENANTS. �rat�tor shalt nat initiate or oonsFx►t to arry changa in ihe zoning provlslons or prlvate oovsnams atfecting tho ;' •. _ <br /> `-?.:�c•:� ' uso ot tha PrapoRy v�ithout Lenders prtor v�titton consort. If�rantor's uso of tho Proparty b000rrqs a nonconfimw�g use und2r any zonirg�uavlsion, • ,,;t�;;,- <br /> .•_;�:::::,;` CY�'ot shatl am��se or psm�tt such use to�6�.cominued or abandonad wilhoul iho prlor wiitten oonsem ol Len�r (irantor�:;:I irtmwd�atcty pro�ide ,:Cr�li:�� . t!�. <br /> , LanS:t vri"J►v��^r,c�oe af arr,r prcposad dmn�s to the zoning provisions or private oorans�nta aN�cting the Proy�erry. . — <br /> j� CC�i��lg£�np�l, G�t;r�:.ti�-�1 Irtme�ately proNde Lonrlar vdih wtittan notioe o}arry�c2�31 or lhteatene0 oanderrna�r o�ertrinsnt de�n ; ' .� <br /> , ; proceedng psr�rfr•r�to tho F�n,3:xry All monies payable to Qramor Prom sud�oondermation or tz:6ng are hereby assigned to LenQ3r and shzl�bs ap,�verJ • <br /> first to 11;e payrm�v:,f l.sndefs aromeys'fees,legal expenses and other oosts(induding apQralsal faes)in oonnection wnh fie oondermation or em`r*�rA � � ,;�. ' . �' <br />;_";,+:;, , ' dortein prooea�t�0��:d ihe optlon of Lender,lo the paymerrt of ihe Obilgations or the restaration or reyair of the Properry. � <br /> . � � , � �� <br /> ./--.__' . . <br /> - , ---__ ___.,._._,�.__ ._ <br /> � � <br /> � NEOOiB Rv�.11RS! Pape 2 d i�� _ <br /> ' " �'� <br /> —:_ _.,- . .. . . . , . . . � � � . . . . <br /> ,� . , . .:'. ,.�_ � , - _ : . �.. �. ' � �.'` - ' ' . . . . • - . � � - � ' - . ' ` . . . <br /> � �, � � ' .� �, . . .` .-1'. . � � � , . ._ ' w •- . � ' , • � � . <br /> _ �. . .a. ..,.. .. .. , _. . .... . . . .. . .H.Y:•. _ •- . _ . . . _ � . .., . . .. .. , • . �- _ <br />