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<br />RECORDING RBQUESTED BY: CortlJiad bySohLoke CowrryRecorder '+�i+�:l;�T�4, ,
<br />hnp.•//slcorecmdanstredocs.com/cerl ��t,�Q�no�7 o� :3q API � 3 G . o�,
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<br />� � �ECL►RAEk, SALT LAR'� r�fJNTY� UT+�H
<br />� � - --- . _ ._ �CT FORIFOLI4 SEft�1ICIt�.i
<br />� � PO �r,� 65z54
<br />L/MlTBDPOIYBROFA7TORNEY '�-� �r �� � �
<br />. � 8Ys �l.R, DEFU7Y — hfS 1 P.
<br />v�S. Boak National Aasocialloa ( K UNr BYlIk� e nutiorml bankMg aseociation orgenized nnd exis�ing urrder the laws of tlu
<br />United States of Aatetiea, 60 l,ivingston Ave, EP-MN-WS3D, S4 Aeuf, MN 55107 hemby constitutes and appoinu Setect
<br />Panfalio Servicing, Inc. ("SPS"), and in Its name, ctorwaid Attomey-Cn-F�t iC such daturtxnts ere required m ptrmitted
<br />under �he [ernu of the Pooli� and Servicing AgreemeM dnted es of November 1, 2006 emo� Asset Backed Securitics
<br />•Corporatioa, as Depositor, DIJ Mortgnge Cnpital, 1�m., es Selfer, Seleet Ponfalio Serv'�cing, inc., os Servicer, Offuetiger
<br />Gtoba! Reel Estatc Services Ir�c., as Lona Performo�rce Advisor nnd U.S. Denk National Associarion, es Tnmee relntiag to the
<br />Asset Racked Pass-Through Certiticales, Se�ies AMQ 200G-HE7, •by and through any oRicers eppoinled by �he Boerd of
<br />Directors of Select Portfotio Servieing, ]ne., �a execute and acknowkdge in writing or by facsimi{e stamp oU doeurturs�s
<br />custorimrily and reasonebly aecesssry and appropriate for the tasks described in itmu {!) through (A) below; provided
<br />however, that the documents described below may onVy tu executcd and detivered by such Attomeya-Ia•Faet if such
<br />documenta ere roquired or pecmitted under the tams of 1he related sorvioing agroemcats and no power is g�anted hueunder to
<br />mlte uay aetion that arouid ba advcrse lo tlrc iaterosts of t!x 7'rustee or IlK Holders. 'I'his Power of Attorney is being issued in
<br />connection with Select Portfolio Serviciag, [nc.'s respons�'bi4ilies fo servioe cerlain mongage loans (ihe "Loans`7 held by U.S.
<br />Bank in its r.a�city as Trustee. Thesc Loans are wmprised a! Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Deeds to Sceurc Dcbt and other
<br />fomis of Sscuciry I�numsnu (collectively the "SecuHry lnsaumen�s'� and the Notes srcured thereby.
<br />1. Dema�, sue for, rccaver, colloct and resaive each and every aum of rrwney, debt, eccount aml imeres� (which now
<br />is, or hereafter shali beco� due and peya6la) belrn�ging w or claimed by U.S. Bank National Assuciatioa, and lo uu or �ake
<br />any Iaw11i1 m�ans for recovery hy kgal process or otbsnvise.
<br />2. Transect businoas of any kind regarding the Loans, and obwia an ituerest thctein and/or 6nildings tlsereoa, as U,S.
<br />Bonk National Associatioa's act aud deed, to eoatract for purchase, receive and take possession aml evidencr of titk in and
<br />ro 1he property a�lor to secure payment uF a pramissory m�ts or perfomianc� of any obligalion or agrcement,
<br />3. ExwWe bondt, aotes, mmtgagas, daeds of tnut end other conaacts, agreements (includiag subordinotion
<br />agreements) and insnumen4s regazding the l3orrowers und/or tha Praperty, i�luding but not tirnited to the a�eeutian of
<br />relo�see, satisfactions, assigiusunts, ond other i�hnmen� perlainir� to mortgages or dccds of tn�st, and exccmion oP decds
<br />snd assoctnted i�uamsata, if eny, conv�yiag Un Propeity, in ihe iaterest of U.S. Bank National Association.
<br />4. Endorae on beba1F of the unde�eigned aU checka, dmfts andior other negotiabl� iastrumcnts made gayabie to the
<br />undersi�tled. •
<br />Witpeu my has�d a� acal tfus 8" day ofDeeember, 2006.
<br />(SEAL) NO CORPQ�TE SEAL US. Bank National Associatlon, as Trusiee
<br />/�%lY!`-� `''�
<br />itasss: Kr sty Frideres
<br />W�TiiPe M. � n ��.�
<br />Attest: Susan Burdick, Tnui Oflicer
<br />B � � -�— . .
<br />. Christophersan, Vi resident
<br />gy:
<br />Becky arrcn, istanl Vice President
<br />COUNTY OF RAM58Y )
<br />On this 8'� day of December, 20bG, beCore me, the underslgrrcd, o Notary Public ia ami for said County ami State, perwnofly
<br />appeared S. Christopherson, Baky Warren aAd Susan Burdick, personnlly known to me (or proved to rtx on the bavis of
<br />sDlisfeclory evidence) [o be the persons wtro executed lhe within inStrumenl us Vice President, Assistanl Vice President and
<br />Ttusl Oncer respectively, of the corporation that cxecuted �lx within insuument, nad lutown to me ta tx ilss persom who
<br />execured,lt�.Within instrurtrcn� on behalf o1'the corporalion thenin �d, and aclmowledged ro me that auch corporation
<br />executed ihe withiq inst�rument pursuant lo ils by-laws or A resolulion of its Doard of Directo[s.
<br />1KITN�SS my hand 6nd pfticial seal.
<br />�i'b�a�"'!�� r`Y'v'�(s'.��.�GC� �L.�' (NOTARY SEAL)
<br />'frishe L..tiYillett
<br />, M � _ �NoteiYLi'utr1�E77
<br />;' Myeo��ion,e�z{�fires.lnnUarylt 2007
<br />y eS�a
<br />� a�. �or
<br />- "� . .,
<br />BK 94Q3 PG 7031 �y�
<br />