__ _ _.� . _ �.ocn�� � �
<br /> sub.rtanttally cyuivalent mortguge in.uranrr�roverage iti not availablc.Bursu��er,h:ill p�7c�n er t;.e�h nwnth a+um eyuat to . � ,1��.�'`
<br /> � une-twelfth ut the yeurly martgage ituuranre premium being paid by Borrouer ahen thc inauranre a��rrage lap,c�i or cwsed to .�;-�,_�;:-'
<br />.�.;,�� ' be m cff�ct. Lend�r vrill at�ept.use and re[ain theae payments:u 3 lu.s resene in lieu uf m��rtgage in,ura�rr- 1��.� re.ene �;--.,.- -.
<br /> � � paymen[.may nu I�mger be required,at the optiun uf Lxnder. �f m�rtga=e insurance ruvcrapte i in the amuunt and fur the penai `. �s r..,•v,
<br />�u��� that Lcnder rcyuirc�►pro�•ided by an in,urer appro��ed by Lender again becumes ava�lciblc and i.uhtained. Burruaer .ItiaU pay .. � � _ ,
<br /> • the pr�mium.required tu m:s6atain mortgage in+urance in effect,or to provide s lu.a re�erve.unt�i thr reyui:ement fi�r�nortgage �" •�-��+
<br /> '.�.�..._.F...,,,�.:
<br /> � ' m,urancc enJ.in ar�unlancc with any writien agreement bctwe�n Sorrower and Lender or applirabic Isw. •• : ==- _-
<br /> - 9. Inspectlon. l.ender or ir.agent m:�} m:dce rwaonable entrie+upun and intipertiun�of thr�ruperty. Leruler,hsll give . _
<br /> --''-• �nr.�w�r iwtice at the time uf ur pnor w an inspection specifying r��+onahle Lause ti�r the in�pectian- . .: '
<br /> � 10. Condemnation. The p�oceed�uf:utiy a�vard ar claim tor damages. dirc�K��r cun,equential. m ��unr:sxtiun u ith any �_,-���
<br /> «mdemnatiun ur o�her t:tking of;uiy part uf the Praperty.or for cumeyance in lieu of wndemn:►uun_ ar: hereb�•a�..igned and ;.�.__
<br /> • ,hall be paiJ tu L.ender. ''`��''�''
<br /> y In thc cvcnt of�total taking uf the Property.[he pruceed+�hali be appli�i to thr+um..erured hy this Security Itt�trument, _`_�,�� •
<br />�-�-�'� � +vhether��r nut chen due. �rith.u�y exrcy� paid to B��rrowec In the event of a partial taking��f the Property in�a�•hich the fair ,'°'�
<br /> msrket ��aluc of thr Proprrt� immsxfiateh before the taking �.equ:il w or gn.:iter than t6e :smount uf thr+ums ,ecured by this '� ' _
<br /> - Sccurity in+trumrnt mimeJiately tsefor+c thc takm�.untes�8ormlver and Lender otherwi.r agrer in wnting. the wm.�erured by _ _ _ _,
<br /> Ihn Secunt} In+trument +hall be re�iuced by the amount of th� proreeclti multiplied by the iulloa•ing trartion: +a) the total ; .
<br /> . ;unuunt ��f the �uni�.crurai immc�iiately befare the talcing, dnided by lb) the fair market �alue of the Propert� immediately t,, ''
<br /> - hefore the wking. Any balance�hall be paid to Borrower. ln the event of r p�utial taking uf the Propem in which the fair �;;;__=''��:'"'
<br /> market v�tlue uf the Property inunediately hefore the taking is les.s than the amount of the�um,>�:cured immediately before the �:�:_;,;��___
<br /> ' � � taking, unlc��Borrouer and Len�r o[herwi+e agree in�vnnng ur unless appliu7ble law��therwise provides, the procceds+hall ��'�
<br /> , �• he applied w the eum�secureci by this 5ecurity inswment whether ur no!the sunu are tten due.
<br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nouce by Lender to Borrov�er that the condemnor offen to make an ��=�_F-�..,___
<br /> awanl vr setde a claim for damages. Borroa�er fails to respond to l.ender witiiir. 30 days after the date the notite is given, �=•�-°_, ,___ _
<br /> • Lender is autttorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at it�opiion,zither ro restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums � �,,:;_, �. --
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. ---"-_-
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in miting, any application of proceeds [o principal shall not eatend or _
<br /> ' � postpone the due date of the montfify payments referred co in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymencs. ���__
<br /> ' B Lender AIot a�Vaiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificauon �'��a�Q'f~�
<br /> 11.Sorrower Not ReleaSed:Forbearance y - _
<br /> � < < of amortiretion of the sums secured by this Securiry L^-strument granted by Lender to any successor in irterest of Borrower shall �u:;_-_
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the original �:-n�+uer or Borrower's successon in interest. L.ender shaq not be requirc�i to �r�sr`==�-
<br /> � f" u�mmence proceedings against any saccessor m inEeresz or refus:to eatend time for payrnent or othernise modify amort'uation �y.��,-
<br /> _ of the sums secured by this Security Instnunent by reason ec any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's ��• •�f --
<br /> :�-,..,,
<br /> seccessors in interest. Any forbeatance by Lender in ezerci�iu�any ngltt or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the . �i , , : „
<br /> e f r rir:
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. f' '" S'.��-� ,
<br /> • . 12. Successois aad Assigns Bound; Joint and Ser��.� Lia b i l lty;Co-s i g ners. The covensnu and a g reemenu of this �.,��,_�
<br /> . Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successoTS ��1 assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of �'�
<br /> . . : paragraph 17. Borrower's rnvenants and agreements shali ;:ac �uint and several. My Borrower who co-signs this Security �"��
<br /> • '� � Instrument but daes not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signia� :`:��Szcurity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that ;�r.�µ"r��,: .
<br /> Barrawer's interest in the Property under the terms of[his��c:.ry Instrument;(b)is ttot pe�onally obligated to pay the sums ' '_;:
<br /> „ -�''' secured by this Securiry(nstrument and 1c)agrees L'�.°s L.ender�.-�d any ottier Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forfiear or ' r. ,�
<br /> t ,�,,� ..
<br /> + make any accommodat�ans with regard to the tera�•_?�.is Securiry Instrument or the Note w�thout that Be�ower's consent. 1 �,�,
<br /> 13.Loan Cha�e�.If the loan secured by v,:�s S�curity Instrument is su�;ect to a law which sets�simum loan charges. .-_.
<br /> . and that laEV is finally interpreted so that the int�:3t or other loan charges cn::ecLed or to be collected in connection with the 't�l �,
<br /> loat�exceed the permitted limits.ther.: ca)any such loan char€e s�a11 be rer:u.�,i by the.::..-n:�.:nt necessary to reduce E}�.r_charge ��s% -
<br /> . to the permitted limit:and(b)any u-�rs already collected frar,�.EK:�-row�r�*C-_�5 excee��� rnsitted limits will be rr'�ur,i;d to �����;:?,��;;��"
<br /> Borrower. Lender mav chaose to make this refund by redudss rhe pri.r;a-.:'owed under the Not�or by makirt; A di:ect �.�`.A�''�r�i`�;�.�`�'�`'-°
<br /> . . • payment to Borrower_ If a refund reduces principal, the rzduction wil; '~� treated as a panial prepayment �n�`J��t any °"'"'�` --
<br /> p.repayment charge under the Note. r•-
<br /> �_'�"=`!=�
<br /> 14.M�ntices.An y notice to Borrower provided for in this Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or 6y �'sling _
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law rea,uires use of ana[�es method.The notice shall be directed to the Propertrn• Address ��.
<br /> • ot any ather address Borrower designates by notice to Lertd,�'. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> � ,.�;• I.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for in this _ __
<br /> • � Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been�is.�n to Borrower or Lend,_�r when given as provided in this paragraph. _ _
<br /> 15.Governing I,aw; Sevecability. This SF�.�iy Inswment shall �� governed by federal lazi and the law of the
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In�-,e c�vent thae any provision or clause of this Security lr.strument or the Note �;,,:;:fG
<br /> " conflicts with applieable law.such conflict shall�_�affect ott�:r;r�rovisions of this Securir-i�swment or the Note whieh ean be �,,�_-�y,�:-:�
<br /> . , given effect without the oonflicting provision. �'o this end ciT��:�:isions of this Secvrity ::��:ument and the Note are declared ���;';,,.y;;:
<br /> to be seveiable.
<br /> � 16.Berrower's Capy.Borrower shall be�>,.�one wnformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument. � „�.,�•�
<br /> 17.Transfer o�Q�Property or a Bene�t�ir,.0 Interest in Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any intsrest in it
<br /> is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest;r 3orrower is sald or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without ��_
<br /> � I.ender s prior written wnsent. Lender may, at its option. :�qnire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> . • Security Instrument.However,this option shall not be exercis:ti.f�y L.ender if exerc�se is prohibited by federal law as of the date ��
<br /> '� of this Scxurity Insnument. �-'-""`'' °
<br /> � �. If Lender exercises this option. Lender sl�atl��sve Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not ���� �•�
<br /> ' less than 30 days from the date the notice is d.,:iiv��zed or mailed within which Borrower must pay �Il sums secured by this �,._._��°_
<br /> Security InstrumenL(f Borrower fails to pay th�r�ams prior to the expiration of this period,Lender--�.�invoke any remedies _ --___
<br /> . . pertnitted by this Security instrnment without fu�citer notice or demand on Borrower. .':�_,�
<br /> ' . 18. Borrower's Itlg,ht to Eieinstate. If Borrower mrx�s cerrain cenditions. Sc�a:.er shatl '-�ve the right to have �k,�f,_ _.
<br /> � � enforcement of this Security Instrument dismntinued at any c;ir:e priar re tiu:earlier of: !a)5 days lor such other period as �,,,_,�.:__ _
<br /> � � appliqble law may specify for reinstatementl hefcre sale of the Pre�enty �:ursuant to any power of sale contained in thls __
<br /> � Security Instrttment;or(b)ent.y of a judgment�:niu�ring this Security fnstninxnt. Those wnditions are that Bonowcr:(a)pays
<br /> Lender�ll se�ms wh'v:h then would be due undes c:.is Security Instrutr.ent.;r.+d the Note as if no acceleration had occuttod:(b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agceements: (c)pays all expenses irtcuned in enforcing this Serurity Instrument. ____r._
<br /> �ncluding, but rtot limited to,reasonable attomeys fees;and�d) takes such action as l.ender may reasonably require to assure �
<br /> . that[he lien of this Securiry lnstrument. Lender's rigius in the Property artd Borrower's obligation to pey the sums securod by —__ __ ----
<br /> ,, this Security instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonovrer, th�s Security lnstrument and the -�--------
<br /> � obligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effecqve as if no acceleration had oecurred. However, this nght to reiastate shall �'�.�"'"_.. �
<br />. � not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. _
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note Itagethcr with this Security ;-:. .:........V_,
<br /> . Instrumentl may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borcower. A sale may result in a change in the entity fknovrn �;,, �:�,�4,,
<br /> '�'.. •' .
<br /> � � as the"Loan Servicer")tha[rnllecis monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one _�T„�.;.-
<br /> • or moi�e ch:u�ges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be -•���y-,,.
<br /> •;.,�_;::-:—
<br /> . given.vritten nutice of the change in accordance with paragreph 14 above and applicable law.'I'he nutice will r[ate the rtame and , _ _ _
<br /> _. addretis��f the new L.uan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made. 7he notice will also rnntain any other ,�1` __
<br /> infomiation reywred by applicable law. _-- _._
<br /> 20. H�rdons Substances. Borro«�er .hall nrn rausc ur permit the prc�enre. use. Ji.pusal, storage. or rel�se of any --- ____-__
<br /> N:u:+rdous Substanre+ on �r in the Propeny. Borrowcr �hall not dn, nor allow any�►nc cl+e tu do, anything affeciing the •� :T�
<br /> Praperty that is in violauon of any Envirunmental law. The prececfing two ,entence,,h:ill not apply to thc presence. use, or ° ''
<br />� �' storage on t{�e Property��f�mall yuannties of Ha�ardou+5uh�tances that are generally recognv.eJ tu tx� apprnpriate to norm:il •
<br /> . r� '_:_ re.�idential uses and ro m:tinten:ence of the Propeny. � � � �
<br /> ��;c 3 0�a Fom+3028 9/.°+0 t'. -';�' ' �-
<br /> . . ,. ,... . ..' : '. ' � ' �. , �� ' � '.� . ' • ,. � , . ` '
<br /> ��. : .' �• -... : . . •.. . , .. . . .
<br /> . .•
<br /> . . .. ,�,-
<br /> , �.• .. . . . . • . � . ,. ,
<br /> ' . , . ' . . :.' � .� . . �• . . . . • . ..s�
<br /> . . . . . . � � � • . • . .. . . . ,_ � ., � . • . _ . `".. ' . , ' . . . •t.�• . . . � . � .
<br />