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20��07i9� <br />11. Frx�ere by Pawer of � If Ba�ficiaty elects to forecIose by axec�cice of the Poarer of Sale bevein <br />oontai�d. Beaeficiery shall aotify Ttu�ee and shall deposit with Tnastee th'ss Secand Deed of Tr�t �d .any note evide�ing � <br />Indebted+►es9 and such r�eipts and evidence of wcp�►dit�es m�e and � hereby as Tn�bee �` re�dre• <br />(a} Upon r�ipt of suc6 �otice frnm Benaficimy, Tn�tea shall c�e �o be �rdad, pvblisbed and <br />del'�vered to Tn�tor �h Notica of Default en�i Notiw o£ Sale as than reqaited by 1Rw aad by tbis Second B�d of <br />Tn�st Tnr�e sriall, vvitlmua r�emand on Tn�sior, after �k time es may thea be requ'n� by �w'and a�r racordation <br />of s�h No�c� of nefeuit ana ader A��ice of sate h� been given �e �uirea by i�w, sra� �e Ti,�sr � at�he ume <br />and plaoe of sale �xeid by it in �ch Nott� of Sale, eld�er as a whole, or in se� lo� or pmnels or itaffi av Tn�stee <br />shall desin expadient, and in �ch br�r a4 it may de�ma. ai pnblic auctioa to t� high$st bidder for casb ia l�vful <br />nm�ncy af the ilni�d States payabla ac dce time af saie. Tmstee st�11 delivcr ia such pwr�r or �rs ti�+eof its <br />,good and sufficient deed or deeds conveying the property � suld. but withont aay cflvenaat or warrmoty, axpr�s �r <br />anplied. Tbe recitats in sucb deai of aay matters or facts sI�O be concl�s+v� pnoof of tbe ira�falness tbereof. Any <br />pee'son, including wFthout 1�miCaGian 7rustor, Tr�e or BeaeRcia�y, maY Pw'etuse at such sale. <br />(b� ��Y be P� �Y 1�w, eRer deducting all c�osts, f� aa8 expensas of Tn�stee and of ihis <br />Tnist, including �sts of evideace of tifle in aaimectioa with sate, Trustee shall aFpty the pmceede of sale �o paymeut of <br />Iiy the. Inc�btedne� (i j sll oth� s�s thea seau�d hereby, and {iii) tbe rernainder. if any, to the peason or per�ns <br />legelly emtided theretio. <br />(c) T� m�+•ia thE manner pmvid�i hy lavr postpone sale ofall m a� portion of the Tn�at Estaibe. <br />td) A�ry rer� (mcludins Ris Snc�o� a�d e�i$as) �ceivi� iitle to rhe rroperty t}noug6 corectosure <br />or deed in lieu of foreclasnre sl�ll e+�eive title to such property &ee and aIesr vf �ty colla�a] agreements �slriqimg, <br />tha use of sueh Rroporq+. <br />(ej lf any hpider oftlte First Ih�d of Trust (die "Semior Liea Hnlder"} shail ecquire tide to ihe pro�sty <br />pwsuant to e deed in lieu of fareelosure, t�e fian of this S�oad IIeed of Tn�t�ahall autou�aticaUy teYminate upon the <br />Senior Lica Holder's aaquisition af tittc, pirovided t1� t� �ciary hes been givea v�ritten a�ice of a deFault iatcler <br />ti�a First Deed of Trust snd {�i} $ene$cisry sFtali not have crued the dofault under ihc First Deed of Trust wtthln 30 �ays <br />ofthe natice �t to Bene6ciery. <br />12. Reme�s Not �acc�dvG '17rusb0e snd Benefioiary, end each of diem, s�lf be entitled � eaforoe payment <br />and performance of eny i�ebtec�esa or obli�etions secarecf hereby and ta exene� al1 rights and powers imder thia Seeand I�ed <br />of ?rust or under any L�n Instrumem or other agraemeat or a� Iaws iro�v or heneafter in foro� notv�►ding, same ar a11 of <br />the such indebtedaess aud ob[igations see�u�ed here6y m�y npw or �r 1� vtl�erwise �ur�, whether by mottgage. deed af <br />tr� F�edge, lien, s�gnmem nr atherwise. Neithe�c the �oeptance of Uris S�eco� Deed of Tn�st �r itis enforcement, whether by <br />court aetion or pursueat w the povwee of seEe ar other paweis E�eiain coatained, shall preJudtee ot in any memncx atTect Trusboe's <br />or Beneficisry's reg6t t�p iealize upon or eaforoe �y odter seauity now or hereeRer held by Tnistee aa� B��aefiaiarY, it � <br />a$ieed tlaat Trust�e and Beueficiary. and each of them, shall be eatitled to enfom.e this Seoand Deed of Trust and eny oi'her <br />security nuw or herea�et held by B�eficiary or Ttustee in �ch order and manner es tlwy or eitl� of them may in their absohrte <br />dtscretion determfne. No remedy herein sanf'ened upva or r�v�lo T�osC�e or Beneflciary is ini�aded to ba exclnsivb of emy <br />other remedy barein or by law provided or pe�tnitte�, bwt �ch shall Ue cwnnlative and shall be in additton ta every oiher remedy <br />given hereunder or aow or hereafter ex'�9ting at l�w ar m equity aa� by stffi.uba. Evary power or r�aedy given by �ny of the Loan <br />tnstnma�ents to rn�cee or BenetFciary or w w}uc� eith� of them� may bse otherwise entit2ed, may be exerc�sed, concurrently or <br />IndependendY, fi+nm time io rime a�l ss oflen es m�y he daemed exped'isnt by Tn�atee or Esnefici�ry eud either of �em may <br />pws�xa iucon5�s6ent remedies. Nothin� hereia sLell be construed a9 �xohibiting He�fidery flvm seakmg a defioienCY judSmern <br />agamst the Tnutor tct the extent suc6 action ia pennitted by law ' <br />13. Reqrte� For }Vo13e� Trustor and ell other par�s set forth h�reis hereby reqa�sts a copy oF any Natice of <br />Default �nd a cApy of any 13otice of S�Ie l�re�mder be mail'ed td tf�m at the aQdr�ss set forth ia the first pe�agraph of th�s Secnad <br />Deed ofTtust. <br />14. +Govem�r�g Lew� Tius Seco� Qeed of Tn�st ahaii be gove�rned by and coasnv�ed in a�ordaaoe wioh the laws <br />of the State pf Neb�slce. In the event i�at any p�visioa ar ola� of any of the Loaa lns�ments contHcts with applicable laws� <br />such conflict shail nat affect othar pnovis3ons o�' suah Lflen Inairunteats which t�n be given effect wrthout the c�attieting <br />provision, �ed to this end the proviaions of the l.o� ]n'shvoisnts aiv decle�ed tu be severable. 'ibis instrument carE�ot be waivec� <br />chaa�ed, discharged or terminate� qrully, but only by an iastlument In r�+riting sig�d by the pariq agaipst whom eaforcament of <br />aa7 ►aaivar� ahange. d'acharg� or termination Is sou�, <br />AdIFA HBA Loan/Form H <br />(0$/10) <br />