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201107342 <br />EXHIBIT `A' <br />Part of the E1/2, SW1i4, 24-11-1.Q, commencing at a�int on the <br />East line of the SW1/4 af said Sect�on 24, wlvch point is 454' south of the <br />Noztheast corner of said SV�114 �u.nning thence due West par�Ilel with the <br />Nort� iine of said NWl/�4 a distance of 163' running thence south parallel <br />e�ith the East tine of said SRtI/4 a distance of 30' ninning thence due East <br />parallel wrth the North �in� ofthe S�V1/4 a distance of 163' running thenc� <br />North o� th� East �i�:e of said S�V1/4 a distance of 90" as surveyed, platted <br />and r��dexi, all in Hall County, Nebraska (com�nonly known as 1204 <br />Clauc�e Road, Graud Isl�d, Nebraska}. <br />Less the portion of the property conveyed to the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska in the deed dated December 18, 2004. <br />