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It may be necessary for my attorney -in -fact to have access to my medical records <br />to establish whether medical bills are valid and appropriate or for other purposes. I grant to my <br />attorney -in -fact the authority and power to serve as my personal representative for all purposes <br />of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the regulations in 45 C.F.R. <br />Sec. 160 et seq., and any other applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations (collectively <br />"HIPA.A "), including the authority to request, receive, obtain and review, and be granted full and <br />unlimited access to, and consent to the disclosure of complete unredacted copies of any and all <br />health, medical and financial information and any information or records referred to in 45 C.F.R. <br />Sec. 164.501 and regulated by the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health <br />Information found. in 65 Fed. Reg. 82462 as protected private records or otherwise covered under <br />HIPAA. I understand that health and medical records can include information relating to <br />subjects such as sexually transmitted diseases, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), <br />AIDS- related complex (ARC) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), behavioral or mental <br />health services, and treatment for alcohol or drug abuse or addiction. I understand that I may <br />have access to or receive an accounting of the information to be used or disclosed as provided in <br />45 C.F.R. Sec. 164.524 et seq. I further understand that authorizing the disclosure of this health <br />information is voluntary and that I can refuse to sign this authorization. I further understand that <br />any disclosure of this information carries with it the potential for an unauthorized further <br />disclosure of this information by third parties and that such further disclosure may not be <br />protected under HIPAA. In order to induce the disclosing party to disclose the aforesaid private <br />and/or protected confidential information, I forever release and hold harmless said disclosing <br />party who relies upon this instrument from any liability under confidentiality rules arising under <br />HIPAA as a consequence of said disclosure. I authorize my attorney -in -fact to execute any and <br />all releases or other documents that may be necessary in order to obtain disclosure of my patient <br />records and other medical information subject to and protected by HIPAA. <br />It is my desire and request that no guardian or conservator of my person or <br />property be appointed in the event of my disability or incapacity. If, however, a guardian or <br />conservator of my person or property is to be appointed for me, I hereby nominate and appoint <br />my attorney -in -fact hereunder to serve as guardian and conservator without bond. <br />To induce any third party to act hereunder, I hereby agree that any third party <br />receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this power of attorney may act hereunder, and that <br />revocation or termination hereof shall be ineffective as to such third party unless and until actual <br />notice or knowledge of such revocation or termination shall have been received by such third <br />party. I, for myself and my heirs, executors, legal representatives and assigns, hereby agree to <br />indemnify and hold harmless any such third party from and against any and all claims that may <br />arise against such third party by reason of such third party having relied upon the provisions of <br />this power of attorney. <br />This power of attorney shall be governed by Nebraska law, although I request that <br />it be honored in any state or other location in which I or my property may be found. If any <br />provisions hereof shall be unenforceable or invalid, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not <br />affect -the remaining provisions of this power of attorney. <br />