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t i•a: <br /> . . . ' � . . ' ,' , - . � ` . . . . - ; . , ( .. , .'., , , , ��.�yS..,.,-r�%�`- <br /> . . . � ' _ � . . i�" . .. . . �`ri�•..r _ <br /> , • � . . � . . . .,� • <br /> � . � ' , ' .L � S. ._.�.., r � _- <br /> . r, ,ys'i.:'t>. <br /> � . � . ;-`�s :4 <br />. • .. • . . . . , ' � ,.3z.' F: <br /> , � . � —„ . . .� � . <br /> ------�.�_ ---......_ . ._ .. . ...--- .__ _ • _---- -.. ,. ------ --- __� _ , <br /> .. .... .. _...__ -• - �.. _ <br /> .: . .. <br /> 1 _ , � . • .. <br /> 1 9���O�141 � . . . � - <br /> ' � 'POGETHER WITH all the unproverne�ts now oz haeaftrr erected oa tY�e propeaty.and aU easemeats.aPPurtsnanaes.and � � .. . . � �: <br /> i futures now or hereaftcr a part of the gpoperty.All replacensents and addiaons shalt also be covered by this Security Insua�ment �, � ; <br /> All of ehe farego5ng is ref�ned to in tivs 5ecurity Insuument as the°Propaty.. t. , - . . . <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Boirower is lawfuUy seise,�of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and . .' _ <br /> convey the Property and that the Propesty is uaencumbered.e�ccept for encumbranxs of record. Borrov�er warcanrs and will � ' �_ . <br /> defend geneaalty Qhe dtle to the Propeaty againyi all ctaims and demands,subject ro any encumbrances of record. . � ' � <br /> TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUIv�N'T cAmbines uniform cove�ants far nariana! use aad non-unifoim covea�ants with limited . <br /> vari3�ions by jurisdiction to constinNiea unifmm security insuument coverin8 real praperty - - -- --- -----. <br /> . UM�URM COVENANTS.Bflrmwer and Le�der coveaant and agree as follovls: , -- . ` <br /> 1.Fayment of Princtpal s�nd Interes43 Pc e9ayQCeas and I.ate C6arges. Borrowea shall FT���Y Pay when due the . ` -- <br /> principal of and inoecest os�tice debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymerct a�sl late charges due a�der the Note. • ' � � <br /> Z.PY�nds[or Taaes and Ia.�vranc� Sub�cc w applicable taw or m a v,ci�r�araiver by Iee�i.Bormwer shall pay tn . , . <br /> Lender on the day monthty payments are due nndea the Not�,until the No�is pa?d in ful1.a sum("F�")for:(a)yearly taxes . ,,�E°r�;�y., ,�•. ": <br /> and assessments�ritich may auain griority over this SeQUity Ins�umeat as a�en on the Property;(D?y'�tY�fl�PaY��� � °:i`�`.'... �.`�••,.. `, <br /> or uad r�ts on the if an c eerl 6�rard or ms�uacce ums: earl fload iasuianx ums,if . ,�:y,`"�:�e��:- <br /> B� �P�Y. Y:� )Y Y P�rtY� P� (�Y Y � '^�-- <br /> � � �S P�+ Y: �,..�...--- <br /> ; :,�,:,::;-.._ <br /> Y:(e)Yearly mo e msurance if an and(�anY s�ns FaYab�e by Borrower to Lea� a000idsr►ce with the �� �` • '�Ef•,,i��-_ <br /> � �;��r��..:,_� <br /> . pmvisions of paz�agrapb �, in lie� of @te�aymes4 of mortgage insarar..te premiums. 'I4tes�iterns sre called °Escrow Ite�s." .. .�,.�y,'� . '� <br /> � I.euder may,at any ame,collect and IwId Fuads m an amount not w easaed the maximum amouat a Itt�ler for a fedezally re�ated � �:���`���t-��..:° <br /> ��� .• . <br /> .` mongage loan may reqnire fnr Bmrowea's escaow aacount under the fedeaal Real Fstaie Seulemeai Procedu�es Act of 1974 as �,`' ,S�.,f�- <br /> amet�ded from ume ta 6me,12 U.S.C.Secaon 261I1 et seq. ("RESPA'�,uniess anothe�taw that applies ro the Funds sets a Iesser " ��;� ''`�'-.'."` <br /> sunount If so.Leader aay rime,wIIect and hoW Fimds m� amo�mt not to exceed the lesser amamit I�der may �'. "�.,� ��.�� ,�—'���-- <br /> es�mate the amomit af Fands dne on the 6asis of c�t data and�asonable�imat�s of expenditun.�of future Fscrow Ite�ns or . �'_' r i "�;�_•,� <br /> �•- _,. <br /> . atheawise m acoordaace witte appl�able faw. ' ;,�j���'�r: ---� <br /> , . Tt►e Fuuds shall be held ia au insdtution whose deposits are ins�nred by a�edecal age�cy,instramentality or e�tity(including . ;�� `,. �,<. �: <br /> � . ':j Lendear,if l.eadea is suc6 an�dan)ar in aay Fed�aal Home I.oan Hank Lende�shall apply the Funds to�ay che Escxow .�r� '�`',�.;�,;r <br /> ••� Items.Lea�der may not charge Boaower for holding and app�ying the Funds.annuaily analyzing the escrow aa:ac�at,.ar ve�ifyiag 4;,,�;s,;�'.,, ,�;•: <br /> ,.< the E�ow Items.�udes9 Lei►der pays Berrowea interest an the Funds and agplicable law permits Lender tn make gt�ia a cttarge. `.�, �.:�: �� . <br /> .,l, ...' ;�•' . ..':••U,. ,4 ..y <br /> However.Lender may require Barrow�a ro pay a one-time ch�ge for an indepeadeut real estare taa reportmg sezvice ased by � .. . + ;:�� • + <br /> �=:;4 Leader in coaaection with this loan.un2ess apFticabfe law provides otherwise.UNess an agreemEat is rnade or applicab�e l�w :.� . ' rf:=3: . <br /> i%�i :.:,.: �'' <br /> re�nires interest to be paid,Iender shall not be nequired ta pay Borrower any inteae,st ar earnings an r�a Fu�ds.Banuwea aud ,�S� <br />' I,r�dar may agree in ariting,howevea,thai iatrrest shall be paid on the Funds.Lendca shall give to Banower,v�sFrd charge,an x� • t..,r•�:. , <br /> . annaal aa;ounting of the Fmids.showmg credits and drbits fn th�Famds and the pu�pose for whicb e�dx�it�r�i�Fands was _ �;.•'�;``,'� <br /> up� x -. <br /> made.'ihe Fimds�e pledged as eddiCOnal serauiry for all sums secuied b3�this Se�anrity Instrument • ��.'�`-.� ��`,;,� �� <br /> :��:r;•; ff 4ha Funds held by Latder exceed the amounts penniued w be�e}a1 by applicabte law,Lende�r s�aL����,Bomnwer for •ryF;):�� <br /> e.a1 ':;;�,;,;,�_ <br /> _�,,,; the excesv Funds�accardance vrith the req�,u�ears of 2pplitsb2e law.Ff the amount of the Fwids heM by I.�;�;z any time is .�? . <<� :�:�� <br /> ��:.:� not sufScient w�y the fiscmw Ite�s wiiea�::e.Leudes��so notify Borrowrr in writing,and,in such case Buzaa�er s6all pay �r � <br /> e� a <br /> �`.�;; w I.endea the amo�t neces�tfl�e up the defi�r�n..-g. Bonowe�r shall make up the deficiency in no���an tarelve � •�i� ` <br /> ••,;�`; mondily paymeatv,at Lea�der's sole discr��iaz. . • �`J. <br /> ;'. <br /> � ;'t,�':` Upon payment in fall of aIl sams secmro�[�y this Secauity Iastrus�.�der shall pmmptty refa�d cn Baaower any Funds <: `�'— <br /> ;•.$�;,3 <br /> ,;�t•r;; held hy Leaidea.If,undcx paiagraph 21,Lea.�cta shall acquire or sell tde�lvpeaty.L�dea,Prior tn�:�o.�;.usiiutn ur sala of ttrz ..�` <br /> •°:�; praperty.shall apply any Funds held hy Leades ai the Ume of�quisition oz sa2e ag s taredit against ehs sa��red by this -. � —. <br />.�. .,:� Sec�itylnsGCUmeat � �� J �`- <br />� �,�ir�.: 3.Applkation of Fayments. Unlesv app]ica6le 1aw provides othea�a+ise.all paym�ts rceived 6�l.eb&�6�r pazagraphs ��,--L-' <br /> :'�`,m,:. 1 and 2 shaU be applied:first,w anY P=�Y�ent cdarges due anda�r'�Iot�second,w amounts payable under para�apb 2: �'-'�`�== <br /> :f,.� ._�:�T�_ar.FI�UP�JV_ <br /> thtrd.w intexest du�fouRh,w principal due;and any lare ct�acges dae undea the No1e. <br /> _� 4.Charge9i Lien9. Borrower shaU pay all taxes.axsessnents,charges.tuies and impositions at�utable ro the Property - `--—�- --- <br /> which may arEam priority over this Security 1nsm,unent,and Ieatehold payments or g�ound renis�if any.Boirowe,�sha11 pay these �.�� µ <br /> obfigations ia the manner provided in paragtaph 2,or if no�t paid in that mannea,Boaowea shall pay thean on timme directly to the <br /> � pason owed Daymeat Borrower shall promptly fumish to Leada a11 notices of ammmts to be paid undex this parag�aph.If <br /> �`�"�� Boaower makes these paymea►ts d'uealy,Brnrower shall promptly fiunish tn Leader ts evidencin the a ent�. ..,��" _ _ <br /> •'��� Boimwes shall o fl disc �i P 8 P Y r►i :_ -r- <br /> Pr mp Y har8e any lien which has priority ovea this Securiey Ins�mea�t unless Borrower:(a)ap�ees in . �`�" <br /> 'f�r as- !� •+:—�-:'_ <br /> wri�g tn the paymeae of ttr���2,tigatian secured by the tir�in a mannet acceptable w Lendea;@)confrsts m gaod faith the lien .:<;;��:,+„��+,w: <br /> �y,or defea�ds cr.,�;�ame�nt af the ii� in, !e which in the I,ender's o mion o :r:;s•:`•�°_��s•;•���� <br /> a�insc am o ga; �roceed'm8s P P�ate tn prev�t the ���:°-•�����_�'.- <br /> � �;:� enforcement af�ltc��'.�r,e:es(r.i t�c+ues fm��fie holdea of the lien en agreement satisfacrory w Lender sabordinaring the liea to .�. �Y„�������::.. _ <br /> ;",.�:j this Security L•,umm�e�t I�L�rltr deter�nps thnt any�rt of the Pro}iaeg is subpct tn a liea ahich may attain priarity over th'ss -� <br /> m� - <br /> '�`�`� �ecarity tnstr�.er.i.I.e�d��cuy give Batroa�rr a notice iden' * ���"'� <br /> nfyin8 4.e I�.,,�.Boirow�shall satisfy the tien ot ta1c�ane or mox� :� -.�� ..:,.+. •..... <br /> c�Ma�ons set forth ab�.�vr'�chin 10 days of the glving of aotice. `,%,'': :•' • f . <br /> r-�r�R�7ss orso ',;�;;�'`�'`:_��'�';�-... <br /> .,i.,�ii-'6. ��6R 13�FZ;Ci+X�Oi Pe ___ __"_' a . -� 'x,:::4.�,:.- � <br /> , 4 pa 2 or a �amcts: • <br /> ;�r::}�: . . .. . , <br /> .' _��' <br /> , : <br /> �.o.�;. . . ` <br /> ry': -i <br /> . . .:�1,.>�„�-i++�.+�/r�:?e<"c <br /> �f . <br /> �. .. . .. . •--•��. .. . _ . . _ . _....r.. �;J.';i:j:. � _ <br />�_ � . - . � �. . . . . ' ' � , .. - ;i . . �%�, .. . - . ,,,+ . . ' . . <br /> , . - � , . • .. . ' . . ,.. ',i:,� . . � - � . <br /> - - . . � . . � - . _ . ' . ' � • ' - , � ' r� <br />.. . . __ � . . . � ' ' - - - --- - -- -- - - - - <br /> -- -'- —'-'- . ....., �. .... , . - _..--� '-�- -- -- ------- <br /> . .. . .. . .... . .� .. .... <br /> . . . .. . _ ._. _ .. _ . .. . . .... ....-----�---�'^.------ —'....__ ._, _ c. : <br /> . , . . . . - _ . . . . . . r . <br /> - , . ., . " � _. . . � - f.-=.. <br /> --' —tirr�.:..-^'-• , -•---'-r•—•-^--�.�...k..�....--�.. . . _ _ -... -—�.-. -.-- : ' . <br /> -. � �TTti��� �e , � . , - • - i � .. . . l .. <br /> 6fi;�;') v� ' .� �it.� . . t. _ _ . ' _ " . .. <br /> �-.1�:2�:+'l-. . . - i.." � , ?%y�.�. :� . ..r. . � - _ . • - .. .. _ . . � . ._ . . ._ .. _ . . ,. - . . . - <br />