x . • G .. . . .i.e. _ � . .. . .. . . . V ..
<br /> . . �e'. �� ^� y � . t . - <. .. . ' _ ' ` . . ` . � �;• -�S�
<br /> . . . , s o �,._` �` C - '-
<br /> .. ' j � • ' f'�.. -. .. . ~ ._` . . _ . . . . `f .. ''. ' ' � `._ ' . '_ . . __ — .. . . � t.: �
<br /> - ' " - . � ' � . �.. . . - � • � . . . �F . . , . , '
<br /> f ` .r�`� . ,'� ` � ,5 E, �� ` `` t ` � r ` . ' _ � v .
<br /> '. . t . .. � ( � �: , :�. ,. • . • _ , .. �.
<br /> `•` ' ` a ' c`` ' �,,.�..�.���.�.��•� � , _�..^-.1� ` �.��..�I�.� c. , . ' /i t ..` ,'1 t.J �. ..
<br /> � ; 97'—lo�i � ._�4 =_-
<br />' , `� payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance coverage li7 the amount and for the periad , :�.,�';.',: .�: ,'��
<br /> ` that I.ender requiresl provided by an ensurer approv e d by L e n der again b e c o m e s a v a i 4 a b l e an d is obtained. 8orrower shall pay . ��
<br /> . � the prem'sums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss resenre,unti!the requirement for mongage , r� � ,
<br /> �"�� insurance ends in accordance wittt any writren agreement between Borrower and Lender or appficable law. - ._ . .-� . -__ _1:.
<br /> �a _
<br /> 9.Inspection. Lender or iu agent may make reasonabie entries upon and iuspecticns of the Property. LertdQr shall give _ r__ _ _ -
<br />- ,i .� Borrower notice at tf�e time o6 or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection_ , ,�."� .' �•;�; ,=
<br />� � � 10. Condemnatioa The pmcceds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connec[ion with any , _+:; ,�`4,Y;.y;�;
<br /> ''� condemnation ar other taking of any part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby assigned and ' _"; .�:,:�` • ` .
<br /> t :.. ..�..
<br /> . .,,.c.,;-;:' :.��-_a_�'_!"_..'-
<br /> �., shall be Qaid to Lender. ;Y��-��=='�
<br /> ,��±.; In the event of a total takir�of the Properry,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instm�.-.cr.t. --_ _
<br /> .. � .y.. . . }......;.�'.
<br /> �:;� whether or not thea due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the ever�t of a partia!taking of the Property in which the fair ,_,� _�,:., .. _ _ y
<br /> . �.
<br /> ..�� market value of ttcti Property immediately be�'arr che taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sams secured by this _ - ,.,__,.-
<br /> .�`�.►3: • "�F:
<br /> . '�� Security Instrument imm�liately bafore the tatdag,unless Borrower ar.d 3�nder otherwise agree in wridng, the sums secured by �b'_,;t
<br /> this Securiry Insmiment shall be reduced by the amount of the proc�eds mu�tiPlied by the foilowing fraction: (a) the tota! �`=`f�•��� �.
<br /> :�.y..l:..• .
<br /> � `'S amount of the sums secured immediately before the taldng.c1��b�(b) the fair market value of the Property [mm e diate 1y , r:-y��..� �,-
<br />� ��i��`: befor�e the taking. Aay balance shall be paid tn Boarower. €s�'�.e�•e�*.of a partial taking of the Pmperty in v�►sich the fair �= — _��-
<br /> ,=� p .,.,.-'
<br /> ;:'� market value of the Propzrty immediately before the taking is less tha.��:��amount of the sums secured immediately before the _ ;; �
<br /> ` �../i:�•i��`',.��..
<br /> taking,unless Bonower and Lender otherwise agree in wrir_�or uniess applicab le law o t herwise provi des,t he p r o c e e d s s h a ll �;;�;• ,��,1�:
<br /> _ be applied to the sums secured by ttds Security Insmiment��a�.�er or rtot the sutns are then due. �.,; -'.. ,a :;�`p',`� ..--
<br /> If the Property is abanda:,���+y Borrower,or if,afier noax by Lender to BorroKe:that the condemnor offe:�:o malce an � .��',: ,��"' "�
<br /> . `:� award or settle a ctaim for dz.�ges, Bonawer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the no�ce is given, f?' "�� 'f'�Jff'04r"r .
<br /> :-' +�f Lender is authorized to collect and apply the�roceeds,at its option,either to restoration or r air e�'�h��Pro e o:to the sums ���{�'.. '�'r ';:,+;r � ,:°.
<br /> ,�:. ep p �Y '�.•j•m. ,�; �r.. ��r
<br /> ;��..;.. i.•:�ti�.. �- :
<br />�;,-:.1 � , .
<br /> ,;r�„ �, secured by this Security Instniment,whether�r not t hen due. .�r•��'cY.•`:' . '� ��-��
<br />��`���'�}�' U n less Lender��nd Borrower othQnvise agree in wri�, aay application of proceeds to priac;pal shall nca extead er --"�•�•` _ "
<br />,.�,� .; _
<br /> `� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amour_t of such pay��ents. �,•;.��
<br /> ��� 11.Borrower 1Hot Retease�;Forbearance By I.ender No3 a W.^-_.�r. Extension of the time f3z payment or�odificatiaa `�`�``''�"��•� :� _
<br /> ' +�� of amorti�auop oF_:.a sums secured by this�ecurity Instrument granted�,���.ender to an successar*.�interest of Borrower s!►aL `.��,�`,,'"'`';��`"�.I`•
<br /> � not operate to reYea�e the liability of the ori�.al Honower or Boaower'S ciccessors in nterest. Lender shall not be required to '� '� ' '���':'"� "-�.
<br /> '.�t`���• �==
<br /> . • commence proceedings against aay successor in interest or refuse to eatead ume for payment or othenvise madify amortiTa�ion - ..��,� •.�;_�.
<br /> . ,' af the sums secured by this S�urity L�suument by reason of any demand rreade b} the original Borrower or Borrower's .�a'•- � .
<br /> � '* ; ,' ., ,��..' .,.. .�.
<br /> ,.,.,�: successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lxnder in exercising any rit.�t or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the � ;. �,:y.;�� .__
<br /> i{,� exercise of any right or remedy. �� �
<br /> ��', ` �' ;� .
<br /> 1Z. Suceessoss and Asslgas Bommd; ��int and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenanu and agreeme�ts of this }�,1r =
<br /> Security Instniment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of .�. • �?�f : �•-
<br /> �......,,,.. yR.,: ��.
<br /> . paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemenu sh.�i; ae joint and several. Atty Borrower who co-signs this Security r;�,••I-���, .� �
<br /> ��•-:,�'ti;�.. ,
<br /> � � �, Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signir.;;tiis Securiry Insuument only to mortgage, grant and convey that • ;�_� -_.
<br /> ` `` Borrower's inter�st in the Property under the terms of this Security Insrsument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums __
<br />' . ..:�: secured by this�urity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and ac��:�r Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or �-�-�._ --
<br /> make any accommodations wittf regard to the ter[ns of this Security Ins�.:.:�ent or the Note without that Borrower s consent. . �,��.
<br /> • � D3. Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Securiry Instnunent is subjeet ta a?aw which sets maximum loan charges, ,�°�--.'=-..=z�'�----�--
<br /> �'���1��__.,
<br /> and that law is finally interpretecl so that the interest or other loan ch�rbes collected or to be collected in connev'aon with the _ ��-�-_
<br /> .� • �; loan exceed the prrmitted limits. then: (a)any such loan charge shall�e reduced by the amount nec�ssary to reduce the ciiarge � '`� ""'•�• .
<br /> t' to the permitted Ee�it:and(b)any sums alre�ady collected from Borrower which exceeded ermi units wilt be refunded to �: . ' �'' ' � '����
<br /> P ��' - �,�:�....
<br /> ,. '�5;,.;.�y.�:�
<br /> Bonower. Lender tnay choose to make this reftmd by re�'acing the principal owed �nder the Note or by c�iaking a direct .., ;: ,._ .,
<br /> ���. pa yr.:ent to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. ^rk reducrion wili be treated as a paztial prepayment withoat any ;;:�:;;�, .•°.., .��
<br /> _ � pre�yment c�:=ge under the Note. !'•"; ' °' �-•'�� ��:
<br /> ,.,.,;�; •
<br /> , �� 14.leioif�.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given t�� •�elivering it or by mailing �',�•�;y�.'.�'�'•` c�:
<br /> ' � it by Frst class mail unless applicable law res�uires use of another method. 7'he natice shall be dire.^-,�d to the Propeny Address �'���
<br /> ' 't� or an other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to -' t::�;;..,. "�'
<br /> Y _
<br /> ' •"i� I,e�+dei s uddress stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Horrower. Any notice provi�W d for in t his , � .. •
<br /> Se:.ority Instrument shall be deemed to have been rven to Borrower or L.ender when ven as rovided in this � h. "' • '`�' ` �-`"���
<br /> g" � P Pa• �P � �:,�;:�_. .. .�,..
<br /> •�`%��% 15.Gove�feg Law; Severability. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by fedesaJ law and the law of the 4 �-•-• ��,��Yr.k+�.?:•'' _
<br /> '.'��„j ., .:<::.�__;-.ryrNlyr:�t;,�.�
<br /> . ,'I�1 jurisdiction in which the Property is locate�. In the event that any prcvision or clavse of this Sec;irity instrument or the Note . ��,-,-,.
<br /> conflicts with�.pplicable law,such conflict shall not affect o�her provis"sc:�s of this Security Instrumer:t or the Note which ran be �'<���•
<br /> �. tr...�;.
<br /> ., giti•en effect without the conflicting provision.To this erid the provisions of this Security Instrument and the rote are declared
<br /> ,`�r
<br /> �'� to�e severable. --' `---
<br /> l6.Borrazyer's Copy.Borrower shall be gitien n�,�nformed co�y of the Note and of this Security Instrument. �:.—
<br /> ::q �. .. —
<br /> Form 3028 3J90 x�'���� .
<br /> ,:�ri �'��:
<br /> - Vago 4 of 6 .'aY' �.9i.. - ;__
<br />� _ 1�pt ..i:ia:-.f i: � ,
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