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' <br /> ' .,;� ' • <br /> � .� 7.Emin�ft Domen.Lander is hereby assigned ail compensation, awards,damages and other payments or reliaf (hereinafter'Procesds') � , � . . _ <br /> in Connection wi�condemrtation or other taking af tha Froperty or part thereot.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation.Lendar shall _ <br /> taicen or damaged,Lender shali have the option in rts sole and absalute dfsagtion,to apply all such Proceeds,after deductin6 t9ierafrom ` � .`� <br /> y�l epsts and expenses incur►fld by it in connection with such P►oceeds,upon any indebtedness secured hereby end in such order as ; � <br /> Lender may datermine,or ta apply all such Procaeds,after such deduetions, to the restoratfon of the Property upon sueh condnions as . � <br /> i Lender may detormine.Any appGcation of Proceeds to indebtedness shall not wttend or postpona the due date of eny payments under , . - <br /> tha Note,or cure any defeuit thereunder or heraunder.Any unapptied tunds shall be paid io Trustor. f <br /> � 8. Pertormance by Lender. Upon the occurrence of an Evem of Oefault hereunder, or if any acc is takan or tegal proeesding � ; _ _ <br /> commeneed which materially affects Lenders interest in the Propert/,lender may in its own discretion,but without obli8eclo�to do so. <br /> S and without notice to or demend upon Trustor and wfthout releasing Trustor from any obligation,do any act which Trustor has agreed f � .r <br /> •; but fails to do and may also do any other act it deems nacessary to Drotact the sacurity hereof.Trustor shall,immediatety upon demand , <br /> therefor by to Lender all costs and expenses incurced and aum3 expended by Lender in connection wit h the exerdse by �� <br /> ` y Lender of the foregoi�g rights, together with interest thereon at the default rete providad in the Note,which shalt be edded to the <br /> ; indebtedness secured h�eby.lender shall not incur any Iiabiliry beause of anything it may do ot omft ta do hereunder. i <br /> y 9.Hazardaus Hlaterlal�-Truster shall keep the Property in com.pliance with a11 appticable taws,ordinance9 and regulaUor►�relatis�g to , - . - -:-- --�- <br /> i�dw^irial hygisne or environmenta)protaction(cotlecmaty referred to herein as'Environmental Laws'1.Trastor shall keep the PropertY j, :a <br /> � free hom alt substances deemed to be ha�rardous or toxic under eny Environmental lsws lcallectiveiy referted to herein as 'Hazardous � � <br /> � Materials'1. Trus[or hereby warrants and represertts to Lender that there are no Hazardoua Material on or under the Froperty.Trustor � � — <br /> hareby agrees to indemnify anA hold hartnless Lender, its directa�s, oftieers,employaea and agents,and any successors to Lenders <br /> • intesest.from and against any and all daims,damages, toeses and liabifrties arising in eonnection with the presence,use. disposai or <br /> ` uensport of any Hazardous Materiats on,undar,from or about the Property. THE FOflEG01NG WARRANTIES AND itEPAESENTATtONS, � <br /> AlVD THUSTCfPYS OBU6ATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREL#OINO tNDEMNITY.SHALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEO OF :` � _- <br /> TRUST. � �. ' <br /> � 10.Asslgnment of Rss�. Trv�tar hereby assigns 4o Lend�r,and grants Lender a security Interest in,all present,futu�e and aher .. . ` ... <br /> �� rising rents,issues and profits of�tite Praperty:Orovided that Traistor shall, until the occurrence of an Event of Defauh he�eunder,have �:.�,,� <br /> .,-c.;�.-:�- <br /> _ the right to cot2ect znd r�tsin au,ds rents,issuES and profrts as they become due and payable. Upon the occurtence of an Evetrt of , <br /> Default,Lender may, adrer irt �SC�son or by 2gcnt,with or withaut 6ringing any action ar proceeding,or by a�aceiver appointed by a ,2 .� <br /> court and witheut�r��f is�tite artequacy of iis security, enter upon and take possession of the P►operty,or any part thereof,In its own '�P_ <br /> � name or in the ns:na�f ttte Tns�tEe, and do any acts which it deems necessary or destra6le to preserve the vatue,mericetabflity ot . ' :;.: •;:..,;� ,�: <br /> rentabil'tty of the Property, or„r.�c{�us thereof or interest therein,or to inaease the income theiefrom or protect the secutity hereof and, ��<<,. �. , _ . �,_- <br /> with or without taking possesanr�f t.he Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues and proffts thereof,induding ihose past ��';,,: , � ,�;k�� <br /> Aue and unpald,by noti(ying ter.asts to m2ke paymsnts to Lender. Lender may apphr rents,issuss and profits,less coste at�d expensea '����:,•. . � ....���.,,,,- , <br /> of operation and collection including attort�ays'fr�,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such o�dar au Lendar may deteimine.The - <br /> entering upon and taking possession of the I�n:r„r�ty, the colteaion of such rents,issues and profits, and the appticatbn thereof as � ���"� ' ; <br /> � aforesaid,shatl not cure or waive any defauit cr aoUce ot defauh hereunder or invalidate any act done in response to eucfi defau(t or . �;�-.- <br /> '.��•^_ .. <br /> � � pu�s�:.�t to such natice at defauft and,notwithstanding the condnuance in possession of tha Property or the collectlon, recetpt and , �,-..;;� <br /> ap,�tion of rents. issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise avery dght provided fot in eny of the Loan , �F'� .f� <br /> Insttuments ar�y!aw upon occurrence of any Event of Defauft,Including without limitation ths right to exesclse the power ot sate. ' '�"�"'"; ;�'�t� " <br /> ° Further,Lendei'¢n�Irts and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumutative with,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and t . . �a Z__:_ <br /> remedles undc�msY sssignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver ahafl be Iiabte to - 1 ,�: <br /> account only 4or tltace rents�ctually receivad. -,.:, <br /> 11.Evonta of Detaui3.Tho lnllnwing ahalt conscitute an Event of Detauit under this Oeed of 7rust: `;;;�,::.:��� � �' .��__ <br /> � (a)Failure to pay any ittai�tlllnent o f prin dpa l or in ter e s t o f a n y o t h e r s u m s e c u r e d h e r e b y w h e n d u e; r�f�f��,=�.'�'j"�.,�� <br /> 1b)A breacb of ot Oe!r�tt under any provlslon wntalned N the Note,thls Deed of Truat.any ot the Loan InsUUmeme,or eny t•;ir���� .' , , <br />